#! /usr/bin/python2.6 """ This program is the GUI incarnation of parmed.py. It depends on the Tkinter package, which is the Tcl/Tk interface with Python, as the GUI toolkit. This is the most common GUI toolkit in Python (and is included in the stdlib). All it really does is give users a point-and-click, guided tour through everything parmed can do """ import sys from os.path import exists, split from optparse import OptionParser from ParmedTools.exceptions import ParmError from chemistry.amber.readparm import AmberParm from ParmedTools import ParmedActions from ParmedTools import __version__ import Tkinter as tk from ParmedTools.gui.guitools import ParmedApp from ParmedTools.gui.guifiletools import file_chooser from tkMessageBox import showerror from ParmedTools.logos import Logo from ParmedTools.parmlist import ParmList debug = False def excepthook(exception_type, exception_value, tb): """ Default exception handler """ import traceback if debug: traceback.print_tb(tb) showerror('Fatal Error','%s: %s' % (exception_type.__name__,exception_value)) sys.exit(1) def main(): """ The main function """ global excepthook, debug # Launch the root window root = tk.Tk() root.resizable(True, True) # Replace the default excepthook with mine sys.excepthook = excepthook # See if we were provided a topology file on the command-line parser = OptionParser(usage = '%prog []') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show detailed tracebacks ' + 'when an error is detected.') opt, args = parser.parse_args() debug = opt.debug # If the user provided a CL argument, that is the prmtop_name. Otherwise, # open up a file choosing dialog box to get the input from the user if len(args) == 0: prmtop_name = file_chooser('Topology') elif len(args) == 1: prmtop_name = args[0] else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Unknown command-line options. Ignoring' prmtop_name = file_chooser('Topology') # If we chose no prmtop file, if not prmtop_name: raise ParmError('No prmtop chosen!') # Load the amber prmtop and check for errors amber_prmtop = ParmList() amber_prmtop.add_parm(AmberParm(prmtop_name)) # Make this overwritable -- the all of the file save boxes will ask the user # for verification before saving over an existing file. There's no need for # the AmberParm security layer. amber_prmtop.parm.overwrite = True fname = split(prmtop_name)[1] root.title('xParmED: Editing/viewing [%s] Choose an operation' % fname) # Make sure our topology file is valid if not amber_prmtop.parm.valid: raise ParmError('Bad (or non-existent) topology file [%s]' % prmtop_name) # Now build the action list on root app = ParmedApp(root, amber_prmtop) app.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) root.mainloop() print 'Thank you for using xParmEd!\n%s' % Logo() if __name__ == '__main__': main()