irDraw - Graphics Interface for Spectral Imaging

     irDraw [-in inName] [-dir dirName]  [-file  fileExp]  [-name
     defName] [-text textDir] [-read] [-cellX xPix] [-cellY yPix]
     [-type1 small | medium | large] [-type2  small  |  medium  |
     large]  [-square] [-track] [-scroll] [-repaint] [-norepaint]
     [-frp  repaintCount]   [-dbg]   [-verb]   [-draw]   [-clear]
     [-frzLevels  Always | Sometimes | Never] [-frzZoom  Always |
     Sometimes |  Never]  [-autoScale]  [-grid]  [-pix]  [-image]
     [-peak]  [-vert]  [-zero] [-cursor]] [-relative] [-compress]
     [-iz zPlane] [-ia aPlane] [-func fnTab]  [-proc  scriptName]
     [-nosys] [-zfht] [-mult contFactor] [-plev numLevels] [-nlev
     numLevels]] [-hi firstHeight]  [-plot  1  |  2  |  3]  [-pcc
     numColors]  [-pHue1  hue]  [-pHue2  hue] [-pSat1 saturation]
     [-pSat2 saturation]  [-pVal1  value]  [-pVal2  value]  [-ncc
     numColors]  [-nHue1  hue]  [-nHue2 hue]] [-nSat1 saturation]
     [-nSat2 saturation]  [-nVal1  value]  [-nVal2  value]  [-XOR
     Always  |  Sometimes  |  Never] [-virt  Always | Sometimes |
     Never] [-virtOff offset] [-labMode Normal | XOR  |  Overlay]
     [-svri]  [-colors clrList] [-color0 zeroClr] [-color1 1dClr]
     [-colorC cClr] [-colorG gridClr]  [-colorX  xClr]]  [-colorY
     yClr]  [-colorZ zClr] [-colorA aClr] [-colorL lClr] [-colorE
     eClr]] [xviewFlags]

     This manual page is under development.

     irDraw  is  a  User-oriented  X11  graphical  interface  for
     inspecting  and  processing multidimensional data.  It works
     in conjunction with the nmrPipe program  for  spectral  pro-
     cessing via UNIX pipes.

         Display of 2D Planes from  either  processed  or  unpro-
         cessed  multidimensional data, including interactive and
         User-specified 2D Zoom, adjustable  color  schemes,  and
         viewing  of  the  next  2D plane in a series by a single
         mouse click.

         Real-time display of one or more 1D slices  superimposed
         over  2D  spectral graphics, with interactive adjustment
         of zoom region, vertical scale, and vertical offset.

         Interactive processing of 1D slices from  any  dimension
         of a spectrum, as well as automatic processing according
         to pre-defined schemes.

         Real-time phase correction of  one  or  more  1D  slices
         simultaneously,  with  coarse and fine phase adjustment,
         interactive  pivot  point   selection,   and   automatic
         reconstruction of imaginary data when needed.

         An nmrPipe shell-script editor,  for  creating,  saving,
         and executing multidimensional conversion and processing

         Interactive adjustment of chemical shift calibration.

         Color and monochrome PostScript hard copy  plot  genera-

     Other extraction, display, and analysis facilities,  includ-
     ing projections, graphics overlays from one or more spectra,
     and automated/interactive  peak  picking,  are  included  or
     under development.

     There are many possible scenarios for a session with irDraw;
     a  typical  session for processing and inspecting a 3D spec-
     trum might include the following steps:

         Use the irDraw Macro Edit facility to create, save,  and
         execute  a  UNIX  shell-script  which converts an unpro-
         cessed spectrometer format data file to an nmrPipe  for-
         mat data file.

         Read and display the converted, unprocessed  data  file;
         inspect  the raw data to see whether it was acquired and
         converted successfully.

         Interactively process a 1D slice  from  the  data  file;
         determine  phase  correction values and other processing

         Create, save and execute a UNIX shell-script to  process
         the  first  2D  plane  from the data, using the interac-
         tively determined processing parameters.

