\file gaRegion.h
\brief Container for gaPopulations
\author Martin Peters
$Date: 2010/03/29 20:24:52 $
$Revision: 1.8 $
MTK++ - C++ package of modeling libraries.
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
This file is part of MTK++.
MTK++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MTK++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lessser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef GAREGION_H
#define GAREGION_H
#include "Utils/constants.h"
namespace MTKpp
class gaWorld;
class gaPopulation;
class gaIndividual; //temp
class gaGene;
class gaOperators;
class gaOutput;
// ============================================================
// Class : gaRegion()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
\class gaRegion
\brief Container for gaPopulations
\author Martin Peters
\version 0.1
\date 2005
// ============================================================
class gaRegion
friend class gaPopulation;
friend class gaGene;
friend class gaOperators;
friend class gaOutput;
\brief gaRegion Constructor
\param parent gaWorld pointer
gaRegion(gaWorld *parent = 0);
//! gaRegion Destructor
virtual ~gaRegion();
\brief Setup gaRegion
\param maxInds Maximum number of gaIndividuals in the gaRegion
\param seed Random number generator seed
\param maxGens Maximum number of generations to be carried out
\param elitism Elitism to be employed or not
\param selectionPressure Parameter used in the selection of gaIndividuals
\param curPop Current gaPopulation index
\param popKeep Number of gaPopulations to be stored
\param nChild Number of children to be produced per pair of gaIndividuals
\param chreDiff ????
\param pKeep Percentage of the current gaPopulation to be retained for the next generation
\param pCrossover Percentage of the next generation to be created by crossover
\param pMutate Percentage of the next generation to be created by mutation
\param pAverage Percentage of the next generation to be created by averaging
\param selection Selection method to be used
\param crossover Crossover method to be used
\param mutate Mutation method to be used
\param average Averaging method to be used
\param funcDir Either minimize or maximize the fitness function
\param maxParameters Maximum parameters of the genetic information
\param minParameters Minimum parameters of the genetic information
\param stepSize Step size for the genetic information
void setup(const int& maxInds, const int& seed, const int& maxGens,
const int& elitism, const double& selectionPressure,
const int& curPop, const int& popKeep, const int& nChild, const double& chreDiff,
const double& pKeep, const double& pCrossover,
const double& pMutate, const double& pAverage,
const std::string& selection, const std::string& crossover,
const std::string& mutate, const std::string& average,
const std::string& funcDir,
std::vector maxParameters, std::vector minParameters,
std::vector stepSize);
\brief Add gaPopulation to gaRegion
\return gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* addPopulation();
\brief Delete gaPopulation from gaRegion
\param pop gaPopulation pointer
void delPopulation(gaPopulation* pop);
\brief Get gaPopulation from gaRegion
\param number gaPopulation number, either id or index
\param id bool return by id
\param index bool return by index
\return gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* getPopulation(const int& number, bool id, bool index);
\brief Get getPopulations in the gaRegion
\return vector of gaPopulation pointers
std::vector getPopulations();
\brief Get number of gaPopulations in gaRegion
\return number of gaPopulations in gaRegion
int getNumPopulations();
\brief Initialize gaRegion
void initialize();
\brief Form the next generation in the gaRegion
void nextGeneration();
// - get/set -//
\brief Set gaRegion id
\param id gaRegion id
void setId(int id);
\brief Get gaRegion id
\return gaRegion id
int getId();
\brief Set gaRegion name
\param name gaRegion name
void setName(std::string name);
\brief Get gaRegion name
\return gaRegion name
std::string getName();
\brief Get gaWorld which gaRegion is a member of
\return gaWorld pointer
gaWorld* getParent();
\brief Set Current energy value
\param d current fitness value
void setFitness(double d);
\brief Get Convergence data
\return convergence data
std::vector getFitness();
\brief Set min parameters
\param m min parameter
void setMinParameters(std::vector m);
\brief Get min parameter for certain gaGene bit
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\param pos bit index in gaGene
\return minimum value
double getMinParameter(const int& chr, const int& gen, const int& pos);
\brief Set max parameters
\param m max parameter
void setMaxParameters(std::vector m);
\brief Get max parameter for certain gaGene bit
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\param pos bit index in gaGene
\return maximum value
double getMaxParameter(const int& chr, const int& gen, const int& pos);
\brief Set step sizes
\param s step sizes
void setStepSizes(std::vector s);
\brief Get step size for certain gaGene bit
\param chr gaChromosome index in gaIndividual
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\param pos bit index in gaGene
\return minimum value
double getStepSize(const int& chr, const int& gen, const int& pos);
\brief Get max number of generations
\return maximum number of generations
int getMaxGens();
\brief Set the possible gene values (works for 1 chr per inds with, N genes in the chr)
\param gVs gene values
void setGeneValues(std::vector > gVs);
\brief Get possible values for gene (works for 1 chr per inds with, N genes in the chr)
\param gen gaGene index in gaChromosome
\return possible gene value
std::vector getGeneValues(const int& gen);
//! gaPopulation iterator
typedef std::vector::iterator populationIterator;
//! gaPopulation vector
std::vector itsPopulationList;
//! gaWorld pointer
gaWorld* pParent;
//! gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* pGaPopulation;
//! gaPopulation pointer
gaPopulation* pPreviousGaPop;
\brief gaOperator pointer
\sa gaOperator for more details
gaOperators* pGaOperators;
// - Options from Input file - //
//! Maximum number of gaIndividuals in gaRegion
int maxInds;
//! Random number generation seed
int seed;
//! Maximum number of generations to be carried out
int maxGens;
//! Elitism is carried out or not
int elitism;
\brief Parameter used in the selection of gaIndividuals
Should be between 0 and 1. The lower the number means that you are
more likely to pick a fitter gaIndividual.
\sa gaSelection gaGaussian
double selectionPressure;
//! Current gaPopulation index
int curPop;
//! Number of children allowed to be produced per pair of gaIndividual
int nChild;
//! Chromosome or Genes must differ by at least this value
double chreDiff;
//! Number of gaPopulation to be stored
int popKeep;
\brief Percentage of the current gaPopulation to be retained for the next generation
\sa gaOperator
double pKeep;
\brief Percentage of the next generation to be created by crossover
\sa gaOperator
double pCrossover;
\brief Percentage of the next generation to be created by mutation
\sa gaOperator
double pMutate;
\brief Percentage of the next generation to be created by averaging
\sa gaOperator
double pAverage;
\brief Selection method to be used
\sa gaSelection
std::string selection;
\brief Crossover method to be used
\sa gaCrossover
std::string crossover;
\brief Mutation method to be used
\sa gaMutate
std::string mutate;
\brief Averaging method to be used
\sa gaAverage
std::string average;
\brief Minimize or maximize the fitness function
std::string funcDir;
//! Maximum parameters
std::vector maxParameters;
//! Minimum parameters
std::vector minParameters;
//! Step sizes
std::vector stepSize;
//! possible gene values
std::vector > geneValues;
// - Options from world file - //
//! gaRegion name
std::string itsName;
//! gaRegion id
int itsId;
//! Convergence tracker of gaRegion
std::vector popConv;
} // MTKpp namespace
#endif // GAREGION_H