#include #include #include #include #include enum _parseOperators { PARSE_NOOP, PARSE_CONTINUATION, PARSE_ATOM, PARSE_RESIDUE }; typedef struct _parseEntry { char *token; int operator; int isnumber; } parseEntry; #define NAME_SIZE 5 #define NAME_DEFAULT " " typedef char Name[NAME_SIZE]; typedef struct _stackType { void *entry; struct _stackType *next; } stackType; typedef void (*fxnPrintStackEntry) (void *); #ifndef skipWhitespace #define skipWhitespace( xxx ) \ while( ((xxx[0] == '\n') || isspace(xxx[0])) && strlen(xxx) ) xxx++; #endif void *safe_malloc(int size) { void *mem; if (size) { if ((mem = (void *) malloc((size_t) size)) == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "safe_malloc: Error in alloc of %i bytes", size); } else mem = NULL; return (mem); } parseEntry *parseToken(char **textp, int operator) { char *text; int i, j; parseEntry *p; text = *textp; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (text[i] == (char) 0 || text[i] == ',' || text[i] == ':' || text[i] == '@' || (i > 0 && text[i] == '-' && !isalpha(text[i - 1])) || isspace(text[i])) break; } p = (parseEntry *) safe_malloc(sizeof(parseEntry)); p->isnumber = 0; if (i > 0) p->token = (char *) safe_malloc(sizeof(char) * (i + 1)); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { p->token[j] = text[j]; } p->token[i] = (char) 0; p->operator = PARSE_NOOP; switch (text[i]) { case '-': p->operator = PARSE_CONTINUATION; case ',': text++; } if (isdigit(p->token[0])) { p->isnumber = 1; for (j = 1; j < i; j++) { if (isdigit(p->token[j]) == 0) { p->isnumber = 0; } } } text = text + i; skipWhitespace(text); /* * extra special check to handle extra spacing between continuation * operators */ if (text[0] == '-') { p->operator = PARSE_CONTINUATION; text += 1; skipWhitespace(text); } else if (text[0] == ',') { text += 1; skipWhitespace(text); } *textp = text; return (p); } int isMatch(char *s1, char *s2) { int i; /* * straight match */ if (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0) return 1; /* * fuzzy match: NOTE this will break if s1 > s2 */ if (strchr(s1, '?') != NULL || strchr(s1, '*') != NULL) { /* * look over the minimal map between the two strings */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(s1) && i < strlen(s2); i++) { if (s1[i] != s2[i]) { switch (s1[i]) { case '*': /* wild card, multiple characters */ return 1; case '?': /* wild card, single character */ if (isspace(s2[i])) return 0; break; default: /* mismatch */ return 0; } } } return 1; } return 0; } void safe_free(void *pointer) { if (pointer != NULL) free(pointer); } void pushStack(stackType ** stackp, void *entry) { stackType *sp; sp = safe_malloc(sizeof(stackType)); sp->entry = entry; sp->next = *stackp; *stackp = sp; } void pushBottomStack(stackType ** stackp, void *entry) { stackType *sp; if (*stackp == NULL) pushStack(stackp, entry); else { sp = *stackp; while (sp->next != NULL) sp = sp->next; sp->next = safe_malloc(sizeof(stackType)); sp->next->entry = entry; sp->next->next = NULL; } } void *popStack(stackType ** stackp) { void *entry; stackType *sp; if (*stackp == NULL) { return ((char *) NULL); } sp = *stackp; entry = sp->entry; *stackp = sp->next; sp->next = NULL; free(sp); return (entry); } void clearStack(stackType ** stackp) { stackType *sp, *tmp; if (stackp == NULL) { return; } tmp = NULL; for (sp = *stackp; sp != NULL;) { if (tmp != NULL) safe_free((void *) tmp); safe_free((void *) sp->entry); sp->entry = NULL; tmp = sp; sp = sp->next; } *stackp = NULL; } void printStack(stackType ** stackp, fxnPrintStackEntry fxn, char *babble) { stackType *p; int i; for (p = *stackp, i = 1; p != NULL; p = p->next, i++) { if (babble != NULL) fprintf(stdout, "%s (%i)\n", babble, i); fxn(p->entry); } } int *processAtomMaskDetailed(char *maskString, int atoms, int residues, Name * atomName, Name * residueName, int *ipres) { int actualAtoms; int not = 0; char *maskp; char *tmp; int *residueMask; int residueMaskActive = 0; int *atomMask; int atomMaskActive = 0; int res1, res2; int atom1, atom2; int continuation = 0; int i, j; stackType *residueStack = NULL; stackType *atomStack = NULL; parseEntry *pp; Name name; maskp = maskString; skipWhitespace(maskp); /* * allocate mask strings */ atomMask = (int *) safe_malloc(sizeof(int) * atoms); residueMask = (int *) safe_malloc(sizeof(int) * residues); memset(atomMask, 0, sizeof(int) * atoms); memset(residueMask, 0, sizeof(int) * residues); /* * special case, choose ALL atoms */ if (maskp[0] == (char) 0 || maskp[0] == '*') { for (i = 0; i < atoms; i++) atomMask[i] = 1; goto clean_return; } /* * get rid of all NOT characters "~"; only one is significant * and set NOT status if one is found... */ while ((tmp = strchr(maskString, '~')) != NULL) { not = 1; tmp[0] = ' '; } /* * check for error */ if (strchr(maskp, ':') == NULL && strchr(maskp, '@') == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Error in mask string, no \"@\" or \":\" present (%s)\n", maskString); safe_free(atomMask); safe_free(residueMask); return NULL; } /* * do the main "parsing" */ skipWhitespace(maskp); while (maskp[0] != (char) 0) { if (maskp[0] == ':') { maskp++; for (;;) { skipWhitespace(maskp); pp = parseToken(&maskp, PARSE_RESIDUE); pushBottomStack(&residueStack, (void *) pp); if (maskp[0] == (char) 0 || maskp[0] == '@' || maskp[0] == ':') break; } } if (maskp[0] == '@') { maskp++; for (;;) { skipWhitespace(maskp); pp = parseToken(&maskp, PARSE_ATOM); pushBottomStack(&atomStack, (void *) pp); if (maskp[0] == (char) 0 || maskp[0] == ':') break; if (maskp[0] == '@') maskp++; } } /* * now process the atomStack and residueStack */ if (not) { for (i = 0; i < atoms; i++) atomMask[i] = 1; for (i = 0; i < residues; i++) residueMask[i] = 1; } while (residueStack != NULL) { if (continuation) { res1 = res2; res2 = -1; } pp = (parseEntry *) popStack(&residueStack); if (pp->isnumber) { if (sscanf(pp->token, "%i", &res2) != 1) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: error parsing atom mask\n"); safe_free(atomMask); safe_free(residueMask); return NULL; } res2--; if (continuation) { continuation = 0; if (res1 < 0) res1 = 0; if (res2 >= residues) res2 = residues - 1; if (res2 < res1) res2 = res1; for (i = res1; i <= res2; i++) { residueMask[i] = (not ? 0 : 1); residueMaskActive = 1; } } else { residueMask[res2] = (not ? 0 : 1); residueMaskActive = 1; } if (pp->operator == PARSE_CONTINUATION) continuation = 1; } else { continuation = 0; strcpy(name, " "); for (i = 0; i < strlen(pp->token) && i < NAME_SIZE; i++) { name[i] = pp->token[i]; } name[NAME_SIZE - 1] = (char) 0; for (i = 0; i < residues; i++) if (isMatch(name, residueName[i])) { residueMask[i] = (not ? 