#include "../include/dprec.fh" #include "../include/assert.fh" !------------------------------------------------------------ module amoeba_runmd implicit none private integer, save :: do_flag _REAL_,save, allocatable :: acceleration(:,:),old_acceleration(:,:), & old_crd(:,:) _REAL_,parameter :: kcal_to_gm_x_Ang2_per_ps2 = 4.184d+2 _REAL_,parameter :: ideal_gas_const_kcal_per_mol_K = 1.9872065d-3 _REAL_, parameter :: sander_to_tinker_time_convert = 20.455d0 _REAL_, parameter :: tinker_to_sander_time_convert = 1.d0 / 20.455d0 public AM_RUNMD_get_coords,AM_RUNMD_init,AM_RUNMD,AM_RUNMD_scale_cell, & AM_RUNMD_get_ucell_info contains !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_init(natom) use amoeba_mdin, only : beeman_integrator integer,intent(in) :: natom integer :: ier if ( beeman_integrator == 1 )then allocate(acceleration(3,natom),stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate(old_acceleration(3,natom),stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate(old_crd(3,natom),stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) endif end subroutine AM_RUNMD_init !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_get_coords(natom,tt,irest,ntb,crd,vel) use amoeba_mdin, only : beeman_integrator,am_nbead use nblist, only: a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma use file_io_dat integer,intent(in) :: natom,irest,ntb _REAL_,intent(out) :: tt,crd(3,*),vel(3,*) ! (DAC note: this routine is only called once we have determined that we ! are reading a "new-style" coordinate file. Therefore, earlier checks ! on the value of "iok" can be (and have been) removed.) integer dim1,num_list,j,k,nf,ibead integer :: iok,ionerr character(len=80) :: fmt,fmtin,dtype ! open inpcrd file nf = 9 !auto assigned at some point?? call amopen(nf,inpcrd,'O','F','R') call nxtsec_crd_reset() fmtin = '(E16.8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_COORDS_SIMULATION_TIME' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing ---should be there call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)tt fmtin = '(I8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_COORDS_NUM_LIST' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing ---should be there call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)num_list if ( num_list == natom*am_nbead )then dim1 = 3 ionerr = 0 !fatal if missing fmtin = '(5E16.8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_COORDS_LIST' call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)((crd(j,k),j=1,dim1),k=1,num_list) else if( num_list == natom ) then dim1 = 3 ionerr = 0 !fatal if missing fmtin = '(5E16.8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_COORDS_LIST' call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)((crd(j,k),j=1,dim1),k=1,num_list) do ibead=1,am_nbead-1 crd(1:3,ibead*natom+1:ibead*natom+natom)=crd(1:3,1:natom) end do else write(6,*)'AMOEBA_get_coords: wrong number of atomic coords' call mexit(6,1) endif if ( irest /= 0 )then !look for velocities fmtin = '(I8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_VELOCITIES_NUM_LIST' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing ---should be there call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)num_list if ( num_list /= natom )then write(6,*)'AMOEBA_get_coords: wrong number of atomic velocities' call mexit(6,1) endif dim1 = 3 ionerr = 0 !fatal if missing fmtin = '(5E16.8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_VELOCITIES_LIST' call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)((vel(j,k),j=1,dim1),k=1,num_list) do k = 1,num_list do j = 1,3 vel(j,k) = sander_to_tinker_time_convert*vel(j,k) enddo enddo endif ! irest /= 0 if ( irest /= 0 .and. beeman_integrator == 1 )then !find accel, old_accel ! first the accelerations fmtin = '(I8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_NUM_LIST' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing ---should be there call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)num_list if ( num_list /= natom )then write(6,*)'AMOEBA_get_coords: wrong number of atomic accelerations' call mexit(6,1) endif dim1 = 3 ionerr = 0 !fatal if missing fmtin = '(5E16.8)' dtype = 'ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_LIST' call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)((acceleration(j,k),j=1,dim1),k=1,num_list) do k = 1,num_list do j = 1,3 acceleration(j,k) = sander_to_tinker_time_convert**2* & acceleration(j,k) enddo enddo ! next the old accelerations fmtin = '(I8)' dtype = 'OLD_ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_NUM_LIST' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing ---should be there call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)num_list if ( num_list /= natom )then write(6,*)'AMOEBA_get_coords: ', & 'wrong number of old atomic accelerations' call mexit(6,1) endif dim1 = 3 ionerr = 0 !fatal if missing fmtin = '(5E16.8)' dtype = 'OLD_ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_LIST' call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) read(nf,fmt)((old_acceleration(j,k),j=1,dim1),k=1,num_list) do k = 1,num_list do j = 1,3 old_acceleration(j,k) = sander_to_tinker_time_convert**2* & old_acceleration(j,k) enddo enddo endif ! irest /= 0 .and. beeman_integrator == 1 fmtin = '(3e16.8)' dtype = 'UNIT_CELL_PARAMETERS' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) if ( ntb > 0 )then read(nf,fmt)a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma call fill_ucell(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) write(6,9129)a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma endif call nxtsec_crd_reset() close(nf) 9129 format(t2,'NEW EWALD BOX PARAMETERS from inpcrd file:', & /5x,'A =',f10.5,' B =',f10.5,' C =',f10.5,/, & /5x,'ALPHA =',f10.5,' BETA =',f10.5,' GAMMA =',f10.5,/) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_get_coords !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_write_restrt(natom,t,title,restrt,crd,vel,owrite) use nblist, only: a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma integer, intent(in) :: natom _REAL_,intent(in) :: t character(len=*),intent(in) :: title,restrt character, intent(in) :: owrite _REAL_,intent(in) :: crd(3,*),vel(3,*) logical first save first data first/.true./ integer :: values(8),nf,j,n character(len=12) :: date,time,zone character(len=8)word,word1 character(len=16)word2 nf = 16 if( first ) then call amopen(nf,restrt,owrite,'F','W') first = .false. else call amopen(nf,restrt,'O','F','W') end if call date_and_time(date,time,zone,values) write(nf,'(a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2)') & '%VERSION VERSION_STAMP = V0001.000 DATE = ', & values(2),'/',values(3),'/',values(1)-2000, & ' ',values(5),':',values(6),':',values(7) write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG TITLE' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(a)' write(nf,'(a)')title(1:len_trim(title)) write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_COORDS_SIMULATION_TIME' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(E16.8)' write(nf,'(E16.8)')t !