subroutine pick(ipick,ngrp,origpt) c c pick particles. On return ipick has integer values for all c the atoms which were selected. If the group keyword c was used ipick will have integer values from 1 up according c to the group found. If only one group exists ipick is set to c 1 for picked atoms. If no selection is made all particles are c picked. It is assumed that rline was called BEFORE pick c #include "SIZE.h" #include "TOP.h" #include "UNITS.h" #include "DEBUG.h" integer*2 ipick1(maxnatom) integer ngrp,ipick(*),origpt(*) logical find,nxt,first integer level,nptpick integer i,j,k c nptpick=natom c c initialize ipick to default value do 1 i=1,nptpick ipick(i) = 1 ipick1(i) = 0 1 continue c c chang for CARLOS LES c c ngrp = 0 c first = .true. if (.not.find('pick')) go to 6 c start loop on pick-up line c Go from left to right and pick up logical expressions 2 continue if (nxt('done',4)) go to 6 c .and.(&) or first if (nxt('&',1) .or.first) then first = .false. call pick2(ipick1,ngrp,origpt) do 3 i=1,nptpick if(ipick(i).gt.0 .and. ipick1(i).gt.0) then ipick(i)=ipick1(i) else ipick(i)=0 end if 3 continue go to 2 c .or.(|) else if (nxt('|',1)) then call pick2(ipick1,ngrp,origpt) do 4 i=1,nptpick if (ipick1(i).gt.0) ipick(i) = ipick1(i) 4 continue go to 2 c .not. (!=) else if (nxt('!=',2)) then call pick2(ipick1,ngrp,origpt) do 5 i=1,nptpick if (ipick1(i).gt.0) ipick(i) = 0 5 continue go to 2 end if level = 1 write(*,100) 100 format(1x,'Illegal logical pick syntax') 6 continue j = 0 do 7 i=1,nptpick if (ipick(i).ne.0) j = j + 1 7 continue return end c---------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pick2(ipick1,ngrp,origpt) c c pick atoms in a logical segment. I.e. expression enclosed c between & (.and.) or | (.or.) signs. c c we need origpt(i) ONLY when looking for atoms by number, and we want the c original number so user can pick by number even after some new atoms c have been defined c #include "SIZE.h" #include "TOP.h" #include "UNITS.h" #include "DEBUG.h" integer ngrp integer intgr,origpt(*) integer*2 ipick1(maxnatom) logical nxt integer level,i,j,k,i1,i2,i5 integer i3 logical empty character*4 char1 c initialize ipick1 do i=1,natom ipick1(i) = 0 end do c change for CARLOS LES c c check if groups exist c if (nxt('grou',4)) then c ngrp = ngrp + 1 c j = intgr() c else c ngrp = 1 c j = 1 c end if c c j is number of copies c j=ngrp c start processing if (nxt('#prt',4)) then i1 = intgr() i2 = intgr() do 3 i=i1,i2 c c change for CARLOS LES c do 300 i5=1,natom if (origpt(i5).eq.i) then ipick1(i5) = j endif 300 continue 3 continue c c carlos's add: side chain pick by mono # (all but c,o,n,h,ca,ha) c else if (nxt('#sid',4)) then i1 = intgr() i2 = intgr() c c CHANGE FOR CARLOS LES c if ( then i3=natom else i3 = ipres(i2+1)-1 end if do 4 i=ipres(i1),i3 if (igraph(i).ne.'C '.and.igraph(i).ne.'O '.and. & igraph(i).ne.'N '.and.igraph(i).ne.'HN '.and. & igraph(i).ne.'H '.and. & igraph(i).ne.'CA '.and.igraph(i).ne.'HA ') then ipick1(i) = j endif 4 continue c c pick by mono # c else if (nxt('#mon',4)) then i1 = intgr() i2 = intgr() c c CHANGE FOR CARLOS LES c if ( then i3=natom else i3 = ipres(i2+1)-1 end if do 144 i=ipres(i1),i3 ipick1(i) = j 144 continue c c carlos add: c pick mono by mono #, BUT PUT MONO CUT POINT AT CA-C (include CO of prev c mono, exclude CO of this mono) c else if (nxt('#cca',4)) then i1 = intgr() i2 = intgr() if ( then i3=natom else i3 = ipres(i2+1)-1 end if c c add prev mono CO if there is a prev mono c if (ipres(i1).ne.1) then do 104 i=ipres(i1-1),ipres(i1)-1 c c compare actual name of this atom c if (igraph(i).eq.'C '.or.igraph(i) & .eq.'O ') then ipick1(i) = j endif 104 continue endif c c add the mono c do 154 i=ipres(i1),i3 ipick1(i) = j 154 continue c c IMPORTANT!!!!! c remove the final mono's CO (unless it is the last mono) c but some judgement here is required by the user! c if ( then do 164 i=ipres(i2),i3 if (igraph(i).eq.'C '.or.igraph(i) & .eq.'O ') then ipick1(i) = 0 endif 164 continue endif c c chemical name picks c else if (nxt('chem',4)) then call get4c(char1,empty) if (empty) then level = 1 call alert('Illegal chem pickup',19) end if if (char1.eq.'prtc') then call get4c(char1,empty) if (empty) then level = 1 call alert('missing particle name',21) end if do 5 i=1,natom c c check name match as well as possible wildcards c if (igraph(i).eq.char1 .or. char1(1:1).eq.'*') ipick1(i) = j if (igraph(i)(1:1).eq.char1(1:1).and.char1(2:2).eq.'*') & ipick1(i) = j if (igraph(i)(1:2).eq.char1(1:2).and.char1(3:3).eq.'*') & ipick1(i) = j if (igraph(i)(1:3).eq.char1(1:3).and.char1(4:4).eq.'*') & ipick1(i) = j 5 continue else if (char1.eq.'mono') then call get4c(char1,empty) if (empty) then level = 1 call alert('Illegal chem pickup',19) end if if (char1(1:4).eq.'none') then level = 1 call alert('Illegal chem pickup',19) end if do 7 i=1,nres if ((labres(i).eq.char1 .or. char1(1:1).eq.'*').or. & (labres(i)(1:1).eq.char1(1:1).and.char1(2:2).eq.'*').or. & (labres(i)(1:2).eq.char1(1:2).and.char1(3:3).eq.'*').or. & (labres(i)(1:3).eq.char1(1:3).and.char1(4:4).eq.'*')) then c c CHANGE FOR CARLOS LES c if ( then i2 = natom else i2 = ipres(i+1)-1 end if do 6 k=ipres(i),i2 ipick1(k) = j 6 continue end if 7 continue end if end if return end