1GENERAL: eval, show, set - set and show the values of variables Usage: eval = show {} set {} set = = := The "eval" statement evaluates the Fortran-77 and assigns the result to the . The statement "show" without parameters lists the names and values of all global variables that do not have the value "NULL"; with parameters, "show" lists the names and values of the given variables. Global variables that are hidden by a local variable with the same name are identified by the attribute "hidden". Read-only variables are identified by the attribute "read-only". The statement "set" without parameters lists the names and values of all variables that do not have the value "NULL"; with parameters, "set" lists the names and values of the given variables. In contrast to "show", local variables are listed too. Read-only variables are identified by the attribute "read-only". "set = " gives the variable the string value . " = " and " := " are shorthand notations for "eval = " and "set = ", respectively. Note that these shorthand notations require a blank before and after the "=" or ":=". Examples: set i=7 eval j=mod(i,4)**2 string := 'Halb so teuer, doppelt so gut.' length = len(string) set i j string length ... Variables: i = 7 j = 9 string = 'Halb so teuer, doppelt so gut.' length = 30 See also: var, variable