----------------------------------------------------------- write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_COORDS_NUM_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(i8)' write(nf,'(I8)')natom write(word,'(I8)')natom word1 = adjustl(word) word2 = '(3,'//word1(1:len_trim(word1))//')' write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_COORDS_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%COMMENT dimension = '//word2 write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(3e20.12)' write(nf,'(3e20.12)')((crd(j,n),j=1,3),n=1,natom) write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_VELOCITIES_NUM_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(i8)' write(nf,'(I8)')natom write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_VELOCITIES_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%COMMENT dimension = '//word2 write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(3e20.12)' write(nf,'(3e20.12)') & ((tinker_to_sander_time_convert*vel(j,n),j=1,3),n=1,natom) write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_NUM_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(i8)' write(nf,'(I8)')natom write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%COMMENT dimension = '//word2 write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(3e20.12)' write(nf,'(3e20.12)') & ((tinker_to_sander_time_convert**2*acceleration(j,n),j=1,3), & n=1,natom) write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG OLD_ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_NUM_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(i8)' write(nf,'(I8)')natom write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG OLD_ATOMIC_ACCELERATIONS_LIST' write(nf,'(a)')'%COMMENT dimension = '//word2 write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(3e20.12)' write(nf,'(3e20.12)') & ((tinker_to_sander_time_convert**2*old_acceleration(j,n), & j=1,3),n=1,natom) !----------------------------------------------------------- write(nf,'(a)')'%FLAG UNIT_CELL_PARAMETERS' write(nf,'(a,a)')'%COMMENT lengths a,b,c; ', & 'then angles alpha,beta,gamma' write(nf,'(a)')'%FORMAT(3e20.12)' write(nf,'(3e20.12)')a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma close(nf) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_write_restrt !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD( ix,ih,ipairs, & winv,mass,xx, & crd,vel,frc,qsetup) use nblist, only: volume use file_io_dat use state integer,intent(in) :: ix(*),ipairs(*) character(len=4),intent(in) :: ih(*) _REAL_,intent(in) :: winv(*),mass(*),xx(*) _REAL_,intent(inout) :: crd(3,*),vel(3,*),frc(3,*) logical,intent(in) :: qsetup # include "md.h" # include "memory.h" integer :: nstep,nitp,nits,nren _REAL_ :: vir(4),onefac(3),degrees_of_freedom type(state_rec) :: ener,enert,enert2,enert_old,enert2_old logical do_list_update degrees_of_freedom = dble(3*natom - 3) !num crds minus overall translation ! FIXME change if constraints onefac(1) = 2.d0 / (degrees_of_freedom*ideal_gas_const_kcal_per_mol_K) onefac(2) = 1.d-6 onefac(3) = 1.d-6 ! clear the energy array ener = null_state_rec ener%volume = volume ener%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) nren = 51 do_list_update = .FALSE. !only important for psander--> fix later nitp = 0 nits = 0 enert = null_state_rec enert2 = null_state_rec enert_old = null_state_rec enert2_old = null_state_rec if ( ntpr <= 0 )ntpr = nstlim call amopen(7,mdinfo,'U','F','W') do nstep = 1,nstlim call AM_RUNMD_beeman_md_step(& ix,ih,ipairs,ntt,ntp, & dt,winv,mass,xx,temp0,tautp, & pres0,taup, & crd,vel, & frc,vir,ener,volume,tmass, & qsetup,do_list_update,nstep) call AM_RUNMD_update_enert(nren,ener,enert,enert2) t = t + dt if ( nstep == 1 .or. nstep == nstlim .or. mod(nstep,ntpr) == 0 )then rewind(7) call prntmd(nstep,nitp,nits,t,ener,onefac,7,.false.) call amflsh(7) endif if ( ntwr > 0 )then if ( mod(nstep,ntwr)==0 )then call AM_RUNMD_write_restrt(natom,t,title,restrt,crd,vel,owrite) endif endif if ( nscm > 0 )then if ( mod(nstep,nscm) == 0 )then call AM_RUNMD_remove_com(natom,mass,tmass,onefac,vel) endif endif if ( ntwx > 0 )then if ( mod(nstep,ntwx)==0 )then call AM_RUNMD_crd_archive(natom,crd,MDCRD_UNIT) endif endif if ( ntwv > 0 )then if ( mod(nstep,ntwv)==0 )then call AM_RUNMD_vel_archive(natom,vel,MDVEL_UNIT) endif endif if ( ntave > 0 )then if ( mod(nstep,ntave) == 0 )then call AM_RUNMD_running_ave(nren,nstep,ntave,onefac,t, & enert,enert2,enert_old,enert2_old) endif endif enddo call AM_RUNMD_overall_ave(nren,nstlim,onefac,t,enert,enert2) call AM_RUNMD_write_restrt(natom,t,title,restrt,crd,vel,owrite) end subroutine AM_RUNMD !