1INCLAN: do - unconditional or Fortran-77 do-loops Usage: do [ []] [parallel [continue]] . . end do The statement "do" executes a loop within a macro. Without parameters the loop is executed unconditionally, i.e. until one of the statements break, exit, quit or return is encountered. "do" followed by parameters executes a FORTRAN-77 do-loop within a macro. The loop counter variable and the integer expressions start, end, and step have the usual meaning. Parallel loops are executed in parallel on nproc processors (see variable nproc). If the keyword "continue" is present, the program continues immediately with the execution of the next statement after the parallel loop. Otherwise, the next statement after the loop is executed when the parallel loop is finished. Examples: do if (filename.eq.' ') break . . end do do i 1 10 print "Iteration $i." end do