! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" #include "../include/assert.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine debug_mem here] subroutine debug_mem(natom,ntypes, & istartr,iendr,istarti,iendi) ! code for debugging the forces ! also for flow control (just for force debug so far) !------------------------------------------------------------------ use parms, only : nttyp implicit none # include "debug.h" ! sets up some space for saved arrays integer natom,ntypes,istartr,iendr,istarti,iendi integer mem_ptr mem_ptr = istartr call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lscg,natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lsrms,natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lsdip,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lsind,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lscn1,nttyp) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lscn2,nttyp) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf1,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf2,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf3,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf4,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf5,3*natom) call adj_mem_ptr(mem_ptr,lf6,3*natom) iendr = mem_ptr return end subroutine debug_mem !------------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine load_debug here] subroutine load_debug(nf) use nblist, only: nbflag,nbfilter,cutlist use charmm_mod, only: do_charmm_dump_gold implicit none integer nf # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" # include "md.h" integer ifind,j namelist /debugf/do_dir,do_rec,do_adj,do_self,do_bond, & do_angle,do_ephi,doxconst,do_cap,do_14, & do_debugf,neglgdel,zerochg,zerovdw,zerodip, & atomn,nranatm, & ranseed,chkvir,dumpfrc,rmsfrc,do_tgt,& do_charmm_dump_gold, & do_pbdir,do_pbnp,do_pbfd ! default flow control all force routines turned on do_dir = 1 do_rec = 1 do_adj = 1 do_self = 1 do_bond = 1 do_angle = 1 do_ephi = 1 doxconst = 1 do_cap = 1 do_14 = 1 do_tgt = 1 do_pbdir = 1 do_pbnp = 1 do_pbfd = 1 ! debug off by default do_debugf = 0 neglgdel = 5 zerochg = 0 zerovdw = 0 zerodip = 0 nranatm = 0 ranseed = 71277 chkvir = 0 dumpfrc = 0 rmsfrc = 0 do j = 1,natomn atomn(j) = 0 end do rewind(5) call nmlsrc('debugf',nf,ifind) if ( ifind /= 0)then read(5,nml=debugf,err=190) end if if ( do_debugf == 0 )then do_dir = 1 do_rec = 1 do_adj = 1 do_self = 1 do_bond = 1 do_angle = 1 do_ephi = 1 doxconst = 1 do_tgt = 1 do_cap = 1 do_pbdir = 1 do_pbnp = 1 do_pbfd = 1 neglgdel = 5 zerochg = 0 zerovdw = 0 zerodip = 0 nranatm = 0 ranseed = 71277 chkvir = 0 dumpfrc = 0 rmsfrc = 0 end if if ( do_debugf == 1 )then ! disable list calls, use old list logic ! this prevents strange scaling behavior when nbflag = 0 ntnb = 0 nbfilter = 1.5d0*cutlist end if return 190 write(6,*)'Error in &debugf namelist' call mexit(6,1) end subroutine load_debug !---------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine debug_frc here] subroutine debug_frc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & cn1,cn2, qsetup) use nblist, only : volume use parms, only : nttyp use state implicit none # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" # include "memory.h" # include "extra.h" # include "md.h" # include "ew_frc.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "ew_pme_recip.h" # include "ew_mpole.h" logical qsetup _REAL_ xx(*),x(*),f(3,*) _REAL_ cn1(*),cn2(*) integer ipairs(*),ix(*) character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ vir(4),time,onefac(3),rms type(state_rec) :: ener integer iout7,nstep,nitp,nits,j,k,atomnum _REAL_ apfrc(3),del,y _REAL_ apavir,apmvir,exavir,exmvir,exvir _REAL_ cpfrc1(3,natomn), & cpfrc2(3,natomn) _REAL_ dudv type(state_rec) :: ene _REAL_ intvir(3,3),duda(3,3),apduda(3,3) _REAL_ mduda(3,3),mapduda(3,3) _REAL_ mvten(3,3),avten(3,3), diff integer ranatm(natomn),type ene = null_state_rec ener = null_state_rec if ( do_debugf == 0 )return ! save charge and cn1,cn2 arrays for later use call array_copy(xx(l15),xx(lscg),natom) if ( indmeth == 3 .and. irstdip == 1 )then call array_copy(xx(linddip),xx(lsind),3*natom) end if call array_copy(cn1,xx(lscn1),nttyp) call array_copy(cn2,xx(lscn2),nttyp) if ( zerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(xx(l15),natom) end if if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.zerodip == 1)then call zero_array(xx(linddip),3*natom) end if if ( zerovdw == 1 )then call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) end if ! first call force for analytic result if ( master )then write(6,*)'DEBUG FORCE!; calling force routine' end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & vir,ener,qsetup) call get_intvir(natom,x,f,subvir,intvir) do k = 1,3 do j = 1,3 atvir(j,k) = atvir(j,k) + intvir(j,k) ! now save molvir and atvir for virial checking, otherwise repeated ! calls to force overwrites correct values avten(j,k) = atvir(j,k) mvten(j,k) = molvir(j,k) end do end do exmvir = molvir(1,1) + molvir(2,2) + molvir(3,3) exavir = atvir(1,1) + atvir(2,2) + atvir(3,3) if ( master )then write(6,*)'DEBUG FORCE!; back from force routine' end