! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# ! #| Read inputs for EVB calculation |# ! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# #include "../include/assert.fh" #include "../include/dprec.fh" subroutine evb_input use evb_parm, only: evb_dcrypt, C_evb, C_xch, xch_expdat & , xch_gaussdat, bias_ndx, lambda, k_umb, r0_umb & , nevb, nxch, nbias, nmorse, nmodvdw, ioe, dia_type & , xch_type, evb_dyn, input_ready, ntw_evb, dbonds_RC & , bond_RC, inc_dbonds_RC, inc_bond_RC, out_RCdot !dEVB use evb_parm, only: xch_dcrypt use evb_nml, only: dia_size, xch_size, umb_size, nmorse_size, nmodvdw_size & , nUFF_size, nAdihed_size, nAangle_size, xdg_size & , nml_dia_shift, nml_xch_cnst & , nml_xch_exp, nml_xch_gauss, nml_emap, nml_egap_umb & , nml_dbonds_umb, nml_bond_umb, morsify, modvdw, UFF & , Adihed, Aangle, nml_react_flux use evb_amber, only: morse, vdw_mod use schlegel, only: ndg, xdat_xdg, xdat_ts, xdat_min, alpha, dg_weight & , gbasis_weight, svd_cond, dist_gauss, full_solve & , nUFF, nUFF_dcrypt, nAdihed, nAdihed_dcrypt & , nAangle, nAangle_dcrypt & , UFF_scale, xvdw, dvdw, zvdw, Avdw, Bvdw & , K_angle, theta & , V, period, phase use miller, only: ti_mass, nti_mass, do_ti_mass use wigner, only: nbias_ndx, p_space, minstep, nsample & , s0_surface, s0_toler, RC_rmsd_toler & , RC_RS_toler, RC_PS_toler, RC_type use evb_check, only: fdeps, debug_toler, evb_debug, what_size & , ab_initio_gridfile, full_evb_debug, schlegel_debug & , gradRC_debug, morsify_debug, mod_vdw_debug, xwarshel_debug & , xgauss_debug, dbonds_debug, bond_debug, evb_pimd_debug use file_io_dat implicit none # include "memory.h" type( nml_dia_shift ) :: dia_shift(dia_size) type( nml_xch_cnst ) :: xch_cnst(xch_size) type( nml_xch_exp ) :: xch_exp(xch_size) type( nml_xch_gauss ) :: xch_gauss(xch_size) type( nml_emap ) :: emap(umb_size) type( nml_egap_umb ) :: egap_umb(umb_size) type( nml_dbonds_umb ) :: dbonds_umb(umb_size) type( nml_bond_umb ) :: bond_umb(umb_size) type( nml_react_flux ) :: react_flux character(512) :: min_xfile(dia_size), ts_xfile(xch_size), xdg_xfile(xdg_size) ! .......................................................................... integer :: n, nn, io, ios, alloc_error integer :: ndia_shift, nxch_cnst, nxch_exp, nxch_gauss & , nmin_xfile, nts_xfile, ndg_xfile, nlambda & , nxch_dg integer :: xch_check(4), dyn_check(4), dia_check(1) _REAL_ :: dgpt_alpha(xdg_size), dgpt_weight(xdg_size) _REAL_ :: gauss_weight(3) namelist / evb / nevb, nbias, nmorse, nmodvdw, nUFF, nAdihed, nAangle, dia_type, xch_type & , evb_dyn, debug_toler, ioe, dia_shift, xch_cnst, xch_exp & , xch_gauss, morsify, modvdw, UFF, UFF_scale, Adihed, Aangle & , emap, egap_umb, dbonds_umb & , bond_umb, ntw_evb, react_flux, min_xfile, ts_xfile & , xdg_xfile, dist_gauss, dgpt_alpha, dgpt_weight & , gauss_weight, svd_cond, ti_mass, evb_debug, fdeps & , ab_initio_gridfile, full_solve, out_RCdot xch_check(:) = 0 dyn_check(:) = 0 dia_check(:) = 0 ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Initialize EVB input arrays | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ dia_shift(:)%st = 9999 morsify(:)%iatom = 9999 modvdw(:)%iatom = 9999 xch_cnst(:)%ist = 9999 xch_exp(:)%ist = 9999 xch_gauss(:)%ist = 9999 ti_mass(:)%init = 0.0d0 dgpt_alpha(:) = 9999.9d0 dgpt_weight(:) = 9999.9d0 gauss_weight(:) = 9999.9d0 gbasis_weight(:) = 9999.9d0 min_xfile(:) = 'UNDEFINED' ts_xfile(:) = 'UNDEFINED' xdg_xfile(:) = 'UNDEFINED' evb_debug%what(:) = 'XXX' emap(:)%ist = 9999 egap_umb(:)%ist = 9999 dbonds_umb(:)%iatom = 9999 bond_umb(:)%iatom = 9999 nevb = 0 nxch = 0 nbias = 0 nmorse = 0 nmodvdw = 0 nUFF = 0 nAdihed = 0 nAangle = 0 nti_mass = 0 ntw_evb = 50 UFF_scale = 1.0d0 dia_type = 'force_field' xch_type = 'constant' evb_dyn = 'groundstate' dist_gauss%stol = 1.0d-1 dist_gauss%stype = 'react-product' dist_gauss%lin_solve = 'diis' dist_gauss%xfile_type = 'gaussian_fchk' ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Read EVB input file | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ write(6,'(/)') write(6,'(A)') 'Reading EVB input file from ' // trim( adjustl( evbin ) ) call amopen ( evb_unit, evbin, 'O', 'F', 'R' ) read( evb_unit, nml = evb, IOSTAT = ios ) ! ............................................................................. ! : Check for eof and read errors : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' select case( ios ) case(:-1) ! end of file encountered write(6,'(A)') write(6,'(A)') 'ERROR: ' // trim( adjustl( evbin ) ) // ' does not exist' call mexit(6,1) case(1:) ! error during read write(6,'(A)') write(6,'(A)') 'Error encountered while reading ' & // trim( adjustl( evbin ) ) call mexit(6,1) end select close( evb_unit ) call evb_keywrd( dia_type, xch_type, evb_dyn ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Maximum number of exchange terms in a symmetric matrix | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ nxch = nevb * ( nevb - 1 ) / 2 ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Allocate memory | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( .not. input_ready ) then if( dbonds_umb(nbias)%iatom /= 9999 ) inc_dbonds_RC = .true. call evb_input_alloc input_ready = .true. endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Morsify Amber harmonic bond types | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nmorse morse(n)%iatom = morsify(n)%iatom morse(n)%jatom = morsify(n)%jatom #ifdef LES morse(n)%D = morsify(n)%D / dble( ncopy ) #else morse(n)%D = morsify(n)%D #endif morse(n)%a = morsify(n)%a morse(n)%r0 = morsify(n)%r0 enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Exclude certain van der waals interactions | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nmodvdw vdw_mod(n)%iatom = modvdw(n)%iatom vdw_mod(n)%jatom = modvdw(n)%jatom enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include UFF VDW interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nUFF nUFF_dcrypt(n,1) = UFF(n)%iatom nUFF_dcrypt(n,2) = UFF(n)%jatom enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include Amber torsion interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nAdihed nAdihed_dcrypt(n,1) = Adihed(n)%iatom nAdihed_dcrypt(n,2) = Adihed(n)%jatom nAdihed_dcrypt(n,3) = Adihed(n)%katom nAdihed_dcrypt(n,4) = Adihed(n)%latom V(n) = Adihed(n)%V period(n) = Adihed(n)%period phase(n) = Adihed(n)%phase enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include Amber angle interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nAangle nAangle_dcrypt(n,1) = Aangle(n)%iatom nAangle_dcrypt(n,2) = Aangle(n)%jatom nAangle_dcrypt(n,3) = Aangle(n)%katom K_angle(n) = Aangle(n)%K theta(n) = Aangle(n)%theta enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Diabatic state relative energy shifts | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nevb nn = dia_shift(n)%st C_evb(nn) = dia_shift(n)%nrg_offset enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Exchange type | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ select case( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) ) ! ............................................................................. ! : Constant exchange term : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "constant" ) do n = 1, nxch evb_dcrypt(n,1) = xch_cnst(n)%ist evb_dcrypt(n,2) = xch_cnst(n)%jst C_xch(n) = xch_cnst(n)%xcnst !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,1) ) = n !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,2) ) = n xch_check(1) = 1 enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : Warshel's exponential functional form for the exchange term : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "exp" ) do n = 1, nxch evb_dcrypt(n,1) = xch_exp(n)%ist evb_dcrypt(n,2) = xch_exp(n)%jst xch_expdat(n) = xch_exp(n) !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,1) ) = n !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,2) ) = n xch_check(2) = 1 enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : Gaussian functional form for the exchange term : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "gauss" ) do n = 1, nxch evb_dcrypt(n,1) = xch_gauss(n)%ist evb_dcrypt(n,2) = xch_gauss(n)%jst xch_gaussdat(n) = xch_gauss(n) !