subroutine readprm(urprm) implicit none #include "SIZE.h" #include "TOP.h" #include "MISC.h" CHARACTER*80 FMT CHARACTER*80 FMTIN,IFMT,AFMT,RFMT,TYPE integer nf logical size_error integer IOK IFMT = '(12I6)' AFMT = '(20A4)' RFMT = '(5E16.8)' c nf = urprm FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'TITLE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) READ(NF,FMT) ITITL c c require that ADDLES uses new style prmtop files only c this is a good idea but also needed because c addles was converting old style prmtop to new ones c and old prmtops do not have RADII values. If it writes c a new style without radii, sander will have trouble c because it assumes that the radii are correct c if it is a new style prmtop c if( iok == -1 ) then write(0,*) 'ADDLES now requires a new-style prmtop file' write(6,*) 'ADDLES now requires a new-style prmtop file' stop end if c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'POINTERS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) natom,ntypes,nbonh,mbona,ntheth,mtheta, & nphih,mphia,nhparm,nparm,next,nres,nbona,ntheta,nphia,numbnd, & numang,nptra,natyp,nphb,ifpert,nbper,ngper,ndper,mbper,mgper, & mdper,ifbox,nmxrs,ifcap,numextra c c save orignal natom value natomo = natom c c check to make sure that nparm is zero- otherwise c either LES was already used for this topology or else c nparm is used- which it should not be. c if ( then write (6,*) 'ERROR! NPARM IS NOT 0 ',nparm stop endif c c check size before actually reading the values c call checksz( size_error ) if (size_error) then close (urprm) stop endif c c read atom names FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'ATOM_NAME' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (igraph(i),i=1,natom) c charges FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'CHARGE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (chrg(i),i=1,natom) c masses FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'MASS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (amass(i),i=1,natom) c perturbed masses (for TI, optional) FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'TI_MASS' c JVAN: IONERR=1 (3rd argument to NXTSEC below) guarantees c that TI_MASS section is optional. CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) if (IOK.EQ.0) then itimass=.TRUE. read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (timass(i),i=1,natom) else itimass=.FALSE. endif c L-J index FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'ATOM_TYPE_INDEX' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (iac(i),i=1,natom) c exclusions FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (numex(i),i=1,natom) c intermediate L-J index FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ico(i),i=1,ntypes*ntypes) c residue labels FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'RESIDUE_LABEL' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (labres(i),i=1,nres) c first atom in residue i FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'RESIDUE_POINTER' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ipres(i),i=1,nres) c bond force constants FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (rk(i),i=1,numbnd) c bond equ length FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'BOND_EQUIL_VALUE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (req(i),i=1,numbnd) c angle force constants FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (tk(i),i=1,numang) c angle equ value FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (teq(i),i=1,numang) c dihedral force constant FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (pk(i),i=1,nptra) c dihedral periodicity FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (pn(i),i=1,nptra) c dihedral phase FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'DIHEDRAL_PHASE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (phase(i),i=1,nptra) c solty unused FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'SOLTY' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (solty(i),i=1,natyp) c L-J r**12 terms FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (cn1(i),i=1,ntypes*(ntypes+1)/2) c L-J r**6 terms FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (cn2(i),i=1,ntypes*(ntypes+1)/2) c atoms numers and index for bonds to hydrogen FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ibh(i),jbh(i),icbh(i),i=1,nbonh) do 100 i=1,nbonh ibh(i)=ibh(i)/3+1 jbh(i)=jbh(i)/3+1 100 continue c atom numbers and index for bonds not to hydrogen FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'BONDS_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ib(i),jb(i),icb(i),i=1,nbona) do 110 i=1,nbona ib(i)=ib(i)/3+1 jb(i)=jb(i)/3+1 110 continue c angle info for hydrogens FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000)(ith(i),jth(i),kth(i),icth(i),i=1,ntheth) do 120 i=1,ntheth ith(i)=ith(i)/3+1 jth(i)=jth(i)/3+1 kth(i)=kth(i)/3+1 120 continue c angles FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'ANGLES_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (it(i),jt(i),kt(i),ict(i),i=1,ntheta) do 130 i=1,ntheta it(i)=it(i)/3+1 jt(i)=jt(i)/3+1 kt(i)=kt(i)/3+1 130 continue c c dihedrals with hydrogens c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (iph(i),jph(i),kph(i),lph(i),icph(i) & ,i=1,nphih) do 140 i=1,nphih c c save the negative info, it is for 1-4 and improper torsion flagging c but make the atom numbers positive for now, then make negative again c when finished c if (iph(i).lt.0) then iph(i)=abs(iph(i)) inegh(i)=-1 endif if (jph(i).lt.0) then jph(i)=abs(jph(i)) jnegh(i)=-1 endif if (kph(i).lt.0) then kph(i)=abs(kph(i)) knegh(i)=-1 endif if (lph(i).lt.0) then lph(i)=abs(lph(i)) lnegh(i)=-1 endif iph(i)=iph(i)/3+1 jph(i)=jph(i)/3+1 kph(i)=kph(i)/3+1 lph(i)=lph(i)/3+1 140 continue c c dihedrals c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'DIHEDRALS_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000)(ip(i),jp(i),kp(i),lp(i),icp(i), & i=1,nphia) do 150 