if ene = ener ! ener has been populated by get_analfrc ! now copy it to ene iout7 = 0 onefac(1) = 1.d0 onefac(2) = 1.d0 onefac(3) = 1.d0 nstep = 0 nitp = 0 nits = 0 ene%kin%tot = 0.d0 ene%kin%solt = 0.d0 ene%tot = ener%pot%tot ene%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) ene%volume = volume ene%vir(4) = vir(1) + vir(2) + vir(3) if ( master )then call prntmd(nstep,nitp,nits,t,ene,onefac,iout7,.false.) end if if ( dumpfrc == 1 )then call force_dump(natom,xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ener,xx(lscg),xx(lscn1),xx(lscn2),xx(lsdip),xx(l15), & cn1,cn2,xx(lfixdip),xx(linddip),xx(lsind),qsetup) end if if ( rmsfrc == 1 )then call rms_check(natom,xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ener,xx(lsrms),xx(lf2),xx(lf3),xx(lf4),xx(lf5),xx(lf6), & xx(lscg),xx(lscn1),xx(lscn2),xx(lsdip), & xx(l15),cn1,cn2,xx(lfixdip), & xx(linddip),xx(lsind), qsetup) end if ! get the delta for numerical force, virial calcs del = 1.d0 do j = 1,neglgdel del = del/1.d1 end do ! save copies of analytic forces for user defined and random atoms do j = 1,natomn atomnum = atomn(j) if ( atomnum == 0 )goto 50 cpfrc1(1,j) = f(1,atomnum) cpfrc1(2,j) = f(2,atomnum) cpfrc1(3,j) = f(3,atomnum) end do 50 continue if ( nranatm > natomn )then if ( master) write(6,166)natomn 166 format(1x,'MAX NUM Random atoms: ',i6) call mexit(6,1) end if if ( nranatm > 0 )then call amrset(ranseed) do j = 1,nranatm call amrand(y) atomnum = y * natom ranatm(j) = atomnum cpfrc2(1,j) = f(1,atomnum) cpfrc2(2,j) = f(2,atomnum) cpfrc2(3,j) = f(3,atomnum) end do end if ! now do user defined atoms if ( atomn(1) > 0 )then if ( master )write(6,168) if ( master ) & write(6,*)'----------------------------------------------' end if do j = 1,natomn atomnum = atomn(j) if ( atomnum == 0 )goto 100 call get_numfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & vir,ener,atomnum,del,apfrc,qsetup) call rmsdiff(apfrc,cpfrc1(1,j),rms) if ( master )then write(6,60)atomnum do k = 1,3 diff=apfrc(k)-cpfrc1(k,j) write(6,66)k,apfrc(k),cpfrc1(k,j),diff end do write(6,70)rms end if end do 100 continue if ( master ) & write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' if ( nranatm > 0 )then if ( master )write(6,167) if ( master ) & write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' do j = 1,nranatm atomnum = ranatm(j) call get_numfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & vir,ener,atomnum,del,apfrc,qsetup) call rmsdiff(apfrc,cpfrc2(1,j),rms) if ( master )then write(6,60)atomnum do k = 1,3 diff = apfrc(k)-cpfrc2(k,j) write(6,66)k,apfrc(k),cpfrc2(k,j),diff end do write(6,70)rms end if end do if ( master ) & write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' end if ! now check the virials. First the molvir, type = 1 if ( chkvir /= 0)then type = 1 call check_virial(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,dudv,type, qsetup) apmvir = 3*volume*dudv call check_vtens(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,mduda,molvir,mapduda,type, qsetup) ! Next the atvir, type = 2 type = 2 call check_virial(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,dudv,type, qsetup) apavir = 3*volume*dudv call check_vtens(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,duda,atvir,apduda,type, qsetup) if ( master )then write(6,*)'Checking analytic virial trace versus' write(6,*)'Numerical calculation of 3V dU/dV' write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' call compare(exmvir,apmvir,'Molecular virial: ') call compare(exavir,apavir,'Atomic virial: ') write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' write(6,*)'Checking numerical calculation of DU/da_ij' write(6,*)'where a is the unit cell matrix, against' write(6,*)'VTa^-1, where T is molecular or atomic virial tensor' write(6,*)'See eqn. 2.6-2.8 in Essmann et al. JCP 103,8577' write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' call compare(mduda(1,1),mapduda(1,1),'Molec. dUda_(1,1) ') call compare(mduda(1,2),mapduda(1,2),'Molec. dUda_(1,2) ') call compare(mduda(1,3),mapduda(1,3),'Molec. dUda_(1,3) ') call compare(mduda(2,1),mapduda(2,1),'Molec. dUda_(2,1) ') call compare(mduda(2,2),mapduda(2,2),'Molec. dUda_(2,2) ') call compare(mduda(2,3),mapduda(2,3),'Molec. dUda_(2,3) ') call compare(mduda(3,1),mapduda(3,1),'Molec. dUda_(3,1) ') call compare(mduda(3,2),mapduda(3,2),'Molec. dUda_(3,2) ') call compare(mduda(3,3),mapduda(3,3),'Molec. dUda_(3,3) ') call compare(duda(1,1),apduda(1,1),'Atomic dUda_(1,1) ') call compare(duda(1,2),apduda(1,2),'Atomic dUda_(1,2) ') call compare(duda(1,3),apduda(1,3),'Atomic dUda_(1,3) ') call compare(duda(2,1),apduda(2,1),'Atomic dUda_(2,1) ') call compare(duda(2,2),apduda(2,2),'Atomic dUda_(2,2) ') call compare(duda(2,3),apduda(2,3),'Atomic dUda_(2,3) ') call compare(duda(3,1),apduda(3,1),'Atomic dUda_(3,1) ') call compare(duda(3,2),apduda(3,2),'Atomic dUda_(3,2) ') call compare(duda(3,3),apduda(3,3),'Atomic dUda_(3,3) ') write(6,*)'--------------------------------------------' end if ! ( master ) end if ! ( chkvir /= 0) if ( master )then call mexit(6,0) else call mexit(0,0) end if 60 format(9x,'NUMERICAL, ANALYTICAL FORCES (diff) from atom ',i9) 66 format(1x,i6,f14.8,1x,f14.8,1x,f14.8) 67 format(1x,3(1x,f14.8)) 70 format(1x,'RMS force error = ',e10.3) 167 format(1x,'Checking numerical force for random atoms') 168 format(1x,'Checking numerical force for user chosen atoms') end subroutine debug_frc !