! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine plane here] subroutine plane (i1, i2, i3, x, rn, a, cent) ! Subroutine determine PLANE: ! --- given three atoms i1,i2 and i3, and coordinates x ! returns rn(i) [i=1,2,3] components of the normalized ! vector normal to the plane containing the three ! points; and a(i,j) [i=1,2,3, j=1..9] which ! are the derivatives of rn(i) with respect to ! the nine cartesian coordinates of points i1,i2,i3. ! Also returns cent[1..3], the center of the three atoms. implicit none integer :: i1p, i1, i2p, i2, i3p, i3, i, j _REAL_ :: x1, x, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3 _REAL_ :: tempa, tempb, tempc, ax, ay, az, anorm, rn, a, anx, cent dimension x(*) dimension a(3,9),rn(9),anx(9),cent(3) i1p = 3*i1-3 i2p = 3*i2-3 i3p = 3*i3-3 x1 = x(i1p+1) y1 = x(i1p+2) z1 = x(i1p+3) x2 = x(i2p+1) y2 = x(i2p+2) z2 = x(i2p+3) x3 = x(i3p+1) y3 = x(i3p+2) z3 = x(i3p+3) ! ----- coefficients of the equation for the plane of atoms 1-3 tempa = y1*z2 - y2*z1 tempb = y3*z1 - y1*z3 tempc = y2*z3 - y3*z2 ax = tempa + tempb + tempc ay = -(x1*z2 - x2*z1 + x3*z1 - x1*z3 + x2*z3 - x3*z2) az = x1*y2 - x2*y1 + x3*y1 - x1*y3 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 anorm = 1.d0/sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az) ! ----- normalize to standard form for plane equation (i.e. such ! ----- that length of the vector "a" is unity rn(1) = ax*anorm rn(2) = ay*anorm rn(3) = az*anorm ! ----- first derivatives of ax,ay,ax w/resp. to coords. of atoms 1-3 ! ----- first index holds ax, ay or az; ! ----- second index holds x1,y1...y3,z3 ! ----- (note: these are the derivatives of the "unnormalized" a vector) a(1,1) = 0.0d0 a(1,2) = z2 - z3 a(1,3) = y3 - y2 a(1,4) = 0.0d0 a(1,5) = z3 - z1 a(1,6) = y1 - y3 a(1,7) = 0.0d0 a(1,8) = z1 - z2 a(1,9) = y2 - y1 a(2,1) = z3 - z2 a(2,2) = 0.0d0 a(2,3) = x2 - x3 a(2,4) = z1 - z3 a(2,5) = 0.0d0 a(2,6) = x3 - x1 a(2,7) = z2 - z1 a(2,8) = 0.0d0 a(2,9) = x1 - x2 a(3,1) = y2 - y3 a(3,2) = x3 - x2 a(3,3) = 0.0d0 a(3,4) = y3 - y1 a(3,5) = x1 - x3 a(3,6) = 0.0d0 a(3,7) = y1 - y2 a(3,8) = x2 - x1 a(3,9) = 0.0d0 ! ----- first derivatives of normalization const. w/resp. to atoms 1-3 do i=1,9 anx(i) = (ax*a(1,i) + ay*a(2,i) + az*a(3,i))*anorm end do ! ---- finally, derivates of normalized vector: do i=1,3 do j=1,9 a(i,j) = (a(i,j) - rn(i)*anx(j))*anorm end do end do cent(1) = (x1+x2+x3)/3.d0 cent(2) = (y1+y2+y3)/3.d0 cent(3) = (z1+z2+z3)/3.d0 return end subroutine plane !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine cshf here] subroutine cshf(natom,x,f) ! Subroutine Chemical SHiFt ! -- computes constraint energies and derivatives based on ! chemical shift calculations outlined in Osapay and Case, ! J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113:9436-9444 (1991). use file_io_dat implicit none integer:: i, i1, i2, i3, iatr, ifind, ihelp, iin, iloc, ilochelp, & inc, innit, ino, ip, ipear, iprot, iring, j, jres, k, kp1, llist, & m, maxllist, n, natom, natr, nc, nca, ncount, ncurlist, nhn, & nmrcut, nmrcut2, nnit, nnnxloc, no, nprot, nres, nrescur, & nrescursave, nresprot, nring, nsum, nter, numxloc _REAL_ :: anorm, anx1, anx2, anx3, anx4, anx5, anx6, anx7, anx8, & anx9, ax, ay, az, b, bx1, bx2, bx3, bx4, bx5, bx6, bx7, bx8, bx9, & cent, charge, const, constca, constcagp, constnh, constside, d, & d1, d1cx, d1cy, d1cz, d2, d2cx, d2cy, d2cz, ddelta, deldx1, & deldx10, deldx11, deldx12, deldx2, deldx3, deldx4, deldx5, & deldx6, deldx7, deldx8, deldx9, delta, dist1, dist2, disthh, & dr1m3, dr2m3, drn, drph, ds12, ds12r, dshifr, dshift, eshfi, f, & fac, gansum, gesum, helst, hflygare, obs, obsp, ph1, ph2, ph3, & pp1, pp2, pp3, prob, r1, r1sq, r2, r2sq, r5ph, relc, rf, rms, rn, & rph2, rphi, s12p, sh_p, shav, shavp, shcut, shhm, shi, shift, & shp, shrang, signr, str, vp1, vp2, vp3, wt, x, x0, x1, x2, x3, & xrfac6, xrfact, y0, y1, y2, y3, z, z0, z1, z2, z3 # include "nmr.h" # include "md.h" # include "def_time.h" integer cter character(len=8) namr(mring) logical first,nh_calc,details parameter (constca=-0.754d0, constside=-0.041d0, constnh=-0.55d0) parameter (constcagp=-0.51d0) parameter (hflygare=13.09d0, helst=-5.99d0) parameter (nh_calc=.false.) parameter (nmrcut=100.0d0,nmrcut2=nmrcut*nmrcut) dimension d(3,matom),signr(mring) dimension x(3,*),f(3,*),dshifr(9) dimension rn(3,mring),cent(3,mring),drn(3,9,mring),dshift(9) dimension natr(mring),iatr(16,mring),str(mring), & iprot(mshf),obs(mshf),wt(mshf),shhm(mshf),shrang(mshf), & shp(mshf) dimension pp1(mxr),pp2(mxr),pp3(mxr) dimension ds12r(9) dimension r1(3),r2(3),ds12(9),dr1m3(3),dr2m3(3) dimension nc(mxr),no(mxr),nca(mxr),nhn(mxr),nnit(mxr), & charge(matom),llist(mxr,5*mxr),numxloc(mshf),const(mshf), & maxllist(mxr),nresprot(mshf) save nring,natr,iatr,str,namr,nprot,iprot,obs,wt,shrang, & nc,no,nca,nhn,nnit,charge,nter,cter,ipear,numxloc, & llist,const,maxllist,nresprot,first,shcut,details dimension obsp(mshf),shavp(mshf) namelist/shf/ nring,natr,iatr,str,nprot,obs,wt,iprot,shcut,namr, & shrang,nter,cter,details data first /.true./ data shcut /0.3/ data details/.false./ !===================================================================== ! First time through, set up a number of arrays, and read input data: !===================================================================== if (first) then ! (If restraint input has been redirected, open the appropriate file) iin = 5 if (iredir(5) /= 0) then call amopen(36,redir(5)(1:iredir(5)),'O','F','R') iin = 36 write(6,10) redir(5)(1:iredir(5)) 10 format(' Chemical shifts will be read from file: ',a) end if ! --- zero out the intial shrang array: do i=1,mshf shrang(i) = 0.0d0 end do cter = 0 nter = 1 call nmlsrc('shf',iin,ifind) if (ifind == 0) goto 30 read(iin,nml=shf,err=30,end=30) goto 40 30 write(6,*) 'namelist reports error reading &shf' call mexit(6,1) 40 continue if (cter < nter) then write(6,*) 'nter,cter error: ',nter,cter call mexit(6,1) end if if(nring > mring .or. nprot > mshf .or. nring < 1 & .or. nprot < 1) then write(6,70) 70 format('Errors in nring or nprot') call mexit(6,1) end if ! --- multiply input str values by 4.06/0.7442943 = 5.4548 ! which converts conventional "ring current intensities" ! into the value by which the geometric factor must be ! mutliplied to obtain shifts in ppm. do iring=1,nring str(iring) = str(iring)*5.4548d0 end do ! set up arrays containing C,O,N,CA,H atom numbers ! for peptide contribution calculations do i=1,mxr nc(i)=0 no(i)=0 nca(i)=0 nnit(i)=0 nhn(i)=0 maxllist(i)=0 do j=1,5*mxr llist(i,j)=0 end do