i=1,nphia if (ip(i).lt.0) then ip(i)=abs(ip(i)) ineg(i)=-1 endif if (jp(i).lt.0) then jp(i)=abs(jp(i)) jneg(i)=-1 endif if (kp(i).lt.0) then kp(i)=abs(kp(i)) kneg(i)=-1 endif if (lp(i).lt.0) then lp(i)=abs(lp(i)) lneg(i)=-1 endif ip(i)=ip(i)/3+1 jp(i)=jp(i)/3+1 kp(i)=kp(i)/3+1 lp(i)=lp(i)/3+1 150 continue c c excluded atoms c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'EXCLUDED_ATOMS_LIST' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (natex(i),i=1,next) c c r**12 hbond term c FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'HBOND_ACOEF' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (asol(i),i=1,nphb) c c r**10 term c FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'HBOND_BCOEF' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (bsol(i),i=1,nphb) c c hbcut, not used c FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'HBCUT' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (hbcut(i),i=1,nphb) c c amber atom types c FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'AMBER_ATOM_TYPE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (isymbl(i),i=1,natom) c c tree info types c FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'TREE_CHAIN_CLASSIFICATION' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (itree(i),i=1,natom) c c tree joining info c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'JOIN_ARRAY' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (join(i),i=1,natom) c c last atom to move (not used) c FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'IROTAT' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (irotat(i),i=1,natom) c c born radii and screening factor c c SRB: these require a new-style prmtop file; c if an old-style prmtop or { a new-style prmtop and c the flag was not found }, ie, iok not equal to 0, c then do Not attempt the read since it will fail. FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'RADII' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) if( iok .eq. 0 ) then read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (rborn(i),i=1,natom) end if FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'SCREEN' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) if( iok .eq. 0 ) then read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (fs(i),i=1,natom) end if c c only if c if ( then FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'SOLVENT_POINTERS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) iptres, nspm,nspsol c c check array bound c if ( then write (6,*) 'Exceeded MAXNSPM' write (6,*) 'NSPM=',nspm write (6,*) 'MAXNSPM=',maxnspm stop endif FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (nsp(i),i=1,nspm) FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'BOX_DIMENSIONS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) beta,box(1),box(2),box(3) endif c c cap info c if ( then FMTIN = '(I6)' TYPE = 'CAP_INFO' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) natcap FMTIN = '(4E16.8)' TYPE = 'CAP_INFO2' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 0,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) cutcap, xcap, ycap, zcap endif c c pert info c if ( then FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_BOND_ATOMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ibper(i),jbper(i),i=1,nbper) do 2100 i=1,nbper ibper(i)=ibper(i)/3+1 jbper(i)=jbper(i)/3+1 2100 continue FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_BOND_PARAMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (icbper(i),i=1,2*nbper) C FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_ANGLE_ATOMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (itper(i),jtper(i),ktper(i), & i=1,ngper) do 2115 i=1,ngper itper(i)=itper(i)/3+1 jtper(i)=jtper(i)/3+1 ktper(i)=ktper(i)/3+1 2115 continue FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_ANGLE_PARAMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ictper(i),i=1,2*ngper) C FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_DIHEDRAL_ATOMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ipper(i),jpper(i),kpper(i), & lpper(i),i=1,ndper) do 2120 i=1,ndper if (ipper(i).lt.0) then ipper(i)=abs(ipper(i)) inegp(i)=-1 endif if (jpper(i).lt.0) then jpper(i)=abs(jpper(i)) jnegp(i)=-1 endif if (kpper(i).lt.0) then kpper(i)=abs(kpper(i)) knegp(i)=-1 endif if (lpper(i).lt.0) then lpper(i)=abs(lpper(i)) lnegp(i)=-1 endif ipper(i)=ipper(i)/3+1 jpper(i)=jpper(i)/3+1 kpper(i)=kpper(i)/3+1 lpper(i)=lpper(i)/3+1 2120 continue FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_DIHEDRAL_PARAMS' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (icpper(i),i=1,2*ndper) C FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'PERT_RESIDUE_NAME' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (labres(i),i=1,nres) FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'PERT_ATOM_NAME' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (igrper(i),i=1,natom) FMTIN = AFMT TYPE = 'PERT_ATOM_SYMBOL' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (ismper(i),i=1,natom) FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'ALMPER' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (almper(i),i=1,natom) FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'IAPER' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (iaper(i),i=1,natom) FMTIN = IFMT TYPE = 'PERT_ATOM_TYPE_INDEX' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (iacper(i),i=1,natom) FMTIN = RFMT TYPE = 'PERT_CHARGE' CALL NXTSEC(NF, 6, 1,FMTIN, TYPE, FMT, IOK) read (urprm,fmt,err=1000) (cgper(i),i=1,natom) endif if (ipol.eq.1) then write (6,*) 'ipol=1 not supported' stop c read (urprm,30,err=1000) (atpol(i),i=1,natom) endif if (ipol.eq.1.and.ifpert.eq.1) then write (6,*) 'ipol=1 not supported' stop c read (urprm,30,err=1000) (atpol1(i),i=1,natom) endif c c check array sizes in this initial topology file c call checksz( size_error ) if (size_error) then close (urprm) stop endif return c 1000 write (6,*) 'problem reading parameter file' stop end