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine crd_mod here] subroutine crd_mod(crd,atomn,j,del,save) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),del,save integer atomn,j save = crd(j,atomn) crd(j,atomn) = save + del return end subroutine crd_mod !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine crd_rst here] subroutine crd_rst(crd,atomn,j,del,save) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),del,save integer atomn,j crd(j,atomn) = save return end subroutine crd_rst !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine get_analfrc here] subroutine get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & vir,ene,qsetup) use stack use state implicit none character(kind=1,len=11) :: routine="get_analfrc" # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" # include "ew_mpole.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" #ifdef MPI #ifdef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #undef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #endif include 'mpif.h' integer ierr # include "parallel.h" #ifdef CRAY_PVP #define MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION MPI_REAL8 #endif #endif logical qsetup _REAL_ xx(*),x(*),f(3,*),vir(*) integer ipairs(*),ix(*) type(state_rec) :: ene character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ ekcmt(4) integer ltmp logical, parameter :: do_list_update=.false. #ifdef MPI call mpi_barrier(commsander,ierr) #endif call fix_xr(x,natom,nspm,ix(i70),xx(l75), & ekcmt,xx(l45),xx(lvel),xx(lmass)) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene,vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) #ifdef MPI call get_stack(ltmp,3*natom,routine) if(.not. rstack_ok)then deallocate(r_stack) allocate(r_stack(1:lastrst),stat=alloc_ier) call reassign_rstack(routine) endif REQUIRE(rstack_ok) call merge_forces(f,r_stack(ltmp),natom) ! merge fields if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then call merge_forces(xx(lfield),r_stack(ltmp),natom) end if call free_stack(ltmp,routine) #endif return end subroutine get_analfrc !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine fix_xr here] subroutine fix_xr(x,natom,nspm,nsp,tma,ekcmt,xr,v,amass) implicit none _REAL_ x(3,*),tma(*),ekcmt(*), & xr(3,*),v(*),amass(*) integer natom,nspm,nsp(*),i do i = 1,natom xr(1,i) = x(1,i) xr(2,i) = x(2,i) xr(3,i) = x(3,i) end do !#ifdef MPI call ekcmr(nspm,nsp,tma,ekcmt,xr,v,amass,1,natom) !#else ! call ekcmr(nspm,nsp,tma,ekcmt,xr,v,amass) !#endif return end subroutine fix_xr !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine get_numfrc here] subroutine get_numfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & vir,ene,atomn,del,apfrc,qsetup) use state implicit none # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" logical qsetup _REAL_ xx(*),x(*),f(*), & vir(*),del,apfrc(3) type(state_rec) :: ene integer ipairs(*),ix(*),atomn character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ enep,enem,save,delta integer j logical, parameter :: do_list_update=.false. do j = 1,3 delta = del call crd_mod(x,atomn,j,delta,save) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene,vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) enep = ene%pot%tot call crd_rst(x,atomn,j,delta,save) delta = -del call crd_mod(x,atomn,j,delta,save) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene,vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) enem = ene%pot%tot call crd_rst(x,atomn,j,delta,save) ! force is negative of gradient apfrc(j) = -(enep - enem)/(2.d0*del) end do return end subroutine get_numfrc !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine rmsdiff here] subroutine rmsdiff(apfrc,frc,rms) implicit none _REAL_ apfrc(3),frc(3) _REAL_ num,den,small,rms small = 1.d-6 den = frc(1)**2 + frc(2)**2 + frc(3)**2 + small num = (apfrc(1)-frc(1))**2 + (apfrc(2)-frc(2))**2 + & (apfrc(3)-frc(3))**2 rms = sqrt(num/den) return end subroutine rmsdiff !---------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine rms_check here] subroutine rms_check(natom,xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ener,srms,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,scg,scn1,scn2,sdip,cg,cn1,cn2, & fixdip,inddip,sind,qsetup) use ew_recip,only:frcx use parms, only : nttyp use state implicit none # include "ew_frc.