end do ! write(6,*)'nter cter ',nter,cter do i=1,natom if (resat(i)(1:4) == 'C ')then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres nc(nres)=i charge(i)=0.55d0 else if (resat(i)(1:4) == 'O ')then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres no(nres)=i charge(i)=-0.55d0 else if (resat(i)(1:4) == 'CA ')then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres nca(nres)=i charge(i)=0.10d0 else if (resat(i)(1:4) == 'H ' & .or. resat(i)(1:4) == 'HN ') then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres nhn(nres)=i charge(i)=0.25d0 else if (resat(i)(1:4) == 'N ')then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres nnit(nres)=i charge(i)=-0.35d0 if (resat(i)(6:8) == 'PRO')charge(i)=-0.20d0 else charge(i)=0.0d0 end if end do nrescursave=0 ncount=0 do i=1,nprot ihelp=iprot(i) read(resat(ihelp)(10:13),'(i4)') nrescur nresprot(i) = nrescur numxloc(i)=0 ihelp=ihelp-1 120 if (resat(ihelp)(1:1) == 'C' .or. & resat(ihelp)(1:1) == 'N' )then numxloc(i)=ihelp else ihelp=ihelp-1 if (ihelp == 0)write(6,*) & 'Error in finding heavy atom connected to H ',ihelp goto 120 end if ! Check distance of C-H or N-H disthh=0.0d0 ihelp=iprot(i) ilochelp=numxloc(i) do iloc=1,3 disthh=disthh+(x(iloc,ihelp)-x(iloc,ilochelp))**2 end do disthh=sqrt(disthh) if (disthh < 0.7 .or. disthh > 1.5)write(6,*) & 'Error: X-H distance is ',disthh,' protnum: ',iprot(i) #ifdef DNA_SHIFT const(i) = 0.0d0 #else const(i)=constside if (resat(ilochelp)(1:4) == 'CA ') then if (resat(ilochelp)(6:8) == 'GLY' .or. & resat(ilochelp)(6:8) == 'PRO') then const(i)=constcagp else const(i)=constca end if end if ! if (nh_calc)const(i)=constNH #endif ! update the llist if proton of new residue if (nrescur == nrescursave) cycle jres=nter if (jres /= nrescur) then ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nca(jres) ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nc(jres) ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=no(jres) end if do jres=nter+1,cter-1 ! if(.not.nh_calc.and.jres.eq.nrescur) go to 35 ! if(nh_calc.and.jres.eq.nrescur-1) go to 35 if(jres == nrescur) cycle ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nnit(jres) if (nhn(jres) /= 0) then ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nhn(jres) end if ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nca(jres) ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nc(jres) ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=no(jres) end do jres=cter if (jres /= nrescur) then ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nnit(jres) if (nhn(jres) /= 0) then ncount=ncount+1 llist(nrescur,ncount)=nhn(jres) end if end if nrescursave=nrescur maxllist(nrescur)=ncount ncount=0 end do do jres=nter+1,cter nnit(jres-1) = nnit(jres) end do ! at this point, the following is valid: ! nc(i),no(i),nnit(i) = peptide group (i) = i-th C=O and i+1-th N ! e.g. 1st peptide group means C=O of 1st and N of 2nd residue ! loop from nter to cter-1 will go through all peptide groups ! Check peptide group geometry: do j=nter,cter-1 inc=nc(j) ino=no(j) innit=nnit(j) dist1=0.0d0 dist2=0.0d0 do i=1,3 dist1 = dist1 + (x(i,inc)-x(i,ino))**2 end do do i=1,3 dist2 = dist2 + (x(i,inc)-x(i,innit))**2 end do dist1=sqrt(dist1) dist2=sqrt(dist2) if (dist1 > 2.0 .or. dist2 > 2.0)then write(6,*)'Error in peptide group bonds, C is ',inc write (6,*)'dist(C=O) = ',dist1,' dist(C-N) = ',dist2 end if end do first = .false. end if ! End of "first" loop !