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_md_step( & ix,ih,ipairs,ntt,ntp, & delt,winv,mass,xx,temp0,tautp, & pres0,taup, & crd,vel, & frc,vir,ener,volume,tmass, & qsetup,do_list_update,nstep) use state use nblist, only: fill_tranvec integer,intent(in) :: ix(*),ipairs(*),ntt,ntp,nstep character(len=4),intent(in) :: ih(*) _REAL_,intent(in) :: delt,winv(*),mass(*),xx(*), & temp0,tautp,pres0,taup,tmass _REAL_,intent(inout) :: crd(3,*),vel(3,*) _REAL_,intent(out) :: frc(3,*),vir(4) type(state_rec),intent(out) :: ener _REAL_ :: volume logical,intent(in) :: qsetup,do_list_update _REAL_ :: kinetic_energy(3,3),eksum,degrees_of_freedom, & convert,temp,pressure # include "memory.h" call AM_RUNMD_beeman_1st_crd_update(natom,delt, & acceleration,old_acceleration, & old_crd,crd,vel) ! call rattle here if used---future ! get the forces call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,crd,frc,ener,vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), & qsetup,do_list_update,nstep) ! get the next accelerations from forces call AM_RUNMD_beeman_full_step_vels(natom,delt, & kcal_to_gm_x_Ang2_per_ps2,winv, & acceleration,old_acceleration,frc,vel) ! call rattle here again if used---future ! get kin ene here call AM_RUNMD_kinetic_energy_calc(natom,kcal_to_gm_x_Ang2_per_ps2, & mass,vel,kinetic_energy,eksum) ener%kin%tot = eksum ener%tot = ener%kin%tot + ener%pot%tot degrees_of_freedom = dble(3*natom - 3)!num crds minus overall translation ! FIXME change if constraints convert = 2.d0 / (degrees_of_freedom*ideal_gas_const_kcal_per_mol_K) temp = eksum*convert if ( ntt > 0 )then call AM_RUNMD_berendson_scaling(natom,vel,delt,temp,temp0,tautp) endif call AM_RUNMD_pressure(eksum,vir,volume,pressure) ener%pres(4) = pressure ener%volume = volume ener%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) if ( ntp > 0 )then !atom based scaling call AM_RUNMD_scale_cell(natom,pressure,delt,pres0,taup,crd) call fill_tranvec() endif end subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_md_step !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_1st_crd_update(numatoms,delt,accel,old_accel, & oldcrd,crd,vel) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: delt,accel(3,*),old_accel(3,*) _REAL_,intent(out) :: oldcrd(3,*) _REAL_,intent(inout) :: crd(3,*),vel(3,*) ! ! store the current atom positions, then find new atom ! positions and half-step velocities via Beeman recursion ! integer :: n,j _REAL_ :: term(3),delt_8,delt2_8 delt_8 = delt / 8.0d0 delt2_8 = delt * delt_8 do n = 1,numatoms do j = 1,3 oldcrd(j,n) = crd(j,n) term(j) = 5.d0*accel(j,n) - old_accel(j,n) crd(j,n) = crd(j,n) + vel(j,n)*delt + term(j)*delt2_8 vel(j,n) = vel(j,n) + term(j)*delt_8 enddo enddo end subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_1st_crd_update !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_full_step_vels(numatoms,delt,factor,winv, & accel,old_accel,frc,vel) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: delt,factor,winv(*),frc(3,*) _REAL_,intent(out) :: old_accel(3,*) _REAL_,intent(inout) :: vel(3,*),accel(3,*) ! ! use Newton's second law to get the next accelerations; ! find the full-step velocities using the Beeman recursion ! integer :: n,j _REAL_ :: delt_8 delt_8 = delt / 8.0d0 do n = 1,numatoms do j = 1,3 old_accel(j,n) = accel(j,n) accel(j,n) = factor*frc(j,n)*winv(n) vel(j,n) = vel(j,n) + (3.d0*accel(j,n) + old_accel(j,n))*delt_8 enddo enddo return end subroutine AM_RUNMD_beeman_full_step_vels !