nmrWish - Tcl/Tk Window Shell for Spectral Analysis


        defineCell: Define a Graphics Region  (Cell).   Arguments
        for Defining a Graphics Cell:
          -cell cellID    [Current] ID of the Cell to Define.
          -key  keyData   [None]    Key Data Label/Data Pairs.
         Cell Coords In Terms of ROI Spectral Location:
          -roiX    roiXID     ROI ID for Graphic X Coord.
          -roiY    roiYID     ROI ID for Graphic Y Coord.
          -roiRef  roiID      Sets Both -roiX and -roiY.
         Cell Coords In Terms of Existing Cells:
          -cellX   cellXID    Cell ID for Graphic X Coord.
          -cellY   cellYID    Cell ID for Graphic Y Coord.
          -cellRef cellIDRef  Sets Both -cellX and -cellY.  Argu-
        ments for Defining a Cell (2D Graphics Region):
          -x    x1 x3     X Display Limits, First and Last.
          -dx   x1 xWide  X Display Limits, First and Width.
          -ux   x1 xAsp   X Display Limits, First and Aspect.
          -y    y1 y3     Y Display Limits, First and Last.
          -dy   y1 yWide  Y Display Limits, First and Width.
          -uy   y1 yAsp   Y Display Limits, First and Aspect.
          -subw nX nY X Y Sub-Window  Grid  Location.   Arguments
        for Report Generation:
          -noverb            Verbose Mode Off.
          -verb              Verbose Mode On.  drawSettings