===================================================================== ! --Initialize variables, etc.: eshf = 0.0d0 nsum = 0 shi = 0.0d0 ipear = 0 do n=1,3 do m=1,natom d(n,m) = 0.0d0 end do end do if (iprint /= 0) rewind (82) if (iprint /= 0) write(82,220) 220 format(13x,'Proton Calc. Observed Penalty'/ & 10x,'---------------------------------------------') !===================================================================== ! -- loop over all protons to be calculated: !===================================================================== do i=1,nprot ip = iprot(i) if( details ) write(6,'(i5,a13)') i,resat(ip)(1:13) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !===================================================================== ! -- Ring currents: loop over all rings: !===================================================================== call timer_start(TIME_RINGCURR) shhm(i) = 0.0d0 do j=1,nring sh_p = 0.0d0 ! -- get normal to this ring if (i == 1) then if(namr(j)(1:3) == 'HEM'.and.namr(j)(8:8) == 'M') then call plane(iatr(4,j),iatr(8,j),iatr(12,j),x,rn(1,j), & drn(1,1,j),cent(1,j)) else call plane(iatr(1,j),iatr(3,j),iatr(5,j),x,rn(1,j), & drn(1,1,j),cent(1,j)) end if ! -- check on signr of normal vector signr(j) = 1.0d0 d1cx = x(1,iatr(1,j)) - cent(1,j) d1cy = x(2,iatr(1,j)) - cent(2,j) d1cz = x(3,iatr(1,j)) - cent(3,j) d2cx = x(1,iatr(3,j)) - cent(1,j) d2cy = x(2,iatr(3,j)) - cent(2,j) d2cz = x(3,iatr(3,j)) - cent(3,j) vp1 = d1cy*d2cz - d1cz*d2cy vp2 = d1cz*d2cx - d1cx*d2cz vp3 = d1cx*d2cy - d1cy*d2cx if ((vp3*rn(3,j)+vp2*rn(2,j)+vp1*rn(1,j)) & > 0.0d0) signr(j) = -1.0d0 end if ! -- skip atoms in this ring ! (needs special code to include porphyrin rings ! in calculation of proximal histidine) if (resat(ip)(6:8) /= 'HEM') then #ifdef DNA_SHIFT if(namr(j)(4:6) == resat(ip)(11:13) & .and. resat(ip)(3:3) /= '''') cycle #else if(namr(j)(4:6) == resat(ip)(11:13)) cycle #endif else if(namr(j)(1:3) == 'HEM' .and. & namr(j)(8:8) == 'H') cycle end if ! -- skip rings whose center is more than NMRCUT away if (namr(j)(1:3) /= 'HEM' .or. namr(j)(8:8) /= 'M') then relc = (x(1,ip)-cent(1,j))**2 + (x(2,ip)-cent(2,j))**2 & +(x(3,ip)-cent(3,j))**2 if (relc > nmrcut2) cycle end if !===================================================================== ! -- loop over pairs of bonded atoms in the ring, and compute ! contribution to the shift and its derivatives: !===================================================================== do k=1,natr(j) kp1 = k + 1 if (kp1 > natr(j)) kp1 = 1 ! -- given proton ip, and ring atoms k and kp1, with ! coordinates x and ring normal vector rn; ! and derivatives drn of the ring normal with respect ! to the cartesian coordinates of atoms k and kp1; ! -- compute Haigh-Maillion shift contribution, and its ! derivatives with respect to the cartesian coordinates ! of ip, k and kp1 do n=1,3 r1(n) = x(n,iatr(k,j)) - x(n,ip) r2(n) = x(n,iatr(kp1,j)) - x(n,ip) end do ! -- compute triple scalar product: s12p = r1(1)*(r2(2)*rn(3,j) - r2(3)*rn(2,j)) & + r1(2)*(r2(3)*rn(1,j) - r2(1)*rn(3,j)) & + r1(3)*(r2(1)*rn(2,j) - r2(2)*rn(1,j)) ! -- get