{+ file: analyse.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Diffraction data analysis for amplitudes, intensities, and phases. +} {+ comment: Analysis of single data sets, and isomorphous, dispersive and anomalous differences. Histograms and diffraction ratios distributions of intensities and amplitude differences. Distributions of phase differences and map correlation coefficients. Wilson plots and distribution of normalized structure factors. For differences all pairwise combinations are computed. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Note: before using this file for analysis of amplitude differences between datasets, the data sets must be properly scaled to each other. -} {+ reference: Wilson, A. J. C. The probability distibution of X-ray intensities, Acta. Cryst. (1949) vol 2, 318 +} {+ reference: Stanley, E. The identification of twins from intensity statistics. J. Appl. Cryst. (1972) vol 5, p191 +} {+ reference: Rogers, D. and Wilson A. J. C. The probability distribution of X-ray Intensities V. A note on some Hypersymmetric Di stributions. Acta. Cryst. (1953) vol 6, 439 +} {+ reference: W.A. Hendrickson, J.L. Smith, R.P. Phizackerly, E.A. Merritt, Crystallographic structure analysis of lamprey myoglobin from anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation, Proteins 4, 77-88 (1988). +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {====================== IMPORTANT NOTE ===============================} {* This input file requires that the data have been relatively scaled to each other prior to running this file. *} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=65.508; {===>} b=72.216; {===>} c=45.035; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file(s) *} {* specify non-anomalous reflection file(s) (if any) before anomalous reflection file(s) *} {===>} reflection_infile_1="scale.hkl"; {===>} reflection_infile_2=""; {===>} reflection_infile_3=""; {===>} reflection_infile_4=""; {* specify amplitude arrays to be analysed *} {===>} f_1="f_w1"; {===>} f_2="f_w2"; {===>} f_3="f_w3"; {===>} f_4="f_w4"; {===>} f_5=""; {===>} f_6=""; {===>} f_7=""; {===>} f_8=""; {===>} f_9=""; {* figure-of-merit array for fom-weighted phase differences and map correlation coefficients *} {* if not specified, the figures-of-merit array defaults to 1 *} {===>} fom=""; {========================= analysis options ==========================} {* resolution range for analysis *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=500.; {===>} high_res=1.8; {* reflection selection in addition to resolution selection *} {===>} ref_sele=(all); {* number of resolution shells for analysis *} {===>} bins=8; {* histogram step value *} {===>} step=0.1; {* analyse intensity distributions/histograms for each amplitude array *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} intensity=true; {* analyse E histograms for each amplitude array *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} ehistogram=false; {* analyse all anomalous differences (distributions/histograms) for each amplitude array *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} anom_diff=true; {* analyse all isomorphous/dispersive differences (distributions/histograms) between all pairs of amplitude arrays *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} iso_diff=true; {* analyse correlation between all pairs of anomalous differences *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} corr=true; {* analyse phase difference distributions between all pairs of amplitude arrays *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} phases=false; {* compute R-factors between all pairs of amplitude arrays *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} rfactors=false; {* make Wilson plot for each amplitude array *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} wilson=true; {=========================== Wilson plot =============================} {* these options only need to be specified if Wilson plots are to be made *} {* resolution range for Wilson plot linear fit *} {* Note: Wilson statistics are invalid below 3 A resolution for macromolecules *} {+ table: rows=1 "Wilson resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res_wilson=2.2; {===>} high_res_wilson=1.8; {* approximate number of amino acid residues in the asymmetric unit *} {===>} aa_residues=228; {* give any additional atoms of the specified chemical type and the number of these atoms in the asymmetric unit *} {+ table: rows=9 cols=2 "chemical type" "number of atoms in ASU" +} {===>} atom_type_1="C"; {===>} atom_number_1=0; {===>} atom_type_2="N"; {===>} atom_number_2=0; {===>} atom_type_3="O"; {===>} atom_number_3=0; {===>} atom_type_4="S"; {===>} atom_number_4=12; {===>} atom_type_5="Yb"; {===>} atom_number_5=4; {===>} atom_type_6=""; {===>} atom_number_6=0; {===>} atom_type_7=""; {===>} atom_number_7=0; {===>} atom_type_8=""; {===>} atom_number_8=0; {===>} atom_type_9=""; {===>} atom_number_9=0; {=========================== output files ============================} {* root name for output files *} {+ list: output files will be: _intensity_.distr ! intensity distributions vs. resolution _intensity_.histo ! intensity histograms _.wilson ! Wilson plots _e_.histo ! E histograms _diff__.distr ! ampl. diff. distributions vs. resolution _diff__.histo ! ampl. diff. histograms _phase_diff__.distr ! phase difference distributions _anom_diff_.distr ! anom. ampl. diff. distributions vs. res _anom_diff_.histo ! anom. ampl. difference histograms _anom_phase_diff_.distr ! anom. phase diff. dist. vs. res. _corr__.distr ! anom. diff. correlation dist. vs. res. _rfactors__ ! R-factors between pairs of data sets .matrix ! dispersive and anomalous overall difference matrix (only if both dispersive and anomalous diff. are turned on) .corr_matrix ! correlation matrix (only if correlations are requested) where is the name of amplitude array of first data set is the name of amplitude array of second data set +} {===>} output_root="analyse"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.3 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) {- make histograms for intensities and all differences -} {- choice: true false -} evaluate ($histogram=true) {- analyse distr. vs. resolution for intensities, and all differences -} {- choice: true false -} evaluate ($distribution=true) xray a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;sgparam=$sgparam;) evaluate ($counter=1) evaluate ($done=false) while ( $done = false ) loop read if ( &exist_reflection_infile_$counter = true ) then if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_$counter = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_$counter end end if else evaluate ($done=true) end if evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) end loop read set echo=off end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop ccc if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then query name=&STRIP%f_$ii domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ********************************************************** display Error : data set $ii amplitude array &f_$ii does not exist display ********************************************************** display abort end if {- this object can be of any type -} end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop ccc if ( &BLANK%fom = false ) then query name=&STRIP%fom domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************* display Error : figure of merit array &fom does not exist display ************************************************* display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************** display Error : figure of merit array &fom has the wrong data type display ********************************************************** display abort end if end if set echo=on end binresolution &low_res &high_res bins=&bins declare name=diff domain=reciprocal type=real end end if (&wilson=true) then topology {- create a dummy residue for isolated point atoms -} residue scat atom=scat type scat mass 10. end end end if (&aa_residues>0) then {- approximate number of atoms: 5 C + 3 N + 1 O -} evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues * 5) {- BEGIN MODIFICATION -} if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aac evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="C" + encode ( $counter )) segment name= $seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="C") ( segid $seg ) end loop aac end if evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues * 3) if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aan evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="N" + encode ( $counter )) segment name=$seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="N") ( segid $seg ) end loop aan end if evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues ) if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aao evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="O" + encode ( $counter )) segment name=$seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="O") ( segid $seg ) end loop aao end if end if evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&atom_type_$ii=true) loop atm if ( &BLANK%atom_type_$ii = false ) then if (&atom_number_$ii > 9999) then display ERROR: number of atoms too large (> 9999) for &atom_type_$ii abort elseif (&atom_number_$ii > 0) then evaluate ($atom_type_$ii=capitalize(&atom_type_$ii)) segment name=$atom_type_$ii mole number=&atom_number_$ii name=scat end end do (chemical=$atom_type_$ii) ( segid $atom_type_$ii ) end if end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop atm {- END MODIFICATION -} {- coordinates are not required for Wilson scaling but we must initialize the coordinates in order to avoid warning messages -} do (x=0.) ( all ) do (y=0.) ( all ) do (z=0.) ( all ) xray @CNS_XRAYLIB:scatter.lib evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop wils if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then show sum ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) ) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele and &low_res_wilson >= d >= &high_res_wilson ) if ($select=0) then display display ************************************************* display Error: no reflections selected for Wilson plot fit display ( &low_res_wilson >= d >= &high_res_wilson ) display in overall analysis range display ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) display and overall selection ( &ref_sele ) display display Recommendation: turn off Wilson option or change display overall analysis range. display ************************************************** abort end if evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_"+&f_$ii+".wilson") set display=$filename end display display Wilson plot for &STRIP%f_$ii display @CNS_XTALMODULE:wilsonplot ( bins=&bins; f1=&STRIP%f_$ii; sel=( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele); wilson_low_res=&low_res_wilson; wilson_high_res=&high_res_wilson; disp=$filename; mess=LONG; KW=$absolute_scale; BW=$absolute_bw; atom_sel=( all ) ; ) close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop wils end end if if (&intensity=true) then if ($distribution=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop ints if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_intensity_"+&f_$ii+".distr") set display=$filename end display display Intensity distribution for &STRIP%f_$ii display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display declare name=fpro domain=reciprocal type=real end do (fpro = -1) (all) do (fpro = amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) eval($rms_ipro = 0) show sum (mult * (fpro^4)) (fpro >= 0) if ($select > 0) then eval($sum = $result) show sum (mult) (fpro >= 0) eval($rms_ipro = sqrt($sum / $result)) end if show sum (1) (fpro > 0 and acentric) if ($select>0) then display display display display ========================================================================== display ======================acentrics=========================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: <|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2> / rms ( |&STRIP%f_$ii |^2 ) (overall rms= $rms_ipro ) display column 7: r4=<|&STRIP%f_$ii |^4> / (<|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2>)^2 display column 8: r1=(<|&STRIP%f_$ii |>)^2 / (<|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2>) (Wilson ratio) display column 9: fraction of theoretically complete data display display Note: r4 should be 2 and r1 should be 0.785 for untwinned crystals display without hypersymmetries bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (save(fpro^2)/$rms_ipro) (save(fpro^4)/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2))^2)) (save(fpro)^2/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2)))) completeness selection=(fpro > 0 and acentric) end display --------------------averages-over-all-bins-------------------------------- show ave (save(fpro^2)/$rms_ipro) (fpro > 0 and acentric) evaluate ($column6_ave=$result) show ave (save(fpro^4)/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2))^2)) (fpro > 0 and acentric) evaluate ($column7_ave=$result) show ave (save(fpro)^2/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2)))) (fpro > 0 and acentric) evaluate ($column8_ave=$result) display \ $column6_ave[F9.4] $column7_ave[F9.4] $column8_ave[F9.4] display -------------------------------------------------------------------------- end if show sum (1) (fpro > 0 and centric) if ($select>0) then display display display display ========================================================================== display ======================centrics============================================ display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: <|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2> / rms ( |&STRIP%f_$ii |^2 ) (overall rms= $rms_ipro ) display column 7: <|&STRIP%f_$ii |^4> / (<|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2>)^2 display column 8: (<|&STRIP%f_$ii |>)^2 / (<|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2>) display column 9: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (save(fpro^2)/$rms_ipro) (save(fpro^4)/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2))^2)) (save(fpro)^2/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2)))) completeness selection=(fpro > 0 and centric) end display --------------------averages-over-all-bins-------------------------------- show ave (save(fpro^2)/$rms_ipro) (fpro > 0 and centric) evaluate ($column6_ave=$result) show ave (save(fpro^4)/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2))^2) ) (fpro > 0 and centric) evaluate ($column7_ave=$result) show ave (save(fpro)^2/max(0.0001,(save(fpro^2))) ) (fpro > 0 and centric) evaluate ($column8_ave=$result) display \ $column6_ave[F9.4] $column7_ave[F9.4] $column8_ave[F9.4] display -------------------------------------------------------------------------- end if close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) undeclare name=fpro domain=reciprocal end end loop ints end end if if ($histogram=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop inhs if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_intensity_"+&f_$ii+".histo") set display=$filename end declare name=fpro domain=reciprocal type=real end do (fpro = -1) (all) do (fpro = amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) eval($rms_ipro = 0) show sum (mult * (fpro^4)) (fpro >= 0) if ($select > 0) then eval($sum = $result) show sum (mult) (fpro >= 0) eval($rms_ipro = sqrt($sum / $result)) end if if ($rms_ipro>0) then do (diff=-1) (all) do (diff=fpro^2/$rms_ipro) (fpro > 0) show max (diff) (fpro > 0) evaluate ($stop=$result+0.01) evaluate ($start=0.) display display Histogram