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "ew_mpole.h" # include "extra.h" # include "flocntrl.h" _REAL_ xx(*),x(3,*),f(3,*) _REAL_ srms(*),f2(3,*),f3(3,*),f4(3,*), & f5(3,*),f6(3,*) _REAL_ scg(*),scn1(*),scn2(*),sdip(3,*), & cg(*),cn1(*),cn2(*),fixdip(3,*) type(state_rec) :: ener, ene integer ipairs(*),ix(*) character(len=4) ih(*) integer j,k,natom,jmax,matom,jmin _REAL_ tvec(16),teer,teed,teea,tees, & tevd,tevr,tfrcx,tfrcy,tfrcz _REAL_ vir,tvir _REAL_ trec_vir(3,3),tdir_vir(3,3),tadj_vir(3,3) _REAL_ inddip(3,*),sind(3,*) _REAL_ trec_vird(3,3),tatvir(3,3),tmolvir(3,3) _REAL_ tsubvir(3,3),tf(3),tx(3) _REAL_ maxrms,rms,virial(4) integer sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi integer szerochg,szerovdw,szerodip,count,mycount logical qsetup mycount = 0 if ( master )then call amopen(30,'forcedump.dat','O','F','R') write(6,*)'CHECKING energies,forces against forcedump.dat' read(30,299)matom if ( matom /= natom )then write(6,*)'RMS CHECK: atom numbers do not match with file' return end if maxrms = -1.d0 jmax = -1 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)tx(1),tx(2),tx(3) rms = (tx(1)-x(1,j))**2+(tx(2)-x(2,j))**2+ & (tx(3)-x(3,j))**2 if ( rms > maxrms )then maxrms = rms jmax = j end if end do write(6,*)'First check new, old coordinates' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,51)sqrt(maxrms),jmax 51 format(1x,'Maximum atomic RMS coordinate error: ',e9.3, & ' at atom number ',i9) read(30,200)count if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,16 read(30,300)tvec(j) end do read(30,301)teer,teed,teea read(30,301)tees,tevd,tevr read(30,301)tfrcx,tfrcy,tfrcz write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,*)'ERRORS in Energies, virials and forces' write(6,*)'Compared to stored results in forcedump.dat' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,*)'Relative errors in energy components:' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call compare(ener%pot%tot, tvec(1),'Potential energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%vdw, tvec(2),'Nonbond energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%elec, tvec(3),'Electrostatic energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%bond, tvec(5),'Bond energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%angle, tvec(6),'Angle energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%dihedral,tvec(7),'Dihedral energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%vdw_14, tvec(8),'1-4VDW energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%elec_14, tvec(9),'1-4EE energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%constraint,tvec(10),'Constraint energy: ') call compare(ener%pot%polar,tvec(11),'Polarization energy: ') write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,*)'Relative errors in ewald energy components:' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call compare(eed,teed,'Direct ee: ') call compare(eer,teer,'Reciprocal ee: ') call compare(eea,teea,'Adjust ee: ') call compare(ees,tees,'Self ee: ') call compare(evdw-evdwr,tevd,'Direct vdw: ') call compare(evdwr,tevr,'Long-range vdw: ') write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,*)'Relative errors in total force components:' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call compare(frcx(1),tfrcx,'FRCX: ') call compare(frcx(2),tfrcy,'FRCY: ') call compare(frcx(3),tfrcz,'FRCZ: ') read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 read(30,301)trec_vir(1,1),trec_vir(1,2),trec_vir(1,3) read(30,301)trec_vir(2,1),trec_vir(2,2),trec_vir(2,3) read(30,301)trec_vir(3,1),trec_vir(3,2),trec_vir(3,3) read(30,301)trec_vird(1,1),trec_vird(1,2),trec_vird(1,3) read(30,301)trec_vird(2,1),trec_vird(2,2),trec_vird(2,3) read(30,301)trec_vird(3,1),trec_vird(3,2),trec_vird(3,3) read(30,301)tdir_vir(1,1),tdir_vir(1,2),tdir_vir(1,3) read(30,301)tdir_vir(2,1),tdir_vir(2,2),tdir_vir(2,3) read(30,301)tdir_vir(3,1),tdir_vir(3,2),tdir_vir(3,3) read(30,301)tadj_vir(1,1),tadj_vir(1,2),tadj_vir(1,3) read(30,301)tadj_vir(2,1),tadj_vir(2,2),tadj_vir(2,3) read(30,301)tadj_vir(3,1),tadj_vir(3,2),tadj_vir(3,3) read(30,301)tatvir(1,1),tatvir(1,2),tatvir(1,3) read(30,301)tatvir(2,1),tatvir(2,2),tatvir(2,3) read(30,301)tatvir(3,1),tatvir(3,2),tatvir(3,3) read(30,301)tmolvir(1,1),tmolvir(1,2),tmolvir(1,3) read(30,301)tmolvir(2,1),tmolvir(2,2),tmolvir(2,3) read(30,301)tmolvir(3,1),tmolvir(3,2),tmolvir(3,3) read(30,301)tsubvir(1,1),tsubvir(1,2),tsubvir(1,3) read(30,301)tsubvir(2,1),tsubvir(2,2),tsubvir(2,3) read(30,301)tsubvir(3,1),tsubvir(3,2),tsubvir(3,3) write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' write(6,*)'Relative errors in Virial Tensors:' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call compare_vir(rec_vir,trec_vir, & 'Reciprocal ee virial: ') call compare_vir(dir_vir,tdir_vir, & 'Direct virial: ') call compare_vir(adj_vir,tadj_vir, & 'Adjust ee virial: ') call compare_vir(atvir,tatvir, & 'Nonbond atomic virial: ') call compare_vir(molvir,tmolvir, & 'Nonbond Molec. virial: ') write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' end if ! ( master ) ! end master only ! restore orig cg,cn1,cn2 call save_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if if ( szerovdw == 1)then call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) end if ! redo forces call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then call array_copy(f,f3,3*natom) read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f4(1,j),f4(2,j),f4(3,j) end do write(6,*)'TOTAL FORCES: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f3,f4,f3,f4,srms,natom) ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then call