         Read and display the processed plane; evaluate the  need
         for  any additional processing, such as baseline correc-

         Create, save, and execute a UNIX shell-script to process
         the  entire  3D  spectrum, incorporating the previous 2D

         Read and display 2D planes, 1D  slices,  etc.  from  the
         processed 3D spectrum.

     irDraw has several components, which  provide  for  informa-
     tional  text,  command  entry,  and  spectral  display.  The
     appearance  and  behavior  of  irDraw  can  be  changed   by
     command-line  arguments  and  by  other graphics parameters,
     especially the  configuration  parameters  of  the  graphics
     environment (window manager) being used.  The usual behavior
     of irDraw is described here:

         By default,  the  irDraw  window  takes  up  the  entire
         screen.  The window border at the top edge of the screen
         describes the current functions of the mouse buttons, if
         any.   It  is also sometimes used to display information
         about the current data.

         The command panel, which extends across the top  of  the
         irDraw  window, contains pull-down menu buttons for com-
         mand entry, numerical  fields  for  specifying  spectral
         locations  and  display  parameters, and slider bars for
         adjusting phase correction  values  interactively.   The
         command panel usually has a gray background.

         The canvas takes up the remaining portion of the  irDraw
         window; it has a purple background by default.  The can-
         vas contains a rectangular spectral graphics area, where
         displays  such  as  contour  plots  will  be  drawn.  By
         default, this graphics  area  has  a  black  background.
         Many  facilities  of  irDraw  make  use of the mouse; in
         these cases, the mouse buttons will perform one  set  of
         actions  while  the mouse pointer is inside the spectral
         graphics area, and a different set of actions  when  the
         mouse pointer is to the left or below the graphics area,
         in the purple borders.  As mentioned  above,  the  mouse
         button  functions  will  be  displayed  the  the topmost
         border of the irDraw window.

         In addition to irDraw's  primary  window,  one  or  more
         pop-up  windows may appear during a session.  These win-
         dows are used for special-purpose command entry, such as
         selection  of  the  current  data  file.   More than one
         pop-up may appear on the screen at  a  given  time.   As
         with irDraw's primary window, the top border of a pop-up
         will often display  useful  information.   Most  pop-ups
         have  a  Done  Button, which should be used to close the
         pop-up and remove it from the screen.  Note that if  you
         remove  a  pop-up  by  other  means,  such as via window
         manager commands, you may not be able to use the  pop-up
         again during the session.

     As noted before, some functions of irDraw are under the con-
     trol  of  the  window manager, the program which coordinates
     the display of multiple windows on the screen.   The  window
     manager  controls  the  behavior of the keyboard, mouse but-
     tons,  and  window  borders.   It  also   controls   default
     placement  of windows on the screen, and the details of mov-
     ing, re-sizing, iconifying and restoring windows.   So,  you
     may  wish  to  investigate or adjust the details of your own
     window environment in order to make the best use of irDraw.

     The current version of irDraw has been  developed  with  the
     XView  Toolkit  V2.0,  for  use with X11R4. It has been used
     most extensively with the twm and OpenLook window  managers.
     In these cases, the following aspects of the window environ-
     ment seem to have the strongest influence  on  the  behavior
     and appearance of irDraw:

         Which mouse button is used to view pull-down menus,  and
         which is used to select a command.

         Whether pop-up windows are placed  automatically  or  by

         Whether graphics drawn in overlapping or iconified  win-
         dows is discarded or maintained.

         The colors and fonts used for window borders, etc.

     In the usual installation, the irDraw program can be run  by
     typing the command:


     This command executes  the  UNIX  shell-script  file  called
     irDraw,  which  in  turn  runs  the program itself, which is
     called nmrdraw.  You can customize many aspects of irDraw by
     editing  a version of the irDraw shell-script, to change the
     various arguments used to invoke the program.

     You can  also  include  arguments  directly  on  the  irDraw
     command-line.  For instance, as a short-cut, you can specify
     the default data directory or data name:

        irDraw -dir ft -name test%03d.ft3

     In order to exit the irDraw program, you can select the Quit
     irDraw command from the irDraw File Menu.  You can also exit
     the program by moving the mouse pointer  into  the  spectral
     graphics  area  and typing the character Q (upper-case Q) at
     the keyboard.

     irDraw is operated by a combination of commands entered  via
     the  mouse  and  keyboard.  Many commands and parameters are
     selected by using the mouse  with  graphical  items  on  the
     screen; the general nature of some common graphical items is
     described in more detail below.

