####################################### # clock.info 2 July 1991 # # @(#)clock.info 2.13 91/05/02 ####################################### # OpenWindows Version 3 FCS 2 July 1991, rev'd by James Brook # helpopen path changed 11 July ####################################### # ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### #2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # :Properties:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Properties Displays a window in which you can set the Clock display options, including type of clock face. :PropertyFrame:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Clock Properties Window Choose the options you want, then click SELECT on Apply to make them take effect. To return to the previous options, click SELECT on Reset before clicking on Apply. To set changes to options as the default, click SELECT on Set Default. These settings will be default every time you start a new Clock. ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### :PropertyPanel:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Clock Properties This is the Clock Properties window. :ApplyButton:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Apply Sets the Clock to the new property values. Click SELECT on Apply to set the new values. :ResetButton:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Reset Returns the options to the current values for the Clock. Reset does not restore values after you have clicked on Apply. :DefaultButton:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Set Default Make the current Clock setting the default. These values will take effect the next time you start a Clock. # ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### # :FaceStyle:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Clock Face: Sets the clock display to either analog or digital when the clock window is open. Click SELECT on your choice. :IconStyle:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Icon display: Sets the clock display to either analog or roman when the clock is closed to an icon. Click SELECT on your choice. :DigStyle:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Digital display: If your clock has a digital display, the time can be either 12 hours or 24 hours. Click SELECT on your choice. :DisplayStyle:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Display Options: Date Shows the date on the clock. Seconds Shows the seconds on the clock. Click SELECT on the options you want. ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### :TimeZoneStyle:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Timezone: Choose between your local time zone and another time zone. :TimeZoneButton:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Other Timezone Menu Button Press MENU on this button to display the list of available time zones. Drag MENU down the list to choose one of the options. :TimeZoneName:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Other Timezone Text Field Shows the other time zone currently selected. To change time zones, type the name of another zone in this field. Or choose a time zone from the menu. # ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### # :SWatchChoice:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Stopwatch: Shows the current setting for the built-in stopwatch. The stopwatch starts as soon as you click SELECT on "start." To stop the watch, click SELECT on "stop." # :AlarmChoice:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Alarm: Allows you to set up a UNIX command to run at a specified time. Enter the hour, minute, and command. You can also have the command repeat by choosing one of the Repeat options. # ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### # :HourChoice:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Hr: Choose the hour you want the alarm to go off, using a 24-hour clock. (Example: 14 = 2 PM.) Type the hour number, or click SELECT on the arrow buttons to set the hour. :MinuteChoice:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Min: Choose the minute you want the alarm to go off. Type the minute number, or click SELECT on the arrow buttons to set the hour. ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long######### :AlarmCommand:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Alarm command: Type the command to run when the alarm goes off. :RepeatChoice:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Repeat: Choose how often you want the alarm command to run. Choose "none" if you do not want to repeat. :HourCommand:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Hourly command: Allows you to set up a UNIX command to run every hour on the hour. Type the command you want to run. :DisplayCanvas:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Clock Window This window is where the Clock is drawn. Resize the window if you cannot see all of the Clock. Press MENU and choose Properties to customize the Clock, including the kind of face it displays. :ClockFrame:$OPENWINHOME/bin/helpopen handbooks/clock.handbook Clock Frame This frame contains the Clock face. ##########This_Line_Is_50_Characters_Long#########