array_copy(xx(lfield),f5,3*natom) read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f6(1,j),f6(2,j),f6(3,j) end do write(6,*)'TOTAL FIELDS: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f5,f6,f5,f6,srms,natom) end if end if ! .. DO FORCE COMPONENTS ! bonds call zero_flow() do_bond = sdo_bond call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from BOND ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) end if ! angles call zero_flow() do_angle = sdo_angle call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from ANGLE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) end if ! dihedrals call zero_flow() do_ephi = sdo_ephi call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from DIHEDRAL ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) end if ! direct vdw sum call zero_flow() do_dir = sdo_dir ! zero the charges call zero_array(cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from Direct VDW ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) end if ! direct ee sum call zero_flow() do_dir = sdo_dir ! zero the vdw call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the vdw call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from Direct EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FIELDS from Direct EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(xx(lfield),f2,f5,f6,srms,natom) end if end if ! reciprocal ee sum call zero_flow() do_rec = sdo_rec if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from Reciprocal EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FIELDS from Reciprocal EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(xx(lfield),f2,f5,f6,srms,natom) end if end if ! adj ee sum call zero_flow() do_adj = sdo_adj if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FORCES from Adjust EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(f,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then read(30,200)count mycount = mycount + 1 if ( mycount /= count )goto 666 do j = 1,natom read(30,301)f2(1,j),f2(2,j),f2(3,j) end do write(6,*)'FIELDS from Adjust EE ROUTINE: ' write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' call frc_compare(xx(lfield),f2,f5,f6,srms,natom) end if end if ! fix back again (side effects in force routine) call restore_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if if ( szerovdw == 1 )then call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) 200 format(1x,i2) 299 format(1x,i8) 300 format(1x,e23.16) 301 format(3(1x,e23.16)) 305 format(1x,7i5) 306 format(1x,2i5) close(30) return 666 continue write(6,*)'Misalignment of forcedump (diff versions?)' close(30) return end subroutine rms_check !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine compare here] subroutine compare(a,b,string) implicit none _REAL_ a,b,small,err,den character(len=*)string small = 1.d-11 den = max(abs(a),abs(b))+small err = abs(a-b)/den write(6,60)string,a,b,err 60 format(1x,a,e12.5,' vs ',e12.5,' relative error: ',e9.3) return end subroutine compare !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine compare_vir here] subroutine compare_vir(u,v,string) implicit none _REAL_ u(3,3),v(3,3),small,err,den integer i,j character(len=*)string small = 1.d-11 do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 den = max(abs(u(i,j)),abs(v(i,j)))+small err = abs(u(i,j)-v(i,j))/den if ( i == 1.and. j == 1 )then write(6,60)string,u(i,j),v(i,j),err else write(6,61)u(i,j),v(i,j),err end if end do end do 60 format(1x,a,e12.5,' vs ',e12.5,' relative error: ',e9.3) 61 format(24x,e12.5,' vs ',e12.5,' relative error: ',e9.3) return end subroutine compare_vir !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine force_dump here] subroutine force_dump(natom,xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ener,scg,scn1,scn2,sdip,cg,cn1,cn2,fixdip, & inddip,sind,qsetup) use ew_recip,only:frcx use parms, only : nttyp use state implicit none # include "ew_frc.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "ew_mpole.h" # include "extra.h" # include "debug.h" # include "flocntrl.h" _REAL_ xx(*),x(3,*),f(3,*) _REAL_ scg(*),scn1(*),scn2(*),sdip(3,*), & cg(*),cn1(*),cn2(*),fixdip(3,*) integer ipairs(*),ix(*) character(len=4) ih(*) integer j,natom,kk _REAL_ inddip(3,*),sind(3,*) integer sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi integer szerochg,szerovdw,szerodip,count _REAL_ virial(4) type(state_rec) :: ene type(state_rec) :: ener logical qsetup if ( master )then call amopen(30,'forcedump.dat','N','F','W') write(30,299)natom do j = 1,natom write(30,301)x(1,j),x(2,j),x(3,j) end do count = 0 write(30,199)count 199 format(1x,i2,' START of Energies') write(30,300)ener%pot%tot write(30,300)ener%pot%vdw write(30,300)ener%pot%elec write(30,300)ener%pot%gb write(30,300)ener%pot%bond write(30,300)ener%pot%angle write(30,300)ener%pot%dihedral write(30,300)ener%pot%vdw_14 write(30,300)ener%pot%elec_14 write(30,300)ener%pot%constraint !10 write(30,300)ener%pot%polar write(30,300)ener%aveper write(30,300)ener%aveind write(30,300)ener%avetot write(30,300)ener%pot%surf write(30,300)ener%pot%dvdl !16 write(30,301)eer,eed,eea write(30,301)ees,evdw-evdwr,evdwr write(30,301)frcx(1),frcx(2),frcx(3) count = 1 write(30,200)count 200 format(1x,i2,' START of VIRIALS') write(30,301)rec_vir(1,1),rec_vir(1,2),rec_vir(1,3) write(30,301)rec_vir(2,1),rec_vir(2,2),rec_vir(2,3) write(30,301)rec_vir(3,1),rec_vir(3,2),rec_vir(3,3) write(30,301)rec_vird(1,1),rec_vird(1,2),rec_vird(1,3) write(30,301)rec_vird(2,1),rec_vird(2,2),rec_vird(2,3) write(30,301)rec_vird(3,1),rec_vird(3,2),rec_vird(3,3) write(30,301)dir_vir(1,1),dir_vir(1,2),dir_vir(1,3) write(30,301)dir_vir(2,1),dir_vir(2,2),dir_vir(2,3) write(30,301)dir_vir(3,1),dir_vir(3,2),dir_vir(3,3) write(30,301)adj_vir(1,1),adj_vir(1,2),adj_vir(1,3) write(30,301)adj_vir(2,1),adj_vir(2,2),adj_vir(2,3) write(30,301)adj_vir(3,1),adj_vir(3,2),adj_vir(3,3) write(30,301)atvir(1,1),atvir(1,2),atvir(1,3) write(30,301)atvir(2,1),atvir(2,2),atvir(2,3) write(30,301)atvir(3,1),atvir(3,2),atvir(3,3) write(30,301)molvir(1,1),molvir(1,2),molvir(1,3) write(30,301)molvir(2,1),molvir(2,2),molvir(2,3) write(30,301)molvir(3,1),molvir(3,2),molvir(3,3) write(30,301)subvir(1,1),subvir(1,2),subvir(1,3) write(30,301)subvir(2,1),subvir(2,2),subvir(2,3) write(30,301)subvir(3,1),subvir(3,2),subvir(3,3) end if ! ( master ) ! save current values... do force components call save_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) ! restore orig cg,cn1,cn2 call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if if ( szerovdw == 1)then call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) end if ! redo forces call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,201)count 201 format(1x,i2,' Total Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then count = count + 1 write(30,2010)count 2010 format(1x,i2,' Total Field') kk = 0 do j = 1,natom write(30,301)xx(lfield+kk),xx(lfield+kk+1),xx(lfield+kk+2) kk = kk + 3 end do end if end if ! bonds call zero_flow() do_bond = sdo_bond call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,202)count 202 format(1x,i2,' Bond Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do end if ! angles call zero_flow() do_angle = sdo_angle call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,203)count 203 format(1x,i2,' Angle Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do end if ! dihedrals call zero_flow() do_ephi = sdo_ephi call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,204)count 204 format(1x,i2,' Dihedral Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do end if ! direct vdw sum call zero_flow() do_dir = sdo_dir ! zero the charges call zero_array(cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,205)count 205 format(1x,i2,' Van der Waals Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do end if ! direct ee sum call zero_flow() do_dir = sdo_dir ! zero the vdw call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) ! zero the charges if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the vdw call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,206)count 206 format(1x,i2,' Direct sum electrostatic Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then count = count + 1 write(30,2060)count 2060 format(1x,i2,' Direct sum electrostatic Field') kk = 0 do j = 1,natom write(30,301)xx(lfield+kk),xx(lfield+kk+1),xx(lfield+kk+2) kk = kk + 3 end do end if end if ! reciprocal ee sum call zero_flow() do_rec = sdo_rec ! zero the charges if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,207)count 207 format(1x,i2,' Reciprocal sum electrostatic Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then count = count + 1 write(30,2070)count 2070 format(1x,i2,' Reciprocal sum electrostatic Field') kk = 0 do j = 1,natom write(30,301)xx(lfield+kk),xx(lfield+kk+1),xx(lfield+kk+2) kk = kk + 3 end do end if end if ! adj ee sum call zero_flow() do_adj = sdo_adj ! zero the charges if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) ! restore the charges call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if if ( master )then count = count + 1 write(30,208)count 208 format(1x,i2,' Adjust sum electrostatic Force') do j = 1,natom write(30,301)f(1,j),f(2,j),f(3,j) end do ! field if dipoles if ( mpoltype >= 1 )then count = count + 1 write(30,2080)count 2080 format(1x,i2,' Adjust sum electrostatic Field') kk = 0 do j = 1,natom write(30,301)xx(lfield+kk),xx(lfield+kk+1),xx(lfield+kk+2) kk = kk + 3 end do end if end if ! end components if ( master )then close(30) end if ! fix back again (side effects in force routine) call restore_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) call array_copy(scg,cg,natom) ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 )then ! call array_copy(sdip,fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1)then call array_copy(sind,inddip,3*natom) end if call array_copy(scn1,cn1,nttyp) call array_copy(scn2,cn2,nttyp) if ( szerochg == 1 )then call zero_array(cg,natom) end if ! if ( fix_dip .eq. 1 .and. szerodip .eq. 1 )then ! call zero_array(fixdip,3*natom) ! endif if (indmeth == 3.and.irstdip == 1.and.szerodip == 1)then call zero_array(inddip,3*natom) end if if ( szerovdw == 1 )then call zero_array(cn1,nttyp) call zero_array(cn2,nttyp) end if call get_analfrc(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & virial,ene, qsetup) 299 format(1x,i8) 300 format(1x,e23.16) 301 format(3(1x,e23.16)) 305 format(1x,7i5) 306 format(1x,2i5) return end subroutine force_dump !