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,1) ) = n !dEVB xch_dcrypt( evb_dcrypt(n,2) ) = n xch_check(3) = 1 enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : DG-EVB: determine the number of external files : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "dist_gauss" ) nts_xfile = 0 do n = 1, dia_size if( trim( adjustl( ts_xfile(n) ) ) /= 'UNDEFINED' ) & nts_xfile = nts_xfile + 1 enddo if( nts_xfile /= nxch ) then write(6,'(2(/))') write(6,'(2(A,I8,A))') 'ERROR: the no. of TS external ' & // 'files (nts_xfile = ', nts_xfile, ')' & , ' is not equal to nxch = ', nxch, '.' call mexit(6,1) endif nmin_xfile = 0 do n = 1, dia_size if( trim( adjustl( min_xfile(n) ) ) /= 'UNDEFINED' ) & nmin_xfile = nmin_xfile + 1 enddo if( nmin_xfile /= nevb ) then write(6,'(2(/))') write(6,'(2(A,I8,A))') 'ERROR: the no. of PES minimum external ' & // 'files (nmin_xfile = ', nmin_xfile, ')' & , ' is not equal to nevb = ', nevb, '.' call mexit(6,1) endif ndg_xfile = 0 do n = 1, xdg_size if( trim( adjustl( xdg_xfile(n) ) ) /= 'UNDEFINED' ) & ndg_xfile = ndg_xfile + 1 enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : Order the DG files as TS, MIN, additional points : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' allocate( xdat_min(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xdat_ts(nxch), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xdat_xdg(nts_xfile+nevb+ndg_xfile), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) if(.not. allocated(evb_dcrypt) ) then allocate( evb_dcrypt(1,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif nn = 0 do n = 1, nxch nn = nn + 1 xdat_ts(n)%filename = ts_xfile(n) xdat_xdg(nn)%filename = ts_xfile(n) enddo do n = 1, nevb nn = nn + 1 xdat_min(n)%filename = min_xfile(n) xdat_xdg(nn)%filename = min_xfile(n) evb_dcrypt(1,n) = n enddo do n = 1, ndg_xfile nn = nn + 1 xdat_xdg(nn)%filename = xdg_xfile(n) enddo ndg = nts_xfile + nmin_xfile + ndg_xfile write(6,'(A,I8)') 'No. of DG at TS = ', nts_xfile write(6,'(A,I8)') 'No. of DG at minima = ', nevb write(6,'(A,I8)') 'No. of additional DG = ', ndg_xfile write(6,'(A,I8)') 'Total DG points = ', ndg allocate( alpha(ndg), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) alpha(:) = dgpt_alpha(1) do n = 1, ndg if( dgpt_alpha(n) /= 9999.9d0 ) alpha(n) = dgpt_alpha(n) enddo allocate( dg_weight(ndg), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) dg_weight(:) = dgpt_weight(1) do n = 1, ndg if( dgpt_weight(n) /= 9999.9d0 ) then dg_weight(n) = dgpt_weight(n) else dg_weight(n) = 1.0d0 endif enddo do n = 1, 3 if( gauss_weight(n) /= 9999.9d0 ) gbasis_weight(n) = gauss_weight(n) enddo end select ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Dynamics type | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ select case( trim( adjustl( evb_dyn ) ) ) ! 12062008: for outputting RC value when performing groundstate dynamics ! ............................................................................. ! : Umbrella sampling: difference of 2 bonds RC : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ! allocate( dbonds_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) ! REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) case( "groundstate" ) ! write(6,*) 'nbias = ', nbias ! write(6,*) "evb_input: this allocation will break others" if( inc_dbonds_RC ) then do n = 1, nbias dbonds_RC(n)%iatom = dbonds_umb(n)%iatom dbonds_RC(n)%jatom = dbonds_umb(n)%jatom dbonds_RC(n)%katom = dbonds_umb(n)%katom enddo endif ! ............................................................................. ! : Reactive flux : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "react_flux" ) nbias_ndx = react_flux%nbias_ndx p_space = react_flux%p_space minstep = react_flux%minstep nsample = react_flux%nsample s0_surface = react_flux%s0_surface s0_toler = react_flux%s0_toler RC_rmsd_toler = react_flux%RC_rmsd_toler RC_RS_toler = react_flux%RC_RS_toler RC_PS_toler = react_flux%RC_PS_toler RC_type = react_flux%RC_type do n = 1, nbias ! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ! [] Mapping potential : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` nn = emap(n)%ist if( nn /= 9999 ) then bias_ndx(n,1) = emap(n)%ist bias_ndx(n,2) = emap(n)%jst endif ! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ! [] Energy gap RC harmonic umbrella : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` nn = egap_umb(n)%ist if( nn /= 9999 ) then bias_ndx(n,1) = egap_umb(n)%ist bias_ndx(n,2) = egap_umb(n)%jst endif ! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ! [] Difference of 2 bonds RC harmonic umbrella sampling : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` nn = dbonds_umb(n)%iatom if( nn /= 9999 ) then dbonds_RC(n)%iatom = dbonds_umb(n)%iatom dbonds_RC(n)%jatom = dbonds_umb(n)%jatom dbonds_RC(n)%katom = dbonds_umb(n)%katom endif ! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ! [] Bond RC harmonic umbrella sampling : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` nn = bond_umb(n)%iatom if( nn /= 9999 ) then bond_RC(n)%iatom = bond_umb(n)%iatom bond_RC(n)%jatom = bond_umb(n)%jatom endif enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : Warshel's mapping potential : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "evb_map" ) do n = 1, nbias bias_ndx(n,1) = emap(n)%ist bias_ndx(n,2) = emap(n)%jst lambda(n) = emap(n)%lambda enddo ! do n = 1, nbias ! dbonds_RC(n)%iatom = dbonds_umb(n)%iatom ! dbonds_RC(n)%jatom = dbonds_umb(n)%jatom ! dbonds_RC(n)%katom = dbonds_umb(n)%katom ! enddo ! if( dbonds_umb(nbias)%iatom /= 9999 ) inc_dbonds_RC = .true. ! do n = 1, nbias ! bond_RC(n)%iatom = bond_umb(n)%iatom ! bond_RC(n)%jatom = bond_umb(n)%jatom ! enddo ! if( bond_umb(nbias)%iatom /= 9999 ) inc_bond_RC = .true. dyn_check(1) = 1 ! ............................................................................. ! : Energy gap RC harmonic umbrella : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "egap_umb" ) do n = 1, nbias bias_ndx(n,1) = egap_umb(n)%ist bias_ndx(n,2) = egap_umb(n)%jst k_umb(n) = egap_umb(n)%k r0_umb(n) = egap_umb(n)%ezero enddo dyn_check(2) = 1 ! ............................................................................. ! : Umbrella sampling: difference of 2 bonds RC : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "dbonds_umb", "qi_dbonds_pmf", "qi_dbonds_dyn" ) do n = 1, nbias dbonds_RC(n)%iatom = dbonds_umb(n)%iatom dbonds_RC(n)%jatom = dbonds_umb(n)%jatom dbonds_RC(n)%katom = dbonds_umb(n)%katom k_umb(n) = dbonds_umb(n)%k r0_umb(n) = dbonds_umb(n)%ezero enddo dyn_check(3) = 1 ! ............................................................................. ! : Umbrella sampling: distance RC : ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' case( "bond_umb", "qi_bond_pmf", "qi_bond_dyn" ) do n = 1, nbias bond_RC(n)%iatom = bond_umb(n)%iatom bond_RC(n)%jatom = bond_umb(n)%jatom k_umb(n) = bond_umb(n)%k r0_umb(n) = bond_umb(n)%ezero enddo dyn_check(4) = 1 end select ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Check for TI by mass | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( ti_mass(1)%init /= 0.0d0 ) then nti_mass = 1 do_ti_mass = .true. if( ti_mass(2)%init /= 0.0d0 ) nti_mass = 2 endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Determine debugging options | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, what_size select case( trim( adjustl( evb_debug%what(n) ) ) ) case( "full" ) full_evb_debug = .true. case( "schlegel" ) schlegel_debug = .true. case( "gradRC" ) gradRC_debug = .true. case( "morsify" ) morsify_debug = .true. case( "mod_vdw" ) mod_vdw_debug = .true. case( "xwarshel" ) xwarshel_debug = .true. case( "xgauss" ) xgauss_debug = .true. case( "dbonds" ) dbonds_debug = .true. case( "bond" ) bond_debug = .true. case( "evb_pimd" ) evb_pimd_debug = .true. end select enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Check for EVB variable dependences | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ call check_input ( xch_check, dyn_check, dia_check, xch_type, evb_dyn ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Output EVB options | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ call evb_outoptions ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x end subroutine evb_input ! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# ! #| Allocate storage space for evb_input |# ! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# subroutine evb_input_alloc use evb_parm, only: evb_dcrypt, C_evb, C_xch & , xch_expdat, xch_gaussdat, bias_ndx, lambda & , k_umb, r0_umb, nevb, nxch & , nmorse, nmodvdw, nbias, dia_type, xch_type, evb_dyn & , dbonds_RC, bond_RC, inc_dbonds_RC !dEVB use evb_parm, only: xch_dcrypt use evb_amber, only: morse, k_harm, r0_harm, vdw_mod use schlegel, only: nUFF, nUFF_dcrypt, nAdihed, nAdihed_dcrypt & , nAangle, nAangle_dcrypt, K_angle, theta, V, period, phase implicit none !........................................................................... integer :: alloc_error ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Morse parameters | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nmorse > 0 ) then allocate( morse(nmorse), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( k_harm(nmorse), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( r0_harm(nmorse), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | VDW exclusion | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nmodvdw > 0 ) then allocate( vdw_mod(nmodvdw), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include UFF VDW interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nUFF > 0 ) then allocate( nUFF_dcrypt(nUFF,3), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include Amber torsion interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nAdihed > 0 ) then allocate( nAdihed_dcrypt(nAdihed,5), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( V(nAdihed), period(nAdihed), phase(nAdihed), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Schlegel DG-EVB: include Amber angle interaction in V_ii | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nAangle > 0 ) then allocate( nAangle_dcrypt(nAangle,4), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( K_angle(nAangle), theta(nAangle), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Diabatic state relative energy shifts | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ allocate( C_evb(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) C_evb(:) = 0.d0 ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Exchange type | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ select case( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Constant exchange term : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "constant" ) allocate( evb_dcrypt(nxch,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) !dEVB allocate( xch_dcrypt(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) !dEVB REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( C_xch(nxch), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) C_xch(:) = 0.d0 ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Exponential functional form for exchange term : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "exp" ) allocate( evb_dcrypt(nxch,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) !dEVB allocate( xch_dcrypt(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) !dEVB REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xch_expdat(nxch), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Gaussian functional form for exchange term : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "gauss" ) allocate( evb_dcrypt(nxch,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) !dEVB allocate( xch_dcrypt(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) !dEVB REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xch_gaussdat(nxch), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) end select ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Dynamics type | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ select case( trim( adjustl( evb_dyn ) ) ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : "groundstate but with RC output : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "groundstate" ) if( inc_dbonds_RC ) then allocate( dbonds_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) endif ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Reactive flux : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "react_flux" ) allocate( bias_ndx(nbias,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( dbonds_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( bond_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Mapping