of I'=|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2/rms(|&STRIP%f_$ii |^2), rms= $rms_ipro display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display column 1 : lower bound of bin (I1) display column 2 : upper bound of bin (I2) display column 3 : number of reflections with I' in interval I1 <= I' <= I2 display ========================================================================== if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($1=$start) while ($1 <= $stop ) loop mai2 evaluate ($11=$1+&step) show sum (1) ($1 <= diff < $11) display $1[F6.3] $11[F6.3] $result[F9.3] evaluate ($1=$1+&step) end loop mai2 display ========================================================================== end if close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) undeclare name=fpro domain=reciprocal end end loop inhs end end if end if if (&ehistogram=true) then xray declare name=eobs domain=reciprocal type=real end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop einh if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then bins=&bins show max (d) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele) evaluate ($anal_low_res=$result+0.001) show min (d) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele) evaluate ($anal_high_res=$result-0.001) if ($select = 0 ) then display display ========================================================= display error: zero atoms selected for E histogram option display possible cause: no diffraction data in requested display resolution range &low_res &high_res A display and selection within this range: &ref_sele display abort else evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_e_"+&f_$ii+".histo") set display=$filename end display display E histograms for &f_$ii display binresolution $anal_low_res $anal_high_res do (eobs=norm(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii))) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele) show sum (1) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and acentric and &ref_sele) evaluate ($total_n_ac=$select) show sum (1) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and centric and &ref_sele) evaluate ($total_n_c=$select) evaluate ($stop=5.001) evaluate ($start=0.) display display ========================================================================== display normalized histogram of E=norm(|&STRIP%f_$ii |) (norm=E structure factor) display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display column 1 : lower bound of bin (E1) display column 2 : upper bound of bin (E2) display column 3 : probability of E in interval E1 <= E <= E2 for acentrics display column 4 : probability of E in interval E1 <= E <= E2 for centrics display column 5 : theoretical Wilson distribution of E for acentrics display column 6 : theoretical Wilson distribution of E for centrics if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($1=$start) while ($1 <= $stop ) loop mai3 evaluate ($11=$1+&step) show sum (1) ( $1 <= eobs < $11 and acentric and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) evaluate ($acentrics=$result/(max(1,$total_n_ac*&step))) evaluate ($value=($1+$11)/2) evaluate ($acentrics_wilson=2 * $value * exp(-($value^2))) show sum (1) ( $1 <= eobs < $11 and centric and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) evaluate ($centrics=$result/(max(1,$total_n_c*&step))) evaluate ($centrics_wilson=sqrt(2/$pi) * exp(-($value^2)/2)) display $1[F6.3] $11[F6.3] $acentrics[F6.3] $centrics[F6.3] \ $acentrics_wilson[F6.3] $centrics_wilson[F6.3] evaluate ($1=$1+&step) end loop mai3 evaluate ($stop=5.001) evaluate ($start=0.) display display ========================================================================== display normalized histogram of E^2=norm(|&STRIP%f_$ii |)^2 (norm=E structure factor) display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display column 1 : lower bound of bin (E1) display column 2 : upper bound of bin (E2) display column 3 : probability of E^2 in interval E1 <= E^2 <= E2 for acentrics display column 4 : probability of E^2 in interval E1 <= E^2 <= E2 for centrics display column 5 : theoretical Wilson distribution of E^2 for acentrics display column 6 : theoretical Wilson distribution of E^2 for centrics if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($1=$start) while ($1 <= $stop ) loop mai4 evaluate ($11=$1+&step) show sum (1) ( $1 <= eobs^2 < $11 and acentric and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) evaluate ($acentrics=$result/(max(1,$total_n_ac*&step))) evaluate ($value=($1+$11)/2) evaluate ($acentrics_wilson=exp(-($value^2))) show sum (1) ( $1 <= eobs^2 < $11 and centric and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) evaluate ($centrics=$result/(max(1,$total_n_c*&step))) evaluate ($centrics_wilson=(2*$pi*$value^2)^(-1/2) * exp(-($value^2)/2)) display $1[F6.3] $11[F6.3] $acentrics[F6.3] $centrics[F6.3] \ $acentrics_wilson[F6.3] $centrics_wilson[F6.3] evaluate ($1=$1+&step) end loop mai4 set message=on echo=on end close $filename end end if end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop einh undeclare name=eobs domain=reciprocal end binresolution &low_res &high_res end end if evaluate ($fom=&fom) if (&phases=true) then xray if ( &BLANK%fom = true ) then evaluate ($fom="temp_fom") declare name=$STRIP%fom domain=reciprocal type=real end do ($STRIP%fom=1) ( all ) end if evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop psps if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($jj=$ii+1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop psp2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_phase_diff_"+&f_$ii+"_"+&f_$jj+".distr") set display=$filename end display display phase differences between &STRIP%f_$ii and &STRIP%f_$jj display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ========================================================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: (unweighted) display column 7: < $STRIP%fom > display column 8: < $STRIP%fom [phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) - phase(&STRIP%f_$jj )]> display column 9: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (sum( abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(&STRIP%f_$jj)+540,360) -180.)) / sum(1.)) ($STRIP%fom) (sum( $STRIP%fom * abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(&STRIP%f_$jj)+540,360) -180.)) / max(0.0000001,sum($STRIP%fom))) completeness selection=(&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &ref_sele) end bins=1 display ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statistics output=$filename (d) (sum( abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(&STRIP%f_$jj)+540,360) -180.)) / sum(1.)) ($STRIP%fom) (sum( $STRIP%fom * abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(&STRIP%f_$jj)+540,360) -180.)) / max(0.0000001,sum($STRIP%fom))) completeness selection=(&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &ref_sele) end display show sum (mult amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$ii) amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$jj) cos(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(&STRIP%f_$jj)) ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele ) evaluate ($numerator=$result) show sum (mult (amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$ii))^2 ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele ) evaluate ($denominator=$result) show sum (mult (amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$jj))^2 ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele ) evaluate ($denominator=sqrt( $denominator * $result )) if ($denominator>0 ) then evaluate ($corr=$numerator/ $denominator) else evaluate ($corr=0) end if display fom-weighted map correlation coefficient = $corr close $filename end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop psp2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop psps end end if if (&iso_diff=true) then if ($distribution=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop dsps if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then declare name=so2f domain=reciprocal type=real end declare name=so2i domain=reciprocal type=real end evaluate ($jj=$ii+1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop dsp2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_diff_"+&f_$ii+"_"+&f_$jj+".distr") set display=$filename end do (diff = amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) - amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) ) (all) do (so2f = (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) + amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) ) / 2) (all) do (so2i = (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)^2 + amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj)^2 ) / 2) (all) display display Dispersive/isomorphous diffraction ratios between &STRIP%f_$ii and &STRIP%f_$jj display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ========================================================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: <|&STRIP%f_$ii | - |&STRIP%f_$jj |>/<(|&STRIP%f_$jj |+|&STRIP%f_$ii |)/2> (signed difference) display column 7: <||&STRIP%f_$ii | - |&STRIP%f_$jj ||>/<(|&STRIP%f_$jj |+|&STRIP%f_$ii |)/2> (absolute difference) display column 8: sqrt(<(|&STRIP%f_$ii | - |&STRIP%f_$jj |)^2>)/sqrt(1/2(<|&STRIP%f_$jj |>^2+<|&STRIP%f_$ii |>^2)) display column 9: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (save(diff)/max(0.0001,save(so2f))) (save(abs(diff))/max(0.0001,save(so2f))) (sqrt(save(abs(diff)^2))/max(0.0001,sqrt(save(so2i)))) completeness selection=(&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &ref_sele) end bins=1 display ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statistics output=$filename (d) (save(diff)/max(0.0001,save(so2f))) (save(abs(diff))/max(0.0001,save(so2f))) (sqrt(save(abs(diff)^2))/max(0.0001,sqrt(save(so2i)))) completeness selection=(&low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &ref_sele) end evaluate ($matrix.$ii.