NAME HT - NMRPipe Hilbert Transform SYNOPSIS nmrPipe -fn HT [-ps90-180 | -ps0-0 | -auto] [-nozf | -zf] DESCRIPTION HT applies a Hilbert transform, which reconstructs the ima- ginary part of a given spectrum to create a complex result from a real imput. It leaves the real part of the data unchanged. The HT is commonly used in cases where the ima- ginary data have been deleted during previous processing, but the data must be re-phased or inverse-processed. In order to reconstruct imaginary data properly, the data must have been at least doubled in size by zero filling dur- ing previous Fourier processing. In addition, if the data previously required substantial first-order phase correction (for instance because of a substantial acquisition delay) the HT will generate results which are distorted at the edges. However, if the acquisition delay was set to 1/2-dwell (P1=180), this problem can be avoided by a mirror-image implementation of the HT. OPTIONS -ps90-180 This flag enables a mirror-image implementation of the HT suitable for data with a 1/2-dwell acquisition delay. -zf This flag enables use of temporary zero-filling to increase the speed of the HT. This option can only be used for the ordinary HT. -auto This flag enables automatic selection of the HT type and the temporary zero-fill mode. If the given dimen- sion has a recorded first-order phase of 180.0, and if it is not an extracted region, mirror-image HT with no temporary zero-fill will be selected. Otherwise, an ordinary HT will be used with temporary zero-fill enabled. -ps0-0 This flag forces use of an ordinary HT. It is used to override automatic settings from the -auto option. -nozf This flag suppresses use of a temporary zero fill. It is used to override automatic settings from the -auto option. EXAMPLES The following scheme demonstrates the HT used to reconstruct imaginary data so that the X-Axis of the given 2D spectrum can be rephased: nmrPipe -in test.ft2 \ | nmrPipe -fn HT -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 90 -p1 0 -di \ -out test.ft2 -inPlace -verb The following scheme demonstrates the HT used to reconstruct imaginary data so that the Y-Axis of the given 2D spectrum can be rephased: nmrPipe -in test.ft2 \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn HT -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 90 -p1 0 -di \ -out test.ft2 -inPlace -verb The following is a general 2D inverse Fourier transform scheme, which will regenerate a 2D hypercomplex FID from a real-only 2D spectrum. Note use of the generic nmrPipe option -ad to make room for hypercomplex data, and the use of the hypercomplex transpose option TP -hyper: nmrPipe -in test.ft2 \ | nmrPipe -fn HT -auto -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -inv -hdr \ | nmrPipe -fn FT -inv \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -inv \ | nmrPipe -fn APOD -inv -hdr -ad \ | nmrPipe -fn TP -hyper \ | nmrPipe -fn HT -auto -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -inv -hdr \ | nmrPipe -fn FT -inv \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -inv \ | nmrPipe -fn APOD -inv -hdr \ -out test.fid -ov BUGS The HT will change the data type automatically to create complex data from all-real data, but it will not automati- cally create hypercomplex data from complex data.