#!/bin/csh -f # # script to automate installation of the CNSsolve HTML interface on # a local WWW server - this script makes changes to the CNSsolve installation # and should be run by the CNSsolve adminstrator # # need to know: # - hostname of WWW server # - path to start of WWW tree (directory from which documents are served) # - name of the cgi-bin directory on the WWW server # - location of PERL on the WWW server # # the CNSsolve directory must be visable from the WWW server # for the local HTML interface to work # # PERL version 5 or later is required for the HTML interface # # Written by: Paul Adams 6-2-98 # # copyright Yale University # # defaults: # if ( ! $?CNS_SOLVE ) then echo '$CNS_SOLVE variable undefined' echo "please source cns_solve_env" exit 1 endif # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE ) then echo "CNSsolve directory does not exist" echo "aborting installation" exit 1 endif # set version=`grep -i 'parameter *(cnsversion' $CNS_SOLVE/source/version.inc | cut -d\' -f2` set patch=`grep -i 'parameter *(cnspatch' $CNS_SOLVE/source/version.inc | cut -d\' -f2` if ( $patch == 0 ) set patch='' set version=$version$patch # set www_server=`hostname` set www_root="/home/httpd/html" set cgi_name="cgi-bin" set perl_bin='/usr/bin/perl' # echo -n "name of WWW server [default: $www_server ]-> " set response=$< if ( $response != "" ) then set www_server=$response endif # echo -n "path to the start of WWW tree [default: $www_root ]-> " set response=$< if ( $response != "" ) then set www_root=`echo $response | sed -e 's/\/$//'` endif # echo -n "name of WWW CGI directory [default: $cgi_name ]-> " set response=$< if ( $response != "" ) then set cgi_name=`echo $response | sed -e 's/^\///;s/\/$//;s/.*\/.*\///'` endif # echo -n "full path to PERL on WWW server [default: $perl_bin ]-> " set response=$< if ( $response != "" ) then set perl_bin=`echo $response | sed -e 's/\/$//'` endif # echo "==============================================================" echo "location of CNSsolve directory is: $CNS_SOLVE" echo "version of CNSsolve is: $version" echo "name of WWW server is: $www_server" echo "path to the start of the WWW tree is: $www_root" echo "name of the CGI directory is: $cgi_name" echo "location of the PERL program is: $perl_bin" echo "==============================================================" # echo -n "continue with these parameters? [y/n]-> " set response=$< if ( $response == "y" || $response == "Y" ) then echo "proceeding with CNSsolve HTML interface installation" else exit 0 endif # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local ) then echo "making directory $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local" mkdir $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local endif # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local # foreach file ($CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/cgi/*.cgi $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/cgi/*.lib) echo "making local version of $file:t" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g; \ s#\(www_root *= *'\).*\(';\)#\1$www_root\2#; \ s#/usr/bin/perl#$perl_bin#g" $file > $file:t chmod a+x $file:t end # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/input_files ) then echo "making directory $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/input_files" mkdir $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/input_files endif # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/input_files echo "making $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/input_files/frame_custom.html" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g" \ $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/input_files/frame_dist.html > frame_custom.html # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/input_files echo "removing old link for $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/input_files/frame.html" /bin/rm -f frame.html echo "adding link from ../local/input_files/frame_custom.html to frame.html" /bin/ln -s ../local/input_files/frame_custom.html frame.html # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/modules ) then echo "making directory $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/modules" mkdir $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/modules endif # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/modules echo "making $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/modules/frame_custom.html" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g" \ $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/modules/frame_dist.html > frame_custom.html # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/modules echo "removing old link for $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/modules/frame.html" /bin/rm -f frame.html echo "adding link from ../local/modules/frame_custom.html to frame.html" /bin/ln -s ../local/modules/frame_custom.html frame.html # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/libraries ) then echo "making directory $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/libraries" mkdir $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/libraries endif # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/libraries echo "making $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/libraries/frame_custom.html" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g" \ $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/libraries/frame_dist.html > frame_custom.html # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/libraries echo "removing old link for $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/libraries/frame.html" /bin/rm -f frame.html echo "adding link from ../local/libraries/frame_custom.html to frame.html" /bin/ln -s ../local/libraries/frame_custom.html frame.html # if ( ! -e $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/utilities ) then echo "making directory $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/utilities" mkdir $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/utilities endif # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/utilities echo "making $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/local/utilities/text_custom.html" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g" \ $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/utilities/text_dist.html > text_custom.html # cd $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/utilities echo "removing old link for $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/utilities/text.html" /bin/rm -f text.html echo "adding link from ../local/utilities/text_custom.html to text.html" /bin/ln -s ../local/utilities/text_custom.html text.html # cd $CNS_SOLVE/bin echo "making $CNS_SOLVE/bin/cns_edit_local" sed -e "s#cns-online\.org#$www_server#g; \ s#cgi-bin#$cgi_name#g" \ $CNS_SOLVE/bin/cns_edit > cns_edit_local chmod a+x cns_edit_local # echo "Completed local changes to CNSsolve for HTML interface installation" echo "" echo "Ask your WWW server administrator to run:" echo " $CNS_SOLVE/bin/www_server_setup" echo "to modify your local WWW server for the CNSsolve HTML interface" #