Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
Parent Directory | - | |||
image/ | 2005-03-18 07:52 | - | ||
zcat MARS.linux.tar.Z | tar xvf - zcat pales.linux.tar.Z | tar xvf -
setenv MARSHOME directoryName setenv PALESHOME directoryName alias runmars directoryName/runmars(directoryName is the name of the directory that contains the binary and script files.)
An example: setenv PALESHOME /usr/users/yjung/bin/PALES setenv MARSHOME /usr/users/yjung/bin/MARS alias runmars '/usr/users/yjung/bin/MARS/runmars'
mars.inp (MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq/input)fragSize: 5 # Maximum length of pseudoresidue fragments cutoffCO: 0.25 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CO [0.25] cutoffCA: 0.2 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CA [0.5] cutoffCB: 0.5 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CB [0.5] cutoffHA: 0.25 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of HA [0.25] fixConn: # Table for fixing sequential connectivity fixAss: # Table for fixing residue type and(or) assignment pdb: 0 # 3D structure available [0/1] resolution: NO # Resolution of 3D structure [Angstrom] pdbName: NO # Name of PDB file (protons required!) tensor: NO # Method for obtaining alignment tensor [0/1/2/3/4] nIter: NO # Number of iterations [2/3/4] dObsExh: NO # Name of RDC table for exhaustive SVD (PALES format) dcTab: NO # Name of RDC table (PALES format) deuterated: 0 # Protonated proteins [0]; perdeuterated proteins [1] sequence: # Primary sequence (FASTA format) secondary: # Secondary structure (PSIPRED format) csTab: # Chemical shift table names can consist of characters+number+characters and characters are optional. Pseudoresidues are only distingushed by the number, which can be any integer number larger than 0. Therefore following, equivalent notations are allowed for a pseudoresidue:N CO-1 H CA-1 CA PR_2 123.220 170.540 8.900 54.450 55.080 PR_3? 115.340 175.920 8.320 55.080 - PR_4? 118.110 172.450 8.610 59.570 55.210 PR_5GLY 121.000 175.320 9.300 55.210 60.620 PR_6GLY 127.520 - 8.820 60.620 54.520 PR_7 115.400 177.140 8.730 54.520 60.470 PR_8 121.330 176.910 9.100 60.470 57.580 PR_9 105.590 178.800 7.630 57.580 61.400 PR_10?? 108.890 175.520 7.810 61.400 45.460 : : :
PR_37, g_37, 037, PR_037, 37GLY, PR_37???, ...
37, g01, g135, K016, LLR001,g12?, 124D, ...
34PR_37, g01_1, PR_34_1, g135GLY1, ... (MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq/> ubq MQIFVKTLTGKTITLEVEPSDTIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLSDYN IQKESTLHLVLRLRGG (MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq/ PREDICTION RESULTS Key Conf: Confidence (0=low, 9=high) Pred: Predicted secondary structure (H=helix, E=strand, C=coil) AA: Target sequence Conf: 968896699888999867863189999999997689875658887777738887136726 Pred: CEEEEECCCCCEEEEEECCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHCCCHHHEEEEECCEECCCCCCHHHHC AA: MQIFVKTLTGKTITLEVEPSDTIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLSDYN 10 20 30 40 50 60 Conf: 8988889999950699 Pred: CCCCCEEEEEEECCCC AA: IQKESTLHLVLRLRGG 70