the derivatives of s12p with respect to the cartesian ! coordinates of ip ds12(1) = -(rn(3,j)*(r2(2)-r1(2)) + rn(2,j)*(r1(3)-r2(3))) ds12(2) = -(rn(1,j)*(r2(3)-r1(3)) + rn(3,j)*(r1(1)-r2(1))) ds12(3) = -(rn(2,j)*(r2(1)-r1(1)) + rn(1,j)*(r1(2)-r2(2))) ds12(4) = rn(3,j)*r2(2) - rn(2,j)*r2(3) ds12(5) = rn(1,j)*r2(3) - rn(3,j)*r2(1) ds12(6) = rn(2,j)*r2(1) - rn(1,j)*r2(2) ds12(7) =-rn(3,j)*r1(2) + rn(2,j)*r1(3) ds12(8) =-rn(1,j)*r1(3) + rn(3,j)*r1(1) ds12(9) =-rn(2,j)*r1(1) + rn(1,j)*r1(2) do n=1,9 ds12r(n) = r1(1)*(r2(2)*drn(3,n,j) - r2(3)*drn(2,n,j)) & + r1(2)*(r2(3)*drn(1,n,j) - r2(1)*drn(3,n,j)) & + r1(3)*(r2(1)*drn(2,n,j) - r2(2)*drn(1,n,j)) end do ! -- get radial factors r1sq = r1(1)*r1(1) + r1(2)*r1(2) + r1(3)*r1(3) d1 = sqrt(r1sq) r2sq = r2(1)*r2(1) + r2(2)*r2(2) + r2(3)*r2(3) d2 = sqrt(r2sq) temp = 0.5d0*(1.d0/(r1sq*d1) + 1.0d0/(r2sq*d2)) shift = s12p*temp do n=1,9 dshift(n) = temp*ds12(n) dshifr(n) = temp*ds12r(n) end do do n=1,3 dr1m3(n) = 3.0d0*r1(n)/(r1sq*r1sq*d1) dr2m3(n) = 3.0d0*r2(n)/(r2sq*r2sq*d2) dshift(n) = dshift(n) + s12p*(dr1m3(n) + dr2m3(n))*0.5d0 end do do n=4,6 dshift(n) = dshift(n) -s12p*dr1m3(n-3)*0.5d0 dshift(n+3) = dshift(n+3) -s12p*dr2m3(n-3)*0.5d0 end do shhm(i) = shhm(i)+ signr(j)*str(j)*shift sh_p = sh_p + signr(j)*str(j)*shift fac = signr(j)*str(j) do n=1,9 dshift(n) = fac*dshift(n) dshifr(n) = fac*dshifr(n) end do if(namr(j)(1:3) == 'HEM'.and.namr(j)(8:8) == 'M') then do n=1,3 d(n,ip) = d(n,ip) - dshift(n) d(n,iatr(k,j)) = d(n,iatr(k,j)) - dshift(n+3) d(n,iatr(kp1,j)) = d(n,iatr(kp1,j)) - dshift(n+6) d(n,iatr(4,j)) = d(n,iatr(4,j)) - dshifr(n) d(n,iatr(8,j)) = d(n,iatr(8,j)) - dshifr(n+3) d(n,iatr(12,j)) = d(n,iatr(12,j)) - dshifr(n+6) end do else do n=1,3 d(n,ip) = d(n,ip) - dshift(n) d(n,iatr(k,j)) = d(n,iatr(k,j)) - dshift(n+3) d(n,iatr(kp1,j)) = d(n,iatr(kp1,j)) - dshift(n+6) d(n,iatr(1,j)) = d(n,iatr(1,j)) - dshifr(n) d(n,iatr(3,j)) = d(n,iatr(3,j)) - dshifr(n+3) d(n,iatr(5,j)) = d(n,iatr(5,j)) - dshifr(n+6) end do end if end do if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') namr(j), sh_p end do call timer_stop_start(TIME_RINGCURR,TIME_ELECNOE) if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') 'total ', shhm(i) ! ---end of loop over rings; end of ring current section !===================================================================== ! ---Electrostatics contribution: !===================================================================== #ifdef DNA_SHIFT gesum = 0.0d0 #else nnnxloc=numxloc(i) nrescur = nresprot(i) ncurlist=maxllist(nrescur) call elstat(ip,nrescur,x,nnnxloc,charge,gesum,d, & mxr,helst,llist,ncurlist) if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') 'elec ', gesum #endif call timer_stop_start(TIME_ELECNOE,TIME_ANISO) !===================================================================== ! ---Peptide group anistropy calculation: !