{+ file: generate_extended.inp +} {+ directory: nmr_calc +} {+ description: Generates an extended strand with ideal geometry for each connected polymer. The molecular structure file must not contain any closed loops except disulfide bonds which are automatically excluded from the generation of the strand conformation. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {======================= molecular structure =========================} {* structure file(s) *} {===>} structure_file="il8.mtf"; {* parameter file(s) *} {===>} par_1="CNS_TOPPAR:protein-allhdg5-4.param"; {===>} par_2=""; {===>} par_3=""; {===>} par_4=""; {===>} par_5=""; {======================= input parameters ============================} {* maximum number of trials to generate an acceptable structure *} {===>} max_trial=10; {=========================== output files ============================} {* output coordinates *} {===>} output_coor="il8_extended.pdb"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.3 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) structure @&structure_file end parameter if (&par_1 # " ") then @@&par_1 end if if (&par_2 # " ") then @@&par_2 end if if (&par_3 # " ") then @@&par_3 end if if (&par_4 # " ") then @@&par_4 end if if (&par_5 # " ") then @@&par_5 end if end { Set force constants for S-S bond lengths and angles to zero } parameter bonds ( name SG ) ( name SG ) 0. 1. end igroup interaction=(all) (all) end ident (x) ( all ) do (x=x/5.) ( all ) do (y=random(0.5) ) ( all ) do (z=random(0.5) ) ( all ) flags exclude * include bond angle impr dihe vdw end parameter nbonds rcon=50. nbxmod=-3 repel=0.8 cutnb=6. rexp=2 irexp=2 inhibit=0.0 wmin=0.1 tolerance=0.5 end end evaluate ($count=1) while ($count < 10 ) loop l1 do (x=x+gauss(0.1)) ( all ) do (y=y+gauss(0.1)) ( all ) do (z=z+gauss(0.1)) ( all ) minimize lbfgs nstep=200 nprint=10 end evaluate ($count=$count+1) end loop l1 evaluate ($accept=false) evaluate ($trial=1) while ($accept=false) loop accp for $1 in id ( tag ) loop resi igroup interaction=( byresidue (id $1 ) and not name SG ) ( not name SG ) end evaluate ($accept=true) print thres=0.1 bonds if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if print thres=10. angles evaluate ($angles=$result) if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if print thres=10. improper if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if if ($accept=false) then do (x=x+gauss(0.3)) ( byresidue (id $1 ) ) do (y=y+gauss(0.3)) ( byresidue (id $1 ) ) do (z=z+gauss(0.3)) ( byresidue (id $1 ) ) end if end loop resi igroup interaction=( all ) ( all ) end parameter nbonds rcon=50. nbxmod=-3 repel=3. cutnb=10. end end flags exclude angle improper end minimize lbfgs nstep=200 nprint=10 end parameter nbonds rcon=50. nbxmod=-3 repel=0.8 cutnb=6. end end flags include angle improper end evaluate ($count=1) while ($count < 5 ) loop l2 do (x=x+gauss(0.05)) ( all ) do (y=y+gauss(0.05)) ( all ) do (z=z+gauss(0.05)) ( all ) minimize lbfgs nstep=200 nprint=10 end evaluate ($count=$count+1) end loop l2 parameter nbonds rcon=50. nbxmod=3 repel=0.8 cutnb=6. end end minimize lbfgs nstep=300 nprint=10 end minimize lbfgs nstep=300 nprint=10 end igroup interaction=( not name SG ) ( not name SG ) end energy end evaluate ($accept=true) print thres=0.05 bonds evaluate ($bonds=$result) if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if print thres=10. angles evaluate ($angles=$result) if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if print thres=10. improper evaluate ($impr=$result) if ($violations > 0) then evaluate ($accept=false) end if print thres=180. dihedral evaluate ($dihe=$result) evaluate ($trial=$trial + 1) if ($trial > &max_trial ) then exit loop accp end if end loop accp remarks extended strand(s) generation remarks input molecular structure file=&structure_file remarks final rms deviations (excluding disulfide bonds): remarks bonds= $bonds[F8.4] A remarks angles= $angles[F8.4] degrees remarks impropers= $impr[F8.4] degrees remarks dihedrals= $dihe[F8.4] degrees (not used in some parameter sets!) remarks final van der Waals (repel) energy=$vdw kcal/mole write coordinates output=&output_coor format=PDBO end stop