DATA SEQUENCE MQIFVKTLTG KTITLEVEPS DTIENVKAKI QDKEGIPPDQ QRLIFAGKQL DATA SEQUENCE EDGRTLSDYN IQKESTLHLV LRLRGG VARS RESID_I RESNAME_I ATOMNAME_I RESID_J RESNAME_J ATOMNAME_J D DD W FORMAT %5d %6s %6s %5d %6s %6s %9.3f %9.3f %.2f 2 GLN N 2 GLN HN -15.524 1.000 1.00 3 ILE N 3 ILE HN 10.521 1.000 1.00 4 PHE N 4 PHE HN 9.648 1.000 1.00 5 VAL N 5 VAL HN 6.082 1.000 1.00 1 MET C 2 GLN HN 3.993 0.333 3.00 2 GLN C 3 ILE HN -5.646 0.333 3.00 3 ILE C 4 PHE HN 1.041 0.333 3.00 4 PHE C 5 VAL HN 0.835 0.333 3.00 1 MET C 2 GLN N 2.651 0.125 8.00 2 GLN C 3 ILE N -3.768 0.125 8.00 3 ILE C 4 PHE N 1.463 0.125 8.00 4 PHE C 5 VAL N -1.726 0.125 8.00 2 GLN N 2 GLN HN -15.524 1.000 1.00 3 ILE N 3 ILE HN 10.521 1.000 1.00 4 PHE N 4 PHE HN 9.648 1.000 1.00 5 VAL N 5 VAL HN 6.082 1.000 1.00 1 MET HA 1 MET CA -38.341 1.000 0.50 2 GLN HA 2 GLN CA 11.662 1.000 0.50 3 ILE HA 3 ILE CA 18.424 1.000 0.50 4 PHE HA 4 PHE CA 26.733 1.000 0.50 (MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq/ 3 PR_10 10-15 23 34 PR_12 12 34-36 PR_13 13 PR_14 14 16 HKT PR_15 LFR 66-69 13-16 9 71 PR_16 EVA (MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq/ PR_3 PR_3 PR_4 PR_4 PR_5 PR_11 PR_12 PR_12 PR_13 PR_13 PR_14 PR_25 PR_26 PR_26 PR_27
Ex.) cutoffCO: 0.1 cutoffCA: 0.5 cutoffCB: 0.5 cutoffHA: 0.1
fixConn: NO or fixConn:
deuterated: 0 or deuterated: 1
pdb: 0 resolution: NO pdbName: NO tensor: NO nIter: NO dObsExh: NO dcTab: NO
pdb: 1
resolution: 1.8
Ex.) pdbName: 1ubq.pdb
Ex.)(It is recommended to use 1 or 3 for the tensor parameter. Modes 2 and 4 require additional knowledge or RDCs in nearly neutral alignment media.)
tensor: 3
nIter: 2
dObsExh: NO or dObsExh:
assignment_AA.outMET_1 GLN_2 PR_2 (M) ILE_3 PR_3 (M) PHE_4 PR_4 (H) VAL_5 PR_5 (H) LYS_6 THR_7 LEU_8 THR_9 PR_9 (M) GLY_10 PR_10 (H) LYS_11 PR_11 (H) THR_12 PR_12 (H) ILE_13 PR_13 (H) THR_14 PR_14 (H) LEU_15 PR_15 (H) GLU_16 PR_16 (M) VAL_17 GLU_18 PRO_19 SER_20 PR_20 (L) ASP_21 THR_22 : : :
assignment_AAs.outMET_1 GLN_2 PR_2 (96) ILE_3 PR_3 (100) PHE_4 PR_4 (100) VAL_5 PR_5 (100) LYS_6 PR_6 (63) PR_8 (30) THR_7 PR_7 (76) LEU_8 PR_8 (61) THR_9 PR_9 (100) GLY_10 PR_10 (100) LYS_11 PR_11 (100) THR_12 PR_12 (100) ILE_13 PR_13 (100) THR_14 PR_14 (100) LEU_15 PR_15 (100) GLU_16 PR_16 (100) VAL_17 PR_17 (73) GLU_18 PRO_19 SER_20 PR_20 (86) ASP_21 PR_21 (65) THR_22 PR_57 (33) : : :
assignment_PR.outPR_2 GLN_2 PR_3 ILE_3 PR_4 PHE_4 PR_5 VAL_5 PR_6 LYS_6 PR_7 THR_7 PR_8 LEU_8 PR_9 THR_9 PR_10 GLY_10 PR_11 LYS_11 PR_12 THR_12 PR_13 ILE_13 PR_14 THR_14 PR_15 LEU_15 PR_16 GLU_16 PR_17 VAL_17 PR_18 GLU_18 PR_20 GLN_40 PR_21 GLN_41 PR_22 SER_57 : : :
connectivity.outPR_2 --> PR_3 PR_5 PR_35 PR_43 PR_69 PR_74 PR_3 --> PR_4 PR_23 PR_30 PR_56 PR_4 --> PR_3 PR_5 PR_29 PR_35 PR_43 PR_5 --> PR_6 PR_8 PR_71 PR_6 --> PR_2 PR_7 PR_49 PR_55 PR_7 --> PR_6 PR_8 PR_8 --> PR_9 PR_21 PR_9 --> PR_10 PR_10 --> PR_11 PR_48 PR_76 PR_11 --> PR_12 PR_42 PR_75 PR_12 --> PR_13 PR_24 PR_62 PR_67 PR_13 --> PR_14 PR_32 PR_14 --> PR_15 PR_15 --> PR_16 PR_44 PR_16 --> PR_17 PR_69 PR_74 PR_17 --> PR_18 PR_60 PR_18 --> PR_16 PR_47 PR_20 --> PR_9 PR_21 PR_21 --> PR_22 PR_40 PR_41 PR_50 PR_73 PR_22 --> PR_4 PR_23 PR_30 PR_56
connectivity_reduced.outPR_2 --> PR_3 PR_3 --> PR_4 PR_4 --> PR_5 PR_5 --> PR_6 PR_8 PR_71 PR_6 --> PR_2 PR_7 PR_49 PR_55 PR_7 --> PR_6 PR_8 PR_8 --> PR_9 PR_21 PR_9 --> PR_10 PR_10 --> PR_11 PR_11 --> PR_12 PR_12 --> PR_13 PR_13 --> PR_14 PR_14 --> PR_15 PR_15 --> PR_16 PR_44 PR_16 --> PR_17 PR_69 PR_74 PR_17 --> PR_18 PR_60 PR_18 --> PR_16 PR_20 --> PR_9 PR_21 PR_21 --> PR_22 PR_40 PR_41 PR_50 PR_73 PR_22 --> PR_23 PR_56
