#!/usr/bin/env python # ===================================================================== # pytleap version 1.3, April 2011 # copyright Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research # Basel, Switzerland # Author: Romain M. Wolf #====================================================================== # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #======================================================================= """ python script calling tleap (and optionally antechamber) to generate input files for AMBER modules (prmtop, crd, and pdb files); organic ligands are treated via antechamber and must be supplied as MDL (SDF) file; proteins and peptides are expected to be clean PDB files; a complex between the ligand and the protein can be formed and the combined AMBER prmtop, crd, and pdb files are also written out; the main purpose is to generate the parameter-topology files for a subsequent MMPB/SA-type computation, when separate prm files are required for the ligand, the receptor, and the complex; NEW February 2010: replaced MOPAC by sqm (works only for AMBER Tools 1.3 and later) NOTE: default settings for sqm are changed (see manual) NEW April 2010: remove charge options Gasteiger and Mulliken (no good anyway) use only AM1-BCC by default (nothing else allowed) NEW May 2010: protein-protein (or protein-peptide) complexes can also be generated now, the ligand must then be specified by the --pep option NEW July 2010: adding --sspep option to make possible disulfides in pep also... NEW November 2010: add some exception handling """ import os, sys from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE """ Usage: pytleap.py [options] or -h (--help) for HELP """ #====================================================================== def tleap(cmd): #====================================================================== cmdline = "tleap -f %s > leap.output"%cmd os.system(cmdline) #====================================================================== def antechamber(file, charge, qmet, fileformat): #====================================================================== """ calls antechamber and parmchk to generate a MOL2 and an frcmod file for leap; cleans up some temporary files """ # for dmq, we use less severe convergence criteria than the default because the effect # on resulting partial charges is negligible... sqmk = 'qm_theory=\'AM1\', grms_tol=0.05, tight_p_conv=1, scfconv=1.d-7, peptide_corr=1,' cmdline = 'antechamber -i %s '%(file) cmdline += '-fi %s -rn LIG -o %s.ac.mol2 -fo mol2 '%(fileformat, filename) cmdline += '-c bcc -nc %s -pf y -ek "%s"'%(charge, sqmk) cmdline += ' >/dev/null 2>&1' os.system(cmdline) # make command line for parmchk cmdline = "parmchk -i %s.ac.mol2 -f mol2 -o %s.leap.frcmod"%(filename, filename) # run parmchk to generate frcmod file for the organic ligand os.system(cmdline) #******************************************* # main calls #******************************************* if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--prot", metavar = "FILE", dest = "prot", help = "protein PDB file (no default)") parser.add_option("--pep", metavar = "FILE", dest = "pep", help = "peptide PDB file (no default)") parser.add_option("--lig", metavar = "FILE", dest = "lig", help = "ligand MDL (SDF) file (no default)") parser.add_option("--cplx", metavar = "FILE", dest = "cplx", help = "name for complex files (no default)") parser.add_option("--ppi", metavar = "FILE", dest = "ppi", help = "name for protein-peptide complex files (no default)") parser.add_option("--chrg", default = 0, metavar = "INTEGER", dest = "chrg", help = "formal charge on ligand (default: 0)") parser.add_option("--rad", default = "mbondi", metavar = "STRING", dest = "rad", help = "radius type for GB (default: mbondi)") parser.add_option("--disul", metavar = "FILE", dest = "disul", help = "file with S-S definitions in protein (no default)") parser.add_option("--sspep", metavar = "FILE", dest = "sspep", help = "file with S-S definitions in peptide (no default)") parser.add_option("--pfrc", default = "ff03.r1", metavar = "STRING", dest = "pfrc", help = "protein (peptide) force field (default: ff03.r1)") parser.add_option("--lfrc", default = "gaff", metavar = "STRING", dest = "lfrc", help = "ligand force field (default: gaff)") parser.add_option("--ctrl", default = "leap.cmd", metavar = "FILE", dest = "ctrl", help = "leap command file name (default: leap.cmd)") if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("\n--------------------------------------------") print(" pytleap version 1.3 (April 2011)") print("--------------------------------------------") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() if(opt.cplx) and (opt.ppi): print("You can't use --cplx and --ppi simultaneously! Bye!") sys.exit(-1) # check if AMBERHOME is defined: amberhome = os.getenv("AMBERHOME") if not amberhome: print 'no AMBERHOME environment variable defined' print 'this means trouble...bye' # the following executables must be in the path for pysolven to work: for prog in ['tleap', 'sqm', 'antechamber', 'parmchk']: try: Popen([prog, '-h'], stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE) except OSError,e: print '...%s does not seem to be in the path...bye '%prog sys.exit(-1) # check if specified input files exist: if opt.lig and not os.path.exists(opt.lig): print("...the ligand file %s cannot be found...bye"%opt.lig) sys.exit(-1) if opt.pep and not os.path.exists(opt.pep): print("...the peptide file %s cannot be found...bye"%opt.pep) sys.exit(-1) if opt.prot and not os.path.exists(opt.prot): print("...the protein file %s cannot be found...bye"%opt.prot) sys.exit(-1) # write the leap control file leapcmd = opt.ctrl ctrl = open(leapcmd, 'w') frcprot = "leaprc.%s"%opt.pfrc frclig = "leaprc.%s"%opt.lfrc ctrl.write("source leaprc.%s\n"%opt.pfrc) ctrl.write("source leaprc.%s\n"%opt.lfrc) ctrl.write("set default pbradii %s\n"%opt.rad) # ligand preparation # NOTE: the mol2 file input is a hidden option because it does not necessarily # work with just any mol2 file, so use very carefully and double-check results!!! if (opt.lig): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(opt.lig)[1])[0] extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(opt.lig)[1])[1] if extension == '.mol2': fileformat='mol2' else: fileformat='mdl' # call antechamber antechamber("%s"%opt.lig, opt.chrg, "bcc", fileformat) # check if antechamber has succeeded by creating ...ac.mol2 file and # if not, get out... if not os.path.exists('%s.ac.mol2'%filename): print( '''... antechamber seems to have failed... ... this could be due to a wrong formal charge for the ligand ... use the '--chrg' option correctly and try again...''') ctrl.write("lig = loadmol2 %s.ac.mol2\n"%filename) ctrl.write("frcmod = loadamberparams %s.leap.frcmod\n"%filename) ctrl.write("saveamberparm lig %s.leap.prm %s.leap.crd\n"%(filename, filename)) ctrl.write("savepdb lig %s.leap.pdb\n"%filename) # if ligand is a peptide, it is assigned the FF selected for proteins, i.e., no # antechamber, no AM1-BCC charges, but plain protein; hence modified peptides # will not work this way but must be used as 'ligand' with --lig... if (opt.pep): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(opt.pep)[1])[0] ctrl.write("pep = loadpdb %s\n"%(opt.pep)) # we allow disulfide binds in the pep structure via the file read as opt.sspep if (opt.sspep): input = open(opt.sspep, 'r') for line in input.readlines(): cys1 = line.split()[0] cys2 = line.split()[1] ctrl.write("bond pep.%s.SG pep.%s.SG\n"%(cys1, cys2)) ctrl.write("saveamberparm pep %s.leap.prm %s.leap.crd\n"%(filename, filename)) ctrl.write("savepdb pep %s.leap.pdb\n"%filename) # protein (receptor) specification if (opt.prot): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(opt.prot)[1])[0] ctrl.write("prot = loadpdb %s\n"%(opt.prot)) # we treat disulfide bonds the old (secure) way, i.e., the user decides if and # where they are... (and do not forget to rename the involved CYS to CYX! if (opt.disul): input = open(opt.disul, 'r') for line in input.readlines(): cys1 = line.split()[0] cys2 = line.split()[1] ctrl.write("bond prot.%s.SG prot.%s.SG\n"%(cys1, cys2)) ctrl.write("saveamberparm prot %s.leap.prm %s.leap.crd\n"%(filename, filename)) ctrl.write("savepdb prot %s.leap.pdb\n"%filename) # complex formation with organic ligand if (opt.cplx) and (opt.prot) and (opt.lig): ctrl.write("complex = combine {prot lig}\n") ctrl.write("saveamberparm complex %s.leap.prm %s.leap.crd\n" %(opt.cplx, opt.cplx)) ctrl.write("savepdb complex %s.leap.pdb\n" %opt.cplx) # complex formation with peptide (or other protein) if (opt.ppi) and (opt.prot) and (opt.pep): ctrl.write("complex = combine {prot pep}\n") ctrl.write("saveamberparm complex %s.leap.prm %s.leap.crd\n" %(opt.ppi, opt.ppi)) ctrl.write("savepdb complex %s.leap.pdb\n" %opt.ppi) ctrl.write("quit\n") ctrl.close() tleap(leapcmd)