! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/assert.fh" #include "../include/dprec.fh" #define VACUUM3 603 module genborn _REAL_, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: r2x,rjx,vectmp1,vectmp2, & vectmp3,vectmp4,vectmp5,sumdeijda,psi integer, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: temp_jj,k_vals,j_vals, neckidx logical, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: skipv #ifdef LES _REAL_, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: scalefac,lesscalefac,rbornlong,rix,vtemp7,vthi2 logical, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: longskipv,spreadfrc integer, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: nradii,iridx,jridx #endif public allocate_gb, deallocate_gb, egb, igb7_init contains !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ allocates scratch space for egb() subroutine allocate_gb( natom,ncopy ) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: natom, ncopy integer ier #ifdef LES allocate( r2x(ncopy*natom), rjx(ncopy*natom), vectmp1(ncopy*natom), & vectmp2(ncopy*natom), & vectmp3(ncopy*natom), vectmp4(ncopy*natom), vectmp5(ncopy*natom), & sumdeijda(ncopy*natom), psi(ncopy*natom), temp_jj(ncopy*natom), & skipv(0:natom),k_vals(natom),j_vals(natom), neckidx(natom), & scalefac(natom*ncopy), spreadfrc(natom*ncopy), vthi2(ncopy), & longskipv(natom*ncopy), nradii(natom),lesscalefac(natom*ncopy), & rbornlong(natom*ncopy), & rix(natom*ncopy),iridx(natom*ncopy),jridx(natom*ncopy), & vtemp7(ncopy),stat = ier ) #else allocate( r2x(natom), rjx(natom), vectmp1(natom), vectmp2(natom), & vectmp3(natom), vectmp4(natom), vectmp5(natom), & sumdeijda(natom), psi(natom), temp_jj(natom), & skipv(0:natom),k_vals(natom),j_vals(natom), neckidx(natom), & stat = ier ) #endif REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) return end subroutine allocate_gb !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ deallocates scratch space for egb() subroutine deallocate_gb( ) implicit none integer ier ! assume that if r2x is allocated then all are allocated if ( allocated( r2x ) ) then deallocate( skipv, neckidx, j_vals, k_vals, temp_jj, psi, sumdeijda, & vectmp5, vectmp4, vectmp3, vectmp2, vectmp1, rjx, r2x, stat = ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) #ifdef LES deallocate( longskipv,scalefac,lesscalefac,nradii,rbornlong, rix, & iridx,jridx,vtemp7,vthi2,spreadfrc, stat = ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) #endif else REQUIRE( .false. ) ! cannot deallocate un-allocated array end if return end subroutine deallocate_gb !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Initialize table of indexes for GB neck lookup table. subroutine igb7_init(natom, ncopy, rborn) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: natom, ncopy integer i,j,k _REAL_, intent(in) :: rborn(*) do i=1,natom neckidx(i) = nint((rborn(i)-1.0d0)*20d0) if (neckidx(i) < 0 .or. neckidx(i) > 20) then write (6,*) "Atom ",i," has radius ",rborn(i), & " outside of allowed range" write (6,*) "of 1.0 to 2.0 angstroms for igb=7. Regenerate & &prmtop file with bondi radii." call mexit(6,1) end if end do end subroutine igb7_init !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ handles generalized Born functionality, plus reg. nonbon, plus surface area subroutine egb(x,f,rborn,fs,reff,onereff,charge,iac,ico,numex, & natex,dcharge,cut,ntypes,natom,natbel, & epol,eelt,evdw,esurf,dvdl,vdwrad,ineighbor,p1,p2,p3,p4, & rbmax,rbmin,rbave,rbfluct,ncopy,gbvalpha,gbvbeta,gbvgamma) ! Hai Nguyen add gbvalpha,gbvbeta,gbvgamma arrays for GB ! put all gbalpha, gbbeta, gbgamma for each atom in these 3 arrays ! (look at mdread.f for details) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute nonbonded interactions with a generalized Born model, ! getting the "effective" Born radii via the approximate pairwise method ! Use Eqs 9-11 of Hawkins, Cramer, Truhlar, J. Phys. Chem. 100:19824 ! (1996). Aside from the scaling of the radii, this is the same ! approach developed in Schaefer and Froemmel, JMB 216:1045 (1990). ! The input coordinates are in the "x" array, and the forces in "f" ! get updated; energy components are returned in "epol", "eelt" and ! "evdw". ! Input parameters for the generalized Born model are "rborn(i)", the ! intrinsic dielectric radius of atom "i", and "fs(i)", which is ! set (in routine mdread) to (rborn(i) - offset)*si. ! Input parameters for the "gas-phase" electrostatic energies are ! the charges, in the "charge()" array. ! Input parameters for the van der Waals terms are "cn1()" and "cn2()", ! containing LJ 12-6 parameters, and "asol" and "bsol" containing ! LJ 12-10 parameters. (The latter are not used in 1994 are more ! forcefields.) The "iac" and "ico" arrays are used to point into ! these matrices of coefficients. ! The "numex" and "natex" arrays are used to find "excluded" pairs of ! atoms, for which gas-phase electrostatics and LJ terms are skipped; ! note that GB terms are computed for all pairs of atoms. ! If gbsa=1, then an approximate surface-area dependent term is ! computed, with the resulting energy placed into "esurf". The ! algorithm is from J. Weiser, P.S. Shenkin, and W.C. Still, ! "Approximate atomic sufraces from linear combinations of pariwise ! overlaps (LCPO)", J. Computat. Chem. 20:217 (1999). ! The code also supports a multiple-time-step facility: ! pairs closer than sqrt(cut_inner) are evaluated every nrespai steps; ! " between sqrt(cut_inner) and sqrt(cut) are evaluated ! every nrespa steps ! " beyond sqrt(cut) are ignored ! the forces arising from the derivatives of the GB terms with respect ! to the effective Born radii are evaulated every nrespa steps ! the surface-area dependent term is evaluated every nrespa steps ! the effective radii are only updated every nrespai steps ! (Be careful with the above: what seems to work is dt=0.001, ! nrespai=2, nrespa=4; anything beyond this seems dangerous.) ! Written 1999-2000, primarily by D.A. Case, with help from C. Brooks, ! T. Simonson, R. Sinkovits and V. Tsui. The LCPO implementation ! was written by V. Tsui. ! Vectorization and optimization 1999-2000, primarily by C. P. Sosa, ! T. Hewitt, and D. A. Case. Work presented at CUG Fall of 2000. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- use icosasurf, only : icosa_init, icosa_sphere_approx use decomp, only: decsasa, decpair use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct,qm2_struct, qm_gb use parms, only: cn1,cn2,asol,bsol use constants, only: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, & eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, half, third, & fourth, eighth, pi, fourpi, alpb_alpha, & AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC use crg_reloc, only: ifcr, cr_add_dcdr_factor #ifdef LES use pimd_vars, only: ipimd,nrg_all # ifdef MPI use remd, only : rem # endif #endif implicit none #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" # ifdef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION # undef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION # endif include 'mpif.h' # ifdef CRAY_PVP # define MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION MPI_REAL8 # endif #endif # include "md.h" # include "def_time.h" #if defined(LES) # include "les.h" _REAL_ lfaci,templfac,tempscale,tmp,addi,addj logical first,spread integer ijcnum,idx1,idx2,istrt,jstrt,icnum,jcnum,tmpstop,icopy integer kstrt,kend _REAL_ nrg_vdw_tmp,nrg_egb_tmp,nrg_ele_tmp #endif _REAL_ deel logical onstep,onstepi,oncpstep,doeel, dovdw _REAL_ x,f,rborn,fs,reff,onereff,charge,cut, & epol,eelt,evdw,esurf,vdwrad,p1,p2,p3,p4, & dcharge,rbmax,rbmin,rbave,rbfluct _REAL_ totsasa,extdieli,intdieli, & lastxj,lastyj,lastzj,xi,yi,zi,ri,four_ri,ri1i,xij,yij,zij, & dij1i,r2,dij,sj,sj2,frespa,si,sumaij,sumajk, & sumaijajk,sumdaijddijdxi,sumdaijddijdyi,sumdaijddijdzi, & sumdaijddijdxiajk,sumdaijddijdyiajk,sumdaijddijdziajk, & xj,yj,zj,rij,tmpaij,aij,daijddij,daijddijdxj, daijddijdyj, & daijddijdzj,sumajk2,sumdajkddjkdxj,sumdajkddjkdyj, & sumdajkddjkdzj,p3p4aij,xk,yk,zk,rjk2,djk1i,rjk,vdw2dif, & tmpajk,ajk,dajkddjk,dajkddjkdxj,dajkddjkdyj,dajkddjkdzj, & daidxj,daidyj,daidzj,ai,daidxi,daidyi,daidzi,qi,dumx, & dumy,dumz,de,rj,temp1,fgbi,rinv,r2inv,qiqj,fgbk,expmkf, & dl,e,temp4,temp5,temp6,eel,r6inv,f6,f12, & dedx,dedy,dedz,qi2h,temp7,dij2i,datmp,dij3i, & qid2h,dvdl,thi,thi2, self_e,reff_j _REAL_ :: alpb_beta, one_Arad_beta _REAL_ :: gbvalpha,gbvbeta,gbvgamma !Hai Nguyen: add gbvalpha,gbvbeta,gbvgamma #ifdef HAS_10_12 _REAL_ :: r10inv, f10 #endif integer count,count2,icount,ineighbor(*),max_count, iminus integer iac,ico,numex,natex,ntypes,natom,natbel,ncopy integer i,j,k,kk1,maxi,num_j_vals,jjj,count2_fin,num_k_vals, & iexcl,iaci,jexcl,jexcl_last,jjv,ic,kk integer j3 integer loop_count #ifdef MPI integer mpistart, ierr #endif _REAL_ f_x,f_y,f_z,f_xi,f_yi,f_zi _REAL_ dumbo, tmpsd, rborn_i, psi_i _REAL_ gba_i, gbb_i, gbg_i ! Hai Nguyen: temporary variables for GB (calculating GB force) ! Variables for QMMM specific loops integer qm_temp_count !Locals for link atoms _REAL_ :: forcemod(3) integer :: lnk_no, mm_no, qm_no ! variables needed for icosa surface area calculation integer ineighborpt ! variables needed for smooth integration cutoff in Reff: _REAL_ rgbmax2, rgbmax1i, rgbmax2i,rgbmaxpsmax2 ! _REAL_ datmp2 _REAL_ onekappa !1/kappa #include "gbneck.h" #ifdef LES dimension x(*),f(*),rborn(*),charge(*),iac(*), & ico(*),numex(*),natex(*),fs(*),reff(ncopy*natom), onereff(ncopy*natom), & vdwrad(*),p1(*),p2(*),p3(*),p4(*), & dcharge(*),rbmax(*),rbmin(*),rbave(*),rbfluct(*) #else dimension x(*),f(*),rborn(*),charge(*),iac(*), & ico(*),numex(*),natex(*),fs(*),reff(natom), onereff(natom), & vdwrad(*),p1(*),p2(*),p3(*),p4(*), & dcharge(*),rbmax(*),rbmin(*),rbave(*),rbfluct(*),gbvalpha(*),gbvbeta(*),gbvgamma(*) ! Hai Nguyen #endif ! FGB taylor coefficients follow ! from A to H : ! 1/3 , 2/5 , 3/7 , 4/9 , 5/11 ! 4/3 , 12/5 , 24/7 , 40/9 , 60/11 _REAL_ ta _REAL_ tb _REAL_ tc _REAL_ td _REAL_ tdd _REAL_ te _REAL_ tf _REAL_ tg _REAL_ th _REAL_ thh parameter ( ta = third ) parameter ( tb = two / five ) parameter ( tc = three / seven ) parameter ( td = four / nine ) parameter ( tdd = five / eleven ) parameter ( te = four / three ) parameter ( tf = twelve / five ) parameter ( tg = three * eight / seven ) parameter ( th = five * eight / nine ) parameter ( thh = three * four * five / eleven ) !============ QMMM ========================================================== ! If ifqnt == True and igb /=0 and igb /= 6 then we will do EGB with QMMM. ! In this case the charge array should currently be zero for the QM atoms. ! This corresponds to qmgb = 0 where we do only EGB(MM-MM) -- skipping ! QM-MM and QM-QM interactions. ! If qmgb==1 then we need to copy back the qm resp charges from ! qm_resp_charges, so we can do EGB on everything. When done we need to ! ensure we zero the QM charge array again. ! Before doing the non-bonded electrostatics: if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_nml%qmgb == 1) then call qmmm_restore_mm_charges(qmmm_struct%nquant,qmmm_struct%qm_resp_charges,charge, & qmmm_struct%scaled_mm_charges, qmmm_struct%iqmatoms, & qmmm_nml%chg_lambda,qmmm_struct%nlink,qmmm_struct%link_pairs, & qmmm_struct%mm_link_pair_resp_charges, & .false.) ! Unlike ewald where we don't explicitly skip QM-MM interactions, ! in GB we do explicitly skip them so it doesn't matter that the ! QM charges are not set to zero in the charge array. else if (qmmm_nml%qmgb > 1 ) then ! In this case we need to fill the charge array with the Mulliken ! charges from the SCF. Note if igb==2 we skip the radii calculation ! below as this has already been done before the call to qm_mm. do qm_temp_count = 1, qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink charge(qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(qm_temp_count)) = & qm2_struct%scf_mchg(qm_temp_count)*AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC end do end if !We need to replace the MM link pair coordinates with !the MM link atom coordinates. call adj_mm_link_pair_crd(x) !We also need to zero the nlink part of dxyzqm so we can accumulate link atom forces in this routine. qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1:3,qmmm_struct%nquant+1:qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) = zero end if !============ END QMMM ======================================================= epol = zero eelt = zero evdw = zero esurf = zero totsasa = zero #ifdef LES elesp = zero #endif onstep = mod(irespa,nrespa) == 0 onstepi = mod(irespa,nrespai) == 0 if( .not.onstepi ) return oncpstep = icnstph /= 0 .and. mod(irespa, ntcnstph) == 0 if(alpb == 1) then ! Sigalov Onufriev ALPB (epsilon-dependent GB): alpb_beta = alpb_alpha*(intdiel/extdiel) extdieli = one/(extdiel*(one + alpb_beta)) intdieli = one/(intdiel*(one + alpb_beta)) one_Arad_beta = alpb_beta/Arad if (kappa/=zero) onekappa = one/kappa else ! Standard Still's GB - alpb=0 extdieli = one/extdiel intdieli = one/intdiel one_Arad_beta = zero end if ! Smooth "cut-off" in calculating GB effective radii. ! Implementd by Andreas Svrcek-Seiler and Alexey Onufriev. ! The integration over solute is performed up to rgbmax and includes ! parts of spheres; that is an atom is not just "in" or "out", as ! with standard non-bonded cut. As a result, calclated effective ! radii are less than rgbmax. This saves time, and there is no ! discontinuity in dReff/drij. ! Only the case rgbmax > 5*max(sij) = 5*fsmax ~ 9A is handled; this is ! enforced in mdread(). Smaller values would not make much physical ! sense anyway. rgbmax2 = rgbmax*rgbmax rgbmax1i = one/rgbmax rgbmax2i = rgbmax1i*rgbmax1i rgbmaxpsmax2 = (rgbmax+fsmax)**2 #ifdef LES ! initialize some things for GB+LES ! one over number of LES copies ! GB+LES only works with 1 LES region so we can't have multiple ! copy numbers like we can with PME lfac = float(ncopy) lfaci = one/(lfac) #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 1: loop over pairs of atoms to compute the effective Born radii. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! The effective Born radii are now calculated via a call at the ! beginning of force. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- iexcl = 1 !moved to outside the index loop from original location in "step 2" #ifdef MPI do i=1,mytaskid iexcl = iexcl + numex(i) end do mpistart = mytaskid+1 #endif maxi = natom if(natbel > 0) maxi = natbel !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Step 2: loop over all pairs of atoms, computing the gas-phase ! electrostatic energies, the LJ terms, and the off-diagonal ! GB terms. Also accumulate the derivatives of these off- ! diagonal terms with respect to the inverse effective radii, ! sumdeijda(k) will hold sum over i,j>i ( deij/dak ), where ! "ak" is the inverse of the effective radius for atom "k". ! ! Update the forces with the negative derivatives of the ! gas-phase terms, plus the derivatives of the explicit ! distance dependence in Fgb, i.e. the derivatives of the ! GB energy terms assuming that the effective radii are ! constant. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef LES sumdeijda(1:natom*ncopy) = zero #else sumdeijda(1:natom) = zero #endif call timer_start(TIME_GBFRC) ! Note: this code assumes that the belly atoms are the first natbel ! atoms...this is checked in mdread. #ifdef MPI do i=mpistart,maxi,numtasks #else do i=1,maxi #endif #ifdef LES lestmp = nlesty*(lestyp(i)-1) #endif xi = x(3*i-2) yi = x(3*i-1) zi = x(3*i ) qi = charge(i) ri = reff(i) four_ri = four*reff(i) iaci = ntypes * (iac(i) - 1) jexcl = iexcl jexcl_last = iexcl + numex(i) -1 dumx = zero dumy = zero dumz = zero #if defined(LES) icnum = cnum(i) nrg_vdw_tmp = zero nrg_ele_tmp = zero nrg_egb_tmp = zero #endif ! -- check the exclusion list for eel and vdw: do k=i+1,natom skipv(k) = .false. end do do jjv=jexcl,jexcl_last skipv(natex(jjv))=.true. end do ! QMMM: We have 2 lists here: ! atom_mask which is natom long and .true. for each qm atom ! skipv which is natom long and is .true. if atom v should ! be skipped for this atom !Step 1 - is current atom i a QM atom - NOT link atoms? if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if ( qmmm_struct%atom_mask(i) ) then !yes it is !step 2 - exclude all other QM atoms do qm_temp_count = 1, qmmm_struct%nquant skipv(qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(qm_temp_count)) = .true. !The VDW between the link atom and the MM atoms is not !calculated. Instead MM link pair atom with Real QM atoms is calculated. end do !Is atom i an MM link pair atom? else if ( qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(i) ) then !yes it is !Exclude all interactions (eel and VDW) with this !atom. We will do the MM link pair VDW terms manually !at the end of this routine. skipv(i+1:natom) = .true. !We can't just cycle here because we want the GB interactions. end if end if ! END QMMM icount = 0 do j=i+1,natom #ifdef LES ! skip pairs in different copies if (icnum.ne.0.and.cnum(j).ne.0.and.icnum.ne.cnum(j)) cycle #endif xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij if( r2 <= cut .and. (onstep .or. r2 <= cut_inner)) then #ifdef LES ! set up the loop over (possible) multiple effective radii for i and j ijcnum=icnum+cnum(j) ! tempscale is for normalizing the epol when we average over pairs of reff for i and j ! default to only a single reff for each. ! use a temp value because this may be assigned to several icount values if we have a loop ! also default to no scaling factor for LES:LES pairs ! tempscale is not one only for non-les:non-les pairs with multiple radii ! and only used for epol. ! templfac is not one only for les:les pairs and used for epol, eel and evdw ! tempscale=one templfac=one spread = .false. if( ijcnum == 0 ) then ! both atoms are non-LES, see if we need to average if (nradii(i).gt.1.or.nradii(j).gt.1) then ! neither are LES, average over all ncopy pairs of reff ! do NOT average over ncopy*ncopy pairs - only do pairs ! with the same index. ! do average even if only 1 has multiple reff, nothing to ! be saved by using only the one reff for 1 atom if the other ! has multiple reff idx1=1 idx2=ncopy tempscale=lfaci else ! no need to average, use first reff for both (since all are average reff) ! here is where we need to deal with the sumdeijda problem ! if we use only 1 radius pair, we still need to divide the ! interaction among the radii for the calculation of derivatives idx1=1 idx2=1 ! set a flag saying whether the force for this interaction needs ! to be spread across all of the sumdeijda for the atom ! even if we use 1 reff, we need the force to arise from all atoms ! or else the forces on the LES atoms will not be balanced ! we only do this for non-LES:non-LES pairs spread=.true. endif else ! at least 1 is LES, no averaging, only use the cnum reff ! for LES:LES, use the only reff that these have (cnum) ! for LES:non-LES, use the reff for the non-LES atom that goes with this LES copy (cnum) ! if (icnum.gt.0) then ! i is LES (j may be too), use i's cnum (same as j's if j is LES or ! else we would have skipped pair) idx1=icnum idx2=icnum ! set les scaling fac for ele, vdw if both are LES if (cnum(i).eq.cnum(j)) templfac=lfac else ! i is not LES, j must be, so use j's cnum idx1=cnum(j) idx2=cnum(j) endif endif istrt = ncopy * (i-1) jstrt = ncopy * (j-1) first=.true. do k=idx1,idx2 ! non-LES uses just ri (reff(i)) in this loop, doesn't need to be vector rix(icount+1)=reff(istrt+k) reff_j=reff(jstrt+k) ! set longskipv, which serves the purpose of telling if an atom is ! excluded and also telling if this is not the first in the loop over ! pairs of reff for an atom (only calculate nonbonds for the first pair of reff) ! longskipv is only set for the icount atoms! (not all j like skipv) if ((.not.first).or.skipv(j)) then longskipv(icount+1)=.true. else longskipv(icount+1)=.false. endif ! for LES we need to know which reff this is when we calculate the sumdeija ! so set a pointer here to tell us which reff this i,j pair are using ! this points directly into correct spot in reff or sumdeijda iridx(icount+1) = istrt+k jridx(icount+1) = jstrt+k ! set flag to tell whether sumdeijda needs to be dividing among components for non-LES atoms ! temporary value was set above spreadfrc(icount+1) = spread #else ! set for non-LES case so we can refer to reff_j not reff(j) ! this is needed with LES since each atom j has multiple reff reff_j = reff(j) #endif icount = icount + 1 temp_jj(icount) = j r2x(icount) = r2 ! carlos changed this, we are STILL INSIDE LOOP OVER K for multiple LES reff_j ! so we need to use reff_j not reff(j) (since LES may have multiple reff_j for atom j) rjx(icount) = reff_j #ifdef LES ! set scaling factor here where we know if we are doing ! averaging over multiple radii. in the loops below we don't ! have that info anymore without checking nradii ! we couldn't set these above since we didn't have an ! icount value yet scalefac(icount)=tempscale lesscalefac(icount)=templfac ! set first to F so that only the first of these i,j ! entries will have nonbonds first=.false. enddo ! LOOP OVER K, pairs of reff for i and j #endif end if !r2 <= cut end do if( igb/=6 ) then #ifdef LES ! rix needs to be used instead of ri since i doesn't have just 1 reff vectmp1(1:icount) = four*rix(1:icount)*rjx(1:icount) #else vectmp1(1:icount) = four_ri*rjx(1:icount) #endif call vdinv( icount, vectmp1, vectmp1 ) !Invert things vectmp1(1:icount) = -r2x(1:icount)*vectmp1(1:icount) call vdexp( icount, vectmp1, vectmp1 ) ! [ends up with Exp(-rij^2/[4*ai*aj])] #ifdef LES ! ri is not the same for all of the icount! vectmp3(1:icount) = r2x(1:icount) + & rjx(1:icount)*rix(1:icount)*vectmp1(1:icount) !ends up with fij #else vectmp3(1:icount) = r2x(1:icount) + rjx(1:icount)*ri*vectmp1(1:icount) ! [ends up with fij] #endif ! CARLOS: LES ! we now have two sets of vectors: one is 1 to last atom, the other ! is 1 to icount ! the atom one is for vdw/ele and for excl, the other is for gb offdiag ! which do we loop over? unless we have a pointer we need to loop ! over the bigger one, have a pointer j in it, and pull excl out ! of that. but how to know to skip the nonbonds for all after the ! first in a loop over a pair? maybe we should have the excl loop ! done for icount, not atoms. ! SKIPV PART OK, DO THE DISTANCE PART SO WE DON'T HAVE TO INV ALL RIJ ! FOR NOW IT'S OK, JUST SLOW call vdinvsqrt( icount, vectmp3, vectmp2 ) !vectmp2 = 1/fij if( kappa /= zero ) then call vdinv( icount, vectmp2, vectmp3 ) vectmp3(1:icount) = -kappa*vectmp3(1:icount) call vdexp( icount, vectmp3, vectmp4 ) !exp(-kappa*fij) end if end if call vdinvsqrt( icount, r2x, vectmp5 ) !1/rij ! vectmp1 = Exp(-rij^2/[4*ai*aj]) ! vectmp2 = 1/fij ! vectmp3 = -kappa*fij - if kappa/=zero, otherwise = fij ! vectmp4 = exp(-kappa*fij) ! vectmp5 = 1/rij - note with qmmm this contains the !distance to mm_link pairs not to QM link atoms. !---- Start first outer loop ---- !!! !dir$ ivdep do k=1,icount j = temp_jj(k) xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = r2x(k) qiqj = qi * charge(j) if( igb/=6 ) then if( kappa == zero ) then fgbk = zero expmkf = extdieli else expmkf = vectmp4(k)*extdieli fgbk = vectmp3(k)*expmkf !