<global-statement> :== 

--{These commands can be used at all levels of CNS}

  --{Abort the CNS process immediately}
  open <filename> formatted=formatted|unformatted access=read|write|append end
  --{Open a file for access}
  close <filename> disposition=keep|delete end
  --{Close a currently opened file}
  rewind <filename> end
  --{Rewind a currently opened file}
  fileexist <filename> end
  --{Check to see if a file exists. The status (logical) is returned
     in $result} 
  set <set-statement> end
  --{Set miscellaneous run-time parameters}
  evaluate <evaluate-statement>
  --{Evaluate an expression and assign result to a symbol}
  display {<string>|<symbol>[<format>]} newline
  --{Display text}
  remark <string> newline
  --{Add text to current remarks database}
  --{Issue a shell command}
  define ( {<parameter>=<string>{[newline<string>]};} )
  --{Define parameters}
  procedure <procedurename> ( {<parameter>=<string>{[newline<string>]};} )
  --{Define a procedure}
  call <procedurename> ( {<parameter>=<string>{[newline<string>]};} )
  --{Call a procedure}
  buffer <buffername> {<buffer-statement>} end
  --{Manipulate a text storage buffer.}
  if <condition> then 
  {[elseif <condition> then 
  end if
  --{Conditional execution of statements if a condition is true.}
  while <condition> <basic-loop>
  --{Repeated execution of statements while a condition is true.}
  for <symbol> in ( {<symbol>|<parameter>|<literal-constant>} ) <basic-loop>
  --{Repeated execution of statements in a loop. <symbol> is set to the
     value of the next item in the list each loop iteration.}
  for <symbol> in id <atom-selection>  <basic-loop>
  --{Repeated execution of statements in a loop. <symbol> is set to the
     atom id of the next atom in the selection each loop iteration.}
  --{Insert contents of file into command stack and change to a new scope.}
  --{Read contents of file but do not insert in command stack and change
     to a new scope.}
  inline @<filename>
  --{Insert contents of file in the command stack but do not change the
     current scope.}
  { <string> [{newline <string>}] }
  --{Comment. Text between brackets is ignored.}
  ! <string>
  --{Single line comment. Text after exclamation point is ignored.}

  --{The following symbols are automatically defined:
       $cpu - elapsed user CPU time (real)
       $time - wall-clock time (string)
       $date - the date (string)
       $name - username (string)
       $system - system identity (string)
       $pi - Pi (real)
       $kboltz - Boltzmann constant (real)
       $eflag.<energy-term> - which energy terms are active (logical)
       $curbytes - current memory usage (string)
       $maxbytes - maximum memory usage (string)
       $curoverh - current memory overhead (string)
       $maxoverh - maximum memory overhead (string) }

  <condition> :== 

    ( <symbol>|<parameter>|<literal-constant> 
      <symbol>|<parameter>|<literal-constant> )

    <relational-operator> :==

        = | == | # | > | >= | < | <= | 
        --(Comment: "=" and "#" operators perform wildcard matching. "==" requires 100% equality)

  <basic-loop> :== 

    loop <label>
      {[exit <label>]|[{<cns-statement>}]}
    end loop