===================================================================== gansum=0.0d0 #ifndef DNA_SHIFT if (i == 1) then do jres=nter,cter-1 ! if (nh_calc) then ! if (jres.eq.nrescur) goto 30 ! end if inc=nc(jres) ino=no(jres) innit=nnit(jres) pp1(jres)=0.5586d0*x(1,innit)+ & 0.5955d0*x(1,ino)-0.1542d0*x(1,inc) pp2(jres)=0.5586d0*x(2,innit)+ & 0.5955d0*x(2,ino)-0.1542d0*x(2,inc) pp3(jres)=0.5586d0*x(3,innit)+ & 0.5955d0*x(3,ino)-0.1542d0*x(3,inc) end do end if ! --- get distance from this proton to peptide group of jres: !forcevector do jres=nter,cter-1 ph1=x(1,ip)-pp1(jres) ph2=x(2,ip)-pp2(jres) ph3=x(3,ip)-pp3(jres) rph2 = ph1*ph1 + ph2*ph2 + ph3*ph3 ! --- skip peptide groups more than NMRCUT away: if (rph2 > nmrcut2) cycle rphi = 1.0d0/sqrt(rph2) r5ph = rphi/(rph2*rph2) ! calculate distance from the O,C,N plane i1=nc(jres) i2=no(jres) i3=nnit(jres) x0 = x(1,ip) y0 = x(2,ip) z0 = x(3,ip) x1 = x(1,i1) y1 = x(2,i1) z1 = x(3,i1) x2 = x(1,i2) y2 = x(2,i2) z2 = x(3,i2) x3 = x(1,i3) y3 = x(2,i3) z3 = x(3,i3) ! ----- coefficients of the equation for the plane of atoms 1-3 bx1 = y2*z3 - y3*z2 bx2 = x3*z2 - x2*z3 bx3 = x2*y3 - x3*y2 bx4 = y3*z1 - y1*z3 bx5 = x1*z3 - x3*z1 bx6 = x3*y1 - x1*y3 bx7 = y1*z2 - y2*z1 bx8 = x2*z1 - x1*z2 bx9 = x1*y2 - x2*y1 ax = bx1 + bx4 + bx7 ay = bx2 + bx5 + bx8 az = bx3 + bx6 + bx9 b = x1*bx1 + x2*bx4 + x3*bx7 anorm = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az) ! ----- normalize to standard form for plane equation (i.e. such ! ----- that length of the vector "a" is unity ax = ax/anorm ay = ay/anorm az = az/anorm b = b/anorm ! ----- delta is the desired rxn. coordinate delta = b - ax*x0 - ay*y0 - az*z0 ! ----- first derivatives of ax,ay,ax w/resp. to coords. of atoms 1-3 ! ----- first index holds ax, ay or az; ! ----- second index holds x1,y1...y3,z3 ! ----- (note: these are the derivatives of the "unnormalized" a vector) anx1=ay*(z3 - z2) + az*(y2 - y3) anx2=ax*(z2 - z3) + az*(x3 - x2) anx3=ax*(y3 - y2) + ay*(x2 - x3) anx4=ay*(z1 - z3) + az*(y3 - y1) anx5=ax*(z3 - z1) + az*(x1 - x3) anx6=ax*(y1 - y3) + ay*(x3 - x1) anx7=ay*(z2 - z1) + az*(y1 - y2) anx8=ax*(z1 - z2) + az*(x2 - x1) anx9=ax*(y2 - y1) + ay*(x1 - x2) ! ----- first derivatives of delta w/resp. to cartesians deldx1 = - ax deldx2 = - ay deldx3 = - az deldx4 = - delta*anx1 + bx1 & - y0 * (z3-z2) - z0 * (y2-y3) deldx5 = - delta*anx2 + bx2 & - x0 * (z2 - z3) - z0 * (x3 - x2) deldx6 = - delta*anx3 + bx3 & - x0 * (y3 - y2) - y0 * (x2 - x3) deldx7 = - delta*anx4 + bx4 & - y0 * (z1 - z3) - z0 * (y3 - y1) deldx8 = - delta*anx5 + bx5 & - x0 * (z3 - z1) - z0 * (x1 - x3) deldx9 = - delta*anx6 + bx6 & - x0 * (y1 - y3) - y0 * (x3 - x1) deldx10 = - delta*anx7 + bx7 & - y0 * (z2 - z1) - z0 * (y1 - y2) deldx11 = - delta*anx8 + bx8 & - x0 * (z1 - z2) - z0 * (x2 - x1) deldx12 = - delta*anx9 + bx9 & - x0 * (y2 - y1) - y0 * (x1 - x2) gansum=gansum+rphi/(3.0d0*rph2) - delta*delta*r5ph ! Calculate derivatives ! d gan/d x = d gan/d rph * d rph/d x + d gan/d delta * d delta/d x ! 1. 2. 3. 4. drph = hflygare*(( -1.0d0/(rph2*rph2)) + & 5.0d0*(delta*delta)/(rph2*rph2*rph2)) ddelta = -2.0d0*hflygare*delta*r5ph d(1,ip)=d(1,ip) -drph*ph1*rphi - ddelta*deldx1 d(1,i1)=d(1,i1) +drph*ph1*(-0.1542d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx4/anorm d(1,i2)=d(1,i2) +drph*ph1*( 0.5955d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx7/anorm d(1,i3)=d(1,i3) +drph*ph1*( 0.5586d0)*rphi -ddelta*deldx10/anorm d(2,ip)=d(2,ip) -drph*ph2*rphi - ddelta*deldx2 d(2,i1)=d(2,i1) +drph*ph2*(-0.1542d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx5/anorm d(2,i2)=d(2,i2) +drph*ph2*( 0.5955d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx8/anorm