-kappa*fij*exp(-kappa*fij)/Eout if(alpb == 1) then ! Sigalov Onufriev ALPB: fgbk = fgbk+(fgbk*one_Arad_beta*(-vectmp3(k)*onekappa)) ! (-kappa*fij*exp(-kappa*fij)(1 + fij*ab/A)/Eout)*(1/fij+ab/A) ! Note: -vectmp3(k)*onekappa = fij end if end if dl = intdieli - expmkf fgbi = vectmp2(k) !1/fij #ifdef LES ! epol gets scaled with scalefac ! the epol gets scaled for multiple reff pairs for i/j, but ! ele is NOT scaled since the extras are skipped using longskipv) ! the epol for LES-LES pairs gets scaled with lfac, and ele does too ! so we can't mix the lfac and the reff pair scaling in a ! single array; also can't pre-scale qiji since it is sometimes ! used with scaling and sometimes not. temp1 = -dl*(fgbi + one_Arad_beta)*scalefac(k)*lesscalefac(k) #else temp1 = -dl*(fgbi + one_Arad_beta) #endif e = qiqj*temp1 if ( ifcr /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, temp1*charge(j) ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( j, temp1*qi ) end if epol = epol + e #ifdef LES ! icnum is independant to j loop, so we cache the nrg here nrg_egb_tmp = nrg_egb_tmp + e #endif if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(1,i,j,e) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-1,i,j,e) end if #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then if(cnum(i) > 0 .or. cnum(j) > 0) then elesp = elesp + e end if end if # endif #endif if (oncpstep) then dvdl = dvdl - (dl*fgbi*dcharge(i)*dcharge(j)+e) end if temp4 = fgbi*fgbi*fgbi !1/fij^3 ! [here, and in the gas-phase part, "de" contains -(1/r)(dE/dr)] #ifdef LES temp6 = -qiqj*temp4*(dl + fgbk)*scalefac(k)*lesscalefac(k) #else temp6 = -qiqj*temp4*(dl + fgbk) #endif ! -qiqj/fij^3*[1/Ein - e(-Kfij)/Eout) -kappa*fij* ! exp(-kappa*fij)(1 + fij*a*b/A ) /Eout] temp1 = vectmp1(k) !Exp(-rij^2/[4*ai*aj]) de = temp6*(one - fourth*temp1) rj = rjx(k) #ifdef LES ! modified to use rix vector entry instead of ri, since i !has multiple reff temp5 = half*temp1*temp6*(rix(k)*rj + fourth*r2) #else temp5 = half*temp1*temp6*(ri*rj + fourth*r2) #endif #ifdef LES ! use iridx and jridx to get the pointers into the longer ! sumdeijda arrays. Need this for LES since we need to know ! which of i's reff this j uses ! check to see if the forces need to be spread across multiple ! reff for this atom pair. This would happen if they are both !non-LES and only a single reff pair was used if (spreadfrc(k)) then ! distribute the sumdeijda over multiple reff for these atoms ! iridx and jridx will be pointing to the first reff for each atom addi = rix(k)*temp5*lfaci addj = rj*temp5*lfaci do icopy=0,ncopy-1 sumdeijda(iridx(k)+icopy) = sumdeijda(iridx(k)+icopy) + addi sumdeijda(jridx(k)+icopy) = sumdeijda(jridx(k)+icopy) + addj enddo else ! only use this for this particular set of reff sumdeijda(iridx(k)) = sumdeijda(iridx(k)) + rix(k)*temp5 sumdeijda(jridx(k)) = sumdeijda(jridx(k)) + rj*temp5 endif #else sumdeijda(i) = sumdeijda(i) + ri*temp5 sumdeijda(j) = sumdeijda(j) + rj*temp5 #endif ! -- skip exclusions for remaining terms: else de = zero end if !if( igb/=6 ) #ifdef LES ! LES uses longskipv, which is for the icount atoms, and ! is T for the excluded atoms as well as the icount pairs ! that are not the first in the loop over reff pairs for i,j ! note that the index for longskipv is not the same as for skipv ! since we need multiple values for each i,j pair if( .not. longskipv(k) ) then #else if( .not. skipv(j) ) then #endif ! -- gas-phase Coulomb energy: ! Note: With QMMM we don't need to explicitly exclude QM-MM ! interactions here since the QM charges should ! be zero. Unless qmgb/=0 in which case they are not ! zero so we need to exclude them. ! We also need to exclude the QM link atom interactions. doeel = .true. dovdw = .true. ! check if i or j is a quantum atom: if ( qmmm_nml%ifqnt ) then if ( qmmm_struct%atom_mask(i) .OR. qmmm_struct%atom_mask(j) ) then doeel = .false. end if ! if i or j is an MM link pair atom we also need to exclude it. ! We also need to skip the VDW term if either is a mm link ! pair atom if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(i) .or. qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(j)) then doeel = .false. dovdw = .false. end if end if !we can use the cached values. rinv = vectmp5(k) !1/rij r2inv = rinv*rinv if( doeel ) then #ifdef LES temp1 = intdieli*rinv*lesscalefac(k) #else temp1 = intdieli*rinv #endif eel = qiqj*temp1 if ( ifcr /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, temp1*charge(j) ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( j, temp1*qi ) end if deel=eel*r2inv else eel = zero deel = zero end if eelt = eelt + eel #ifdef LES nrg_ele_tmp = nrg_ele_tmp + eel #endif if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,i,j,eel) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-2,i,j,eel) end if de = de + deel if (oncpstep) then dvdl = dvdl + (intdieli*rinv*dcharge(i) & *dcharge(j) - eel) end if ! -- van der Waals energy: ic = ico( iaci + iac(j) ) if( ic > 0 .and. dovdw ) then ! 6-12 potential: r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv #ifdef LES ! scale LES:LES interactions f6 = cn2(ic)*r6inv* lesscalefac(k) f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6inv*r6inv)* lesscalefac(k) #else f6 = cn2(ic)*r6inv f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6inv*r6inv) #endif /*LES*/ evdw = evdw + (f12 - f6) if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(3,i,j,f12-f6) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-3,i,j,f12-f6) end if de = de + (twelve*f12 - six*f6)*r2inv #ifdef HAS_10_12 ! ---The following could be commented out if the Cornell ! et al. force field was always used, since then all hbond ! terms are zero. else ! 10-12 potential: r10inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv*r2inv*r2inv f10 = bsol(-ic)*r10inv f12 = asol(-ic)*r10inv*r2inv evdw = evdw + f12 -f10 if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(1,i,j,f12-f10) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-1,i,j,f12-f10) end if de = de + (twelve*f12 - ten*f10)*r2inv #endif end if ! ( ic > 0 ) #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then if(cnum(i) > 0 .or. cnum(j) > 0) then elesp = elesp + eel + f12 - f6 end if end if # endif #endif end if ! ( .not. skipv(j) ) ! -- derivatives: if( onstep .and. r2 > cut_inner ) then de = de*nrespa else de = de*nrespai end if dedx = de * xij dedy = de * yij dedz = de * zij dumx = dumx + dedx dumy = dumy + dedy dumz = dumz + dedz if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then !Currently if j is a link atom then !dedxy,y,z are force on the link atom, not on the MM link pair. !we have to use the chain rule to put the forces back onto the MM link !pair atom. !For the moment we just accumulate the forces on the end of dxyzqm !this should have been zeroed at the beginning of this routine. if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(j)) then !j is a link atom, instead of adding it to the main force !array, accumulate it in dxyzqm !Find the link id for this j do qm_temp_count = 1,qmmm_struct%nlink if (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,qm_temp_count) == j) exit end do qm_temp_count = qm_temp_count + qmmm_struct%nquant qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) + dedx qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) + dedy qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) + dedz else !Not a link atom, can just add to main force array. f(3*j-2) = f(3*j-2) - dedx f(3*j-1) = f(3*j-1) - dedy f(3*j ) = f(3*j ) - dedz end if else f(3*j-2) = f(3*j-2) - dedx f(3*j-1) = f(3*j-1) - dedy f(3*j ) = f(3*j ) - dedz end if end do !k=1,icount #ifdef LES if(ipimd>0) then nrg_all(icnum) = nrg_all(icnum) + nrg_vdw_tmp nrg_all(icnum) = nrg_all(icnum) + nrg_ele_tmp nrg_all(icnum) = nrg_all(icnum) + nrg_egb_tmp endif #endif !