dynamics merge end :== {} output= --{Output trajectory file.} oascii= --{Write formatted trajectory file. Default=false} format= --{Fortran format for writing trajectory. Default=12z6} offset= --{Offset for trajectory file writing. Default=800.0d0} scale= --{Scale factor for trajectory writing. Default=10000.0d0} ensemble= --{If true the mismatch checking between different trajectory files is bypassed. This allows the generation of a pseudo-trajectory from several otherwise unrelated trajectory files.} orient end --{} --{Only atoms which are able to move are output. i.e. Fixed atoms will not be written.} :== input= --{File to read trajectory from.} begin= --{Start at this step in trajectory file. Default=1} skip= --{Skip the specified number of steps. Default=1} stop= --{Stop at this step. Default=999999} ascii= --{Input trajectory is formatted rather than binary. Default=false} --{Several input files may be specified. Files are read in the order given. Begin, skip, stop are all in integration units.}