>Frank's Special Processing #Macro to Rule the World @world.com ? @world.help < >Bruker Conversions #2D AM TPPI @bruk.tppi.fid.com ? @bruk2pipe.help #3D AMX States @bruk.states.fid.com ? @bruk2pipe.help #4D AMX States @4d.fid.com ? @bruk2pipe.help < >Varian Conversions #2D Conversion @var.states.fid.com ? @var2pipe.help #3D Conversion 1 @fid.com ? @var2pipe.help #3D Conversion 2 @var.states2.fid.com ? @var2pipe.help < >Other Conversions #GE 2D Float TPPI @ge.tppi.fid.com ? @bin2pipe.help #FTNMR Bruker AM @ftnmr.fid.com ? @bin2pipe.help < >2D Input/Output #Read FID nmrPipe -in test.fid \ ? @nmrPipe.help #Read FT1 nmrPipe -in test.ft1 \ ? @nmrPipe.help #Read FT2 nmrPipe -in test.ft2 \ ? @nmrPipe.help #Write FID | nmrPipe -out test.fid -ov -verb ? @nmrPipe.help #Write FT1 | nmrPipe -out test.ft2 -ov -verb ? @nmrPipe.help #Write FT2 | nmrPipe -out test.ft2 -ov -verb ? @nmrPipe.help < >3D Input/Output #Read X xyz2pipe -in fid/test%03d.fid -x -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Read Y xyz2pipe -in ft/test%03d.ft2 -y -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Read Z xyz2pipe -in ft/test%03d.ft3 -z -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Write X | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%03d.ft2 -x -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help #Write Y | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%03d.ft2 -y -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help #Write Z | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%03d.ft3 -z -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help >4D Input/Output #Read X xyz2pipe -in fid/test%02d%03d.fid -x -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Read Y xyz2pipe -in ft/test%02d%03d.ft2 -y -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Read Z xyz2pipe -in ft/test%02d%03d.ft3 -z -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Read A xyz2pipe -in ft/test%02d%03d.ft3 -a -verb \ ? @xyz2pipe.help #Write X | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%02d%03d.ft2 -x -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help #Write Y | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%02d%03d.ft2 -y -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help #Write Z | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%02d%03d.ft3 -z -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help #Write A | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%02d%03d.ft3 -a -ov ? @pipe2xyz.help < >Process 2D #XY Plane of 3D @ft2.com ? @nmrPipe.help #XZ Plane of 3D @xz.com ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #XY Plane of 4D @xy4d.com ? @nmrPipe.help #XZ Plane of 4D @xz4d.com ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #XA Plane of 4D @xa.com ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #Basic 2D @basic.com ? @nmrPipe.help #2D with 1D MEM @mem1d.com ? @nmrPipe.MEM.help #2D MEM of Extract @ext.mem.com ? @nmrPipe.MEM.help #DQCOSY @dqcosy.com ? @nmrPipe.help #2DNOE @noe.com ? @nmrPipe.help < >Process 3D #3D HN Detected @xyz.com ? @xyz2pipe.help @nmrPipe.help @pipe2xyz.help #3D HN In-Place @xyz.ip.com ? @xyz2pipe.help @nmrPipe.help @pipe2xyz.help #3D HN with LP @xyz.lp.com ? @xyz2pipe.help @nmrPipe.help @pipe2xyz.help #3D Parallel @xyz.par.com ? @nmrShell.help #3D LP Parallel @xyz.lp.par.com ? @nmrShell.help #3D with 2D MEM @z.mem.com ? @nmrPipe.MEM.help < >Process 4D #4D HCCH @xyza.com ? @xyz2pipe.help @nmrPipe.help @pipe2xyz.help #4D Convert/FT @4dc13noe.com ? @xyz2pipe.help @nmrPipe.help @pipe2xyz.help < >Transforms #Null Function | nmrPipe \ ? @nmrPipe.NULL.help #Fourier Transform | nmrPipe -fn FT \ ? @nmrPipe.FT.help #Bruker Transform | nmrPipe -fn FT -bruk \ ? @nmrPipe.FT.help #Inverse Transform | nmrPipe -fn FT -inv \ ? @nmrPipe.FT.help #Real Transform | nmrPipe -fn FT -real \ ? @nmrPipe.FT.help #Hilbert Transform | nmrPipe -fn HT \ ? @nmrPipe.HT.help #Phase Correction | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1 0.0 -di \ ? @nmrPipe.PS.help #Modulus | nmrPipe -fn MC \ ? @nmrPipe.MC.help #Transpose | nmrPipe -fn TP \ ? @nmrPipe.TP.help #Z-Transpose | nmrPipe -fn ZTP \ ? @nmrPipe.ZTP.help #Extract | nmrPipe -fn EXT -left -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.EXT.help #Zero Fill | nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto \ ? @nmrPipe.ZF.help #Linear Prediction | nmrPipe -fn LP -fb \ ? @nmrPipe.LP.help #Maximum Entropy | nmrPipe -fn MEM -ndim 2 -zero -neg -alpha 0.001 -sigma 1000 \ ? @nmrPipe.MEM.help #Reverse | nmrPipe -fn REV \ ? @nmrPipe.REV.help #Bruker Y-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/bruk_ranceY.