! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine bond here] subroutine bond(nbin,ib,jb,icb,x,xx,ix,f,eb) ! ----- ROUTINE TO GET BOND ENERGY AND FORCES FOR THE POTENTIAL ! OF CB*(B-B0)**2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ use decomp, only : decpr, decpair use parms , only: req, rk use poisson_boltzmann, only : outflagorig use file_io_dat !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB modules ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #ifdef LES use pimd_vars, only: nrg_all,nbead,nbead_inv,ipimd # ifdef MPI use remd, only : rem # endif #endif use pimd_vars, only: bnd_vir #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ use softcore, only: ifsc, nsc, sc_ener, oneweight #endif implicit none #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif # include "nmr.h" # include "md.h" !-------------passed-in variables --------------------------- integer nbin integer ib(*),jb(*),icb(*),ix(*) _REAL_ x(*),xx(*),f(*),eb # include "box.h" # include "flocntrl.h" #ifdef LES # include "les.h" #endif !------------- local variables --------------------------- integer max190 parameter (max190=190) integer nb,ist,maxlen,i3,j3,ic,jn,ii,jj _REAL_ xij(max190),yij(max190),zij(max190),eaw(max190), & rij(max190),dfw(max190) _REAL_ da,df,xa,ya,za,rij0,ebl logical skip integer piece,start,end,newnb !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB variables ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, integer :: ndx #ifndef MPI integer numtasks,mytaskid numtasks=1 mytaskid=0 #endif if ( do_bond == 0 .or. nbin == 0 ) return if(numtasks > 1)then piece = nbin/numtasks start = mytaskid*piece+1 end = mytaskid*piece+piece if(mytaskid == (numtasks-1)) end = nbin else start=1 end=nbin end if nb = end ist = start -1 ebl = 0.0d+00 #ifdef LES elesb = 0.0d+00 #endif ! ----- GRAND LOOP FOR THE bond STUFF ----- 4200 continue maxlen = max190 skip = (ist+maxlen) > nb if (skip) maxlen = nb-ist if (maxlen > 0) then do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ib(jn+ist) j3 = jb(jn+ist) ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE bond vector ----- xij(jn) = x(i3+1)-x(j3+1) yij(jn) = x(i3+2)-x(j3+2) zij(jn) = x(i3+3)-x(j3+3) end do do jn = 1,maxlen rij0 = xij(jn)*xij(jn)+yij(jn)*yij(jn)+zij(jn)*zij(jn) rij(jn) = sqrt(rij0) end do ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE ENERGY AND DER ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ii = (ib(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jb(jn+ist) + 3)/3 ic = icb(jn+ist) rij0 = rij(jn) da = rij0-req(ic) if((ifcap == 2 .or. ifcap == 5))then if( (outflagorig(ii) == 1 .or. outflagorig(jj) == 1)) then da = 0.0d0 end if endif ! for rms deviation from ideal bonds: ebdev = ebdev + da*da df = rk(ic)*da eaw(jn) = df*da #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! For dual-topology softcore runs, bonds involving sc atoms are modified here if (ifsc /= 0) then ! Check if a softcore atom is involved in this bond if (nsc(ii) == 1 .or. nsc(jj) == 1) then ! This bond needs to ! a) get its energy removed from Ebond ! b) get its force scaled up by 1/weight sc_ener(1) = sc_ener(1) + eaw(jn) eaw(jn) = 0.0d0 df = df * oneweight end if end if if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(ifsc /= 0 .and. nsc(ii) /= 1 .and. nsc(jj) /= 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,eaw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(ifsc == 0) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,eaw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) end if else if(icfe == 0) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,eaw(jn)) end if end if #else if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,eaw(jn)) end if #endif #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then if(cnum(ii) > 0 .or. cnum(jj) > 0) then elesb = elesb + eaw(jn) endif end if # endif #endif #ifdef LES !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! if(ipimd>0) then if( cnum(ii) == 0 .and. cnum(jj) == 0 ) then nrg_all(1:nbead) = nrg_all(1:nbead) + eaw(jn) * nbead_inv else if( cnum(ii) == 0 ) then ndx = cnum(jj) else ndx = cnum(ii) end if nrg_all(ndx) = nrg_all(ndx) + eaw(jn) end if end if !! !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #endif /* LES */ !! Amber harmonic bond interaction for comparison with morsify '''''''''''''''''''''' ! if( jn == 1 ) then ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '|' ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '| ^^^ Amber harmonic energy ///////////////////' ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '|' ! DEBUG ; ! endif ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A, I8,F14.8)') '| NRG_BND = ', jn, eaw(jn) ! DEBUG ; !! Amber harmonic bond interaction for comparison with morsify '''''''''''''''''''''' dfw(jn) = (df+df)/rij0 end do ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE FORCE ----- do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ib(jn+ist) j3 = jb(jn+ist) df = dfw(jn) xa = df*xij(jn) ya = df*yij(jn) za = df*zij(jn) f(i3+1) = f(i3+1)-xa f(i3+2) = f(i3+2)-ya f(i3+3) = f(i3+3)-za f(j3+1) = f(j3+1)+xa f(j3+2) = f(j3+2)+ya f(j3+3) = f(j3+3)+za bnd_vir(1,1)=bnd_vir(1,1)+xa*xij(jn) bnd_vir(1,2)=bnd_vir(1,2)+xa*yij(jn) bnd_vir(1,3)=bnd_vir(1,3)+xa*zij(jn) bnd_vir(2,1)=bnd_vir(2,1)+ya*xij(jn) bnd_vir(2,2)=bnd_vir(2,2)+ya*yij(jn) bnd_vir(2,3)=bnd_vir(2,3)+ya*zij(jn) bnd_vir(3,1)=bnd_vir(3,1)+za*xij(jn) bnd_vir(3,2)=bnd_vir(3,2)+za*yij(jn) bnd_vir(3,3)=bnd_vir(3,3)+za*zij(jn) !! Amber harmonic bond interaction for comparison with morsify '''''''''''''''''''''' ! if( jn == 1 ) then ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '|' ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '| ^^^ Amber harmonic force ////////////////////' ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '|' ! DEBUG ; ! endif ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A,2I8,F14.8)') '| FX = ', i3+1, j3+1, xa ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A,2I8,F14.8)') '| FY = ', i3+2, j3+2, ya ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A,2I8,F14.8)') '| FZ = ', i3+3, j3+3, za ! DEBUG ; ! write(6,'(A)') '|' ! DEBUG ; !! Amber harmonic bond interaction for comparison with morsify '''''''''''''''''''''' end do do jn = 1, maxlen ebl = ebl + eaw(jn) end do ist = ist+maxlen end if ! (maxlen > 0) if(.not.skip) goto 4200 ! ----- ALL DONE ----- eb = ebl return end subroutine bond !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ANGL !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine angl here] subroutine angl(nbain,it,jt,kt,ict,x,xx,ix,f,eba) use decomp, only : decpr, decpair, decangle use parms, only: teq, tk use constants, only: one, third use file_io_dat #ifdef LES use pimd_vars, only: ipimd,nrg_all, nbead, nbead_inv # ifdef MPI use remd, only : rem # endif #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ use softcore, only: ifsc, nsc, sc_ener, oneweight #endif implicit none #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif !-------------passed-in variables --------------------------- _REAL_ x(*),xx(*),f(*),eba integer ix(*),it(*),jt(*),kt(*),ict(*),nbain !------------- local variables --------------------------- logical skip ! ----- ROUTINE TO GET THE ANGLE ENERGIES AND FORCES FOR THE ! POTENTIAL OF THE TYPE CT*(T-T0)**2 # include "box.h" # include "nmr.h" # include "md.h" # include "flocntrl.h" #ifdef LES # include "les.h" #endif integer,parameter :: maxangles=190 integer nba,maxlen,lenc,i3,j3,k3,ic,istc,jn,ist _REAL_ dt1,dt2,dt3,dt4,dt5,dt6,dt7,dt8,dt9 _REAL_ sth,cik,cii,ckk,da,df,ant0,ct0,ct1,ct2,st _REAL_ rij0,rik0,rkj0,ebal _REAL_ xij(maxangles),yij(maxangles),zij(maxangles),xkj(maxangles), & ykj(maxangles), zkj(maxangles),cst(maxangles),eaw(maxangles), & rij(maxangles),rkj(maxangles),rik(maxangles), dfw(maxangles), & ant(maxangles),rij1(maxangles) ! previously declared, see passed-in variables. srb ! DIMENSION IT(*),JT(*),KT(*),ICT(*),X(*),XX(*),IX(*),F(*) integer piece,start,end,nbtmp,newnb integer ii,jj,kk _REAL_ pt999 data pt999 /0.9990d0/ !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB variables ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, integer :: ndx if ( do_angle == 0 .or. nbain == 0 )return nba=nbain #ifdef MPI piece = nba/numtasks start = mytaskid*piece+1 end = mytaskid*piece+piece if(mytaskid == (numtasks-1)) end = nba nbtmp = nba ! JV Use actual count this PE will do, reset at end of routine nba = end ist = start -1 #else ! FLOW CONTROL FLAG (debug) ist = 0 #endif ebal = 0.0d0 #ifdef LES elesa = 0.0d0 #endif ! ----- GRAND LOOP FOR THE angle STUFF ----- 4200 continue maxlen = maxangles skip = (ist+maxlen) > nba if (skip) maxlen = nba-ist if (maxlen <= 0) goto 220 do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = it(jn+ist) j3 = jt(jn+ist) k3 = kt(jn+ist) ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE angle ----- xij(jn) = x(i3+1)-x(j3+1) yij(jn) = x(i3+2)-x(j3+2) zij(jn) = x(i3+3)-x(j3+3) xkj(jn) = x(k3+1)-x(j3+1) ykj(jn) = x(k3+2)-x(j3+2) zkj(jn) = x(k3+3)-x(j3+3) end do do jn = 1,maxlen rij0 = xij(jn)*xij(jn)+yij(jn)*yij(jn)+zij(jn)*zij(jn) rkj0 = xkj(jn)*xkj(jn)+ykj(jn)*ykj(jn)+zkj(jn)*zkj(jn) rik0 = sqrt(rij0*rkj0) ct0 = (xij(jn)*xkj(jn)+yij(jn)*ykj(jn)+zij(jn)*zkj(jn))/rik0 ct1 = max(-pt999,ct0) ct2 = min(pt999,ct1) cst(jn) = ct2 ant(jn) = acos(ct2) rij(jn) = rij0 rkj(jn) = rkj0 rik(jn) = rik0 end do ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE ENERGY AND DER ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ic = ict(jn+ist) ant0 = ant(jn) da = ant0-teq(ic) ! for rms deviation from ideal angles: eadev = eadev + da*da df = tk(ic)*da eaw(jn) = df*da #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! For dual-topology softcore runs, angles involving sc atoms are modified here if (ifsc /= 0) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 ! Check if a softcore atom is involved in this angle if (nsc(ii) == 1 .or. nsc(jj) == 1 .or. nsc(kk) == 1) then ! This angle needs to ! a) get its energy removed from Eangle ! b) get its force scaled up by 1/weight sc_ener(2) = sc_ener(2) + eaw(jn) eaw(jn) = 0.0d0 df = df * oneweight end if end if if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(ifsc /= 0 .and. nsc(ii) /= 1 .and. nsc(jj) /= 1 & .and. nsc(kk) /= 1) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 call decangle(ii,jj,kk,eaw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(ifsc == 0) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 call decangle(ii,jj,kk,eaw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) end if else if(icfe == 0) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 call decangle(ii,jj,kk,eaw(jn)) end if end if #else if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 call decangle(ii,jj,kk,eaw(jn)) end if #endif #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 if(cnum(ii) > 0 .or. cnum(jj) > 0 .or. cnum(kk) > 0) then elesa = elesa + eaw(jn) endif end if # endif #endif #if defined(LES) !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' if( ipimd>0 ) then ii = (it(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(jn+ist) + 3)/3 if( cnum(ii) == 0 .and. cnum(jj) == 0 .and. cnum(kk) == 0 ) then nrg_all(1:nbead) = nrg_all(1:nbead) + eaw(jn) * nbead_inv else if( cnum(ii) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(ii) else if( cnum(jj) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(jj) else ndx = cnum(kk) endif nrg_all(ndx) = nrg_all(ndx) + eaw(jn) endif endif !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #endif /* LES */ dfw(jn) = -(df+df)/sin(ant0) end do ! ----- CALCULATION OF THE FORCE ----- do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = it(jn+ist) j3 = jt(jn+ist) k3 = kt(jn+ist) st = dfw(jn) sth = st*cst(jn) cik = st/rik(jn) cii = sth/rij(jn) ckk = sth/rkj(jn) dt1 = cik*xkj(jn)-cii*xij(jn) dt2 = cik*ykj(jn)-cii*yij(jn) dt3 = cik*zkj(jn)-cii*zij(jn) dt7 = cik*xij(jn)-ckk*xkj(jn) dt8 = cik*yij(jn)-ckk*ykj(jn) dt9 = cik*zij(jn)-ckk*zkj(jn) dt4 = -dt1-dt7 dt5 = -dt2-dt8 dt6 = -dt3-dt9 f(i3+1) = f(i3+1)-dt1 f(i3+2) = f(i3+2)-dt2 f(i3+3) = f(i3+3)-dt3 f(j3+1) = f(j3+1)-dt4 f(j3+2) = f(j3+2)-dt5 f(j3+3) = f(j3+3)-dt6 f(k3+1) = f(k3+1)-dt7 f(k3+2) = f(k3+2)-dt8 f(k3+3) = f(k3+3)-dt9 end do do jn=1, maxlen ebal = ebal + eaw(jn) end do ist = ist+maxlen 220 if(.not.skip) goto 4200 eba = ebal #ifdef MPI nba = nbtmp #endif return end subroutine angl !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! EPHI !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ EPHI Calculates dihedral terms and also 1-4's when igb/=0. !Modifications by Ross Walker SDSC 2008 to support multiple !SCEE and SCNB values within a single simulation. !Routine has also been simplified at the same time. subroutine ephi(nphiin,ip,jp,kp,lp,icp,cg,iac,x,xx,ix,f,dvdl, & ep,enbp,eelp,dcharge) use decomp, only : decpr, decpair, decphi use parms, only: ipn,pn,pk,gamc,gams,cn1,cn2,one_scnb, one_scee use charmm_mod, only : charmm_cn114,charmm_cn214, charmm_active use constants, only : zero, one, two, six, twelve, PI use crg_reloc, only : ifcr, cropt, cr_charge, cr_add_dcdr_factor use file_io_dat use amd_mod, only : iamd,fwgtd !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB modules ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #ifdef LES use pimd_vars, only: ipimd,nrg_all, nbead, nbead_inv # ifdef MPI use remd, only : rem # endif #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ use softcore, only: ifsc, nsc, sc_ener, oneweight #endif implicit none #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #else integer numtasks,mytaskid parameter (numtasks=1,mytaskid=0) #endif #if defined(LES) # include "les.h" # include "memory.h" #else _REAL_ lfac #endif # include "ew_frc.h" # include "box.h" # include "md.h" # include "flocntrl.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "ew_erfc_spline.h" # include "extra_pts.h" !-------------passed-in variables --------------------------- integer ix(*),ip(*),jp(*),kp(*),lp(*),icp(*),iac(*) _REAL_ ep,enbp,eelp _REAL_ cg(*),dcharge(*),dvdl _REAL_ x(*),xx(*),f(*),eba integer nphiin,mba,mphi !------------- local variables --------------------------- logical skip _REAL_ intdieli integer max190,maxlen parameter (max190=190) _REAL_ xij(max190),yij(max190),zij(max190),xkj(max190), & ykj(max190),zkj(max190),xkl(max190),ykl(max190), & zkl(max190),dx(max190),dy(max190),dz(max190),gx(max190), & gy(max190),gz(max190),ct(max190),cphi(max190),sphi(max190), & z1(max190),z2(max190),fxi(max190),fyi(max190),fzi(max190), & fxj(max190),fyj(max190),fzj(max190),fxk(max190),fyk(max190), & fzk(max190),fxl(max190),fyl(max190),fzl(max190),df(max190) _REAL_ xa,ya,za,f1,f2,r1,r2,r6,r12,dfn, g _REAL_ dr1,dr2,dr3,dr4,dr5,dr6,drx,dry,drz _REAL_ dc1,dc2,dc3,dc4,dc5,dc6 _REAL_ df0,df1,dflim,dums,cosnp,sinnp _REAL_ z10,z20,z12,z11,z22,ap0,ap1,ct0,ct1,s,ftem _REAL_ epl,enbpl,eelpl,scnb0,scee0 _REAL_ cgi,cgj integer lenc,ia1,ia2,ibig,isml,ii,jj,kk,ll integer ic,inc, ic0 integer i3,j3,k3,l3,k3t,l3t integer jn,istc,ist,nphi _REAL_ crfac _REAL_ epw(max190) _REAL_ gmul(10) data gmul/0.0d+00,2.0d+00,0.0d+00,4.0d+00,0.0d+00,6.0d+00, & 0.0d+00,8.0d+00,0.0d+00,10.0d+00/ _REAL_ tm06,tenm3 data tm06,tenm3/1.0d-06,1.0d-03/ ! ---- ARRAYS GAMC = PK*COS(PHASE) AND GAMS = PK*SIN(PHASE) ---- integer piece,start,end,newnb !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB variables ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, integer :: ndx if ( do_ephi == 0 .or. nphiin == 0 )return if(numtasks > 1)then piece = nphiin/numtasks start = mytaskid*piece+1 end= mytaskid*piece+piece if(mytaskid == (numtasks-1)) end = nphiin else start=1 end=nphiin end if nphi = end ist = start -1 intdieli = one/intdiel epl = zero enbpl = zero eelpl = zero #ifdef LES elesd = zero #endif ! ----- GRAND LOOP FOR THE DIHEDRAL STUFF ----- 4200 continue maxlen = max190 skip = (ist+maxlen) > nphi if(skip) maxlen = nphi-ist if(maxlen <= 0) goto 820 do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ip(jn+ist) j3 = jp(jn+ist) k3t = kp(jn+ist) l3t = lp(jn+ist) k3 = iabs(k3t) l3 = iabs(l3t) ! ----- CALCULATION OF ij, kj, kl VECTORS ----- xij(jn) = x(i3+1)-x(j3+1) yij(jn) = x(i3+2)-x(j3+2) zij(jn) = x(i3+3)-x(j3+3) xkj(jn) = x(k3+1)-x(j3+1) ykj(jn) = x(k3+2)-x(j3+2) zkj(jn) = x(k3+3)-x(j3+3) xkl(jn) = x(k3+1)-x(l3+1) ykl(jn) = x(k3+2)-x(l3+2) zkl(jn) = x(k3+3)-x(l3+3) end do ! ----- GET THE NORMAL VECTOR ----- do jn = 1,maxlen dx(jn) = yij(jn)*zkj(jn)-zij(jn)*ykj(jn) dy(jn) = zij(jn)*xkj(jn)-xij(jn)*zkj(jn) dz(jn) = xij(jn)*ykj(jn)-yij(jn)*xkj(jn) gx(jn) = zkj(jn)*ykl(jn)-ykj(jn)*zkl(jn) gy(jn) = xkj(jn)*zkl(jn)-zkj(jn)*xkl(jn) gz(jn) = ykj(jn)*xkl(jn)-xkj(jn)*ykl(jn) end do do jn = 1,maxlen fxi(jn) = sqrt(dx(jn)*dx(jn) & +dy(jn)*dy(jn) & +dz(jn)*dz(jn)+1.0d-18) fyi(jn) = sqrt(gx(jn)*gx(jn) & +gy(jn)*gy(jn) & +gz(jn)*gz(jn)+1.0d-18) ct(jn) = dx(jn)*gx(jn)+dy(jn)*gy(jn)+dz(jn)*gz(jn) end do ! ----- BRANCH IF LINEAR DIHEDRAL ----- do jn = 1,maxlen z10 = one/fxi(jn) z20 = one/fyi(jn) if (tenm3 > fxi(jn)) z10 = zero if (tenm3 > fyi(jn)) z20 = zero z12 = z10*z20 z1(jn) = z10 z2(jn) = z20 ftem = zero if (z12 /= zero) ftem = one fzi(jn) = ftem ct0 = min(one,ct(jn)*z12) ct1 = max(-one,ct0) s = xkj(jn)*(dz(jn)*gy(jn)-dy(jn)*gz(jn))+ & ykj(jn)*(dx(jn)*gz(jn)-dz(jn)*gx(jn))+ & zkj(jn)*(dy(jn)*gx(jn)-dx(jn)*gy(jn)) ap0 = acos(ct1) ap1 = pi-sign(ap0,s) ct(jn) = ap1 cphi(jn) = cos(ap1) sphi(jn) = sin(ap1) end do ! ----- CALCULATE THE ENERGY AND THE DERIVATIVES WITH RESPECT TO ! COSPHI ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ic = icp(jn+ist) inc = ipn(ic) ct0 = pn(ic)*ct(jn) cosnp = cos(ct0) sinnp = sin(ct0) epw(jn) = (pk(ic)+cosnp*gamc(ic)+sinnp*gams(ic))*fzi(jn) #ifdef MPI if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(ifsc /= 0 .and. nsc(ii) /= 1 .and. nsc(jj) /= 1 & .and. nsc(kk) /= 1 .and. nsc(ll) /= 1) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(ifsc == 0) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) end if else if(icfe == 0) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)) end if end if #else if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)) end if #endif #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 if(cnum(ii) > 0 .or. cnum(jj) > 0 .or. cnum(kk) > 0 .or. & cnum(ll) > 0) then elesd = elesd + epw(jn) endif end if # endif #endif #if defined(LES) !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' if(ipimd>0) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 if( cnum(ii) == 0 .and. cnum(jj) == 0 .and. & cnum(kk) == 0 .and. cnum(ll) == 0 ) then nrg_all(1:nbead) = nrg_all(1:nbead) + epw(jn) * nbead_inv else if( cnum(ii) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(ii) else if( cnum(jj) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(jj) else if( cnum(kk) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(kk) else ndx = cnum(ll) endif nrg_all(ndx) = nrg_all(ndx) + epw(jn) endif endif !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #endif /* LES */ df0 = pn(ic)*(gamc(ic)*sinnp-gams(ic)*cosnp) dums = sphi(jn)+sign(1.0d-18,sphi(jn)) dflim = gamc(ic)*(pn(ic)-gmul(inc)+gmul(inc)*cphi(jn)) df1 = df0/dums if(tm06 > abs(dums)) df1 = dflim #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! For dual-topology softcore runs, dihedrals involving sc atoms are modified here if (ifsc /= 0) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ! Check if a softcore atom is involved in this dihedral if (nsc(ii) == 1 .or. nsc(jj) == 1 .or. nsc(kk) == 1 .or. nsc(ll) == 1) then ! This dihedral needs to ! a) get its energy removed from Edihed ! b) get its force scaled up by 1/weight sc_ener(3) = sc_ener(3) + epw(jn) epw(jn) = 0.0d0 df1 = df1 * oneweight end if end if #endif df(jn) = df1*fzi(jn) !AMD aply weight to dighedral forces, only if iamd==2,3 if ( iamd == 2 .or. iamd == 3 ) then df(jn) = df(jn) * fwgtd endif end do ! ----- NOW DO TORSIONAL FIRST DERIVATIVES ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ! ----- NOW, SET UP ARRAY DC = FIRST DER. OF COSPHI W/RESPECT ! TO THE CARTESIAN DIFFERENCES T ----- z11 = z1(jn)*z1(jn) z12 = z1(jn)*z2(jn) z22 = z2(jn)*z2(jn) dc1 = -gx(jn)*z12-cphi(jn)*dx(jn)*z11 dc2 = -gy(jn)*z12-cphi(jn)*dy(jn)*z11 dc3 = -gz(jn)*z12-cphi(jn)*dz(jn)*z11 dc4 = dx(jn)*z12+cphi(jn)*gx(jn)*z22 dc5 = dy(jn)*z12+cphi(jn)*gy(jn)*z22 dc6 = dz(jn)*z12+cphi(jn)*gz(jn)*z22 ! ----- UPDATE THE FIRST DERIVATIVE ARRAY ----- dr1 = df(jn)*(dc3*ykj(jn) - dc2*zkj(jn)) dr2 = df(jn)*(dc1*zkj(jn) - dc3*xkj(jn)) dr3 = df(jn)*(dc2*xkj(jn) - dc1*ykj(jn)) dr4 = df(jn)*(dc6*ykj(jn) - dc5*zkj(jn)) dr5 = df(jn)*(dc4*zkj(jn) - dc6*xkj(jn)) dr6 = df(jn)*(dc5*xkj(jn) - dc4*ykj(jn)) drx = df(jn)*(-dc2*zij(jn) + dc3*yij(jn) + & dc5*zkl(jn) - dc6*ykl(jn)) dry = df(jn)*( dc1*zij(jn) - dc3*xij(jn) - & dc4*zkl(jn) + dc6*xkl(jn)) drz = df(jn)*(-dc1*yij(jn) + dc2*xij(jn) + & dc4*ykl(jn) - dc5*xkl(jn)) fxi(jn) = - dr1 fyi(jn) = - dr2 fzi(jn) = - dr3 fxj(jn) = - drx + dr1 fyj(jn) = - dry + dr2 fzj(jn) = - drz + dr3 fxk(jn) = + drx + dr4 fyk(jn) = + dry + dr5 fzk(jn) = + drz + dr6 fxl(jn) = - dr4 fyl(jn) = - dr5 fzl(jn) = - dr6 end do ! jn = 1,maxlen ! ----- END OF A STRIP OF DIHEDRALS ----- !--------------- 1-4 NONBOND INTERACTIONS ----------------------------- ! for ewald calcs, 1-4 interactions are done in get_14_cg() ! or get_14_dipole(). #if !defined(LES) igbNEzero: if( igb /= 0 .or. ipb /= 0 ) then #endif do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ip(jn+ist) l3t = lp(jn+ist) l3 = iabs(l3t) xij(jn) = x(i3+1)-x(l3+1) yij(jn) = x(i3+2)-x(l3+2) zij(jn) = x(i3+3)-x(l3+3) end do ! ----- NOW LOOP OVER ALL THE DIHEDRALS (CONSTANT DIEL) ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ct(jn) = xij(jn)*xij(jn)+yij(jn)*yij(jn)+zij(jn)*zij(jn) end do cphi(1:maxlen) = zero sphi(1:maxlen) = zero do jn = 1,maxlen !Check if we should do this 1-4 interaction or not. k3t = kp(jn+ist) l3t = lp(jn+ist) if (k3t < 0 .or. l3t < 0) cycle ic0 = icp(jn+ist) scnb0 = one_scnb(ic0) scee0 = one_scee(ic0) i3 = ip(jn+ist) l3 = iabs(l3t) ii = (i3+3)/3 jj = (l3+3)/3 ia1 = iac(ii) ia2 = iac(jj) ibig = max0(ia1,ia2) isml = min0(ia1,ia2) ic = ibig*(ibig-1)/2+isml ! ----- CALCULATE THE 14-EEL ENERGY ----- r2 = 1.0d0/ct(jn) r1 = sqrt(r2) #ifdef LES lfac=lesfac(nlesty*(lestyp(ii)-1)+lestyp(jj)) #else lfac = 1.d0 #endif if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt == 0 ) then cgi = cr_charge(ii) cgj = cr_charge(jj) else cgi = cg(ii) cgj = cg(jj) end if if( eedmeth == 5 ) then crfac = r2*lfac g = cgi*cgj*crfac else crfac = r1*lfac*intdieli g = cgi*cgj*crfac end if if (icnstph /= 0 .and. mod(irespa,ntcnstph) == 0 .and. & relaxing == 0) then dvdl = dvdl + scee0*(dcharge(ii)* & dcharge(jj)*r1*lfac*intdieli-g) end if sphi(jn) = g*scee0 if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( ii, cgj*crfac*scee0 ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( jj, cgi*crfac*scee0 ) end if if(idecomp > 0) then # ifdef MPI if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,sphi(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,ii,jj,sphi(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) endif else if(icfe == 0) then if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) ! else if(idecomp.eq.3) then ! --- not considered since ! no pairwise decomp for internal energies else if(idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-2,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) end if end if # else if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) ! else if(idecomp.eq.3) then ! --- not considered since ! no pairwise decomp for internal energies else if(idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-2,ii,jj,sphi(jn)) end if # endif end if r6 = r2*r2*r2 r12 = r6*r6 if (charmm_active) then f1 = charmm_cn114(ic)*r12*lfac f2 = charmm_cn214(ic)*r6*lfac else f1 = cn1(ic)*r12*lfac f2 = cn2(ic)*r6*lfac end if cphi(jn) = (f1-f2)*scnb0 if(idecomp > 0) then # ifdef MPI if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,cphi(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(3,ii,jj,cphi(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) end if else if(icfe == 0) then if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(3,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) ! else if(idecomp.eq.3) then ! --- not considered since ! no pairwise decomp for internal energies else if(idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-3,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) end if end if # else if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) else if(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(3,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) ! else if(idecomp.eq.3) then ! --- not considered since ! no pairwise decomp for internal energies else if(idecomp == 4) then call decpair(-3,ii,jj,cphi(jn)) end if # endif end if #ifdef MPI # ifdef LES if(rem == 2) then if(cnum(ii) > 0 .or. cnum(jj) > 0) then elesd = elesd + cphi(jn) + sphi(jn) endif endif # endif #endif #if defined(LES) !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' if(ipimd>0) then if( cnum(ii) == 0 .and. cnum(jj) == 0 ) then nrg_all(1:nbead) = nrg_all(1:nbead) & + ( cphi(jn) + sphi(jn) ) * nbead_inv else if( cnum(ii) /= 0 ) then ndx = cnum(ii) else ndx = cnum(jj) endif nrg_all(ndx) = nrg_all(ndx) + cphi(jn) + sphi(jn) endif end if !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #endif /* LES */ if( eedmeth == 5 ) then dfn =((-twelve*f1+six*f2)*scnb0-two*g*scee0)*r2 else dfn =((-twelve*f1+six*f2)*scnb0-g*scee0)*r2 end if xa = xij(jn)*dfn ya = yij(jn)*dfn za = zij(jn)*dfn fxi(jn) = fxi(jn)-xa fyi(jn) = fyi(jn)-ya fzi(jn) = fzi(jn)-za fxl(jn) = fxl(jn)+xa fyl(jn) = fyl(jn)+ya fzl(jn) = fzl(jn)+za e14vir(1,1)=e14vir(1,1)+xa*xij(jn) e14vir(2,1)=e14vir(2,1)+ya*xij(jn) e14vir(3,1)=e14vir(3,1)+za*xij(jn) e14vir(1,2)=e14vir(1,2)+xa*yij(jn) e14vir(2,2)=e14vir(2,2)+ya*yij(jn) e14vir(3,2)=e14vir(3,2)+za*yij(jn) e14vir(1,3)=e14vir(1,3)+xa*zij(jn) e14vir(2,3)=e14vir(2,3)+ya*zij(jn) e14vir(3,3)=e14vir(3,3)+za*zij(jn) end do ! jn = 1,maxlen ! !------------------- End of 1-4 interactions ----------------------------- ! do jn = 1,maxlen enbpl = enbpl+cphi(jn) eelpl = eelpl+sphi(jn) end do #if !defined(LES) endif igbNEzero #endif ! ----- SUMUP ALL THE GRADIENTS ----- do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ip(jn+ist) j3 = jp(jn+ist) k3 = iabs(kp(jn+ist)) l3 = iabs(lp(jn+ist)) f(i3+1) = f(i3+1) + fxi(jn) f(i3+2) = f(i3+2) + fyi(jn) f(i3+3) = f(i3+3) + fzi(jn) f(j3+1) = f(j3+1) + fxj(jn) f(j3+2) = f(j3+2) + fyj(jn) f(j3+3) = f(j3+3) + fzj(jn) f(k3+1) = f(k3+1) + fxk(jn) f(k3+2) = f(k3+2) + fyk(jn) f(k3+3) = f(k3+3) + fzk(jn) f(l3+1) = f(l3+1) + fxl(jn) f(l3+2) = f(l3+2) + fyl(jn) f(l3+3) = f(l3+3) + fzl(jn) end do do jn = 1,maxlen epl = epl +epw(jn) end do ist = ist+maxlen 820 if(.not.skip) goto 4200 ! ---- ALL DONE ----- eelp = eelpl enbp = enbpl ep = epl return end subroutine ephi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine capwat here] subroutine capwat(nat,x,f,ecap) use poisson_boltzmann, only : outflagorig implicit none integer:: i, nat _REAL_ :: da, delta, df, ecap, f, tm34, x, xa, ya, za, zero #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif ! ----- ROUTINE TO CALCULATE THE CAP FORCE ----- # include "box.h" # include "flocntrl.h" dimension x(3,*),f(3,*) data tm34,zero/1.0d-34,0.0d0/ ecap = 0.d0 ! FLOW CONTROL FLAG (debug) if ( do_cap == 0 )return #ifdef MPI do i = natcap+1+mytaskid,nat,numtasks #else do i = natcap+1,nat #endif xa = xcap-x(1,i) ya = ycap-x(2,i) za = zcap-x(3,i) da = sqrt(xa*xa+ya*ya+za*za+tm34) delta = max(zero,da-cutcap) if( ifcap == 2 .or. ifcap == 5) then if(outflagorig(i) == 1) then delta = 0.0d0 end if end if ecap = ecap + 0.5*fcap*delta*delta df = fcap*delta/da f(1,i) = f(1,i)+df*xa f(2,i) = f(2,i)+df*ya f(3,i) = f(3,i)+df*za end do return end subroutine capwat !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ subroutine xconst(natc,econ,igroup,x,f,xc,weit & ,natom) use softcore, only: ifsc, sc_ener, nsc, oneweight implicit none integer:: i, i3, igroup, ii, natc _REAL_ :: ax, ay, az, eadd, econ, f, weit, wt, wx, wy, wz, x, xc #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif # include "flocntrl.h" integer,intent(in) :: natom logical myatm(natom) ! ----- ROUTINE TO PUT HARMONIC CONSTRAINTS FOR POSITION ----- dimension igroup(*),x(*),f(*),xc(*),weit(*) ! FLOW CONTROL FLAG (debug) if ( doxconst == 0 )return econ = 0.0d+00 # ifdef MPI do ii = 1+mytaskid,natc,numtasks # else do ii = 1,natc # endif i = igroup(ii) wt = weit(ii) i3 = 3*i-3 ax = x(i3+1)-xc(i3+1) ay = x(i3+2)-xc(i3+2) az = x(i3+3)-xc(i3+3) wx = wt*ax wy = wt*ay wz = wt*az eadd = wx*ax+wy*ay+wz*az #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc .ne. 0) then if (nsc(i) .ne. 0) then sc_ener(14) = sc_ener(14) + eadd wx = wx * oneweight wy = wy * oneweight wz = wz * oneweight else econ = econ+eadd end if else econ = econ+eadd end if #else econ = econ+eadd #endif f(i3+1) = f(i3+1)-(wx+wx) f(i3+2) = f(i3+2)-(wy+wy) f(i3+3) = f(i3+3)-(wz+wz) end do return end subroutine xconst !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ targeted MD simulations with restraints based on RMSD subroutine xtgtmd(econ,rmsgroup,x,f,xc,mass,tgtrmsd,tgtmdfrc,rmsdvalue,ntgtatms) ! uses reference coords just like positional restraints ! energy = 0.5 * tgtmdfrc * nattgtrms * (rmsd(t)-tgtrmsd)**2 ! d(energy)/dxi = k * (1 - tgtrmsd/rmsdvalue) * mass(i)/totmass * (xi-xiref) ! Note: this routine modeled on xconst() and is very similar implicit none ! nattgtrms from "memory.h" ! ntr from "md.h" # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" # include "extra.h" #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif # include "flocntrl.h" ! variables in "tgtmd.h": ! integer itgtmd; logical dotgtmd,rmsok; ! real tgtrmsd,tgtmdfrc,rmsdvalue ! routine's formal variables: integer rmsgroup(*) _REAL_ econ,x(*),f(*),xc(*),mass(*) integer ntgtatms _REAL_ tgtrmsd,tgtmdfrc,rmsdvalue ! local variables: _REAL_ factor,totmass,massfac, ax,ay,az integer ii, i, i3 ! flow control flag (debug) if ( do_tgt == 0 ) return ! ENERGY DOES NOT DEPEND ON ATOMIC TERMS ! since 1 term, do not do in parallel ! others will get it from energy reduction in MPI code if (ntr == 0) then ! If ntr=1, ADD to restraint energy from xconst() econ = 0.d0 ! otherwise initialize econ to zero. end if if (master) then econ = econ + 0.5d0 * ntgtatms * tgtmdfrc * (rmsdvalue-tgtrmsd)**2 end if ! We need to test for small rmsdvalue since we divide by it ! and user is likely to use the initial structure as refc ! therefore giving rmsd=0. If so, skip it on this step and wait ! for the difference vectors to become large enough to define forces. ! *** This means that energy will not be conserved for such steps. *** if (rmsdvalue < 0.001d0) return factor = ntgtatms * tgtmdfrc * (1.d0 - tgtrmsd/rmsdvalue) totmass = 0.d0 do ii=1,ntgtatms i = rmsgroup(ii) totmass = totmass + mass(i) end do #ifdef MPI do ii = 1+mytaskid,ntgtatms,numtasks #else do ii = 1,ntgtatms #endif i = rmsgroup(ii) ! i is atom number i3 = 3*i-3 ! i3+1 is start of coordinate location ax = x(i3+1) - xc(i3+1) ay = x(i3+2) - xc(i3+2) az = x(i3+3) - xc(i3+3) massfac = mass(i)/totmass ! ax, ay and az are distances to reference coordinate. Force is ! negative derivative, positive derivs are calculated above. f(i3+1) = f(i3+1) - factor*ax*massfac f(i3+2) = f(i3+2) - factor*ay*massfac f(i3+3) = f(i3+3) - factor*az*massfac end do return end subroutine xtgtmd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ overlap and calculate RMSD of current coords to reference coords ! subroutine rmsfit(xc,x,mass,fitgroup,rmsgroup,rmsdvalue,ntgtatms,nfitatms,rmsok) ! ! Carlos added code for targeted MD (modified by VH). ! Fit XC='refc' to X='inpcrd': do not change X='inpcrd' but ! translate/rotate XC='refc' each step. The fit is done on 'nattgtfit' ! atoms but rmsd value is calculated for 'nattgtrms' atoms implicit none ! natom and nattgtfit,nattgtrms are from "memory.h" ! ntr is from "md.h" # include "memory.h" # include "md.h" # include "flocntrl.h" #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #endif ! routine's formal variables: _REAL_ xc(*), x(*), mass(*), rotat(3,3), rmsdvalue, rotat_in(3,3) logical rmsok integer fitgroup(*), rmsgroup(*) integer ntgtatms,nfitatms ! local variables: _REAL_ kabs(3,3), e(3), b(3,3) _REAL_ xcm2, ycm2, zcm2, det, norm _REAL_ xcm1, ycm1, zcm1, tmpx, tmpy, tmpz _REAL_ small, totmass _REAL_ tmprms, tmp integer i, ii, i3, j, k, ismall ! following vars needed for lapack diagonalization integer lwork, ldum, info parameter (lwork=48) _REAL_ kabs2(3,3), work(lwork), dum _REAL_ wr(3), wi(3), a(3,3) rmsok = .true. small = 1.d20 ! zero some variables do i=1,3 e(i) = 0.d0 do j=1,3 a(i,j) = 0.d0 b(i,j) = 0.d0 kabs(i,j) = 0.d0 kabs2(i,j) = 0.d0 rotat(i,j) = 0.d0 end do end do ! do the fitting (=overlap) for ntr=0 (no restraints) if (ntr == 0) then ! STEPS: ! 1) center both coord sets on respective CM of fit regions ! 2) determine overlap (fit) matrix ! 3) rotate reference coords and get rmsdvalue ! 4) restore CM of both coords ! calculate center of mass of fit region, and center both ! molecules (whole molecules not just fit regions) xcm1 = 0.d0; ycm1 = 0.d0; zcm1 = 0.d0 xcm2 = 0.d0; ycm2 = 0.d0; zcm2 = 0.d0 totmass = 0.d0 ! totmass for fit region do ii=1,nfitatms i = fitgroup(ii) ! 'i' is actual atom number i3 = 3*i-3 totmass = totmass + mass(i) xcm1 = mass(i) * x(i3+1) + xcm1 ycm1 = mass(i) * x(i3+2) + ycm1 zcm1 = mass(i) * x(i3+3) + zcm1 xcm2 = mass(i) * xc(i3+1) + xcm2 ycm2 = mass(i) * xc(i3+2) + ycm2 zcm2 = mass(i) * xc(i3+3) + zcm2 end do xcm1 = xcm1 / totmass ycm1 = ycm1 / totmass zcm1 = zcm1 / totmass xcm2 = xcm2 / totmass ycm2 = ycm2 / totmass zcm2 = zcm2 / totmass ! Move both molecules (all atoms) with respect to CM of fit regions. ! Don't modify xc (refc) coordinates, instead do all transformation ! that modify xc in a temporary array xctmp(). do i=1,natom i3 = 3*i-3 x(i3+1) = x(i3+1) - xcm1 x(i3+2) = x(i3+2) - ycm1 x(i3+3) = x(i3+3) - zcm1 xc(i3+1) = xc(i3+1) - xcm2 xc(i3+2) = xc(i3+2) - ycm2 xc(i3+3) = xc(i3+3) - zcm2 end do ! calculate the Kabsch matrix do ii=1,nfitatms i = fitgroup(ii) i3 = 3*i-3 kabs(1,1) = kabs(1,1) + mass(i) * x(i3+1)*xc(i3+1) kabs(1,2) = kabs(1,2) + mass(i) * x(i3+1)*xc(i3+2) kabs(1,3) = kabs(1,3) + mass(i) * x(i3+1)*xc(i3+3) kabs(2,1) = kabs(2,1) + mass(i) * x(i3+2)*xc(i3+1) kabs(2,2) = kabs(2,2) + mass(i) * x(i3+2)*xc(i3+2) kabs(2,3) = kabs(2,3) + mass(i) * x(i3+2)*xc(i3+3) kabs(3,1) = kabs(3,1) + mass(i) * x(i3+3)*xc(i3+1) kabs(3,2) = kabs(3,2) + mass(i) * x(i3+3)*xc(i3+2) kabs(3,3) = kabs(3,3) + mass(i) * x(i3+3)*xc(i3+3) end do ! check that the determinant is not zero det = kabs(1,1)*kabs(2,2)*kabs(3,3) - kabs(1,1)*kabs(2,3)*kabs(3,2) - & kabs(1,2)*kabs(2,1)*kabs(3,3) + kabs(1,2)*kabs(2,3)*kabs(3,1) + & kabs(1,3)*kabs(2,1)*kabs(3,2) - kabs(1,3)*kabs(2,2)*kabs(3,1) if (abs(det) < 1.d-5) then rmsok = .false. write (6,*) "small determinant in rmsfit():", abs(det) goto 99 end if ! construct a positive definite matrix by multiplying kabs ! matrix by its transpose do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do k=1,3 kabs2(i,j) = kabs2(i,j) + kabs(k,i)*kabs(k,j) end do end do end do ! Diagonalize kabs2 (matrix RtR in the above reference). On output ! kabs2 is destroyed and the eigenvectors are provided in 'a': ! a(i=1,3 ; j) is the j-th eigenvector, 'wr' has the eigenvalues. ldum = 1 call D_OR_S()geev('N','V',3,kabs2,3,wr,wi,dum,ldum,a,3,work,lwork,info) if (info /= 0) then write(6,'(" Error in diagonalization routine dgeev")') rmsok = .false. goto 99 end if ! find the smallest eigenvalue do i=1,3 if (wr(i) < small) then ismall = i small = wr(i) end if end do ! generate the b vectors do j=1,3 ! 'wr' very small and negative sometimes -> abs() norm = 1.d0/sqrt(abs(wr(j))) do i=1,3 do k=1,3 b(i,j) = b(i,j) + kabs(i,k)*a(k,j)*norm end do end do end do ! calculate the rotation matrix rotat 200 continue rotat(:, :) = 0.d0 ! array assignment do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do k=1,3 rotat(i,j) = rotat(i,j) + b(i,k)*a(j,k) end do end do end do ! check if the determinant is negative det = rotat(1,1)*rotat(2,2)*rotat(3,3) - & rotat(1,1)*rotat(2,3)*rotat(3,2) - & rotat(1,2)*rotat(2,1)*rotat(3,3) + & rotat(1,2)*rotat(2,3)*rotat(3,1) + & rotat(1,3)*rotat(2,1)*rotat(3,2) - & rotat(1,3)*rotat(2,2)*rotat(3,1) if (abs(det) < 1.d-10) then rmsok = .false. goto 99 end if ! If the determinant is negative, invert all elements to ! obtain rotation transformation (excluding inversion) if (det < 0) then do i=1,3 b(i,ismall) = -b(i,ismall) end do goto 200 end if ! Rotate reference coordinates: modify xc(). do i=1,natom i3 = 3*i-3 tmpx = rotat(1,1)*xc(i3+1) + rotat(1,2)*xc(i3+2) + rotat(1,3)*xc(i3+3) tmpy = rotat(2,1)*xc(i3+1) + rotat(2,2)*xc(i3+2) + rotat(2,3)*xc(i3+3) tmpz = rotat(3,1)*xc(i3+1) + rotat(3,2)*xc(i3+2) + rotat(3,3)*xc(i3+3) xc(i3+1) = tmpx xc(i3+2) = tmpy xc(i3+3) = tmpz end do ! calculate current rmsd for rms region (itgtrmsgp) totmass = 0.d0 ! totmass for rms region rmsdvalue = 0.d0 do ii=1,ntgtatms i = rmsgroup(ii) i3 = 3*i-3 totmass = totmass + mass(i) tmpx = xc(i3+1) - x(i3+1) tmpy = xc(i3+2) - x(i3+2) tmpz = xc(i3+3) - x(i3+3) rmsdvalue = rmsdvalue + mass(i)*(tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy + tmpz*tmpz) end do ! Now we need to translate both simulation coordinates X and reference ! coordinates XC back: remove the centering done previously. We need to ! do this to reference coordinates so they are still fit to simulation ! coordinates for energy/force calculation (in routines xconst() and ! xtgtmd()) - that means ADD the *simulation* coords CM. ! for neb we are translating back both the current and the neighbor beads ! so that we restore the current image CM (NOT the neighbor's CM). ! this should be done the same way for both rmsfit calls done in ! full_neb_forces (one for -1 neighbor and one for 1) ! as a result CM of both neighbors will be at the original CM of the MD run ! this makes no real difference to those images since the coordinates changed ! here are copies, and we do not actually modify the coordinates being ! used by the neighbor image MD (just the copies that we received from them) do i=1,natom i3 = 3*i-3 x(i3+1) = x(i3+1) + xcm1 x(i3+2) = x(i3+2) + ycm1 x(i3+3) = x(i3+3) + zcm1 xc(i3+1) = xc(i3+1) + xcm1 ! yes, it's CM1 (not CM2) xc(i3+2) = xc(i3+2) + ycm1 xc(i3+3) = xc(i3+3) + zcm1 end do else ! ntr=1 -> don't fit just calculate rmsdvalue. This does not ! change X() or XC(). ! calculate current rmsd for rms region (itgtrmsgp) rmsdvalue = 0.d0 totmass = 0.d0 do ii=1,ntgtatms i = rmsgroup(ii) i3 = 3*i-3 totmass = totmass + mass(i) tmpx = xc(i3+1) - x(i3+1) tmpy = xc(i3+2) - x(i3+2) tmpz = xc(i3+3) - x(i3+3) rmsdvalue = rmsdvalue + mass(i)*(tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy + tmpz*tmpz) end do end if rmsdvalue = sqrt(rmsdvalue/totmass) return 99 rmsdvalue=-99. rmsok = .false. return end subroutine rmsfit !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Zeroes out non-moving quantities for belly runs (i.e. velocities) subroutine bellyf(nat,igrp,f) implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nat, igrp _REAL_, intent(inout) :: f ! Local variables integer :: i, i3 _REAL_ :: zero dimension igrp(*),f(*) data zero/0.0d0/ do i = 1,nat if(igrp(i) == 0) then i3 = 3*i-3 f(i3+1) = zero f(i3+2) = zero f(i3+3) = zero end if end do return end subroutine bellyf !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! EPHI_ene_amd !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ EPHI Calculates dihedral terms energy for estimating the amd weight !By Romelia Salomon-Ferrer !Routine has also been simplified from the original ephi version subroutine ephi_ene_amd(nphiin,ip,jp,kp,lp,icp,x,ep) use decomp, only : decpr, decpair, decphi use parms, only: ipn,pn,pk,gamc,gams,cn1,cn2,one_scnb, one_scee use charmm_mod, only : charmm_cn114,charmm_cn214, charmm_active use constants, only : zero, one, two, six, twelve, PI use crg_reloc, only : ifcr, cropt, cr_charge, cr_add_dcdr_factor use file_io_dat !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB modules ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ use softcore, only: ifsc, nsc #endif implicit none #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #else integer numtasks,mytaskid parameter (numtasks=1,mytaskid=0) #endif !**** check if I need it !#if defined(LES) !# include "les.h" !# include "memory.h" !#else ! _REAL_ lfac !#endif # include "ew_frc.h" # include "box.h" # include "md.h" # include "flocntrl.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "ew_erfc_spline.h" # include "extra_pts.h" !-------------passed-in variables --------------------------- integer ip(*),jp(*),kp(*),lp(*),icp(*) _REAL_ ep _REAL_ x(*) integer nphiin !------------- local variables --------------------------- logical skip integer max190,maxlen parameter (max190=190) _REAL_ xij(max190),yij(max190),zij(max190),xkj(max190), & ykj(max190),zkj(max190),xkl(max190),ykl(max190), & zkl(max190),dx(max190),dy(max190),dz(max190),gx(max190), & gy(max190),gz(max190),ct(max190),cphi(max190),sphi(max190), & z1(max190),z2(max190),fxi(max190),fyi(max190),fzi(max190) _REAL_ xa,ya,za,g _REAL_ dums,cosnp,sinnp _REAL_ z10,z20,z12,z11,z22,ap0,ap1,ct0,ct1,s,ftem _REAL_ epl integer ii,jj,kk,ll integer ic,inc, ic0 integer i3,j3,k3,l3,k3t,l3t integer jn,istc,ist,nphi _REAL_ epw(max190) _REAL_ tm06,tenm3 data tm06,tenm3/1.0d-06,1.0d-03/ ! ---- ARRAYS GAMC = PK*COS(PHASE) AND GAMS = PK*SIN(PHASE) ---- integer piece,start,end,newnb !! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !! ; EVB variables ; !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, integer :: ndx if ( do_ephi == 0 .or. nphiin == 0 )return if(numtasks > 1)then piece = nphiin/numtasks start = mytaskid*piece+1 end= mytaskid*piece+piece if(mytaskid == (numtasks-1)) end = nphiin else start=1 end=nphiin end if nphi = end ist = start -1 epl = zero ! ----- GRAND LOOP FOR THE DIHEDRAL STUFF ----- 4201 continue maxlen = max190 skip = (ist+maxlen) > nphi if(skip) maxlen = nphi-ist if(maxlen <= 0) goto 821 do jn = 1,maxlen i3 = ip(jn+ist) j3 = jp(jn+ist) k3t = kp(jn+ist) l3t = lp(jn+ist) k3 = iabs(k3t) l3 = iabs(l3t) ! ----- CALCULATION OF ij, kj, kl VECTORS ----- xij(jn) = x(i3+1)-x(j3+1) yij(jn) = x(i3+2)-x(j3+2) zij(jn) = x(i3+3)-x(j3+3) xkj(jn) = x(k3+1)-x(j3+1) ykj(jn) = x(k3+2)-x(j3+2) zkj(jn) = x(k3+3)-x(j3+3) xkl(jn) = x(k3+1)-x(l3+1) ykl(jn) = x(k3+2)-x(l3+2) zkl(jn) = x(k3+3)-x(l3+3) end do ! ----- GET THE NORMAL VECTOR ----- do jn = 1,maxlen dx(jn) = yij(jn)*zkj(jn)-zij(jn)*ykj(jn) dy(jn) = zij(jn)*xkj(jn)-xij(jn)*zkj(jn) dz(jn) = xij(jn)*ykj(jn)-yij(jn)*xkj(jn) gx(jn) = zkj(jn)*ykl(jn)-ykj(jn)*zkl(jn) gy(jn) = xkj(jn)*zkl(jn)-zkj(jn)*xkl(jn) gz(jn) = ykj(jn)*xkl(jn)-xkj(jn)*ykl(jn) end do do jn = 1,maxlen fxi(jn) = sqrt(dx(jn)*dx(jn) & +dy(jn)*dy(jn) & +dz(jn)*dz(jn)+1.0d-18) fyi(jn) = sqrt(gx(jn)*gx(jn) & +gy(jn)*gy(jn) & +gz(jn)*gz(jn)+1.0d-18) ct(jn) = dx(jn)*gx(jn)+dy(jn)*gy(jn)+dz(jn)*gz(jn) end do ! ----- BRANCH IF LINEAR DIHEDRAL ----- do jn = 1,maxlen z10 = one/fxi(jn) z20 = one/fyi(jn) if (tenm3 > fxi(jn)) z10 = zero if (tenm3 > fyi(jn)) z20 = zero z12 = z10*z20 z1(jn) = z10 z2(jn) = z20 ftem = zero if (z12 /= zero) ftem = one fzi(jn) = ftem ct0 = min(one,ct(jn)*z12) ct1 = max(-one,ct0) s = xkj(jn)*(dz(jn)*gy(jn)-dy(jn)*gz(jn))+ & ykj(jn)*(dx(jn)*gz(jn)-dz(jn)*gx(jn))+ & zkj(jn)*(dy(jn)*gx(jn)-dx(jn)*gy(jn)) ap0 = acos(ct1) ap1 = pi-sign(ap0,s) ct(jn) = ap1 cphi(jn) = cos(ap1) sphi(jn) = sin(ap1) end do ! ----- CALCULATE THE ENERGY AND THE DERIVATIVES WITH RESPECT TO ! COSPHI ----- do jn = 1,maxlen ic = icp(jn+ist) inc = ipn(ic) ct0 = pn(ic)*ct(jn) cosnp = cos(ct0) sinnp = sin(ct0) epw(jn) = (pk(ic)+cosnp*gamc(ic)+sinnp*gams(ic))*fzi(jn) #ifdef MPI if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 if(icfe /= 0 .and. decpr) then if(ifsc /= 0 .and. nsc(ii) /= 1 .and. nsc(jj) /= 1 & .and. nsc(kk) /= 1 .and. nsc(ll) /= 1) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(ifsc == 0) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)/(nstlim/ntpr)) end if else if(icfe == 0) then call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)) end if end if #else if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 call decphi(ii,jj,kk,ll,epw(jn)) end if #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! For dual-topology softcore runs, dihedrals involving sc atoms are modified here if (ifsc /= 0) then ii = (ip(jn+ist) + 3)/3 jj = (jp(jn+ist) + 3)/3 kk = (iabs(kp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(jn+ist)) + 3)/3 ! Check if a softcore atom is involved in this dihedral if (nsc(ii) == 1 .or. nsc(jj) == 1 .or. nsc(kk) == 1 .or. nsc(ll) == 1) then ! This dihedral needs to ! a) get its energy removed from Edihed ! b) get its force scaled up by 1/weight epw(jn) = 0.0d0 end if end if #endif end do do jn = 1,maxlen epl = epl +epw(jn) end do ist = ist+maxlen 821 if(.not.skip) goto 4201 ep = epl return end subroutine ephi_ene_amd