# Copyright (c) 2002 Peter Guntert. All rights reserved. ## 7MACROS: mirrorlp - mirror image linear prediction ## ## Usage: mirrorlp [] ## ## "mirrorlp" is a standard macro to perform mirror image linear ## prediction of the complex data in the active dimension (Zhu & ## Bax, J. Magn. Reson. 1990, vol. 90, pp. 405-410). and ## denote the number of linear prediction coefficients and ## the number of predicted data points, respectively. de- ## notes the first mirrored data point: = 1, the default, ## should be used if the first data point was recorded after one ## half of the dwell time, = 2 should be used if the first ## data point was recorded at time zero. ## ## See also: predict parameter mpred npred nfirst var nn if (nparam.lt.2 .or. nparam.gt.3) \ error "*** Error: Illegal number of parameters." if (nparam.lt.3) nfirst = 1 nn = n-nfirst+1 duplicate if (nfirst.ne.1) reduce nfirst.. select 1..nn reverse conjugate select predict lpsvd mpred npred reduce nn+1..