1GENERAL: variable - string variables similar to shell variables in Unix Variable names: A variable has a name which may consist of up to 20 upper- or lowercase letters, digits, or underscore characters "_". Variable value: The value of a variable is always a charcter string. The result of the evaluation of an arithmetic expression (for example with the command "eval") is converted to a character string before assignment to a variable. Inserting the value of a variable: The value of a variable is denoted by either $ or %. As in Fortran-77 a substring of a variable value is denoted by (:) where and are integer expressions that denote the first and the last character of the substring. Numerical values of variables may be formatted according to a given FORTRAN-77 format by $variable(format). The k-th element (defined as a sequence of non-blank characters) of a variable is denoted by $(k), where "k" is an non-negative integer expression. If a variable should be followed directly by a letter, a digit or an underscore, one can use the syntax {$} to separate it from the following text. Examples: set x=4.6 # set the variable x set y=2.0 # set the variable y eval sum=x+y # evaluate an expression set t=a sum # set the variable t set x y sum t # list these 4 variables ... Variables: x = 4.6 y = 2.0 sum = 6.60000 t = a sum print "This is $t: $x + $y = $sum" # use values This is a sum: 4.6 + 2.0 = 6.60000 print "A second $t(3:5)!" # use a substring A second sum! set t(3:)=program # substring assignment print "$t or {$t}me?" # use of { } braces a program or a programme? Types of variables: Global variables are visible in the whole program, as long as there is no local variable with the same name. All variables except command line parameters (by default called "p1", "p2",...; "nparam") and those that appear in a "var" statement are global. All system variables are global variables. Local variables are declared in the var statement of a macro and are only visible within the macro where they are declared and within macros that are called via the declaring macro (except when such a macro declares another local variable with the same name). Also the command line parameters "p1", "p2",... and the variable "nparam" (the number of command line parameters) are local variables. System variables are variables that are set and/or used by the program. All system variables are global. Read-only variables are system variables whose value must not be changed explicitly, for example with a set statement; these variables are exclusively set by the program itself. See also: ask, character, do, eval, macro, parameter, show, set, var