-------------------------------------------------- #ifdef MPI !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine merge_forces here] subroutine merge_forces(f,ftmp,natom) implicit none #ifdef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #undef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #endif include 'mpif.h' integer ierr # include "parallel.h" #ifdef CRAY_PVP #define MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION MPI_REAL8 #endif ! needed in mpi case to put forces together integer natom,init _REAL_ f(*),ftmp(*) integer i call MPI_Gatherv ( f(iparpt3(sanderrank)+1), & rcvcnt3(sanderrank), & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & f, rcvcnt3(0:sandersize), iparpt3(0:sandersize), & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0, commsander,ierr ) return end subroutine merge_forces #endif !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine check_virial here] subroutine check_virial(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,dudv,type, qsetup) use nblist,only: volume implicit none # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" _REAL_ xx(*),x(*),f(*), & ene(*),del,dudv integer ipairs(*),ix(*),type character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ factor(3),term,vir(4) _REAL_ enep,enem,volp,volm logical, intent(in) :: qsetup logical, parameter :: do_list_update=.false. ! scale cell up term = (1.d0 + del)**(1.d0/3.d0) factor(1) = term factor(2) = term factor(3) = term call redo_ucell(factor) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update,0 ) enep = ene(23) volp = volume ! put cell back term = 1.d0/term factor(1) = term factor(2) = term factor(3) = term call redo_ucell(factor) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) ! now scale cell down term = (1.d0 - del)**(1.d0/3.d0) factor(1) = term factor(2) = term factor(3) = term call redo_ucell(factor) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0 ) enem = ene(23) volm = volume dudv = (enep - enem)/(volp-volm) ! put cell back term = 1.d0/term factor(1) = term factor(2) = term factor(3) = term call redo_ucell(factor) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0 ) return end subroutine check_virial !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine check_vtens here] subroutine check_vtens(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f, & ene,del,duda,vten,apduda,type, qsetup) use nblist, only: ucell, recip implicit none # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" _REAL_ xx(*),x(*),f(*), & ene(*),del,duda(3,3),vir(4),vten(3,3),apduda(3,3) integer ipairs(*),ix(*),type character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ enep,enem,save(3,3),new(3,3) integer i,j,k,l logical, intent(in) :: qsetup logical, parameter :: do_list_update=.false. ! save existing cell do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 save(i,j) = ucell(i,j) end do end do do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 ! get apduda(i,j) do k = 1,3 do l = 1,3 new(k,l) = save(k,l) end do end do new(i,j) = save(i,j) + del call new_ucell_gen(new) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) enep = ene(23) new(i,j) = save(i,j) - del call new_ucell_gen(new) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) enem = ene(23) apduda(i,j) = (enep-enem)/(2.d0*del) end do end do ! put cell back do k = 1,3 do l = 1,3 new(k,l) = save(k,l) end do end do call new_ucell_gen(new) call ew_pscale(natom,x,xx(lmass),nspm,ix(i70),type) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ene(23),vir, & xx(l96), xx(l97), xx(l98), xx(l99), qsetup, do_list_update, 0) ! calc approx duda do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 duda(i,j) = 0.d0 do k = 1,3 ! recip is transpose of inverse of ucell duda(i,j) = duda(i,j) + vten(i,k)*recip(k,j) end do end do end do return end subroutine check_vtens !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine get_intvir here] subroutine get_intvir(natom,x,f,subvir,intvir) implicit none _REAL_ x(3,*),f(3,*),subvir(3,3), & intvir(3,3) integer natom integer i,j,n _REAL_ mecvir(3,3) do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 mecvir(i,j) = 0.d0 end do end do do n = 1,natom do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 mecvir(i,j) = mecvir(i,j) - f(i,n)*x(j,n) end do end do end do do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 intvir(i,j) = mecvir(i,j) - subvir(i,j) end do end do return end subroutine get_intvir !