!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of program lmanal here] program lmanal ! Program to compute correlation functions from langevin ! modes. ! j. kottalam 22 Nov 88 ! Modified to accept perturbation input from gas-phase ! modes. ! d.a.case Oct 89 parameter (ma=500) parameter (mvect=1000) ! ----- MA is the maximum number of atoms ! ----- MVECT is maximum eigenvectors implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) logical bose # include "files.h" dimension wr(6*ma), wi(6*ma), el(3*ma,mvect), x(3*ma), & iclass(6*ma) namelist /data/ kup, lup, nvect, ntrun, tf, np, bose call lmfil call amopen (5, lmdin, 'O', 'F', 'R') call amopen (6, lmdout, owrite, 'F', 'W') write(6,*) write(6,'(a)') & '*****************************************************' write(6,'(a)') & ' AMBER 4.1, Langevin mode analysis' write(6,'(a)') & '*****************************************************' inml = 0 10 kup = 1 lup = 2 nvect = 24 ntrun = 1 tf = 2.0 np = 1000 bose = .false. inml = inml + 1 #ifdef NMLEQ read (5,nml=data,end=99) #else read (5,data,end=99) #endif write(6,*) write(6,'(a14,2i5)') 'ntrun, nvect: ',ntrun,nvect write(6,'(a19,3i5,f10.3)') 'kup, lup, np, tf: ',kup,lup,np,tf if (bose) then write(6,'(a,f10.3)') 'bose: ', 1.0 else write(6,'(a,f10.3)') 'bose: ', 0.0 end if write(6,*) mn = 3*ma if (ntrun <= 3) then ! ----- read minimized structure from file inpcrd call getref (natom, 1, x) if (natom > ma) then write (6,*) ' lmanal: Arrays not dimensioned to handle', & natom, ' atoms' call mexit(6, 1) end if if (nvect > mvect) then write (6,*) ' lmanal: Arrays not dimensioned to handle', & nvect, ' eigen vectors' call mexit(6, 1) end if nat6 = 6*natom nat3 = 3*natom write(6,'(a,a)') & ' Correlation functions will goto file: ',plot write(6,*) call corfl (nat3, nat6, nvect, wr, wi, el, iclass, & kup, lup, ntrun, tf, np, x, bose) else if (ntrun >= 4) then call distr (mn, nat6, wr, wi, ntrun) end if goto 10 99 call mexit(0, 0) end program lmanal