mars.log------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fragSize: 5 # Maximum length of pseudoresidue fragments cutoffCO: 0.25 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CO [0.25] cutoffCA: 0.2 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CA [0.5] cutoffCB: 0.5 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of CB [0.5] cutoffHA: 0.25 # Connectivity cutoff (ppm) of HA [0.25] fixConn: # Table for fixing sequential connectivity fixAss: # Table for fixing residue type and(or) assignment pdb: 0 # 3D structure available [0/1] resolution: NO # Resolution of 3D structure [Angstrom] pdbName: NO # Name of PDB file (protons required!) tensor: NO # Method for obtaining alignment tensor [0/1/2/3/4] nIter: NO # Number of iterations [2/3/4] dObsExh: NO # Name of RDC table for exhaustive SVD (PALES format) dcTab: NO # Name of RDC table (PALES format) deuterated: 0 # Protonated proteins [0]; perdeuterated proteins [1] sequence: # Primary sequence (FASTA format) secondary: # Secondary structure (PSIPRED format) csTab: # Chemical shift table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # of AA: 76 # of PRO: 3 # of GLY: 6 # of Assignable AA: 72 # of PR: 72 CA: 100.0 CB: 0.0 CO: 0.0 HA: 0.0 Ca: 100.0 Cb: 0.0 Co: 100.0 Ha: 0.0 AC RC RW -------------------- 53 11 0 -------------------- 55 13 0 54 13 0 -------------------- 54 20 0 53 20 0 -------------------- : : : : :
Tested proteins | Used chemical shfits | # of AA (assignable AA) | H (Correct/Incorrect) | M (Correct/Incorrect) | L (Correct/Incorrect) |
Maltose binding protein | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Maltose binding protein | Ca, Cb | ||||
EIN of the phospoenolpyruvate | Ca, Cb | ||||
E-cardherin domains II | Ca, Cb | ||||
Human prion protein | Ca, Cb | ||||
Superoxide dismutase | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Calmodulin/M13 complex | C', Ca | ||||
E. coli EmrE | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Human ubiquitin | Ca, Cb |
Tested proteins | Used chemical shfits | # of AA (assignable AA) | H (Correct/Incorrect) | M (Correct/Incorrect) | L (Correct/Incorrect) |
Maltose binding protein | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Maltose binding protein | Ca, Cb | ||||
EIN of the phospoenolpyruvate | Ca, Cb | ||||
E-cardherin domains II | Ca, Cb | ||||
Human prion protein | Ca, Cb | ||||
Superoxide dismutase | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Calmodulin/M13 complex | C', Ca | ||||
E. coli EmrE | C', Ca, Cb | ||||
Human ubiquitin | Ca, Cb |
Tested proteins | Used chemical shfits | # of AA (assignable AA) | H (Correct/Incorrect) | M (Correct/Incorrect) | L (Correct/Incorrect) |
Z domain protein | Ca, Cb, Ha | ||||
Z domain protein | Ca, Cb |
$MARSHOME/example/noStructure $MARSHOME/example/Structure
$MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1ubq $MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1zym $MARSHOME/example/noStructure/1dmb
$MARSHOME/example/Structure/1ubq $MARSHOME/example/Structure/1zym $MARSHOME/example/Structure/1dmb