set {} end :== message=off|normal|all|debug --{Determines whether messages will be printed. - off=only very important messages are printed. - normal=most important messages will be printed. - all=all messages will be printed. - debug=all messages and debugging messages will be printed.} abort=off|normal|all --{Determines whether program execution will be terminated in batch mode if an error is encountered. - off=no termination. - normal=program terminates except in the case of minor errors. - all=program always terminates if an error is encountered. If the error occurs due to a command that was typed interactively the error message will be printed without program termination.} echo=on|off --{Determines whether the input is echoed to the output. - on=input stream is echoed to standard output. - off=input stream echo is turned off. In interactive mode the echo is always turned off.} timing=on|off --{Determines whether timing information is printed. - on=informative timing information is given for benchmarking. - off=no timing information is given.} interactive=on|off --{Normally it is automatically determined whether the input comes from an interactive device. This flag overrules the automatic assignment. Commands that are affected are echo and termination.} remarks=reset --{Reset remarks buffer.} remarks=accumulate --{Set remarks buffer to accumulate mode.} remarks=auto --{Set remarks buffer to automatic mode. This is the default.} display_file= --{Output file for display command.} print_file= --{Output file for print commands.} precision= --{Precision for printing of symbol with type real.} seed= --{Seed for random number generator.} journal= --{Log-file for interactive session.}