# Copyright (c) 2002-08 Peter Guntert. All rights reserved. ## 7MACROS: sugarbond - CYANA macro ## ## Parameters: range= (default: ) ## ## Creates 5 upper and 5 lower limit restraints to "close" the bonds between ## C4' and O4' in the ribose rings of the nucleotides in the given residue ## range. var info echo i res n syntax $macro:range=@ii=$rnum(1)..$rnum(nr) info:=none; echo:=off; n=0 do i 1 nr res=rnum(i) if (res.ge.range(1) .and. res.le.range(2) .and. \ index('ADE THY GUA CYT RADE RGUA RCYT URA',rnam(i)).gt.0) then n=n+1 distance make "C4\' $res" "O4\' $res" lol=1.39 upl=1.41 weight=10.0 distance make "C4\' $res" "C1\' $res" lol=2.38 upl=2.40 distance make "C5\' $res" "O4\' $res" lol=2.39 upl=2.39 distance make "H4\' $res" "O4\' $res" lol=2.11 upl=2.12 distance make "C3\' $res" "O4\' $res" lol=2.19 upl=2.28 end if end do unset info print " Restraints for $n ribose rings added."