# Copyright (c) 2002-08 Peter Guntert. All rights reserved. ## 7MACROS: dinucleotide - CYANA macro ## ## Parameters: range= (default: ) ## tfcut= (default: 0.0) ## continue ## ## Performs grid searches for all dinucleotide fragments in the given range. ## If the cutoff value for the local, fragment-based target function, fmax, ## is positive, then all conformations with a local target function value ## below fmax will be considered as allowed. Otherwise, i.e. if fmax = 0.0, a ## conformation will be allowed if no single restraint violation exceeds the ## corresponding cutoff value defined by the variables soft_upl, soft_lol, ## etc. Unless the continue option is set, the allowed ranges of dihedral ## angles will be initialized to allow all possible angle values before the ## grid searches are started. ## The results include dihedral angle restraints and, if possible, ## stereospecific assignments for the diastereotopic groups in the fragment. var echo info aas ires n rnu1 rnu2 rna1 rna2 syntax $macro:range=@ii=$rnum(1)..$rnum(nr) tfcut=@r=0.0 continue echo:=off; info:=none aas:='ADE THY GUA CYT RADE RGUA RCYT URA' print if (.not.continue) grid memory A=.true. selection=* do ires 1 nr-1 rnu1=rnum(ires); rnu2=rnum(ires+1) rna1=rnam(ires); rna2=rnam(ires+1) if (rnu1.ge.range(1) .and. rnu2.le.range(2) .and. \ index(aas,rna1).gt.0 .and. index(aas,rna2).gt.0) then print " $rna1 $rnu1 - $rna2 $rnu2:" grid fragment "DELTA NU2 NU1 CHI EPSI $rnu1" sugarring info:=normal stereoassign tfcut=$tfcut info:=none grid fragment "BETA GAMMA DELTA NU2 NU1 CHI $rnu2" sugarring info:=normal stereoassign tfcut=$tfcut info:=none grid fragment "DELTA NU2 NU1 EPSI $rnu1 + ZETA \ ALPHA BETA GAMMA DELTA NU2 NU1 $rnu2" sugarring $rnu1 $rnu2 info:=normal stereoassign tfcut=$tfcut conformations=n info:=none if (n.gt.0) then grid fragment "DELTA NU2 NU1 CHI EPSI $rnu1 + ZETA \ ALPHA BETA GAMMA DELTA NU2 NU1 CHI $rnu2" sugarring $rnu1 $rnu2 info:=normal stereoassign tfcut=$tfcut info:=none end if end if end do grid aco multiple