subroutine echo(sbr,sbrl,line,linel) c c echoing the command line c #include "UNITS.h" #include "DEBUG.h" character*80 prline character*(*) sbr character*(*) line integer sbrl,linel,istart,lpr1,lpr2,length c get subroutine name c prline(1:sbrl)=sbr(1:sbrl) prline(sbrl+1:sbrl+2)='> ' c insert the command line to the character if too long split c to several printout c istart=1 1 continue c length is how many characters still left c length=linel-istart+sbrl+3 c if length less than 80 print all of it and return c if ( then prline(sbrl+3:length)=line(istart:linel) write(*,'(A)')prline(1:length) return end if c if length larger than 80 need to split the line. c lpr1=istart+80-sbrl-3 lpr2=80 2 continue c since we dont want to break an expression, test that c we break the line at a space. otherwise print less.. c if (line(lpr1:lpr1).ne.' ') then lpr1=lpr1-1 lpr2=lpr2-1 go to 2 end if prline(sbrl+3:lpr2)=line(istart:lpr1) write(*,'(A)')prline(1:lpr2) istart=lpr1+1 go to 1 end