     The primary commands are selected via Menu  Buttons  in  the
     command  panel.  For instance, the command to draw a contour
     plot on the screen is listed under the Draw pop-up  menu  as
     "d)  Contours",  and  can  be selected via the mouse.  As an
     alternative, the command can be selected from  the  keyboard
     without  the  need to use the mouse.  In this case, the com-
     mand can be selected by typing d (lower-case  d),  as  indi-
     cated at the beginning of the Command Text.

     You can only type commands from the keyboard if the keyboard
     focus  is set to the spectral graphics area.  This generally
     means that the mouse pointer  will  have  to  be  positioned
     inside  the  graphics area before commands are entered.  The
     outer edge of the graphics area will usually be hilighted to
     indicate that commands can be entered.  You can restore key-
     board focus at any time by moving the mouse pointer out  of,
     then back in to, the graphics area.

          Buttons are graphical items intended to resemble actual
          push-buttons  with  rounded  edges.  They  are  used to
          display a single command or command choice.  To  select
          a Button's command, point to the Button with the mouse,
          and click the left mouse-button.

          Example: most pop-up windows have a Done Button,  which
          can  be used to close the pop-up and remove it from the

     Menu Buttons
          Menu Buttons are special Buttons which cause  a  pop-up
          menu  of additional options to be displayed.  Menu But-
          tons look like ordinary Buttons, but they also  include
          a  triangular  caret symbol after the button text; this
          caret signifies that there is a  menu  associated  with
          the  button.  To view the pop-up menu associated with a
          Menu Button, press and hold the right mouse-button; the
          menu  will  appear, and will stay on the screen as long
          as the mouse-button is held.  Command  options  in  the
          pop-up  menu  can  be selected by dragging the mouse to
          highlight the desired option, then releasing the mouse.

          The first command entry in any given menu is called the
          default  command.  The menus are often arranged so this
          default  command  is  a  commonly  used  one.    As   a
          short-cut,  it  is possible to select this default com-
          mand without the need to pop-up the menu.  To do  this,
          use  the  left  mouse-button  (to  select  the  default
          command) rather than the right  mouse-button  (used  to
          make  the  pop-up  menu appear).  In this respect, Menu
          Buttons behave like ordinary Buttons,  since  the  left
          mouse-button  is  used  in  both  cases  to  select the
          Button's command.

          Example: the irDraw Command Panel includes Menu Buttons
          marked File, Draw, and Mouse.  The default commands for
          these menus are the often-used options to read a  file,
          draw a contour plot, and view 1D slices.

     Character Text Item
          Character Text Items are one-line regions on the screen
          used  for entering text information such as a file name
          from the keyboard.  Text Items  have  a  label  on  the
          left-hand  side,  followed  by  a horizontal line where
          text typed from the keyboard will be entered.  In order
          to  enter text into a Text Item, point to the item with
          the mouse and click the left mouse-button before typing
          from  the keyboard.  In some cases, entering a carriage
          return at the end of the input line will  cause  irDraw
          to perform some action related to the input text.

          Example: the Select File pop-up  window  includes  Text
          Items  which  are used to specify the current data file
          and directory; these text items are labeled "File:" and
          "Directory:".   Typing a file name in the "File:" field
          followed by a carriage return will cause irDraw to read
          the specified file.

     Floating-Point Text Item
          Floating-Point Text Items look the  same  as  character
          text  items,  but  they  are used specifically to enter
          floating-point   numbers.     They    will    have    a
          floating-point number as a default value.

          Example: the command panel includes floating-point text
          items  labeled  "P0:"  and  "P1:";  these  are  used to
          display or change the current phase correction values.

     Integer Text Item
          Integer Text Items look  the  same  as  character  text
          items,  but  they  also  include a pair of square caret
          buttons to the right of the one-line  text  field.   As
          the  name  implies,  the  integer text item is used for
          entering an integer value; the  caret  buttons  can  be
          used  to  increment  or  decrement  the current integer

          Example: the command panel includes integer text fields
          labeled "X:", "Y:", "Z:", and "A:", used for displaying
          or setting the point locations of 1D and 2D data  being

     Slider Bar
          Slider bars are used for interactive  specification  of
          some continuous value, for instance zero or first order
          phase.  Slider bars have the appearance of a  rectangu-
          lar  button  in  a  vertical or horizontal groove.  The
          value associated with  a  Slider  can  be  adjusted  by
          pointing  to  the  Slider's Button with the mouse, then
          dragging the mouse with the left mouse-button  pressed.
          In  addition, you can increment or decrement the slider
          value by clicking left mouse-button while  pointing  to
          either end of the Slider bar groove.