$jj=$expression4) display close $filename end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop dsp2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) undeclare name=so2f domain=reciprocal end undeclare name=so2i domain=reciprocal end end loop dsps end end if if ($histogram=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop dshs if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($jj=$ii+1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop dsh2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_diff_"+&f_$ii+"_"+&f_$jj+".histo") set display=$filename end do (diff = -1) (all) do (diff = abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj))) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) >= 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) eval($rms_df = 0) show sum (mult * (diff^2)) (diff >= 0) if ($select > 0) then eval($sum = $result) show sum (mult) (diff >= 0) eval($rms_df = sqrt($sum / $result)) end if if ($rms_df > 0) then do (diff = diff / $rms_df) (diff > 0) end if show max (diff) (diff >= 0) evaluate ($stop=$result+0.01) display display Histogram of delta=||&STRIP%f_$ii | - |&STRIP%f_$jj ||\ /rms(||&STRIP%f_$ii | - |&STRIP%f_$jj ||), rms= $rms_df display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display column 1 : lower bound of bin (delta1) display column 2 : upper bound of bin (delta2) display column 3 : number of reflections with delta in interval delta1 <= delta <= delta2 display ========================================================================== if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($1=$start) while ($1 <= $stop ) loop mai2 evaluate ($11=$1+&step) show sum (1) ( $1 <= diff < $11 ) display $1[F6.3] $11[F6.3] $result evaluate ($1=$1+&step) end loop mai2 display ========================================================================== display display set message=on echo=on end display close $filename end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop dsh2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop dshs end end if end if if (&corr=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop dsps if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($jj=$ii+1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop dsp2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_corr_"+&f_$ii+"_"+&f_$jj+".distr") set display=$filename end display display Correlation between anomalous differences for &STRIP%f_$ii and &STRIP%f_$jj display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A for acentric data display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ========================================================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: correlation ( | &STRIP%f_$ii + | - | &STRIP%f_$ii - | , display | &STRIP%f_$jj + | - | &STRIP%f_$jj - | ) display column 7: fraction of theoretically complete data (acentric) display display Note: as a rule of thumb, the data ceases to be useful display once the correlation between peak and high energy display wavelengths falls below 0.3 display bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (corr( (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))) , (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$jj))) ) ) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele) and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end bins=1 display ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statistics output=$filename (d) (corr( (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))) , (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$jj))) ) ) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele) and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end evaluate ($corr_mat.$ii.$jj=$expression2) display close $filename end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop dsp2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop dsps end end if if (&anom_diff=true) then if (&phases=true) then xray if ( $BLANK%fom = true ) then evaluate ($fom="temp_fom") declare name=$STRIP%fom domain=reciprocal type=real end do ($STRIP%fom=1) ( all ) end if evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop tsps if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_anom_phase_diff_"+&f_$ii+".distr") set display=$filename end display display phase differences between &STRIP%f_$ii and the complex conj. of its Friedel mates display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ========================================================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: (unweighted) display column 7: < $STRIP%fom > display column 8: < $STRIP%fom [phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) - phase(Friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii ))*]> display column 9: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (sum( abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) -phase(conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))+540,360) -180.)) / sum(1.) ) ($STRIP%fom) (sum( $STRIP%fom * abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) -phase(conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))+540,360) -180.)) / max(0.0000001,sum($STRIP%fom) ) ) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end bins=1 display ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statistics output=$filename (d) (sum( abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) -phase(conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))+540,360) -180.)) / sum(1.) ) ($STRIP%fom) (sum( $STRIP%fom * abs(mod(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii) -phase(conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))+540,360) -180.)) / max(0.0000001,sum($STRIP%fom) ) ) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end