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #Bruker Z-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/bruk_ranceZ.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel #Varian Y-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/var_ranceY.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel #Varian Z-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/var_RanceZ.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel < >Windows #Sinusoid | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.SP.help #Exponential | nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 0.0 -c 1.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.EM.help #Gaussian | nmrPipe -fn GM -g1 5.0 -g2 10.0 -g3 0.0 -c 1.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.GM.help #Trapezoid | nmrPipe -fn TM -t1 16 -t2 16 \ ? @nmrPipe.TM.help #Triangle | nmrPipe -fn TRI \ ? @nmrPipe.TRI.help < >Corrections #Solvent Filter SOL | nmrPipe -fn SOL \ ? @nmrPipe.SOL.help #Solvent Filter POLY | nmrPipe -fn POLY -time \ ? @nmrPipe.POLY.help #DC Correction | nmrPipe -fn CBF \ ? @nmrPipe.CBF.help #Linear Baseline | nmrPipe -fn BASE -nw 2 -nl 0% 5% 95% 100% \ ? @nmrPipe.BASE.help #Polynomial Baseline | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \ ? @nmrPipe.POLY.help #Median Baseline | nmrPipe -fn MED -nw 24 \ ? @nmrPipe.MED.help #Smooth | nmrPipe -fn SMO -n 4 \ ? @nmrPipe.SMO.help < >Shifting #Freq Shift | nmrPipe -fn FSH -ls 0.0 -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.FSH.help #Circular Shift | nmrPipe -fn CS -ls 0.0 -inv -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.CS.help #Right Shift | nmrPipe -fn RS -rs 0 -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.RS.help #Left Shift | nmrPipe -fn LS -ls 0 -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.LS.help #Time-Domain Shift | nmrPipe -fn PS -rs 0.0 -sw \ ? @nmrPipe.PS.help < >Other #Execute Macro | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro test.M \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #Set to Constant | nmrPipe -fn SET -r 0.0 -i 0.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.SET.help #Add a Constant | nmrPipe -fn ADD -r 0.0 -i 0.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.ADD.help #Multiply by Constant | nmrPipe -fn MULT -r 1.0 -i 1.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.MULT.help #Zero Diagonal | nmrPipe -fn ZD \ ? @nmrPipe.ZD.help #Mirror Image | nmrPipe -fn MIR \ ? @nmrPipe.MIR.help #Derivative | nmrPipe -fn DX \ ? @nmrPipe.DX.help #Integral | nmrPipe -fn INTEG \ ? @nmrPipe.INTEG.help #Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn SHUF -swap \ ? @nmrPipe.SHUF.help #Sign Changes | nmrPipe -fn SIGN -i \ ? @nmrPipe.SIGN.help #Co-Addition | nmrPipe -fn COADD -axis X -cList 1.0 -1.0 \ ? @nmrPipe.COADD.help #Data Mixing | nmrPipe -fn CMIX \ ? @nmrPipe.CMIX.help #Save as 1D | nmrPipe -fn SAVE -name test.1d \ ? @nmrPipe.SAVE.help #Bruker Y-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/bruk_ranceY.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.help #Bruker Z-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/bruk_ranceY.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel #Varian Y-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/var_ranceY.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel #Varian Z-Axis Gradient Shuffle | nmrPipe -fn MAC -macro $NMRTXT/var_RanceZ.M -noRd -noWr \ ? @nmrPipe.MAC.hel <