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_kinetic_energy_calc( & numatoms,factor,mass,vel,kinetic_energy,eksum) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: factor,mass(*),vel(3,*) _REAL_,intent(out) :: kinetic_energy(3,3),eksum integer j,k,n _REAL_ term do k = 1,3 do j = 1,3 kinetic_energy(j,k) = 0.d0 enddo enddo do n = 1,numatoms do k = 1,3 term = mass(n)*vel(k,n) do j = 1,3 kinetic_energy(j,k) = kinetic_energy(j,k) + term*vel(j,n) enddo enddo enddo ! convert units & multiply by 1/2 term = 0.5d0 / factor do k = 1,3 do j = 1,3 kinetic_energy(j,k) = term*kinetic_energy(j,k) enddo enddo eksum = kinetic_energy(1,1)+kinetic_energy(2,2)+kinetic_energy(3,3) return end subroutine AM_RUNMD_kinetic_energy_calc !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_berendson_scaling(numatoms,vel,delt,current_temp, & target_temp,tautp) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: delt,current_temp,target_temp,tautp _REAL_,intent(inout) :: vel(3,*) integer :: n _REAL_ :: scale_factor scale_factor = sqrt(1.0d0 + (delt/tautp)*(target_temp/current_temp-1.0d0)) do n = 1,numatoms vel(1,n) = scale_factor*vel(1,n) vel(2,n) = scale_factor*vel(2,n) vel(3,n) = scale_factor*vel(3,n) enddo end subroutine AM_RUNMD_berendson_scaling !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_remove_com(numatoms,mass,tmass,onefac,vel) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: mass(*),tmass,onefac(3) _REAL_,intent(inout) :: vel(3,*) integer :: n _REAL_ :: vcmx,vcmy,vcmz,amass,tmassinv,vel2,atempdrop vcmx = 0.d0 vcmy = 0.d0 vcmz = 0.d0 do n = 1,numatoms amass = mass(n) vcmx = vcmx + amass*vel(1,n) vcmy = vcmy + amass*vel(2,n) vcmz = vcmz + amass*vel(3,n) enddo tmassinv = 1.d0 / tmass vcmx = vcmx * tmassinv vcmy = vcmy * tmassinv vcmz = vcmz * tmassinv vel2 = vcmx*vcmx + vcmy*vcmy + vcmz*vcmz atempdrop = 0.5d0 * tmass * vel2 * onefac(1) vel2 = sqrt(vel2) write (6,'(a,f15.6,f9.2,a)')'check COM velocity, temp: ',vel2,atempdrop, & '(Removed)' do n = 1,numatoms vel(1,n) = vel(1,n) - vcmx vel(2,n) = vel(2,n) - vcmy vel(3,n) = vel(3,n) - vcmz enddo end subroutine AM_RUNMD_remove_com !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_crd_archive(numatoms,crd,MDCRD_UNIT) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms,MDCRD_UNIT _REAL_,intent(in) :: crd(3,*) # include "box.h" logical :: loutfm loutfm = .TRUE. call corpac(crd,1,3*numatoms,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) if ( ntb > 0 )then call corpac(box,1,3,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) endif end subroutine AM_RUNMD_crd_archive !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_vel_archive(numatoms,vel,MDVEL_UNIT) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms,MDVEL_UNIT _REAL_,intent(in) :: vel(3,*) logical :: loutfm integer :: ier,j,n _REAL_, allocatable :: svel(:,:) allocate(svel(3,numatoms),stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) loutfm = .TRUE. do n = 1,numatoms do j = 1,3 svel(j,n) = tinker_to_sander_time_convert*vel(j,n) enddo enddo call corpac(svel,1,3*numatoms,MDVEL_UNIT,loutfm) deallocate(svel) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_vel_archive !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_get_ucell_info(inpcrd,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gam) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: inpcrd _REAL_,intent(out) :: a,b,c,alpha,beta,gam integer nf integer :: iok,ionerr character(len=80) :: fmt,fmtin,dtype nf = 9 !auto assigned at some point?? call amopen(nf,inpcrd,'O','F','R') call nxtsec_crd_reset() fmtin = '(3e16.8)' dtype = 'UNIT_CELL_PARAMETERS' ionerr = 1 ! not fatal if missing call nxtsec_crd(nf, 6, ionerr,fmtin, dtype, fmt, iok) if ( iok == 0 )then !this data type found in prmtop read(nf,fmt)a,b,c,alpha,beta,gam else write(6,*)'AMOEBA_get_ucell_info: UNIT_CELL_PARAMETERS missing' call mexit(6,1) endif call nxtsec_crd_reset() close(nf) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_get_ucell_info !