display show sum (mult amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$ii) amplitude($STRIP%fom * conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))) cos(phase(&STRIP%f_$ii)-phase(conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))) ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) evaluate ($numerator=$result) show sum (mult (amplitude($STRIP%fom * &STRIP%f_$ii))^2 ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) evaluate ($denominator=$result) show sum (mult (amplitude($STRIP%fom * conjugate(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))))^2 ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) evaluate ($denominator=sqrt( $denominator * $result )) if ($denominator>0) then evaluate ($corr=$numerator/ $denominator) else evaluate ($corr=0) end if display fom-weighted map correlation coefficient = $corr close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop tsps end end if if ($distribution=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop anom if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_anom_diff_"+&f_$ii+".distr") set display=$filename end display display Anomalous diffraction ratios for &STRIP%f_$ii display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ========================================================================== display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: <||&STRIP%f_$ii + | - |&STRIP%f_$ii - ||>/<1/2 ( |&STRIP%f_$ii + | + |&STRIP%f_$ii - | )> display column 7: sqrt(<||&STRIP%f_$ii + | - |&STRIP%f_$ii - ||^2>)/sqrt(1/2(<|&STRIP%f_$ii + |>^2+<|&STRIP%f_$ii - |>^2)) display column 8: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (save(abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))))/ max(0.0001,save( (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)+amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)) )/2 ) )) (sqrt(save(abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))^2 ))/ max(0.0001,sqrt(save( ((amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)+amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)) )/2)^2)) )) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end display display -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bins=1 statistics output=$filename (d) (save(abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii))))/ max(0.0001,save( (amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)+amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)) )/2 ) )) (sqrt(save(abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)-amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))^2 ))/ max(0.0001,sqrt(save( ((amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)+amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)) )/2)^2)) ) ) completeness selection=(acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and friedel_pair(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and &ref_sele)) end evaluate ($matrix.$ii.$ii=$expression3) close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop anom end end if if ($histogram=true) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop anhs if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_anom_diff_"+&f_$ii+".histo") set display=$filename end do (diff = -1) (all) do (diff = abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) - amplitude(friedel(&STRIP%f_$ii)))) (acentric and friedel_pair( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0)) eval($rms_df = 0) show sum (mult * (diff^2)) (diff >= 0) if ($select > 0) then eval($sum = $result) show sum (mult) (diff >= 0) eval($rms_df = sqrt($sum / $result)) end if if ($rms_df > 0) then do (diff = diff / $rms_df) (diff > 0) end if show max (diff) (diff >= 0) evaluate ($stop=$result+0.01) display display Histogram of delta=||&STRIP%f_$ii + | - |&STRIP%f_$ii - ||/\ rms(||&STRIP%f_$ii + | - |&STRIP%f_$ii - ||), rms= $rms_df display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display column 1 : lower bound of bin (delta1) display column 2 : upper bound of bin (delta2) display column 3 : number of reflections with delta in interval delta1 <= delta <= delta2 display ========================================================================== if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($1=$start) while ($1 <= $stop ) loop main evaluate ($11=$1+&step) show sum (1) ( $1 <= diff < $11 ) display $1[F6.3] $11[F6.3] $select evaluate ($1=$1+&step) end loop main display ========================================================================== display display set message=on echo=on end close $filename end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop anhs end end if end if if ( &rfactors = true ) then xray evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop ii if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then evaluate ($jj=$ii+1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop jj if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then evaluate ($filename=&output_root+"_rfactors_"+&f_$ii+"_"+&f_$jj) set display=$filename end do (diff = -1) (all) do (diff = abs(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) - amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj))) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > 0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj) > 0 and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sele) display display R-factors between &STRIP%f_$ii and &STRIP%f_$jj display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display reflections selected within this range: &ref_sele display display ============================================================================================ display column 1: bin number display columns 2 & 3: resolution range display column 4: number of reflections in bin display column 5: average resolution in bin display column 6: sum(abs(&STRIP%f_$ii-&STRIP%f_$jj))/sum(&STRIP%f_$ii) (R-factor on F) display column 7: sum(abs(&STRIP%f_$ii-&STRIP%f_$jj))/sum(&STRIP%f_$jj) (R-factor on F) display column 8: sum(abs((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2-(&STRIP%f_$jj)^2))/sum((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2) (R-factor on I) display column 9: sum(abs((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2-(&STRIP%f_$jj)^2))/sum((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2) (R-factor on I) display column 10: fraction of theoretically complete data bins=&bins statistics output=$filename (d) (sum(diff)/sum(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii))) (sum(diff)/sum(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj))) (sum(abs(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2)-amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2)))/ sum(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2))) (sum(abs(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2)-amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2)))/ sum(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2))) completeness selection=(diff >= 0) end bins=1 display -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statistics output=$filename (d) (sum(diff)/sum(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii))) (sum(diff)/sum(amplitude(&STRIP%f_$jj))) (sum(abs(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2)-amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2)))/ sum(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2))) (sum(abs(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$ii)^2)-amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2)))/ sum(amplitude((&STRIP%f_$jj)^2))) completeness selection=(diff >= 0) end display close $filename end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop jj end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop ii end end if {- Make delta F matrix -} if ($distribution=true) then if (&anom_diff=true) then if (&iso_diff=true) then xray evaluate ($string=" ") buffer matrix display Overall anomalous (diagonal) and dispersive/isomorphous differences display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display display $string end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop mat3 if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then buffer matrix concat &STRIP%f_$ii end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop mat3 buffer matrix display ----------------------------------------------------------- end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop matr if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then buffer matrix display &STRIP%f_$ii end evaluate ($jj=1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop mat2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then if ($jj>=$ii) then buffer matrix concat $matrix.$ii.$jj[F10.4] end else evaluate ($string=" ") buffer matrix concat $string end end if end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop mat2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop matr end evaluate ($filename=&output_root+".matrix") buffer matrix to file $filename dump end close $filename end end if end if end if {- Make correlation matrix -} if (&corr=true) then xray evaluate ($string=" ") buffer corr_mat display display Overall correlations between anomalous differences display in resolution range &low_res > d > &high_res A display display The correlation between the peak and high energy wavelengths display is typically between 0.6 and 0.8 for a good dataset display display $string end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop mat3 evaluate ($f_tmp_name=&f_$ii) if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then buffer corr_mat concat $f_tmp_name[a10] end end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop mat3 buffer corr_mat display ----------------------------------------------------------- end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop matr evaluate ($f_tmp_name=&f_$ii) if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then buffer corr_mat display $f_tmp_name[a10] end evaluate ($jj=1) while (&exist_&f_$jj=true) loop mat2 if ( &BLANK%f_$jj = false ) then if ($jj > $ii) then buffer corr_mat concat $corr_mat.$ii.$jj[F10.4] end elseif ( $jj = $ii ) then buffer corr_mat concat 1.0000 end else evaluate ($string=" ") buffer corr_mat concat $string end end if end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop mat2 end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop matr end evaluate ($filename=&output_root+".corr_matrix") buffer corr_mat to file $filename dump end close $filename end end if stop