d(2,i3)=d(2,i3) +drph*ph2*( 0.5586d0)*rphi -ddelta*deldx11/anorm d(3,ip)=d(3,ip) -drph*ph3*rphi - ddelta*deldx3 d(3,i1)=d(3,i1) +drph*ph3*(-0.1542d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx6/anorm d(3,i2)=d(3,i2) +drph*ph3*( 0.5955d0)*rphi - ddelta*deldx9/anorm d(3,i3)=d(3,i3) +drph*ph3*( 0.5586d0)*rphi -ddelta*deldx12/anorm end do ! end of loop over peptide groups contributing to proton "i" gansum=gansum*hflygare if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') 'peptide ', gansum #endif call timer_stop(TIME_ANISO) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- get anisotropy, electrostatic and constant terms into shp: shp(i) = gesum + gansum + const(i) if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') 'constant', const(i) !===================================================================== ! -- now get the constraint energies and update the forces !===================================================================== call timer_start(TIME_SHFDER) shi = shi + shhm(i) + shp(i) nsum = nsum + 1 if (wt(i) > 0.0) then shav = shi/nsum if( details ) write(6,'(20x,a8,f8.3)') 'TOTALav ', shav if (ipnlty == 1 .or. ipnlty == 3) then if (shav > obs(i)+shrang(i)) then eshfi = wshift*wt(i)*(shav-(obs(i)+shrang(i))) else if (shav < obs(i)-shrang(i)) then eshfi = wshift*wt(i)*((obs(i)-shrang(i))-shav) else eshfi = 0.0d0 end if else if (ipnlty == 2) then if (shav > obs(i)+shrang(i)) then eshfi = wshift*wt(i)*(shav-(obs(i)+shrang(i)))**2 else if (shav < obs(i)-shrang(i)) then eshfi = wshift*wt(i)*(shav-(obs(i)-shrang(i)))**2 else eshfi = 0.0 end if else write(6,*) 'bad values for ipnlty:', ipnlty call mexit(6,1) end if eshf = eshf + eshfi if (ipnlty == 1 .or. ipnlty == 3) then if (shav > obs(i)+shrang(i)) then fac= wshift*wt(i)/nsum else if (shav < obs(i)-shrang(i)) then fac= -wshift*wt(i)/nsum else fac = 0.0d0 end if else if (ipnlty == 2) then if (shav > obs(i)+shrang(i)) then fac= 2.0d0*wshift*wt(i)*(shav-(obs(i)+shrang(i)))/nsum else if (shav < obs(i)-shrang(i)) then fac= 2.0d0*wshift*wt(i)*(shav-(obs(i)-shrang(i)))/nsum else fac = 0.0d0 end if end if if (iprint /= 0 .and. abs(shav-obs(i)) > shcut) & write(82,350) ip,resat(ip),shav,obs(i),eshfi 350 format(5x,i4,1x,a13,3f10.2) ipear = ipear + 1 if (ipear > mshf) then write(6,*) 'ipear: ',ipear call mexit(6,1) end if shavp(ipear) = shav obsp(ipear) = obs(i) shi = 0.0d0 nsum = 0 ! -- update the force array do n=1,3 do m=1,natom f(n,m) = f(n,m) + fac*d(n,m) d(n,m) = 0.0d0 end do end do end if call timer_stop(TIME_SHFDER) !===================================================================== ! --- End grand loop over all protons whose shift is to estimated: end do !===================================================================== if (iprint /= 0) then write(82,44) eshf 44 format(40x,'Total shift constraint:',f8.2) write(82,390) 390 format(/21x,'# Pearson r rms error'/18x,35('-')) call pearsn(obsp,shavp,ipear,rf,prob,z,rms,xrfact,xrfac6,iuse) write(82,'(a18,i5,2f10.5)') 'Shift correlation:',iuse,rf,rms end if return end subroutine cshf !