{+ file: transform_map.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Apply realspace transformation to a region of a map +} {+ comment: - Applies a specified rotation matrix and translation vector to a mask and the density within the mask. - This can be used to superpose electron density of an NCS related molecule on a reference molecule for subsequent comparison. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger, and Paul D. Adams +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) must not be quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file - the selections store1 through store4 are available for general use -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P4(1)2(1)2"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=101.4; {===>} b=101.4; {===>} c=199.5; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {=========================== input map ===============================} {* input electron density map *} {===>} map_infile="eg1_dimer.map"; {* resolution limits used in map calculation *} {* this must be the same as the limits used to calculate the map *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=500.0; {===>} high_res=4.0; {* map grid size: dmin*grid *} {* this must be the same as the grid used to calculate the map *} {===>} grid=0.33; {* memory allocation for FFT calculation *} {* this must be the same as the FFT memory allocation used to calculate the map *} {===>} fft_memory=-1; {========================= transformation ============================} {* file containing mask to be transformed *} {* this must be in compressed O format *} {===>} mask_infile="eg1_monomer.mask"; {* real-space rotation matrix *} {===>} matrix=( -0.99993 0.01083 -0.00435 ) ( -0.01124 -0.79318 0.60889 ) ( 0.00314 0.60889 0.79325 ); {* real-space translation vector *} {===>} vector=( 174.45038 0.33061 -0.18440 ); {====================== output map parameters ========================} {* map format *} {* choice: "cns" "ezd" *} {===>} map_format="cns"; {=========================== output files ============================} {* output map file *} {===>} map_outfile="transform_map.map"; {* output mask file *} {===>} mask_outfile="transform_map.mask"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma binresolution &low_res &high_res mapresolution &high_res method=FFT fft grid=&grid if ( &fft_memory < 0 ) then automemory=true else memory=&fft_memory end if end end xray declare name=map domain=real end read map to=map input=&map_infile end end xray declare name=mask domain=real end read mask to=mask input=&mask_infile end end xray do (map=0) ( mask >= 0 ) end xray average manipulate mask=mask map=map matrix=&matrix translation=&vector end end end xray do (map=0) ( mask >= 0 ) end xray write map auto=false from=map output=&map_outfile extent=mask mask=mask if ( &map_format = "ezd" ) then type=ezd else type=cns end if end write mask from=mask output=&mask_outfile end undeclare name=map domain=real end undeclare name=mask domain=real end end stop