          Example: the command panel includes a  pair  of  slider
          bars marked "P0:" for coarse and fine zero-order phase,
          and a second pair of slider bars marked "P1:" for first
          order phase.

     Edit Window
          An  Edit  Window  is  a  rectangular  region  used  for
          displaying  or  editing  lines  of text.  You can enter
          text at a particular position in the  window  by  first
          pointing  to  that position with the mouse and clicking
          the left mouse-button, then typing  text  at  the  key-
          board.   In  addition,  pressing  and holding the right
          mouse-button in an Edit Window  will  create  a  pop-up
          menu  of  text editing options, which allow you to read
          or save text files, cut and paste text selections,  and
          so on.

          Example: the command Macro Edit in the File  Menu  will
          create  a  pop-up which includes a light-blue Edit Win-
          dow, used for creating UNIX shell-scripts that do spec-
          tral processing.

     The command  panel  contains  several  graphical  items  for
     adjusting commonly-used parameters.  An outline of the func-
     tions of these items follows:

     X:   Use this to increment, decrement, or select a  particu-
          lar  1D slice when viewing 1D slices from the X-Axis of
          the current data.

     Y:   Use this to increment, decrement, or select a  particu-
          lar  1D slice when viewing 1D slices from the Y-Axis of
          the current data.

     Z:   Use this to increment, decrement, or select a  particu-
          lar  Z-Axis  plane.   Under default settings, the plane
          will be automatically read and drawn with the  previous
          zoom region and contour settings.  This option requires
          selection of data as a 3D or 4D template.

     A:   Use this to increment, decrement, or select a  particu-
          lar  A-Axis  coordinate.  Under default settings, a new
          plane will be automatically read  and  drawn  with  the
          previous zoom region and contour settings.  This option
          requires selection of data as 4D template.

          Use this to change the number of positive contour  lev-
          els to use the next time the data is drawn.

          Use this to change the number of negative contour  lev-
          els to use the next time the data is drawn.

          Use this to select the height of the first contour used
          the  next  time  the  data is drawn.  Negative contours
          will begin at the negative of this height.

          Use this to select the spacing factor between  adjacent
          contours used the next time the data is drawn.

     (+)  Use this button to increment the first  contour  height
          used the next time the data is drawn.

     (-)  Use this button to decrement the first  contour  height
          used the next time the data is drawn.

     P0: (Sliders)
          These sliders control the coarse  and  fine  zero-order
          phase  applied  at  the  selected  pivot  point  of the
          current 1D spectra.  These sliders will only work if  a
          1D  slice is selected, and the Phasing Toggle button is

     P1: (Sliders)
          These sliders control the coarse and  fine  first-order
          phase correction.  These sliders will only work if a 1D
          slice is selected, and the Phasing Toggle button is ON.

     P0: (Text)
          Displays or changes the current P0  phase  value;  this
          value  can  be used directly with nmrPipe regardless of
          the pivot setting.

     P1: (Text)
          Displays or changes the current P1  phase  value;  this
          value  can  be used directly with nmrPipe regardless of
          the pivot setting.

          Displays or changes the position of the phasing  pivot.
          The  pivot  position can also be selected via the mouse
          when viewing 1D slices.

     Phasing Toggle
          This toggle button must be set to ON in order to  apply
          phasing  to  the current 1D data.  But, once the toggle
          is turned ON,  the  current  1D  spectra  will  not  be
          rephased until a slider or phase value is adjusted.

     The File Menu includes commands to select the spectral  data
     of  interest,  as  well  as  commands to read or re-read the
     selected data.  It also includes commands for  creating  and
     modifying  other kinds of files, such as UNIX shell-scripts.
     Importantly, the File Menu includes the command used to Exit
     from irDraw.