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_update_enert(nren,ener,enert,enert2) use state implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nren type(state_rec), intent(in) :: ener type(state_rec), intent(inout) :: enert,enert2 enert = enert + ener enert2 = enert2 + (ener * ener) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_update_enert !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_running_ave(nren,nstep,ntave,onefac,t, & enert,enert2,enert_old,enert2_old) use state implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nren,nstep,ntave _REAL_ :: onefac(3),t type(state_rec),intent(in) :: enert, enert2 type(state_rec),intent(inout) :: enert_old, enert2_old type(state_rec) :: enert_tmp,enert2_tmp integer :: m enert_tmp = enert - enert_old enert2_tmp = enert2 - enert2_old enert_old = enert enert2_old = enert2 enert_tmp = enert_tmp/ntave enert2_tmp = enert2_tmp/ntave - enert_tmp*enert_tmp call zero_neg_values_state(enert2_tmp) enert2_tmp = sqrt(enert2_tmp) write(6,'(/5x,a,i7,a,/)')' A V E R A G E S O V E R ',ntave,' S T E P S' call prntmd(nstep,0,0,t,enert_tmp,onefac,0,.false.) write(6,'(/5x,a,/)')' R M S F L U C T U A T I O N S' call prntmd(nstep,0,0,t,enert2_tmp,onefac,0,.false.) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_running_ave !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_overall_ave(nren,nstlim,onefac,t,enert,enert2) use state implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nren,nstlim _REAL_,intent(in) :: onefac(3),t type(state_rec) ,intent(inout) :: enert,enert2 integer :: m enert = enert/nstlim enert2 = enert2/nstlim - enert*enert call zero_neg_values_state(enert2) enert2 = sqrt(enert2) write(6,'(/5x,a,i7,a,/)')' A V E R A G E S O V E R ',nstlim,' S T E P S' call prntmd(nstlim,0,0,t,enert,onefac,0,.false.) write(6,'(/5x,a,/)')' R M S F L U C T U A T I O N S' call prntmd(nstlim,0,0,t,enert2,onefac,0,.false.) end subroutine AM_RUNMD_overall_ave !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_pressure(eksum,vir,volume,pressure) implicit none _REAL_,intent(in) :: eksum,vir(4),volume _REAL_,intent(out) :: pressure _REAL_,parameter :: pressure_constant = 6.85695d+4 pressure = (pressure_constant/volume)*(2.d0*eksum - vir(4)) / 3.d0 end subroutine AM_RUNMD_pressure !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine AM_RUNMD_scale_cell(numatoms,pressure,dt,pres0,taup,crd) use nblist, only: oldrecip,ucell,sphere,cutlist use constants, only : one,third use amoeba_mdin, only : compress implicit none integer,intent(in) :: numatoms _REAL_,intent(in) :: pressure,dt,pres0,taup _REAL_,intent(inout) :: crd(3,*) _REAL_ :: scale_factor(3),f1,f2,f3 integer :: n scale_factor(1) = (one + (dt*compress/taup)*(pressure-pres0))**third scale_factor(2) = scale_factor(1) scale_factor(3) = scale_factor(1) ! rescale the unit cell call redo_ucell(scale_factor) do n = 1,numatoms ! ...get fractional coordinates with old cell parameters f1 = crd(1,n)*oldrecip(1,1)+crd(2,n)*oldrecip(2,1)+ & crd(3,n)*oldrecip(3,1) f2 = crd(1,n)*oldrecip(1,2)+crd(2,n)*oldrecip(2,2)+ & crd(3,n)*oldrecip(3,2) f3 = crd(1,n)*oldrecip(1,3)+crd(2,n)*oldrecip(2,3)+ & crd(3,n)*oldrecip(3,3) ! ...use these with the new cell parameters to get new ! cartesian coordinates crd(1,n) = f1*ucell(1,1)+f2*ucell(1,2)+f3*ucell(1,3) crd(2,n) = f1*ucell(2,1)+f2*ucell(2,2)+f3*ucell(2,3) crd(3,n) = f1*ucell(3,1)+f2*ucell(3,2)+f3*ucell(3,3) enddo end subroutine AM_RUNMD_scale_cell !------------------------------------------------------------ end module amoeba_runmd