carbon {} end :== assign --{values for Ci-1, Ni, CAi, Ci, Ni+1, CA-obs, CB-obs (in ppm)} class= --{Starts a new class which applies to all assignment and force entries until another class entry is issued.} expectation --{Psi-pos Psi-pos CAvalue CAerr CBvalue CBerr for expectation values.} forceconstant= --{Force constant for all assignments in the current class. Default = 50} nrestraints= --{Number of slots for carbon chemical shift restraints to allocate in memory. Default = 200} phistep= --{Number of steps in the phi dimension of the expectation array.} psistep= --{Number of steps in the psi dimension of the expectation array.} potential=square|harmonic --{Use shift errors or not.} print threshold --{Prints secondary shift violations of either CA or CB greater than the specified value (in ppm).} rcoil --{Set the random coil a and b 13C shifts for the selected atoms.} reset --{Erases the chemical shift assignment table.} zero --{Zero out the expectation value arrays.}