! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ compute penalty function for residual dipolar couplings subroutine align1( natom, x, f, amass ) use file_io_dat implicit none integer natom _REAL_ x(*),f(*),amass(*) # include "nmr.h" # include "extra.h" character(len=1) uplo,jobz _REAL_ com(3) _REAL_ work(27), vect_al(3,3), root(3), almat(6) integer ipear, iof, i, idip, j, iset, ii _REAL_ dx, dy, dz, dr _REAL_ csx, csy, csz _REAL_ csx2, csy2, csz2 _REAL_ djcst, dcalc _REAL_ ealigni _REAL_ temp1, temp2 _REAL_ fx, fy, fz _REAL_ dtarget integer ier _REAL_ tmass _REAL_ rootsum _REAL_ axlen data uplo,jobz / 'U','V' / ipear = 0 if (master .and. iprint /= 0) then rewind (57) write(57,9032) write(57,9031) write(57,9032) end if 9031 format( & ' First atom Last atom curr. value target', & ' deviation penalty distance') 9032 format(' ',78('-')) iof = 0 do i=1,num_datasets s11(i) = x(3*natom + iof + 1) s12(i) = x(3*natom + iof + 2) s22(i) = x(3*natom + iof + 3) s13(i) = x(3*natom + iof + 4) s23(i) = x(3*natom + iof + 5) s33(i) = -s11(i) - s22(i) iof = iof + 5 end do ! Loop over obvserved dipolar couplings: do idip=1,ndip i = id(idip) j = jd(idip) iset = dataset(idip) iof = 5*(iset-1) !======================================================================== ! DJcst == -10**(-5)*gammai*gammaj*h/(2*pi*pi*r**3), in Hz ! = -0.077004 * gi * gj / r**3, with r in Ang. ! Here, "gamma" is the nuclear gyromagneto ratio, and "g" ! is the nuclear "g" value (dimensionless). The connection ! is gamma = g * betaN / hbar, where "betaN" is the "nuclear ! Bohr magneton" and hbar is Planck's constant/2*pi. ! Some values: g( 1H) = 5.5856 ! g(13C) = 1.4048 ! g(15N) =-0.5663 note: negative! ! g(31P) = 2.2632 ! Examples: ! DJcst= 0.2295 for N-H with rNH=1.02 A ! DJcst= 0.2165 for N-H with rNH=1.04 A ! DJcst= -0.4797 for C-H with rCH=1.08 A ! DJcst= -0.4666 for C-H with rCH=1.09 A ! In earlier versions, DJcst was directly entered, assuming that ! the distance was constant. Now we enter the product of the ! nuclear g-factors as gigj(idip) and the distance in Angstroms as ! dij(idip). This allows us to also include gradients with respect ! to the interatomic distance. If the value entered for dij is zero, ! then the actual distance is used, and derivatives with respect to ! this distance are included in the refinement. ! The anisotropy of the alignment tensor is defined by ! S11, S22, S33, S12, S23, S13, in the coordinate ! system X={1,0,0}, Y={0,1,0}, Z={0,0,1} ! In order to have the order of magnitude of the S values be ! commensurate with coordinates, we will mutliply them by 10**5. ! dcalc: calculated resudual D-D splitting for i-j spin pair. ! dobsu: upper bound for the observed resudual D-D splitting for ! i-j spin pair; if calc. value is larger than this, a ! penalty will be imposed ! dobsl: lower bound for the observed resudual D-D splitting for ! i-j spin pair; if calc. value is smaller than this, a ! penalty will be imposed ! (No penalty if dobsl < dobs < dobsu). ! ealign: Resudual D-D splitting restrant energy term is ! EJ=dwt*(DJ-OJ)**2 !======================================================================== dx = x(3*i-2)-x(3*j-2) dy = x(3*i-1)-x(3*j-1) dz = x(3*i )-x(3*j ) dr = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2) csx = dx/dr csy = dy/dr csz = dz/dr csx2 = csx*csx csy2 = csy*csy csz2 = csz*csz if( dij(idip) == 0.d0 ) then djcst = -0.077004d0 * gigj(idip) / (dr*dr*dr) else djcst = -0.077004d0 * gigj(idip) / dij(idip)**3 end if dcalc = djcst*( s11(iset)*csx2 + & s22(iset)*csy2 + & s33(iset)*csz2 + & 2.d0*s12(iset)*csx*csy + & 2.d0*s13(iset)*csx*csz + & 2.d0*s23(iset)*csy*csz ) !write(6,*) 'details: ', i,j !write(6,*) csx,csy,csz,djcst,dcalc if( dcalc > dobsu(idip) ) then ealigni = dwt(idip)*(dcalc - dobsu(idip))**2 else if( dcalc < dobsl(idip) ) then ealigni = dwt(idip)*(dcalc - dobsl(idip))**2 else ealigni = 0.d0 end if ealign = ealign + ealigni !--- Derivatives with respect to Sij, assuming dij is fixed: if( dcalc > dobsu(idip) ) then temp1=2.0*dwt(idip)*(dcalc-dobsu(idip))*djcst else if( dcalc < dobsl(idip) ) then temp1=2.0*dwt(idip)*(dcalc-dobsl(idip))*djcst else temp1 = 0.d0 end if if( ifreezes .eq. 0 ) then f(3*natom+iof+1) = f(3*natom+iof+1) - temp1*(csx2 - csz2) f(3*natom+iof+3) = f(3*natom+iof+3) - temp1*(csy2 - csz2) f(3*natom+iof+2) = f(3*natom+iof+2) - 2.d0*temp1*csx*csy f(3*natom+iof+4) = f(3*natom+iof+4) - 2.d0*temp1*csx*csz f(3*natom+iof+5) = f(3*natom+iof+5) - 2.d0*temp1*csy*csz end if !--- Derivatives with respect to x,y,z temp2 = -2.d0*temp1/dr fx = temp2*( s11(iset)*csx*(csx2 - 1.d0) & + s22(iset)*csy2*csx & + s33(iset)*csz2*csx & + s12(iset)*csy*(2.d0*csx2 - 1.d0) & + s13(iset)*csz*(2.d0*csx2 - 1.d0) & + s23(iset)*2.d0*csx*csy*csz ) fy = temp2*( s11(iset)*csx2*csy & + s22(iset)*csy*(csy2 - 1.d0) & + s33(iset)*csz2*csy & + s12(iset)*csx*(2.d0*csy2 - 1.d0) & + s13(iset)*2.d0*csx*csy*csz & + s23(iset)*csz*(2.d0*csy2 - 1.d0) ) fz = temp2*( s11(iset)*csx2*csz & + s22(iset)*csy2*csz & + s33(iset)*csz*(csz2 - 1.d0) & + s12(iset)*2.d0*csx*csy*csz & + s13(iset)*csx*(2.d0*csz2 - 1.d0) & + s23(iset)*csy*(2.d0*csz2 - 1.d0) ) !--- Now, if desired, we need to add in the derivatives with respect ! to the (1/r**3) part of the dipolar coupling formula: if( dij(idip) == 0.d0 ) then if( dcalc > dobsu(idip) ) then temp1=2.0*dwt(idip)*(dcalc-dobsu(idip))*dcalc else if( dcalc < dobsl(idip) ) then temp1=2.0*dwt(idip)*(dcalc-dobsl(idip))*dcalc else temp1 = 0.d0 end if temp2 = -3.d0*temp1/(dr*dr) fx = fx + temp2*dx fy = fy + temp2*dy fz = fz + temp2*dz end if #if 0 write(6,*) 'align forces: ', i,j write(6,'(3e20.10)') fx,fy,fz #endif f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) - fx f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) - fy f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) - fz f(3*j-2) = f(3*j-2) + fx f(3*j-1) = f(3*j-1) + fy f(3*j ) = f(3*j ) + fz if ( master .and. iprint /= 0 ) then if ( ealigni > dcut ) then dtarget = 0.5d0*(dobsu(idip)+dobsl(idip)) if( dij(idip) == 0.d0 ) then write(57,9073) resat(i)(1:13),resat(j)(1:13), & dcalc,dtarget,dcalc-dtarget,ealigni,dr else write(57,9073) resat(i)(1:13),resat(j)(1:13), & dcalc,dtarget,dcalc-dtarget,ealigni,dij(idip) end if end if end if 9073 format(' ',a13,' -- ',a13,':',5f9.3) end do ! idip=1,ndip ! ---printing