GARANT COMMANDS: load coordinates - load atom coordiantes from coordinate file USAGE: load coordinates A set of atom coordinates is read from the file . The files must be in the DIANA format, e.g., Structure 001 from DIANA, f=7.577E-01 DIANA UNIX version 2.1 Number of residues: 63 Number of atoms: 1158 1 N 1 SER 1.3249 0.0000 0.0000 2 HN 1 SER 1.8841 0.0000 0.8290 3 CA 1 SER 2.0733 0.0000 -1.2455 4 HA 1 SER 2.6693 -0.9123 -1.2241 5 CB 1 SER 1.1338 -0.0338 -2.4526 6 HB2 1 SER 0.2658 -0.6505 -2.2192 7 HB3 1 SER 0.7653 0.9721 -2.6534 8 QB 1 SER 0.5155 0.1608 -2.4363 9 OG 1 SER 1.7783 -0.5438 -3.6166 10 HG 1 SER 1.8814 -1.5358 -3.5436 11 C 1 SER 2.9787 1.2315 -1.3119 12 O 1 SER 2.9074 2.1061 -0.4499 13 N 2 ILE 3.8095 1.2607 -2.3436 EXAMPLE # read coordinates of the structures calc5001.cor ... calc5020.cor # from the directory '/home/cb/easy-434' set dir = /home/cb/easy-434 do i 1 20 if ($i .lt. 10) then set name = $dir/calc500$i else set name = $dir/calc50$i end if load dest coord $name end do SEE ALSO: make distance noe