     Read This command reads a 2D file plane into  irDraw's  data
          memory;  depending on the 2D Settings, a 2D plot of the
          plane may be drawn automatically once the data is read.
          The name of the data to read is specified by the Select
          File command in the File Menu; 1D and 2D data sets  are
          selected according to their file names, while 3D and 4D
          data are selected according to their template names. In
          the case of 3D and 4D data, the Z-Axis and A-Axis loca-
          tions for the plane to read are taken from the  Z:  and
          A: fields in the command panel.

     Select File
          This command is used to specify the  file  or  template
          name  of  the  spectral data to read.  Select 1D and 2D
          data according to their file names.  Select 3D  and  4D
          data according to their template names.

     Read Only
          This command is similar to the Read command in the File
          Menu,  however  it  will  not  cause any graphics to be
          drawn regardless of other settings.  Use  this  command
          if  you  would  like  to  adjust the display parameters
          before a plot is drawn.

     Previous Data
          This command will read the previous data file.   It  is
          commonly  used to switch between orthogonal planes of a
          3D dataset, as created by commands in the 1D Menu.

          This  command  displays  the  file  parameters  of  the
          current  spectral  data.  The parameter listing is gen-
          erated by the program showhdr;, it is displayed in  the
          Info Window, which will pop up automatically.

     Calibrate PPM
          Provides a pop-up to re-calibrate the  chemical  shifts
          of any axis in the current data:

             1. Change the axis selection,  axis  label,  or  any
             other parameter which needs to be adjusted.

             3. Enter the PPM value for the selected  point;  the
             default point will be set according to the positions
             of the last 1D slices being viewed.

             4. Use the "Apply" button to re-calculate the chemi-
             cal shifts according to the new parameters.

             5. Use the "Save" button to write the  new  calibra-
             tion data.

     Macro Edit
          This  command  is  used  to  create  and  execute  UNIX
          shell-scripts  for  spectral processing.  It provides a
          point-and-click text editor augmented with a series  of
          predefined  conversion and processing scripts.  It also
          allows edited scripts to be saved on the disk and  exe-
          cuted.   Note  that  this  command  could use much more
          documentation here.

     Hard Copy Plot
          This command creates simple  PostScript  plots  of  the
          current  data,  and  optionally  sends  the  plots to a
          printer queue.  The plots are  generated  according  to
          the  current  display  settings  such  as first contour
          height, number of contour levels, etc.

     Info Window
          This command pops up the Info Window,  a  text  editing
          window  used  for  displaying  information such as file

     Quit irDraw
          This command exits the irDraw program; no  confirmation
          to exit is requested.

          Draws a 2D contour plot of  the  current  data  on  the
          screen, using the current contour settings.

          Draws a 2D pixmap of the current data  on  the  screen,
          using  the current contour settings.  It is used as the
          default mode  for  drawing  mixed  time-frequency  mode

     Dot Plot
          Draws a 2D dotplot of the current data.  The dotplot is
          a display which shows intensity as a varying density of
          dots.  It is used  as  the  default  mode  for  drawing
          time-domain data planes.

     Clear Graphics
          Erases the spectrum in the graphics area.

     Erase Screen
          Erases the entire screen, both inside and  outside  the
          graphics area.

     2D Full
          Restores the full view of the current data plane.

     2D Toggle
          Toggles the 2D display on or off by changing the color-

     2D Colors
          Provides a pop-up for adjusting  the  range  of  colors
          used to display positive and negative data.

     Estimate Noise
          Estimates the standard deviation of the spectral noise,
          and resets the first contour height  accordingly.  Note
          that the estimate may be crude.

     2D Limits
          Provides a pop-up for selecting a data region in  spec-
          tral units such as PPM.

     2D Settings
          Provides a pop-up for selecting various 2D drawing pro-
          perties, such as whether or not to use grid lines.

     The Mouse Menu provides a list of functions  that  are  per-
     formed  interactively with the mouse, such as extracting and
     drawing 1D slices from the current data.  Whenever the mouse
     is  active,  the  topmost  border  of irDraw will report the
     functions of the mouse buttons.  The  buttons  perform  dif-
     ferent  actions  depending  on  whether the mouse pointer is
     inside the spectral graphics region, or outside in the  pur-
     ple borders.

