Recent Demo Data in the NMRPipe FTP Site July 2, 2006 NOTE WELL: all of the following demos require a version of NMRPipe retrieved after 7/3/2006. For the latest NMRPipe FTP instructions and password information, send email to --- MFR Dipolar Coupling and Chemical Shift Homology Search Demo Review the instructions how to get and install NMRPipe software via FTP. When you get the appropriate files from the FTP site according to the instructions, get the following three files as well: mfr.tar.Z dyn.tar.Z pdbH.tar.Z These files should be available when you use the automated installation script "" -- these additional files will provide tools for manipulating dipolar couplings and chemical shifts, and also provide a subset of the PDB structure database with protons added. More about using the MFR demo can be found in the "mfr/demo/README" file after installation. The demo directory also includes several examples of fitting, simulation, and analysis of dipolar couplings and chemical shifts. --- DYNAMO System for NMR Structure Calculation by Simulated Annealing Review the instructions how to get and install NMRPipe software via FTP. When you get the appropriate files from the FTP site according to the instructions, get the following file as well: dyn.tar.Z If you'd like to have a look at an example of the simulated annealing engine DYNAMO, which is under development, see this text in your installation, which will show you how to run a demo of structure calculation for ubiquitin: dynamo/demos/ubiq/README Or you can just go to the "dynamo/demos/ubiq" directory, and type the command "ubiqSA.tcl", and look at the README file later ... --- Automated Nonlinear Lineshape Fitting for 1D, 2D, 3D and Pseudo-3D Data A script "autoFit.tcl" is now provided with NMRPipe to help automate the use of the "nlinLS" spectral fitting program. This autofit script estimates all required fitting parameters, and also produces a simulated spectrum and residual. An example for fitting 1D data (in this case, actually a projection from a digitized gel image, not NMR data) can be found in the file "gel.tar.Z". Note well that work is also in progress to provide a better interactive interface for 1D data. An example of fitting 2D data (in this case, IPAP spectra) can be found in the file "ipap.tar.Z" An example for automatic fitting of a 2D relaxation series is contained in the file "relax.tar.Z" An example for automatic fitting of a 2D J-modulated series is contained in the file "jmod.tar.Z" The automated script seems to work well in many cases. Note well that the success of the analysis depends strongly on the quality of the peak table. Be sure to delete noise peaks, insert unresolved peaks, and to inspect and edit the CLUSTID values so that overlapping peaks all have the same CLUSTID value. --- ACME - Measurement of Homonuclear 1H Couplings from Regular 2D COSY Spectra To use ACME, you will have to get the latest version of NMRPipe from our FTP site. The tools of ACME are included in the current release. A directory of sample COSY data and scripts for ACME is provided in the file "acme.tar.Z" at the FTP site. Once downloaded, the sample data directory, called "acme", can be extracted with the command: zcat acme.tar.Z | tar xvf - Details on the software can be found in the README file in the sample directory, or at this site: