REMARK Talos Random Coil Table 2005.032.16.15 REMARK Cornilescu, Delaglio and Bax REMARK CA/CB from Spera, Bax, JACS 91. REMARK Others from Wishart et al. J. Biomol. NMR, 5(1995), 67-81 REMARK Pro N shift is the current database average (7 residues). REMARK HIS = Wishart's val - 0.5*(diff between prot./non-prot. Howarth&Lilley) DATA RESNAMES A C c D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y # # Values for C are CYS-reduced. # Values for c are CYS-oxidized. # Values for H are HIS-unprotonated. # Values for h are for HIS-protonated. # Values for D and E are for protonated forms. VARS RESCODE RESNAME HA CA CB C N H FORMAT %4s %s %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f ALA A 4.320 52.300 19.000 177.800 123.800 8.15 ARG R 4.340 56.100 30.300 176.300 120.500 8.27 ASN N 4.740 52.800 37.900 175.200 118.700 8.38 ASP D 4.640 54.000 40.800 176.300 120.400 8.37 CYS C 4.550 56.900 28.900 174.600 118.800 8.23 cys c 4.710 55.400 43.700 174.600 118.600 8.23 GLN Q 4.340 56.100 28.400 176.000 119.800 8.27 GLU E 4.350 56.400 29.700 176.600 120.200 8.36 GLY G 3.960 45.100 9999.000 174.900 108.800 8.29 HIS H 4.730 54.500 27.900 173.300 118.200 8.28 HIH # 4.730 54.500 27.900 173.300 118.200 8.28 his h 4.730 54.500 27.900 173.300 118.200 8.28 ILE I 4.170 61.300 38.000 176.400 119.900 8.21 LEU L 4.340 55.100 42.300 177.600 121.800 8.23 LYS K 4.320 56.500 32.500 176.600 120.400 8.25 MET M 4.480 55.300 32.600 176.300 119.600 8.29 PHE F 4.620 58.000 39.000 175.800 120.300 8.30 PRO P 4.420 63.100 31.700 177.300 135.800 9999.000 SER S 4.470 58.200 63.200 174.600 115.700 8.31 THR T 4.350 62.100 69.200 174.700 113.600 8.24 TRP W 4.660 57.700 30.300 176.100 121.300 8.18 TYR Y 4.550 58.100 38.800 175.900 120.300 8.28 VAL V 4.120 62.300 32.100 176.300 119.200 8.19