of results: if (master .and. iprint /= 0) then write(57,44) ealign 44 format(40x,'Total align constraint:',f8.2) ! ---diagonalize the alignment tensor: do iset=1,num_datasets almat(1) = s11(iset) almat(2) = s12(iset) almat(3) = s22(iset) almat(4) = s13(iset) almat(5) = s23(iset) almat(6) = s33(iset) call D_OR_S()spev(jobz,uplo,3,almat,root,vect_al,3,work,ier) write(57,*) 'Diagonalize the alignment matrix:' do i=1,3 write(57,'(f15.5,5x,3f12.5)') root(i), (vect_al(j,i),j=1,3) end do end do ! ---diagonalize the moment of inertia tensor: com(1) = 0.0d0 com(2) = 0.0d0 com(3) = 0.0d0 tmass = 0.0d0 do i=1,natom com(1) = com(1) + x(3*i -2)*amass(i) com(2) = com(2) + x(3*i -1)*amass(i) com(3) = com(3) + x(3*i )*amass(i) tmass = tmass + amass(i) end do com(1) = com(1)/tmass com(2) = com(2)/tmass com(3) = com(3)/tmass do i=1,6 almat(i) = 0.0d0 end do do i=1,natom dx = x(3*i-2) - com(1) dy = x(3*i-1) - com(2) dz = x(3*i ) - com(3) almat(1) = almat(1) + amass(i)*(dy*dy + dz*dz) almat(2) = almat(2) - amass(i)*dx*dy almat(3) = almat(3) + amass(i)*(dx*dx + dz*dz) almat(4) = almat(4) - amass(i)*dx*dz almat(5) = almat(5) - amass(i)*dy*dz almat(6) = almat(6) + amass(i)*(dx*dx + dy*dy) end do call D_OR_S()spev(jobz,uplo,3,almat,root,vect_al,3,work,ier) rootsum = root(1) + root(2) + root(3) write(57,*) 'Diagonalize the moment of interia tensor:' do i=1,3 axlen = sqrt(2.5d0*(rootsum - 2.d0*root(i))/tmass) write(57,'(f15.5,5x,3f12.5,5x,f12.5)') & root(i), (vect_al(j,i),j=1,3), axlen end do end if ! (master .and. iprint /= 0) return end subroutine align1 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine alignread here] subroutine alignread(natom,x) use file_io_dat implicit none integer natom _REAL_ x(*) # include "nmr.h" # include "md.h" character(len=80) line logical freezemol,freezes integer ierr, iin, ifind, i, iof namelist /align/ ndip, id, jd, dobsu, dobsl, dataset, & num_datasets, s11,s22,s12,s13,s23,dcut,gigj,dij,dwt, & freezemol,freezes ! If restraint input has been redirected, open the appropriate file call amopen(37,redir(8)(1:iredir(8)),'O','F','R') iin = 37 write(6,10) redir(8)(1:iredir(8)) 10 format(' Alignment info will be read from file: ',a) ! --- read and echo title from alignment file: write(6,*) 'Here are comments from the alignment input file:' 42 read(iin,'(a)') line if (line(1:1) == '#') then write(6,*) line goto 42 end if backspace (iin) write(6,*) ! read the namelist align, first setting up defaults: dcut = 0.1 num_datasets = 1 freezemol = .false. freezes = .false. do i=1,maxdip dwt(i) = 1.0d0 dataset(i) = 1 dij(i) = 0.d0 dobsu(i) = 0.d0 dobsl(i) = 0.d0 end do read(iin,nml=align,err=30) goto 40 30 write(6,*) 'namelist reports error reading &align' call mexit(6,1) 40 continue if( ndip > maxdip) then write(6,*) 'ndip is too big: ',ndip,maxdip call mexit(6,1) end if ifreeze = 0 if( freezemol ) ifreeze = 1 ifreezes = 0 if( freezes ) ifreezes = 1 iof = 0 do i=1,num_datasets x(3*natom + iof + 1) = s11(i) x(3*natom + iof + 2) = s12(i) x(3*natom + iof + 3) = s22(i) x(3*natom + iof + 4) = s13(i) x(3*natom + iof + 5) = s23(i) iof = iof + 5 end do iscale = 5*num_datasets return end subroutine alignread