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine elstat here] subroutine elstat(ip,nrescur,x,nnnxloc,charge,gesum,d, & mxr,helst,llist,ncurlist) ! Subroutine calculating electrostatics contribution ! to chemical shifts ! - given proton ip, coordinates in x, ! - return shift contribution from electrostatics and ! its derivatives with respect to the coordinates implicit none # include "md.h" integer:: i, ip, jatom, llist, maxcurlist, mxr, ncurlist, & nnnxloc, nrescur _REAL_ :: ch1, ch2, ch3, charge, d, derconst, dot, dud1, dud2, & dud3, dvd1, dvd2, dwd1, dwd3, gesum, helst, hx1, hx2, hx3, rch, & rch2, rhx, rhx2, upar, vpar, wpar, x dimension x(3,*),charge(*),d(3,*) dimension llist(mxr,5*mxr) parameter (maxcurlist=1000) dimension rhx2(maxcurlist),rch2(maxcurlist),dot(maxcurlist), & ch1(maxcurlist),hx1(maxcurlist), & ch2(maxcurlist),hx2(maxcurlist), & ch3(maxcurlist),hx3(maxcurlist), & rch(maxcurlist),rhx(maxcurlist) if (ncurlist > maxcurlist) then write(6,*) 'Need to re-dimension elstat: ',ncurlist,maxcurlist call mexit(6,1) end if gesum = 0.0d0 do i=1,ncurlist jatom=llist(nrescur,i) ! --- estimate the contribution of electrostics to the proton ! chemical shift ! jatom is the atom whose charge is creating the field (X) ! ip is the proton whose shift is under consideration (H) ! nnnxloc is the heavy atom bonded to ip (C) ! charge is the array of charges ! x is the array of coordinates ! ge is returned as the current contribution to the shift, ! but has not yet been multiplied by helst ! d is the derivative array which is updated by this subroutine ! helst is the constant mutliplying the electrostatic contibution ch1(i)=x(1,ip)-x(1,nnnxloc) hx1(i)=x(1,jatom)-x(1,ip) ch2(i)=x(2,ip)-x(2,nnnxloc) hx2(i)=x(2,jatom)-x(2,ip) ch3(i)=x(3,ip)-x(3,nnnxloc) hx3(i)=x(3,jatom)-x(3,ip) rhx2(i) = hx1(i)*hx1(i) + hx2(i)*hx2(i) + hx3(i)*hx3(i) rch2(i) = ch1(i)*ch1(i) + ch2(i)*ch2(i) + ch3(i)*ch3(i) dot(i) = ch1(i)*hx1(i) + ch2(i)*hx2(i) + ch3(i)*hx3(i) rch(i) = sqrt(rch2(i)) rhx(i) = sqrt(rhx2(i)) gesum = gesum + (charge(jatom)*dot(i))/(rhx2(i)*rch(i)*rhx(i)) ! write(6,'(4i5,2f10.3)')i,jatom,ip,nnnxloc,charge(jatom),dot(i) end do ! Calculate derivatives ! d ge/d x = (helst*charge/v**2 * w**4)*(vw du/dx - 3uv dw/dx -uw dv/dx) ! derconst upar wpar vpar !forcevector do i=1,ncurlist jatom=llist(nrescur,i) derconst = helst*charge(jatom)/(rch2(i)*rhx2(i)*rhx2(i)) upar = rch(i)*rhx(i) wpar = -3.0d0*dot(i)*rch(i) vpar = -dot(i)*rhx(i) ! 1: ip (h) 2: nnnxloc (c) 3: jatom (x) dud1 = hx1(i) - ch1(i) dud2 = -hx1(i) dud3 = ch1(i) dvd1 = ch1(i)/rch(i) dvd2 = -dvd1 dwd1 = -hx1(i)/rhx(i) dwd3 = -dwd1 d(1,ip)=d(1,ip) & -derconst* (upar*dud1 + wpar*dwd1 + vpar*dvd1) d(1,nnnxloc)=d(1,nnnxloc) & -derconst* (upar*dud2 + vpar*dvd2) d(1,jatom)=d(1,jatom) & -derconst* (upar*dud3 + wpar*dwd3) dud1 = hx2(i) - ch2(i) dud2 = -hx2(i) dud3 = ch2(i) dvd1 = ch2(i)/rch(i) dvd2 = -dvd1 dwd1 = -hx2(i)/rhx(i) dwd3 = -dwd1 d(2,ip)=d(2,ip) & -derconst* (upar*dud1 + wpar*dwd1 + vpar*dvd1) d(2,nnnxloc)=d(2,nnnxloc) & -derconst* (upar*dud2 + vpar*dvd2) d(2,jatom)=d(2,jatom) & -derconst* (upar*dud3 + wpar*dwd3) dud1 = hx3(i) - ch3(i) dud2 = -hx3(i) dud3 = ch3(i) dvd1 = ch3(i)/rch(i) dvd2 = -dvd1 dwd1 = -hx3(i)/rhx(i) dwd3 = -dwd1 d(3,ip)=d(3,ip) & -derconst* (upar*dud1 + wpar*dwd1 + vpar*dvd1) d(3,nnnxloc)=d(3,nnnxloc) & -derconst* (upar*dud2 + vpar*dvd2) d(3,jatom)=d(3,jatom) & -derconst* (upar*dud3 + wpar*dwd3) end do gesum=gesum*helst return end subroutine elstat