0 : 1); residueMaskActive = 1; } } safe_free(pp->token); pp->token = NULL; safe_free(pp); } while (atomStack != NULL) { if (continuation) { atom1 = atom2; atom2 = -1; } pp = (parseEntry *) popStack(&atomStack); if (pp->isnumber) { if (sscanf(pp->token, "%i", &atom2) != 1) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: error parsing atom mask\n"); safe_free(atomMask); safe_free(residueMask); return NULL; } atom2--; if (continuation) { continuation = 0; if (atom1 < 0) atom1 = 0; if (atom2 > atoms) atom2 = atoms; if (atom2 < atom1) atom2 = atom1; for (i = atom1; i < atom2; i++) { atomMask[i] = (not ? 0 : 1); atomMaskActive = 1; } } else { atomMask[atom2] = (not ? 0 : 1); atomMaskActive = 1; } if (pp->operator == PARSE_CONTINUATION) continuation = 1; } else { continuation = 0; strcpy(name, " "); for (i = 0; i < strlen(pp->token) && i < NAME_SIZE; i++) { name[i] = pp->token[i]; } name[NAME_SIZE - 1] = (char) 0; for (i = 0; i < atoms; i++) if (isMatch(name, atomName[i])) { atomMask[i] = (not ? 0 : 1); atomMaskActive = 1; } } safe_free(pp->token); pp->token = NULL; safe_free(pp); } if (atomMaskActive && residueMaskActive) { for (i = 0; i < residues; i++) { if (residueMask[i] == 0) { for (j = ipres[i] - 1; j < ipres[i + 1] - 1; j++) { atomMask[j] = 0; } } } } else if (residueMaskActive) { for (i = 0; i < residues; i++) { for (j = ipres[i] - 1; j < ipres[i + 1] - 1; j++) { if (residueMask[i]) atomMask[j] = 1; else if (not) atomMask[j] = 0; } } } atomMaskActive = 0; residueMaskActive = 0; } clean_return: actualAtoms = 0; for (i = 0; i < atoms; i++) if (atomMask[i]) actualAtoms++; if (tmp = strchr(maskString, '\n')) tmp[0] = (char) 0; /* ---no printout inside these routines any more! */ if (actualAtoms > 0) { /* fprintf(stdout, "Mask %s%s] represents %i atoms\n", (not ? "[~" : "["), maskString, actualAtoms); */ } else { /* fprintf(stdout, "Mask %s%s] represents %i atoms ", (not ? "[~" : "["), maskString, actualAtoms); fprintf(stdout, "!!!NO ATOMS DETECTED!!!\n"); */ safe_free(atomMask); atomMask = NULL; } safe_free(residueMask); return (atomMask); } /* Fortran-callable wrapper, for use for calling from sander */ #ifdef CLINK_CAPS # define parsemask_ PARSEMASK #endif #ifdef CLINK_PLAIN # define parsemask_ parsemask #endif void parsemask_(char *maskString, int *atoms, int *residues, char *atomName, char *residueName, int *ipres, int *mask, int *natc) { int i, j, Natoms, Nresidues; int *atomMask; Name *paddedAtoms, *paddedResidues; Natoms = *atoms; paddedAtoms = (Name *) safe_malloc(sizeof(Name) * Natoms); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < Natoms; i++) { strcpy(paddedAtoms[i], " \0"); strncpy(paddedAtoms[i], atomName + j, 4); j += 4; } Nresidues = *residues; paddedResidues = (Name *) safe_malloc(sizeof(Name) * Nresidues); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < Nresidues; i++) { strcpy(paddedResidues[i], " \0"); strncpy(paddedResidues[i], residueName + j, 4); j += 4; } atomMask = processAtomMaskDetailed(maskString, Natoms, Nresidues, paddedAtoms, paddedResidues, ipres); if (!atomMask) { *natc = 0; for (i = 0; i < Natoms; i++) { mask[i] = 0; } } else { *natc = 0; for (i = 0; i < Natoms; i++) { mask[i] = atomMask[i]; *natc += mask[i]; } } safe_free(atomMask); safe_free(paddedAtoms); safe_free(paddedResidues); }