\file gaIndividual.h
\brief Container for gaChromosomes
\author Martin Peters
Container for gaChromosomes
$Date: 2010/03/29 20:24:52 $
$Revision: 1.7 $
MTK++ - C++ package of modeling libraries.
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
This file is part of MTK++.
MTK++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MTK++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#include "Utils/constants.h"
namespace MTKpp
class gaPopulation;
class gaChromosome;
// ============================================================
// Class : gaIndividual()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
\class gaIndividual
\brief Container for gaChromosomes
\author Martin Peters
\version 0.1
\date 2005
// ============================================================
class gaIndividual
\brief gaIndividual Constructor
\param parent gaPopulation pointer
gaIndividual(gaPopulation *parent = 0);
\brief gaIndividual Copy Constructor
\param rhs gaIndividual pointer
\param parent gaPopulation pointer
gaIndividual(gaIndividual* rhs, gaPopulation *parent);
//! gaIndividual Destructor
virtual ~gaIndividual();
\brief Add gaChromosome to the gaIndividual
\return gaChromosome pointer
gaChromosome* addChromosome();
\brief Add chromosome of the individual
\param chr gaChromosome pointer
\return gaChromosome pointer
gaChromosome* addChromosome(gaChromosome* chr);
\brief Delete chromosome from individual
\param chr gaChromosome pointer
void delChromosome(gaChromosome* chr);
\brief Get chromosome from individual
\param n number of chromosome either id or index
\param id bool return by id
\param index bool return by index
\return gaChromosome pointer
gaChromosome* getChromosome(int n, bool id, bool index);
\brief Initialize gaIndividual
void initialize();
\brief Get the absolute value of all the gaGenes summed up
\return Absolute value
double getAbsValue();
\brief Compare two gaIndividual with respect to its chromosomal make up
\param rhs gaIndividual pointer
\return true/false
bool compare(gaIndividual* rhs);
//bool operator<(const gaIndividual* rhs);
//bool operator==(const gaIndividual* rhs);
\brief Compares two gaIndividuals based on fitness
\param lhs first gaIndividual
\param rhs Second gaIndividual
\return boolean
After this function is defined the STL sort() function in gaPopulation can be used
static bool less(const gaIndividual *lhs, const gaIndividual *rhs)
return lhs->itsFitness < rhs->itsFitness;
\brief Compares two gaIndividuals based on fitness
\param lhs first gaIndividual
\param rhs Second gaIndividual
\return boolean
After this function is defined the STL sort() function in gaPopulation can be used
static bool greater(const gaIndividual *lhs, const gaIndividual *rhs)
return lhs->itsFitness > rhs->itsFitness;
\brief Formatted print of the gaIndividual
void printToScreen();
// - GET / SET - //
\brief Set the individual id
\param id individual int
void setId(int id);
\brief Get gaIndividual id
\return gaIndividual id
int getId();
\brief Set gaIndividual name
\param name gaIndividual name
void setName(std::string name);
\brief Get gaIndividual name
\return gaIndividual name
std::string getName();
\brief Set the gaIndividual fitness value
\param f fitness value
void setFitness(double f);
\brief Get fitness value
\return gaIndividual fitness value
double getFitness();
\brief Set the gaIndividual evaluate value
\param b evaluate value
void setEvaluate(bool b);
\brief Get evaluate value
\return gaIndividual evaluate value
bool getEvaluate();
\brief Get gaPopulation which gaIndividual is a member of
\return gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* getParent();
\brief Get number of gaChromosomes in gaIndividual
\return number of gaChromosomes
int getNumChromosomes();
\brief Get single vector of all genetic information of the gaIndividual
\return genetic info
std::vector getGeneticInformation();
\brief Set gaGene
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\param ind gaIndividual that copied
void setGene(int chr, int gen, gaIndividual* ind);
\brief Mutate gaGene
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
void mutateGene(int chr, int gen);
\brief Average gaGene
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\param ind gaIndividual that copied
void averageGene(int chr, int gen, gaIndividual* ind);
\brief Add parent gaIndividual
\param p parent name
void addParent(std::string p);
\brief Get parents
\return parents
std::vector getParents();
\brief List of partner which gaIndividual has mated with
\param partnerName partner name
void addPartner(std::string partnerName);
\brief Get partners
\return partners
std::vector getPartners();
\brief Returns number of partners
\return number of partners
int numPartners();
\brief Has it mated with a certain gaIndividual
\param partnerName partner name
\return number of times it has mated with partnerName
int mated(std::string partnerName);
//! gaChromosome iterator
typedef std::vector::iterator chromosomeIterator;
//! gaChromosome vector
std::vector itsChromosomeList;
//! gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* pParent;
//! gaChromosome pointer
gaChromosome* pGaChromosome;
//! gaIndividual id in gaPopulation
int itsId;
//! gaIndividual name
std::string itsName;
//! gaIndividual genetic absolute value
double abs_value;
//! gaIndividual fitness vales
double itsFitness;
//! evaluate gaIndividual
bool bEvaluate;
//! partners vector
std::vector itsPartners;
//! partners vector
std::vector itsParents;
} // MTKpp namespace