     When a given slice is extracted with one of the  Mouse  Menu
     commands, several other commands can be used on it:

        It can be kept on the screen with other 1D  slices  using
        the Append 1D command in the 1D Menu.

        It can be phase corrected interactively using  the  tools
        in the command panel.

        It can be processed or  inverse-processed  using  NMRPipe
        Command or Auto-Process 1D in the Proc Menu

        1D Horizontal
             Real-time extraction of 1D slices from the  horizon-
             tal  axis  of  the current display.  Mouse functions
             allow real-time vertical offset  and  scale  adjust-
             ment, and graphical selection of phase pivot.

        1D Vertical
             Real-time extraction of 1D slices from the  vertical
             axis  of the current display.  Mouse functions allow
             real-time vertical offset and scale adjustment,  and
             graphical selection of phase pivot.

        1D Both
             Real-time extraction of 1D slices from both the hor-
             izontal  and vertical axis of the current display at
             the same  time.   Mouse  functions  allow  real-time
             vertical  offset and scale adjustment, and graphical
             selection of phase pivot.

        1D Z-Axis
             Extraction of individual 1D slices  from  along  the
             Z-Axis of the current display.  This requires that a
             3D or 4D data template is selected.

        1D A-Axis
             Extraction of individual 1D slices  from  along  the
             Z-Axis of the current display.  This requires that a
             4D data template is selected.

        2D Location
             Real-time  display  of  cursor  location   and   the
             corresponding  data value.  Information is displayed
             in the topmost border of irDraw.

        1D Zoom
             Provides a zoom-box for selecting  and  expanding  a
             region of the current 1D slice being displayed.

        2D Zoom
             Provides a zoom-box for selecting  and  expanding  a
             region of the current 2D plane being displayed.

        Exit Mode
             Turns off the current mouse function.

     The 1D Menu contains some commands which effect or relate to
     the 1D data being viewed.

     Append 1D
          Appends the current 1D slice  to  the  list  of  slices
          which  will  be kept on the screen.  This allows two or
          more slices to be viewed at the same time.

     Delete 1D
          Deletes all the 1D slices being viewed from the screen.

     1D Full
          Restores the full view of the current 1D slice.

     1D Toggle
          Toggles the 1D display on and off.

     Extract 2D H
          (3D Data Only) Extracts the orthogonal 2D  plane  which
          corresponds   to  the  horizontal  1D  slice  currently
          selected.  The 2D plane will be  extracted  as  a  file
          called  "ext.dat".  The File Menu command Previous Data
          can be used to return to the original 3D data.

     Extract 2D V
          (3D Data Only) Extracts the orthogonal 2D  plane  which
          corresponds   to   the   vertical  1D  slice  currently
          selected.  The 2D plane will be  extracted  as  a  file
          called  "ext.dat".  The File Menu command Previous Data
          can be used to return to the original 3D data.

     Axis Toggle
          Toggles the 1D axis display on and off.

     1D Settings
          Provides a pop-up which adjusts the  properties  of  1D
          displays,   including   whether   the   zero-level   is

     The Proc Menu provides two ways to process  the  current  1D
     slice, as explained here:

     NMRPipe Command
          Provides  a  pop-up  window  for  executing  individual
          nmrPipe  processing  functions on the current 1D slice.
          To perform processing, enter the  name  of  an  nmrPipe
          function  on  the  given  command  line, along with any
          additional arguments; For instance, "ft -inv" would  be
          the command for inverse Fourier transform. As an alter-
          native to typing the function and  arguments,  a  small
          menu  of  common functions is provided.  Once the func-
          tion is entered, execute the  processing  by  typing  a
          carriage return, or by clicking the Execute button.

     Auto-Process 1D
          This command will execute a pre-defined macro which  is
          responsible  for  processing the current 1D slice.  The
          macro used is specified by  the  command-line  argument
          -proc in the irDraw script.  The default version of the
          macro will  apply  a  window,  zero  fill,  and  FT  to
          time-domain  data;  if the axis name is "HN", a solvent
          filter and extraction of an amide chemical shift  range
          will also be applied.

          In the case of frequency-domain data, inverse  process-
          ing   will  be  applied,  automatically  restoring  the
          current 1D slice it to its original time-domain form as
          best as possible.

     -in inName
          Sets the default Input Name,  and  reads  the  data  on

     -dir dirName
          Default input directory.