---- End first outer loop ---- if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(i)) then do qm_temp_count = 1,qmmm_struct%nlink if (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,qm_temp_count) == i) exit end do qm_temp_count = qm_temp_count + qmmm_struct%nquant qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) - dumx qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) - dumy qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) - dumz else !Not a link atom, can just add to main force array. f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) + dumx f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) + dumy f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) + dumz end if else f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) + dumx f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) + dumy f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) + dumz end if #ifdef MPI do k=i,(min(i+numtasks-1,natom)) iexcl = iexcl + numex(k) end do #else iexcl = iexcl + numex(i) #endif end do ! i=1,maxi call timer_stop(TIME_GBFRC) if( igb==6 ) goto VACUUM3 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Step 3: Finally, do the reduction over the sumdeijda terms:, adding ! into the forces those terms that involve derivatives of ! the GB terms (including the diagonal or "self" terms) with ! respect to the effective radii. This is done by computing ! the vector dai/dxj, and using the chain rule with the ! previously-computed sumdeijda vector. ! ! Also, compute a surface-area dependent term if igbsa=1 ! ! Do these terms only at "nrespa" multiple-time step intervals; ! (when igb=2 or 5, one may need to do this at every step) ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( onstep ) then count=0 frespa = nrespa #ifdef MPI ! -- first, collect all the sumdeijda terms: call timer_start(TIME_GBRADDIST) if( numtasks > 1 ) then #ifdef LES k=natom*ncopy #else k=natom #endif ! carlos changed this to use k as set above, not natom #ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,sumdeijda,k, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) #else call mpi_allreduce(sumdeijda,vectmp1,k, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) sumdeijda(1:k) = vectmp1(1:k) #endif end if call timer_stop(TIME_GBRADDIST) #endif call timer_start(TIME_GBRAD2) ! -- diagonal epol term, plus off-diag derivs wrt alpha == reff^-1: #ifdef MPI do i=mpistart,maxi,numtasks #else do i=1,maxi #endif f_xi = zero f_yi = zero f_zi = zero qi = charge(i) #ifdef LES icnum = cnum(i) nrg_egb_tmp = zero #endif #ifdef LES ! here we need to loop over possible multiple effective radii for i ! and average the energy/force from each reff self_e = zero icnum = cnum(i) istrt = ncopy * (i-1) if (icnum.eq.0) then ! non-LES atom, average over multiple reff by dividng by lfac do k=1,ncopy expmkf = exp( -kappa * reff(istrt+k) )*extdieli dl = intdieli - expmkf qi2h = half*qi*qi qid2h = qi2h*dl temp1 = (onereff(istrt+k) + one_Arad_beta) *lfaci self_e = self_e + qid2h*temp1 if ( ifcr /= 0 ) & call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, -qi*temp1*dl ) ! add in contribution with scaling factor for average over ! reff : DECREASE using lfaci vtemp7(k) = - sumdeijda(istrt+k) & + qid2h*lfaci - kappa*qi2h*lfaci*expmkf*reff(istrt+k)* & (one+one_Arad_beta*reff(i)) enddo else ! LES atom: charge is scaled by N copies, so q^2 is scaled N^2. ! We need to scale UP by ncopy; doesn't matter what copy # it ! is for scaling factor, but copy # determines reff index expmkf = exp( -kappa * reff(istrt+icnum) )*extdieli dl = intdieli - expmkf qi2h = half*qi*qi qid2h = qi2h*dl temp1 = (onereff(istrt+icnum) + one_Arad_beta) *lfac self_e = qid2h*temp1 if ( ifcr /= 0 ) & call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, -qi*temp1*dl ) ! add in contribution with scaling factor for q^2 : ! INCREASE using lfac vtemp7(icnum) = - sumdeijda(istrt+icnum) & + qid2h*lfac - kappa*qi2h * lfac *expmkf*reff(istrt+icnum)* & (one+one_Arad_beta*reff(i)) endif #else /*not LES*/ expmkf = exp( -kappa * reff(i) )*extdieli dl = intdieli - expmkf qi2h = half*qi*qi qid2h = qi2h * dl temp1 = (onereff(i) + one_Arad_beta) self_e = qid2h*temp1 if ( ifcr /= 0 ) & call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, -qi*temp1*dl ) temp7 = -sumdeijda(i) + qid2h - & kappa*qi2h*expmkf*reff(i)*(one+one_Arad_beta*reff(i)) #endif /*LES*/ !Ross Walker epol = epol - self_e #ifdef LES nrg_egb_tmp = nrg_egb_tmp - self_e #endif if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(1,i,i,-qid2h*onereff(i)) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-1,i,i,-qid2h*onereff(i)) end if #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES ! local REMD if(rem == 2) then if(cnum(i) > 0) then elesp = elesp - qid2h*onereff(i) if ( ifcr /= 0 ) & call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, -qi*dl*onereff(i) ) endif endif # endif #endif if(oncpstep) then dvdl = dvdl - (half*dl*dcharge(i)*dcharge(i)-qid2h)*onereff(i) end if ! qi2h = qiqj/2 ! qid2h = qiqj/2*[1/Ein - exp[-kappa*effbornrad]/Eout] ! temp7 = ... + qiqj/2*[1/Ein - exp[-kappa*effbornrad]/Eout] ! -kappa*qiqj/2*exp[-kappa*effbornrad]/Eout*effbornrad ! temp7 without the -sumdeijda part is the diagonal gradient. ! carlos: moved temp7 calculation up into the LES region above xi = x(3*i-2) yi = x(3*i-1) zi = x(3*i) ri = rborn(i)-offset ri1i = one/ri iaci = ntypes * (iac(i) - 1) if( igb == 2 .or. igb == 5 .or. igb == 7 .or. igb == 8) then ! --- new onufriev: we have to later scale values by a ! alpha,beta,gamma -dependent factor: rborn_i = rborn(i) ri = rborn_i - offset #ifdef LES if (icnum == 0) then if (nradii(i) == 1) then ! get single reff and calc like non-les code, set flag ! for distributing sumdei again? spread = .true. psi_i = psi( (i-1)*ncopy + 1 ) thi = tanh( (gbalpha + gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i - gbbeta*psi_i )*psi_i ) thi2 = (gbalpha + three*gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i & - two*gbbeta*psi_i )*(one - thi*thi)*ri/rborn_i else ! loop over multiple psi values, store vector of thi2 values do k=1,ncopy psi_i = psi( (i-1)*ncopy + k ) thi = tanh( (gbalpha + gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i - gbbeta*psi_i )*psi_i ) ! key change, thi2 is a vector due to multiple psi and ! needing the thi2 below vthi2(k) = (gbalpha + three*gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i & - two*gbbeta*psi_i )*(one - thi*thi)*ri/rborn_i spread = .false. enddo endif else !cnum>0, LES atom ! use the icnum psi value spread = .false. psi_i = psi( (i-1)*ncopy + icnum ) thi = tanh( (gbalpha + gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i - gbbeta*psi_i )*psi_i ) thi2 = (gbalpha + three*gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i & - two*gbbeta*psi_i )*(one - thi*thi)*ri/rborn_i endif #else psi_i = psi(i) gba_i = gbvalpha(i) ! Hai Nguyen: take gbalpha_i,gbbeta_i,gbgamma_i gbb_i = gbvbeta(i) gbg_i = gbvgamma(i) thi = tanh( (gba_i + gbg_i*psi_i*psi_i - gbb_i*psi_i )*psi_i ) thi2 = (gba_i + three*gbg_i*psi_i*psi_i - & two*gbb_i*psi_i )*(one - thi*thi)*ri/rborn_i #endif end if icount = 0 do j=1,natom if( i /= j ) then #ifdef LES jcnum = cnum(j) ! skip if both LES but not same copy if((icnum.ne.0.and.jcnum.ne.0).and.icnum.ne.jcnum) cycle #endif xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij if( r2 <= rgbmaxpsmax2 ) then ! pairlist contains only atoms within rgbmax + safety margin icount = icount + 1 temp_jj(icount) = j r2x(icount) = r2 end if ! r2 <= rgbmaxpsmax2 end if !i/=j end do call vdinvsqrt( icount, r2x, vectmp1 ) kk1 = 0 do k=1,icount j = temp_jj(k) r2 = r2x(k) sj = fs(j) dij1i = vectmp1(k) dij = r2*dij1i sj2 = sj * sj if( dij <= four*sj ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 vectmp3(kk1) = dij + sj if( dij > ri+sj ) then vectmp2(kk1) = r2 - sj2 vectmp4(kk1) = dij - sj else if ( dij > abs(ri-sj) ) then vectmp2(kk1) = dij + sj vectmp4(kk1) = ri else if ( ri < sj ) then vectmp2(kk1) = r2 - sj2 vectmp4(kk1) = sj - dij else vectmp2(kk1) = one vectmp4(kk1) = one end if end if !dij <= four*sj end do call vdinv( kk1, vectmp2, vectmp2 ) call vdinv( kk1, vectmp3, vectmp3 ) vectmp4(1:kk1) = vectmp4(1:kk1)*vectmp3(1:kk1) call vdln( kk1, vectmp4, vectmp4 ) kk1 = 0 do k=1,icount j = temp_jj(k) j3 = 3*j r2 = r2x(k) xij = xi - x(j3-2) yij = yi - x(j3-1) zij = zi - x(j3 ) dij1i = vectmp1(k) dij = r2*dij1i sj = fs(j) if (dij <= rgbmax +sj) then sj2 = sj * sj ! datmp will hold (1/r)(dai/dr): dij2i = dij1i*dij1i dij3i = dij2i*dij1i if (dij > rgbmax - sj ) then temp1 = 1.0d0/(dij-sj) datmp = eighth * dij3i * ((r2 + sj2) * & (temp1*temp1 - rgbmax2i) - two * log(rgbmax*temp1)) else if( dij > four*sj ) then tmpsd = sj2*dij2i dumbo = te+tmpsd* (tf+tmpsd* (tg+tmpsd* (th+tmpsd* thh))) datmp = tmpsd*sj*dij2i*dij2i*dumbo ! ---check accuracy of above Taylor series: ! kk1 = kk1 + 1 ! datmp2 = vectmp2(kk1)*sj*(-Half*dij2i + vectmp2(kk1)) + ! Fourth*dij3i*vectmp4(kk1) ! if( abs( datmp/datmp2 - 1.d0 ) .gt. 0.00001) & ! write(6,*) i,j, datmp, datmp2 else if( dij > ri+sj ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 datmp = vectmp2(kk1)*sj*(-half*dij2i + vectmp2(kk1)) + & fourth*dij3i*vectmp4(kk1) else if ( dij > abs(ri-sj) ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 datmp = -fourth*(-half*(r2 - ri*ri + sj2)*dij3i*ri1i*ri1i & + dij1i*vectmp2(kk1)*(vectmp2(kk1) - dij1i) & - dij3i*vectmp4(kk1) ) else if ( ri < sj ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 datmp = -half*(sj*dij2i*vectmp2(kk1) & - two*sj*vectmp2(kk1)*vectmp2(kk1) & - half*dij3i*vectmp4(kk1) ) else kk1 = kk1 + 1 datmp = zero end if ! ( dij > 4.d0*sj ) if( (igb == 7 .or. igb ==8) .and. dij < rborn(i) +rborn(j) + GBNECKCUT) then ! (no changes needed for LES) ! Derivative of neck with respect to dij is: ! 5 ! 9 mdist ! (2 mdist + --------) neckMaxVal gbneckscale ! 5 ! -(------------------------) ! 6 ! 2 3 mdist 2 ! (1 + mdist + --------) ! 10 mdist = dij - neckMaxPos(neckidx(i),neckidx(j)) mdist2 = mdist * mdist mdist3 = mdist2 * mdist mdist5 = mdist2 * mdist3 mdist6 = mdist3 * mdist3 ! temp1 will be divisor of above fraction * dij ! (datmp is deriv * 1/r) temp1 = 1 + mdist2 + (three/ten)*mdist6 temp1 = temp1 * temp1 * dij ! (Note "+" means subtracting derivative, since above ! expression has leading "-") datmp = datmp + ((2 * mdist + (nine/five) * mdist5) & *neckMaxVal(neckidx(i),neckidx(j))*gbneckscale)/temp1 end if !f( (igb == 7 .or. igb == 8) .and. dij < rborn(i) +rborn(j) + GBNECKCUT) #ifdef LES ! loop over pairs of radii ! SHOULD WE USE NRADII HERE? jcnum=cnum(j) if( icnum == 0 ) then ! i is not a LES copy if( jcnum == 0 ) then ! j not LES either, calculate force using all pairs of reff idx1=1 idx2=ncopy else ! j is LES, add force using only one of the radii for ! i and j (the one for j's cnum) idx1=jcnum idx2=jcnum end if else ! i is LES, either j is not LES or is in same LES copy as i, ! so add to force using i's cnum idx1=icnum idx2=icnum endif ! save datmp since the loop modifies it tmp=datmp do icopy=idx1,idx2 ! note that vtemp7 takes the place of temp7 used for non-LES !simulations datmp = -tmp*frespa*vtemp7(icopy) if( igb == 2 .or. igb == 5 .or. igb == 7 .or. igb == 8) then ! for nradii>1, we have to use the thi2 vector (vtemp7), ! others have only 1 thi2 value if (nradii(i).gt.1) then datmp = datmp*vthi2(icopy) else datmp = datmp*thi2 endif endif f_x = xij*datmp f_y = yij*datmp f_z = zij*datmp f(j3-2) = f(j3-2) + f_x f(j3-1) = f(j3-1) + f_y f(j3 ) = f(j3 ) + f_z f_xi = f_xi - f_x f_yi = f_yi - f_y f_zi = f_zi - f_z enddo #else /* not LES */ datmp = -datmp*frespa*temp7 if( igb == 2 .or. igb == 5 .or. igb == 7 .or. igb == 8) datmp = datmp*thi2 f_x = xij*datmp f_y = yij*datmp f_z = zij*datmp if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(j)) then do qm_temp_count = 1,qmmm_struct%nlink if (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,qm_temp_count) == j) exit end do qm_temp_count = qm_temp_count + qmmm_struct%nquant qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) - f_x qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) - f_y qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) - f_z else !Not a link atom, can just add to main force array. f(j3-2) = f(j3-2) + f_x f(j3-1) = f(j3-1) + f_y f(j3 ) = f(j3 ) + f_z end if else f(j3-2) = f(j3-2) + f_x f(j3-1) = f(j3-1) + f_y f(j3 ) = f(j3 ) + f_z end if f_xi = f_xi - f_x f_yi = f_yi - f_y f_zi = f_zi - f_z #endif /*LES*/ end if ! (dij <= rgbmax +sj) end do ! k=1,icount if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(i)) then do qm_temp_count = 1,qmmm_struct%nlink if (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,qm_temp_count) == i) exit end do qm_temp_count = qm_temp_count + qmmm_struct%nquant qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qm_temp_count) - f_xi qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qm_temp_count) - f_yi qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) = qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qm_temp_count) - f_zi else !Not a link atom, can just add to main force array. f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) + f_xi f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) + f_yi f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) + f_zi end if else f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) + f_xi f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) + f_yi f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) + f_zi end if ! --- Define neighbor list ineighbor for calc of LCPO areas --- if ( gbsa > 0 ) then do k=1,icount j = temp_jj(k) dij = sqrt(r2x(k)) if ((vdwrad(i) + vdwrad(j)) > dij ) then ! Consider all atoms for icosa, only non-H's for LCPO: if ( (gbsa == 2) .or. & (vdwrad(i) > 2.5).and.(vdwrad(j) > 2.5) ) then count=count+1 ineighbor(count) = j end if end if end do count=count+1 ineighbor(count)=0 end if if ( gbsa == 2 ) then ! --- Calc surface area with icosasurf algo; ! does not provide forces ==> only for single point calculations #ifdef MPI if(i == mpistart) then ineighborpt = 1 call icosa_init(2, 3, zero) end if #else if(i == 1) then ineighborpt = 1 call icosa_init(2, 3, zero) end if #endif ! if(i == 1) then ! ineighborpt = 1 ! call icosa_init(2, 3, zero) ! end if totsasa = totsasa + icosa_sphere_approx(i,x, & vdwrad,ineighborpt,ineighbor,idecomp) end if ! ( gbsa == 2 ) #ifdef LES if(ipimd>0) nrg_all(icnum) = nrg_all(icnum) + nrg_egb_tmp #endif end do ! end loop over atom i call timer_stop(TIME_GBRAD2) if ( gbsa == 1 ) then ! --- calculate surface area by computing LCPO (Still) over ! all atoms --- # include "gbsa.h" end if ! ( gbsa == 1 ) esurf = surften*totsasa end if ! i=mytaskid+1,maxi,numtasks VACUUM3 & !======== QMMM ========== if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then call timer_start(TIME_QMMM) if (qmmm_nml%qmgb /= 0) then ! We filled the main charge array with charges for QM atoms; make sure ! we zero it again so the 1-4's which are done outside of EGB will be ! correctly skipped for QM-MM on the next step. Note here we don't have the routine ! save the charges again since depending on the GB option they may have been filled ! with either RESP charges or mulliken charges. call qm_zero_charges(charge,qmmm_struct%scaled_mm_charges,.false.) if (qmmm_struct%nlink > 0 ) then !Don't save the charges here since they could be the resp charges. call qm_zero_mm_link_pair_main_chg(qmmm_struct%nlink,qmmm_struct%link_pairs,charge, & qmmm_struct%scaled_mm_charges,.false.) end if end if call timer_start(TIME_QMMMCOLLATEF) !We need to restore the MM link pair coordinates and then !Use the chain rule to put the link pair forces back onto the !QM and MM link pairs. call rst_mm_link_pair_crd(x) do i=1,qmmm_struct%nlink mm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,i)-2 !location of atom in x array lnk_no = qmmm_struct%link_pairs(2,i) !Nquant number of QM atom bound to link atom qm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(lnk_no)-2 !Note this routine uses the flink in the form -flink. call distribute_lnk_f(forcemod,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+i),x(mm_no), & x(qm_no),qmmm_nml%lnk_dis) !NOTE: forces are reversed in QM calc with respect to amber force array !so we subtract forcemod from MM atom and add it to QM atom. j = (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,i)-1)*3 !Natom number of MM link pair. !MM atom's new force = FMM(x,y,z) - FORCEMOD(x,y,z) f(j+1) = f(j+1) - forcemod(1) f(j+2) = f(j+2) - forcemod(2) f(j+3) = f(j+3) - forcemod(3) j = (qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(lnk_no)-1)*3 !QM atom's new force = FQM(x,y,z) - Flink(x,y,z) + FORCEMOD(x,y,z) !Note QM forces should be subtracted from sander F array to leave total force. f(j+1) = f(j+1) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(1) f(j+2) = f(j+2) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(2) f(j+3) = f(j+3) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(3) end do call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMCOLLATEF,TIME_QMMMENERGY) call timer_start(TIME_QMMMGBENERGY) !Finally we need to calculate the VDW terms !for the MM link pair atoms as they were skipped above. !------------ START MM LINK PAIR VDW ------------------- do i = 1, qmmm_struct%nlink skipv(1:natom) = .false. jexcl = 1 mm_no = qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,i) iminus = mm_no-1 do j = 1, iminus !As we loop over each atom check if this atom is supposed to exclude this MM !link pair atom. jexcl_last = jexcl + numex(j) -1 do jjv = jexcl, jexcl_last iexcl = natex(jjv) !Should this atom exclude the MM atom? if (iexcl == mm_no) skipv(j) = .true. end do jexcl = jexcl + numex(j) end do jexcl_last = jexcl + numex(mm_no) -1 do jjv = jexcl, jexcl_last skipv(natex(jjv)) = .true. end do !We need to avoid double counting so we should exclude ourself and !all link atoms of lower number !Note this assumes the link atom list is numerically sorted... do k = 1, i !To i ensures we skip the self interaction. skipv(qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,k)) = .true. end do xi = x(3*mm_no-2) yi = x(3*mm_no-1) zi = x(3*mm_no ) iaci = ntypes * (iac(mm_no) - 1) #ifdef LES icnum=cnum(mm_no) nrg_vdw_tmp = zero #endif dumx = zero dumy = zero dumz = zero de = zero #ifdef MPI do j=mpistart,maxi,numtasks #else do j=1,maxi !1 to natom #endif !Do all atoms that are not excluded and !are within the cutoff for this i. Skip other !MM interactions that are less than i to avoid double !counting. if ( .not. skipv(j) ) then xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij if ( r2 <= cut ) then r2inv = one/r2 ic = ico( iaci + iac(j) ) if (ic > 0) then !6-12 potential: r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv f6 = cn2(ic)*r6inv f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6inv*r6inv) evdw = evdw + (f12 - f6) if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(3,i,j,f12-f6) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-3,i,j,f12-f6) end if de = (twelve*f12 - six*f6)*r2inv #ifdef HAS_10_12 else !10-12 potential: r10inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv*r2inv*r2inv f10 = bsol(-ic)*r10inv f12 = asol(-ic)*r10inv*r2inv evdw = evdw + f12 -f10 if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(1,i,j,f12-f10) else if(idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-1,i,j,f12-f10) end if de = (twelve*f12 - ten*f10)*r2inv #endif end if !if ic>0 de = de*nrespai dedx = de * xij dedy = de * yij dedz = de * zij dumx = dumx + dedx dumy = dumy + dedy dumz = dumz + dedz f(3*j-2) = f(3*j-2) - dedx f(3*j-1) = f(3*j-1) - dedy f(3*j ) = f(3*j ) - dedz end if !if r2<=cut end if !if not skipv(i) end do #ifdef LES if(ipimd>0) nrg_all(icnum) = nrg_all(icnum) + nrg_vdw_tmp #endif f(3*mm_no-2) = f(3*mm_no-2) + dumx f(3*mm_no-1) = f(3*mm_no-1) + dumy f(3*mm_no ) = f(3*mm_no ) + dumz end do ! i = 1, qmmm_struct%nlink call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMGBENERGY) call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMENERGY) !------------ END MM LINK PAIR VDW --------------------- call timer_stop(TIME_QMMM) end if !if ifqnt. !======== END QMMM ========== return end subroutine egb subroutine egb_calc_radii(igb,natom,x,fs,reff,onereff,fsmax,rgbmax, & rborn, offset,rbornstat, & rbave,rbfluct,rbmax,rbmin, gbneckscale, ncopy, rdt, & gbvalpha,gbvbeta,gbvgamma, & ! Hai Nguyen: parameters for GB, ! x(l2404),x(l2405),x(l2406) gbalpha,gbbeta,gbgamma & !Hai Nguyen: keep for sander.LES #ifdef MPI ,mpistart & #endif ) !Hai Nguyen: don't have igb = 8 for sander.LES. Thus, instead of using gbavalpha, !gbvbeta and gbvgamma array, I still keep original gbalpha, gbbeta, gbgamma !(igb1,2,5,7) for LES part to get correct force ! Calculates effective GB radii and puts result in reff; ! onereff contains 1.0d0/reff. use constants, only : zero, eighth, fourth, third, half, & one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, & eleven, twelve, thirtieth implicit none #include "gbneck.h" #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" include 'mpif.h' integer, intent(in) :: mpistart #endif integer :: ierr integer, intent(in) :: igb, natom, rbornstat, ncopy _REAL_, intent(in) :: x(3*natom), fs(natom), rdt #ifdef LES # include "les.h" integer istrt,iend,k1 integer idx1,idx2,jstrt,tmpstop ! copy number for atoms i and j integer icnum,jcnum _REAL_ rmin,rmax _REAL_, intent(out) :: reff(ncopy*natom), onereff(ncopy*natom) #else _REAL_, intent(out) :: reff(natom), onereff(natom) #endif _REAL_, intent(in) :: fsmax, rgbmax, gbneckscale _REAL_, intent(in) :: rborn(natom),offset, gbalpha, gbbeta, gbgamma !Hai Nguyen: add gbvalpha(natom), gbvbeta(natom), gbvgamma(natom) arrays _REAL_, intent(in) :: gbvalpha(natom), gbvbeta(natom), gbvgamma(natom) _REAL_, intent(out) :: rbave(natom), rbfluct(natom), rbmax(natom),rbmin(natom) ! Local: integer :: i, icount, iplus, kk1, kk2, k, j, vecend _REAL_ :: xi,yi,zi,xij, yij, zij,r2,reff_i,ri,ri1i,rj1i,si,si2,sj, sj2 _REAL_ :: dij1i, dij2i, dij, rj, uij, tmpsd, dumbo, theta _REAL_ :: rgbmax1i, rgbmax2i, rgbmaxpsmax2, rborn_i, psi_i _REAL_ :: temp3,temp4 ! FGB taylor coefficients follow ! from A to D : ! 1/3 , 2/5 , 3/7 , 4/9 , 5/11 _REAL_ ta _REAL_ tb _REAL_ tc _REAL_ td _REAL_ tdd parameter ( ta = third ) parameter ( tb = two / five ) parameter ( tc = three / seven ) parameter ( td = four / nine ) parameter ( tdd = five / eleven ) rgbmax1i = one/rgbmax rgbmax2i = rgbmax1i*rgbmax1i rgbmaxpsmax2 = (rgbmax+fsmax)**2 #ifdef LES ! need to expand range of onereff that are intialized onereff(1:natom*ncopy) = zero ! initialize rbornlong, see egb() k=0 do i=1,natom do j=1,ncopy k=k+1 rbornlong(k)=rborn(i) enddo enddo #else onereff(1:natom) = zero #endif #ifdef MPI do i=mpistart,natom,numtasks #else do i=1,natom #endif xi = x(3*i-2) yi = x(3*i-1) zi = x(3*i) #ifdef LES ! copy # for atom i icnum = cnum(i) ! due to the multiple reff we will not use reff_i but loop over array directly ! pointers to entries in expanded reff array for atom i ! reff and onereff can't use atom index as pointer istrt = ncopy * (i-1) #else reff_i = onereff(i) #endif #ifdef LES ! these next variables are not affected by LES (rborn, fs) #endif ri = rborn(i)-offset ri1i = one/ri si = fs(i) si2 = si*si ! Here, reff_i will sum the contributions to the inverse effective ! radius from all of the atoms surrounding atom "i"; later the ! inverse of its own intrinsic radius will be added in icount = 0 iplus=i+1 do j=iplus,natom #ifdef LES jcnum = cnum(j) ! LES atoms in different copies do not descreen each other if((icnum.ne.0.and.jcnum.ne.0).and.icnum.ne.jcnum) cycle #endif xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij if( r2 <= rgbmaxpsmax2 ) then icount = icount + 1 temp_jj(icount) = j r2x(icount) = r2 end if end do call vdinvsqrt( icount, r2x, vectmp1 ) kk1 = 0 kk2 = 0 !!! !dir$ ivdep do k = 1, icount j = temp_jj(k) r2 = r2x(k) sj = fs(j) ! don't fill the remaining vectmp arrays if atoms don't see each other: dij1i = vectmp1(k) !1/sqrt(r^2) dij = r2*dij1i != rij if (dij <= rgbmax+si .or. dij <= rgbmax+sj) then rj = rborn(j) - offset if( dij <= four*sj) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 vectmp2(kk1) = dij + sj if( dij > ri+sj ) then vectmp4(kk1) = dij - sj else if ( dij > abs(ri-sj) ) then vectmp4(kk1) = ri else if ( ri < sj ) then vectmp4(kk1) = sj - dij else vectmp4(kk1) = one end if end if if( dij <= four*si) then kk2 = kk2 + 1 vectmp3(kk2) = dij + si if( dij > rj+si) then vectmp5(kk2) = dij - si else if ( dij > abs(rj-si) ) then vectmp5(kk2) = rj else if ( rj < si ) then vectmp5(kk2) = si - dij else vectmp5(kk2) = one end if end if end if ! (dij <= rgbmax+si .or. dij <= rgbmax+sj) end do ! k = 1, icount #ifdef LES ! these arrays for vector calls are not changed by LES #endif call vdinv( kk1, vectmp2, vectmp2 ) call vdinv( kk2, vectmp3, vectmp3 ) vectmp4(1:kk1) = vectmp2(1:kk1)*vectmp4(1:kk1) vectmp5(1:kk2) = vectmp3(1:kk2)*vectmp5(1:kk2) call vdln( kk1, vectmp4, vectmp4 ) call vdln( kk2, vectmp5, vectmp5 ) kk1 = 0 kk2 = 0 do k = 1, icount j = temp_jj(k) #ifdef LES jstrt = ncopy * (j-1) jcnum=cnum(j) #endif r2 = r2x(k) rj = rborn(j) - offset rj1i = one/rj sj = fs(j) sj2 = sj * sj xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) dij1i = vectmp1(k) dij = r2*dij1i temp3 = zero temp4 = zero if (dij <= rgbmax + sj) then if ((dij > rgbmax - sj)) then uij = 1.0d0/(dij -sj) ! carlos: store descreening contrib in temp3, this makes it easier to ! apply to multiple atoms for LES temp3 = temp3 - eighth * dij1i * (one + two * dij *uij + & rgbmax2i * (r2 - four * rgbmax * dij - sj2) + & two * log((dij-sj)*rgbmax1i)) else if( dij > four*sj ) then dij2i = dij1i*dij1i tmpsd = sj2*dij2i dumbo = ta+tmpsd* (tb+tmpsd* (tc+tmpsd* (td+tmpsd* tdd))) temp3 = temp3 - tmpsd*sj*dij2i*dumbo ! ---following are from the Appendix of Schaefer and Froemmel, ! J. Mol. Biol. 216:1045-1066, 1990, divided by (4*Pi): else if( dij > ri+sj ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 temp3 = temp3 - half*( sj/(r2-sj2) + half*dij1i*vectmp4(kk1) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( dij > abs(ri-sj) ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 theta = half*ri1i*dij1i*(r2 + ri*ri -sj2) temp3 = temp3- fourth*( ri1i*(two-theta) & - vectmp2(kk1) + dij1i*vectmp4(kk1) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( ri < sj ) then kk1 = kk1 + 1 temp3 = temp3- half*sj/(r2-sj2) + ri1i & + fourth*dij1i*vectmp4(kk1) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else kk1 = kk1 + 1 end if ! ( dij > 4.d0*sj ) if ( (igb == 7 .or. igb ==8) .and. dij < rborn(i) +rborn(j) + GBNECKCUT) then mdist = dij - neckMaxPos(neckidx(i),neckidx(j)) mdist2 = mdist *mdist mdist3 = mdist2 * mdist mdist6 = mdist3 *mdist3 neck = neckMaxVal(neckidx(i),neckidx(j))/ & (one + mdist2 +0.3d0*mdist6) temp3 = temp3 - gbneckscale * neck end if end if ! --- Now the same thing, but swap i and j and use temp4 for descreening contrib: if (dij <= rgbmax +si) then if (dij > rgbmax - si) then uij = 1.0d0/(dij -si) temp4 = temp4 - eighth * dij1i * (one + two * dij *uij + & rgbmax2i * (r2 - four * rgbmax * dij - si2) + & two * log((dij-si)*rgbmax1i)) else if( dij > four*si ) then dij2i = dij1i*dij1i tmpsd = si2*dij2i dumbo = ta+tmpsd* (tb+tmpsd* (tc+tmpsd* (td+tmpsd* tdd))) temp4 = temp4 - tmpsd*si*dij2i*dumbo else if( dij > rj+si ) then kk2 = kk2 + 1 temp4 = temp4 - half*( si/(r2-si2) + & half*dij1i*vectmp5(kk2) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( dij > abs(rj-si) ) then kk2 = kk2 + 1 theta = half*rj1i*dij1i*(r2 + rj*rj -si2) temp4 = temp4 - fourth*( rj1i*(two-theta) & - vectmp3(kk2) + dij1i*vectmp5(kk2) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( rj < si ) then kk2 = kk2 + 1 temp4 = temp4 - half*si/(r2-si2) + rj1i & + fourth*dij1i*vectmp5(kk2) !----------------------------------------------------------------- else kk2 = kk2 + 1 end if ! ( dij > 4.d0*si ) if ((igb == 7 .or. igb ==8) .and. dij < rborn(j) +rborn(i) +GBNECKCUT) then mdist = dij - neckMaxPos(neckidx(j),neckidx(i)) mdist2 = mdist * mdist mdist3 = mdist2 * mdist mdist6 = mdist3 * mdist3 neck = neckMaxVal(neckidx(j),neckidx(i))/ & (one + mdist2 +0.3d0*mdist6) temp4 = temp4 - gbneckscale *neck end if end if !(dij <= rgbmax +si) ! now add the calculated descreening component to onereff #ifdef LES ! recall that reff and onereff do not use atom index as pointer ! but instead we need istrt and jstrt if( icnum == 0 ) then ! i is not a LES copy if( jcnum == 0 ) then ! j not LES either, add temp3 to all copies of i's reff do k1= 1,ncopy onereff(istrt+k1) = onereff(istrt+k1)+temp3 onereff(jstrt+k1) = onereff(jstrt+k1)+temp4 end do else ! j is LES, add only to one of the radii for i and j ! (the one for j's cnum) onereff(istrt+jcnum) = onereff(istrt+jcnum)+temp3 onereff(jstrt+jcnum) = onereff(jstrt+jcnum)+temp4 end if else ! i is LES, either j is not LES or is in same LES copy as i, ! so add to reff for i's cnum onereff(istrt+icnum) = onereff(istrt+icnum)+temp3 onereff(jstrt+icnum) = onereff(jstrt+icnum)+temp4 endif #else /* not LES */ reff_i = reff_i + temp3 onereff(j) = onereff(j) + temp4 #endif end do ! k = 1, icount ! we are ending the do-i-loop, reassign the scalar to the original array: #ifdef LES ! LES used onereff() directly so we don't need to reassign onereff(i) ! based on reff_i #else onereff(i) = reff_i #endif end do ! i = 1,natom #ifdef MPI call timer_stop_start(TIME_GBRAD1,TIME_GBRADDIST) ! collect the (inverse) effective radii from other nodes: if( numtasks > 1 ) then # ifdef LES ! LES has more reff # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce( MPI_IN_PLACE, onereff, ncopy*natom, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) # else call mpi_allreduce( onereff, vectmp1, ncopy*natom, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) onereff(1:ncopy*natom) = vectmp1(1:ncopy*natom) # endif # else # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce( MPI_IN_PLACE, onereff, natom, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) # else call mpi_allreduce( onereff, vectmp1, natom, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) onereff(1:natom) = vectmp1(1:natom) # endif # endif end if call timer_stop_start(TIME_GBRADDIST,TIME_GBRAD1) #endif ! set end variable since LES arrays are longer than normal ! this will make the changes for LES code simpler to understand and modify #ifdef LES vecend = natom*ncopy #else vecend = natom #endif if( igb == 2 .or. igb == 5 .or. igb == 7 .or. igb == 8) then ! --- apply the new Onufriev "gbalpha, gbbeta, gbgamma" correction: #ifdef LES ! use rbornlong for these vectors, not rborn vectmp1(1:vecend) = rbornlong(1:vecend) #else vectmp1(1:vecend) = rborn(1:vecend) #endif vectmp2(1:vecend) = vectmp1(1:vecend)-offset call vdinv(vecend, vectmp1, vectmp1) !1.0d0/rborn ! use of onereff here means that we need changes for LES to accomodate multiple onereff per atom psi(1:vecend) = -vectmp2(1:vecend)*onereff(1:vecend) call vdinv(vecend, vectmp2, vectmp2) !1.0d0/(rborn-offset) #ifdef LES !Hai Nguyen: Using gbalpha, gbbeta, gbgamma !Not use igb=8 for LES vectmp3(1:vecend) = ((gbalpha+gbgamma*psi(1:vecend)* & psi(1:vecend)-gbbeta*psi(1:vecend))*psi(1:vecend)) #else !if not LES: use gbvalpha, gbvgamma, gbvbeta arrays instead vectmp3(1:vecend) = ((gbvalpha(1:vecend)+gbvgamma(1:vecend)*psi(1:vecend)* & psi(1:vecend)-gbvbeta(1:vecend)*psi(1:vecend))*psi(1:vecend)) #endif call vdtanh(vecend, vectmp3, vectmp3) ! vectmp1 = 1.0d0/rborn ! vectmp2 = 1.0d0/(rborn-offset) ! vectmp3 = tanh( (gbalpha + gbgamma*psi_i*psi_i - gbbeta*psi_i )*psi_i ) onereff(1:vecend) = vectmp2(1:vecend) - & (vectmp3(1:vecend)*vectmp1(1:vecend)) do j =1,vecend if ( onereff(j) < zero ) onereff(j) = thirtieth end do call vdinv(vecend, onereff, reff) else ! "standard" GB, including the "diagonal" term here: #ifdef LES ! use rbornlong for these vectors, not rborn vectmp1(1:vecend) = rbornlong(1:vecend)-offset #else vectmp1(1:vecend) = rborn(1:vecend)-offset #endif call vdinv(vecend, vectmp1, vectmp1) onereff(1:vecend) = onereff(1:vecend) + vectmp1(1:vecend) call vdinv(vecend, onereff, reff) end if #ifdef LES ! use RDT - determine if any of the non-LES atoms ! need multiple reff to be used do k=1,natom ! loop over the multiple effective radii for the atom if (cnum(k).eq.0) then ! non-LES atoms have multiple radii, compare range to rdt if (rdt.gt.0.) then istrt = ncopy * (k-1) +1 iend = ncopy * (k) rmax=-10. rmin=999. do i=istrt,iend if ( rmax <= reff(i) ) rmax = reff(i) if ( rmin >= reff(i) ) rmin = reff(i) enddo if ((rmax-rmin).gt.rdt) then nradii(k)=ncopy else nradii(k)=one endif else nradii(k)=ncopy endif else ! LES atom nradii(k)=one endif enddo #endif if ( rbornstat == 1 ) then do k=1,natom #ifdef LES ! loop over the multiple effective radii for the atom if (cnum(i).eq.0) then ! non-LES atoms have multiple radii istrt = ncopy * (i-1) +1 iend = ncopy * (i) else ! LES atoms only have one reff istrt = ncopy * (i-1) +1 iend = ncopy * (i-1) +1 endif do i=istrt,iend #else i=k #endif rbave(i) = rbave(i) + reff(i) rbfluct(i) = rbfluct(i) + reff(i)*reff(i) if ( rbmax(i) <= reff(i) ) rbmax(i) = reff(i) if ( rbmin(i) >= reff(i) ) rbmin(i) = reff(i) #ifdef LES enddo #endif end do end if return end subroutine egb_calc_radii end module genborn