-------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine frc_compare here] subroutine frc_compare(f1,f2,f3,f4,srms,natom) implicit none _REAL_ f1(3,*),f2(3,*),f3(3,*), & f4(3,*),srms(*) integer natom integer i,j,k,jmax,jmin _REAL_ num,den,totnum,totden, & totden1,totden2,den1,den2,rms,maxrms,minrms,small small = 1.d-10 maxrms = -1.d0 minrms = 10.d0 jmax = -1 totnum = 0.d0 write(6,*)'ABSOLUTE RMS deviations: (in kcal/(mol Ang))' do j = 1,natom num = 0.d0 do i = 1,3 num = num + (f1(i,j) - f2(i,j))**2 end do rms = sqrt(num/3) srms(j) = rms totnum = totnum + num if ( rms > maxrms )then jmax = j maxrms = rms end if if ( rms < minrms )then jmin = j minrms = rms end if end do write(6,61)maxrms,jmax write(6,62)minrms,jmin call do_percentiles(srms,maxrms,minrms,natom) write(6,60)sqrt(totnum/(3*natom)) 61 format(1x,'Maximum atomic RMS force error: ',e9.3, & ' at atom number ',i9) 62 format(1x,'Minimum atomic RMS force error: ',e9.3, & ' at atom number ',i9) 60 format(1x,'Overall RMS FORCE ERROR: ',e9.3) write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' maxrms = -1.d0 minrms = 10.d0 jmax = -1 totnum = 0.d0 totden1 = 0.d0 totden2 = 0.d0 write(6,*)'RELATIVE RMS deviations: ' do j = 1,natom num = 0.d0 den1 = 0.d0 den2 = 0.d0 do i = 1,3 num = num + (f1(i,j) - f2(i,j))**2 den1 = den1 + f3(i,j)**2 den2 = den2 + f4(i,j)**2 end do den = small if ( den1 > den )den = den1 if ( den2 > den )den = den2 rms = sqrt(num/den) srms(j) = rms totnum = totnum + num totden1 = totden1 + den1 totden2 = totden2 + den2 if ( rms > maxrms )then jmax = j maxrms = rms end if if ( rms < minrms )then jmin = j minrms = rms end if end do totden = small if ( totden1 > totden )totden = totden1 if ( totden2 > totden )totden = totden2 write(6,61)maxrms,jmax write(6,62)minrms,jmin call do_percentiles(srms,maxrms,minrms,natom) write(6,60)sqrt(totnum/totden) write(6,*)'-----------------------------------------' return end subroutine frc_compare !------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine do_percentiles here] subroutine do_percentiles(srms,max,min,natom) implicit none _REAL_ srms(*),max,min integer natom integer count(500),totcount,med,sev5,ninety,ninety5,ninety9 integer imed,isev5,ininety,ininety5,ininety9,i,j,k _REAL_ apmed,apsev5,apninety, & apninety5,apninety9,range,up,lo,frac,tiny tiny = 1.d-16 if ( max < tiny )then write(6,71) write(6,*)'RMS error range too small to get percentiles!' return end if med = natom/2 sev5 = (3*natom)/4 ninety = (9*natom)/10 ninety5 = (95*natom)/100 ninety9 = (99*natom)/100 ! bin rms to quick estimate median,75th,90th,95th percentiles range = max-min do j = 1,500 count(j) = 0 end do do j = 1,natom k = 500*(srms(j)-min)/range+1 count(k) = count(k) + 1 end do totcount = 0 imed = 0 isev5 = 0 ininety = 0 ininety5 = 0 ininety9 = 0 do j = 1,500 up = min + j * range / 500 lo = up - range / 500 if ( imed == 0 .and. totcount + count(j) > med )then imed = 1 frac = (dble(med) - dble(totcount))/count(j) apmed = lo + frac*range/500 end if if ( isev5 == 0 .and. totcount + count(j) > sev5 )then isev5 = 1 frac = (dble(sev5) - dble(totcount))/count(j) apsev5 = lo + frac*range/500 end if if (ininety == 0 .and.totcount+count(j) > ninety )then ininety = 1 frac = (dble(ninety) - dble(totcount))/count(j) apninety = lo + frac*range/500 end if if (ininety5 == 0 .and.totcount+count(j) > ninety5 )then ininety5 = 1 frac = (dble(ninety5) - dble(totcount))/count(j) apninety5 = lo + frac*range/500 end if if (ininety9 == 0 .and.totcount+count(j) > ninety9 )then ininety9 = 1 frac = (dble(ninety9) - dble(totcount))/count(j) apninety9 = lo + frac*range/500 end if totcount = totcount + count(j) end do write(6,71) 71 format(1x,'The 50th,75th,90th,95th and 99th percentile', & ' Atomic RMS force errors:') write(6,70)apmed,apsev5,apninety,apninety5,apninety9 70 format(5(1x,e9.3)) return end subroutine do_percentiles !------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine save_flow here] subroutine save_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) implicit none # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" integer sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi integer szerochg,szerovdw,szerodip sdo_dir = do_dir sdo_rec = do_rec sdo_adj = do_adj sdo_self = do_self sdo_bond = do_bond sdo_angle = do_angle sdo_ephi = do_ephi szerovdw = zerovdw szerochg = zerochg szerodip = zerodip return end subroutine save_flow !------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine restore_flow here] subroutine restore_flow(sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi,szerochg,szerodip,szerovdw) implicit none # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" integer sdo_dir,sdo_rec,sdo_adj,sdo_self, & sdo_bond,sdo_angle,sdo_ephi integer szerochg,szerovdw,szerodip do_dir = sdo_dir do_rec = sdo_rec do_adj = sdo_adj do_self = sdo_self do_bond = sdo_bond do_angle = sdo_angle do_ephi = sdo_ephi zerovdw = szerovdw zerochg = szerochg zerodip = szerodip return end subroutine restore_flow !------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine zero_flow here] subroutine zero_flow() implicit none # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" do_dir = 0 do_rec = 0 do_adj = 0 do_self = 0 do_bond = 0 do_angle = 0 do_ephi = 0 return end subroutine zero_flow !------------------------------------------------------------ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine dump_flow here] subroutine dump_flow() implicit none # include "flocntrl.h" # include "debug.h" write(6,60)do_bond,do_angle,do_ephi,do_dir,do_rec, & do_adj,do_self,zerovdw,zerochg 60 format(1x,9i5) return end subroutine dump_flow !------------------------------------------------------------