potential parameter : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "evb_map" ) allocate( lambda(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( bias_ndx(nbias,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( dbonds_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Energy gap RC harmonic umbrella parameter : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "egap_umb" ) allocate( bias_ndx(nbias,2), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( k_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( r0_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Difference of 2 bonds RC harmonic umbrella parameter : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "dbonds_umb", "qi_dbonds_pmf", "qi_dbonds_dyn" ) allocate( dbonds_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( k_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( r0_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! : Bond RC harmonic umbrella parameter : ! :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''': case( "bond_umb", "qi_bond_pmf", "qi_bond_dyn" ) allocate( bond_RC(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( k_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( r0_umb(nbias), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) end select ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x end subroutine evb_input_alloc ! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# ! #| Deallocate storage space for evb_input |# ! #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# subroutine evb_input_dealloc use evb_parm, only: evb_dcrypt, C_evb, C_xch & , xch_expdat, xch_gaussdat, bias_ndx, lambda & , k_umb, r0_umb & , dia_type, xch_type, evb_dyn & , nmorse & , dbonds_RC, bond_RC !dEVB use evb_parm, only: xch_dcrypt use evb_amber, only: morse, k_harm, r0_harm implicit none !........................................................................... integer :: dealloc_error ! +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Morse potential | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------+ if( nmorse > 0 ) then deallocate( morse, k_harm, r0_harm, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Diabatic state relative energy shifts | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ deallocate( C_evb, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Constant exchange term | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == 'constant' ) then deallocate( evb_dcrypt, C_xch, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) !dEVB deallocate( xch_dcrypt, stat = dealloc_error ) !dEVB REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Exponential functional form for exchange term | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == 'exp' ) then deallocate( evb_dcrypt, xch_expdat, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Gaussian functional form for exchange term | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == 'gauss' ) then deallocate( evb_dcrypt, xch_gaussdat, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) endif select case( trim( adjustl( evb_dyn ) ) ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Mapping potential parameter | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ case( "evb_map" ) deallocate( lambda, bias_ndx, dbonds_RC, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Energy gap RC harmonic umbrella sampling | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ case( "egap_umb" ) deallocate( bias_ndx, k_umb, r0_umb, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Difference of 2 bonds RC harmonic umbrella parameter | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ case( "dbonds_umb", "qi_dbonds_pmf", "qi_dbonds_dyn" ) deallocate( dbonds_RC, k_umb, r0_umb, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Bond RC harmonic umbrella parameter | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ case( "bond_umb", "qi_bond_pmf", "qi_bond_dyn" ) deallocate( bond_RC, k_umb, r0_umb, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) end select ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x end subroutine evb_input_dealloc