! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" module fastwt contains !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine fastwat here] subroutine fastwat(igraph,nres,ipres,lbres, & nbonh,nbona,ib,jb,ibelly,igrp, & iwtnm,iowtnm,ihwtnm,jfastw,ifstwt, & ifstwr,ibgwat,ienwat,ibgion,ienion,iorwat, & iout,natom) ! