#!/bin/sh # The next line restarts using nmrWish \ exec nmrWish "$0" -notk -- "$@" set auto_path "[split $env(TCLPATH) :] $auto_path" set ARGV [concat $argv0 $argv] set ARGC [llength $ARGV] for {set i 1} {$i < $ARGC} {incr i} \ { if {![strcmp [lindex $ARGV $i] "--"]} break } set aList [lrange $ARGV $i end] if {[flagLoc $ARGV -help] || [llength $aList] != 5} \ { puts "Convert Width in Pts to Spectral Units Such as Hz." puts " $argv0 inName dimCode pntVal specUnits" exit 1 } set inName [lindex $aList 1] set dimCode [lindex $aList 2] set pntVal [lindex $aList 3] set sUnits [lindex $aList 4] if {![file exists $inName]} \ { puts stderr "Error finding pnt2specW input file $inName" exit 1 } set error [rdFDATA $inName fdata] if {$error} \ { puts stderr "Error reading header from pnt2specW input file $inName" exit 1 } set sVal [pnt2specW $fdata $dimCode $pntVal $sUnits] puts $sVal exit 0