\file gaWorld.h
\brief Container for gaRegions
\author Martin Peters
This is the main class of the GA.
Container for gaRegions
$Date: 2010/03/29 20:24:52 $
$Revision: 1.9 $
MTK++ - C++ package of modeling libraries.
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
This file is part of MTK++.
MTK++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MTK++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lessser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef GAWORLD_H
#define GAWORLD_H
#include "Utils/constants.h"
namespace MTKpp
class gaRegion;
class gaOutput;
// ============================================================
// Class : gaWorld()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
\class gaWorld
\brief Container for gaRegions
\author Martin Peters
\version 0.1
\date 2005
// ============================================================
class gaWorld
friend class gaRegion;
friend class gaOutput;
\brief gaWorld Constructor
\param name gaWorld
gaWorld(std::string name = "world");
//! gaWorld Destructor
virtual ~gaWorld();
\brief Add gaRegion to the gaWorld
\return gaRegion pointer
gaRegion* addRegion();
\brief Delete gaRegion in the gaWorld
\param reg gaRegion to be deleted
void delRegion(gaRegion* reg);
\brief Get gaRegion in the gaWorld
\param n number of gaRegion, either id or index
\param id bool return by id
\param index bool return by index
\return gaRegion pointer
gaRegion* getRegion(int n,bool id, bool index);
\brief Get gaRegion in the gaWorld
\param name name of gaRegion
\return gaRegion pointer
gaRegion* getRegion(std::string name);
\brief Get gaRegions in the gaWorld
\return vector of gaRegion pointers
std::vector getRegions();
\brief Get number of gaRegions in the gaWorld
\return number of gaRegions
int getNumRegions();
\brief Set up gaWorld
\param chrPerInd number of gaChromosome per gaIndividual
\param genePerChr number of gaGenes per gaChromosomes
\param geneSizes size of each gaGene
\param outputFile Output File Name
\param restartFile Restart File Name
\param convergFile Convergence File Name
\param outputLevel Output verbosity control, levels include:
-# 1 (default)
-# 2
-# 3
void setup(const int& chrPerInd, std::vector genePerChr, std::vector geneSizes,
const std::string outputFile, const std::string restartFile, const std::string convergFile, const int outputLevel);
\brief Get gaOutput pointer
\return gaOutput pointer
gaOutput* getGaOutput();
\brief Initialize gaWorld
void initialize();
\brief Rank gaRegions
void rank();
// - GET / SET - //
\brief Set the gaWorld name
\param name gaWorld name
void setName(std::string name);
\brief Get the gaWorld name
\return gaWorld name
std::string getName();
\brief Get the number of gaChromosomes per gaIndividual
\return number of gaChromosomes per gaIndividual
int getChrPerInd();
\brief Set the number of gaGenes per gaChromosome
\param gPc number of gaGenes per gaChromosome
void setGenePerChr(std::vector gPc);
\brief Get the number of gaGenes per gaChromosome
\return number of gaGenes per gaChromosome
std::vector getGenePerChr();
\brief Set the gaGenes sizes
\param gS gaGene sizes
void setGeneSizes(std::vector gS);
\brief Get the gaGenes sizes
\return gaGene sizes
std::vector getGeneSizes();
\brief Get the output file name
\return output file name
std::string getOutputFileName();
\brief Get the restart file name
\return restart file name
std::string getRestartFileName();
\brief Get the convergence file name
\return convergence file name
std::string getConvergFileName();
\brief Get the level of output
\return level of output
int getLevelOfOutput();
\brief Set author
\param name Name and email address of author
example: "john doe (johndoe@ga.com)"
void setAuthor(std::string name);
\brief Get authors
\return vector of author names
std::vector getAuthors();
\brief Set status
\param status
-# 0 ok
-# 1 warnings
-# 2 error
void setStatus(int status);
\brief Get status
\return status
-# 0 ok
-# 1 warnings
-# 2 error
int getStatus();
//! gaRegion iterator
typedef std::vector::iterator regionIterator;
//! gaRegion vector
std::vector itsRegionList;
//! gaRegion pointer
gaRegion* pGaRegion;
//! gaOutput pointer
gaOutput* pGaOutput;
//! gaWorld name
std::string itsName;
//! number of gaChromosomes per gaIndividual
int chrPerInd;
//! number of gaGenes per gaChromosome
std::vector genePerChr;
//! gaGene sizes
std::vector geneSizes;
//! Output file name
std::string outputFile;
//! Restart file name
std::string restartFile;
//! Convergence file name
std::string convergFile;
//! Level of output to be produced
int levelOfOutput;
//! Energy function Authors
std::vector authors;
\brief Status of the program
-# 0 ok
-# 1 warnings
-# 2 error
int status;
//! Start time
time_t startTime;
//! End time
time_t endTime;
} // MTKpp namespace
#endif // GAWORLD_H