     -file fileExp
          Expressions for directory list filter provided  in  the
          File/Select File pop-up menu.

     -name defName
          Sets the default Input Name, but does not read data  on

     -text textDir
          Specifies the Help Text Directory.

          Toggles Auto-Read of data on startup.

     -cellX xPix
          Specifies the estimated character cell cidth in pixels;
          this  value is used to adjust the placement of graphics
          and text on the screen.

     -cellY yPix
          Specifies the estimated character cell height  in  pix-
          els;  this  value  is  used  to adjust the placement of
          graphics and text on the screen.  -type1  size  General
          specification  for  the  irDraw ordinary font; use key-
          words "small", "medium", "large", or "extraLarge".

     -type2 size
          General specification for the irDraw  large  font;  use
          keywords "small", "medium", "large", or "extraLarge".

          Make the spectral graphics area square.

          When a mouse mode is turned on, the default 1D location
          tracks the mouse.

          Use Scrollable Panel.

          Force Manual Repaint  Mode;  use  this  mode  when  the
          computer's X11 graphics server does not repaint windows

          Avoid Manual Repaint Mode.

     -frp First Repaint Count.

     -dbg Debug Message Level.

          Toggle Verbose Mode On.

          Auto-Draw with Read.

          Auto-Clear when Drawing.

          Freeze Contour Levels: Always Sometimes Never

          Freeze 2D Zoom Region: Always Sometimes Never

          Auto-Calc Contour Level.

          Draw Grid Lines.

     -pix PixMap Display is Default.

          Image Display Setup.

          Enable Vertical Plots.

          Draw 1D Zero Level Line.

          Draw 1D Position Cursor.

          Relative 1D Scaling.

          1D Display Compression.

     -iz  Z-Plane Number.

     -ia  A-Plane Number.

     -func fnTab
          Function Table Name.

     -proc script
          Processing script used for automatic 1D processing.

          Suppress system calls.

          Enable temporary zero fill with Hilbert transform.

     -mult contFactor
          Contour Level Factor.

     -plev numLevels
          Number of Positive Levels.

     -nlev numLevels
          Number of Negative Levels.

     -hi firstHeight
          First Contour Height.

     -plot plotMode
          Color mode for hard-copy plots; these will be  selected
          from inside the program in future versions:
            1 = Black and White
            2 = Gray Scale (Not supported yet)
            3 = Color

     -pcc numColors
          Positive Color Count.

     -pHue1 hue
          Positive colors, First Hue [0-1].

     -pHue2 hue
          Positive colors, Last Hue  [0-1].

     -pSat1 saturation
          Positive colors, First Saturation [0-1].

     -pSat2 saturation
          Positive colors, Last Saturation  [0-1].

     -pVal1 value
          Positive colors, First Value [0-1].

     -pVal2 value
          Positive colors, Last Value  [0-1].

     -ncc numColors
          Negative Color Count.

     -nHue1 hue
          Negative colors, First Hue [0-1].

     -nHue2 hue
          Negative colors, Last Hue  [0-1].

     -nSat1 saturation
          Negative colors, First Saturation [0-1].

     -nSat2 saturation
          Negative colors, Last Saturation  [0-1].

     -nVal1 value
          Negative colors, First Value [0-1].

     -nVal2 value
          Negative colors, Last Value  [0-1].

     -XOR XOR Drawing Keyword: Always Sometimes Never

          Server Image Color Palette.

          Virtual colormap usage keyword: Always Sometimes Never

          Virtual colormap offset.

     -colors clrList
          Color Name List.

     -color0 zeroClr
          Zero Line Color.

     -color1 1dClr
          Active 1D Plot Color.

     -colorC cClr
          Cursor Bar Color.

     -colorG gridClr
          Grid Line Color.

     -colorX xClr
          X-Axis 1D Plot Color.

     -colorY yClr
          Y-Axis 1D Plot Color.

     -colorZ zClr
          Z-Axis 1D Plot Color.

     -colorA aClr
          A-Axis 1D Plot Color.

     -colorL lClr
          Label Color.

     -colorE eClr
          Background Color.

     Color Name Options:

        black        red          orange       yellow
        green        blue         violet       cyan
        magenta      lightGray    dimGray      white