#!/bin/csh -f # # start the CNSsolve HTML interface from the command line # with the specified file # # usage: cns_edit [-def defaults-file] [-help] file-name # # assumes the PERL is installed and in the users path # # bug fix 7/18/2009: .html extension for tmpfile # # Written by: Paul Adams # # copyright Yale University # if ( $#argv < 1 ) then echo "usage: cns_edit [-help] [-def 'defaults-file'] 'file-name'" exit 1 endif # set help=0 set input = '' set default = '' # set counter = 1 while ( $counter <= $#argv ) switch ( $argv[$counter] ) case -def: @ counter++ set default = $argv[$counter] breaksw case -help: set help=1 breaksw case -usage: echo "usage: cns_edit [-help] [-def 'defaults-file'] 'file-name'" exit 0 case -*: echo "cns_edit: unknown option $argv[$counter]" echo "usage: cns_edit [-help] [-def 'defaults-file'] 'file-name'" exit 0 default: if ( $input == '' ) then set input = $argv[$counter] endif endsw @ counter++ end # if ( $input == '' ) then echo "cns_edit: no input file given" exit 1 else if ( ! -e $input ) then echo "cns_edit: file $input does not exist" exit 1 endif endif # if ( $default != '' ) then if ( ! -e $default ) then echo "cns_edit: default file $default does not exist" exit 1 endif endif # if ( -d /usr/tmp ) then set tmpfile=/usr/tmp/cns_edit.$user.$$.html else if ( -d /var/tmp ) then set tmpfile=/var/tmp/cns_edit.$user.$$.html else echo "cns_edit: could not locate temporary directory /usr/tmp or /var/tmp" exit 1 endif # echo ' \ \ \

Edit file

\ \


$tmpfile if ( $help ) then echo 'ACTION="http://cns-online.org/cgi-bin/cns_solve_1.3/cns_form.cgi?cns_help=on"' >> $tmpfile else echo 'ACTION="http://cns-online.org/cgi-bin/cns_solve_1.3/cns_form.cgi"' >> $tmpfile endif echo '> \

\ \

\ \ ' >> $tmpfile # # pass input file as URLencoded text in hidden input field # echo -n ' 15 ){ sprintf("%%%x",ord($1)) } else {sprintf("%%0%x",ord($1)) }/eg' $input >> $tmpfile # echo '>' >> $tmpfile # # if exists pass default file as URLencoded text in hidden input field # if ( $default != '' ) then echo -n ' 15 ){ sprintf("%%%x",ord($1)) } else {sprintf("%%0%x",ord($1)) }/eg' $default >> $tmpfile # echo '>' >> $tmpfile endif # echo '' >> $tmpfile echo '
\ \ ' >> $tmpfile # set browser = '' which netscape >& /dev/null if ( ! $status ) then set browser = 'netscape' endif which mozilla >& /dev/null if ( ! $status ) then set browser = 'mozilla' endif which firefox >& /dev/null if ( ! $status ) then set browser = 'firefox' endif if ( -d /Applications/Safari.app ) then set browser = 'safari' endif # if ( "$browser" == "" ) then echo "cns_edit: no suitable browser found, exiting" rm -f $tmpfile exit 1 endif # if ( "$browser" == "safari" ) then osascript -e 'tell application "Safari" \ make new document with properties {URL:"file://'$tmpfile'"} \ end tell' > /dev/null if ( $status != 0 ) then echo 'error opening file' else sleep 5; rm -f $tmpfile endif else $browser -height 1000 \ -width 700 \ -remote "openURL(file:$tmpfile,new-window)" >& /dev/null # if ( $status != 0 ) then echo 'cns_edit: starting' $browser ($browser -height 1000 -width 700 $tmpfile; sleep 2; rm -f $tmpfile &) >& /dev/null else sleep 2; rm -f $tmpfile endif # endif #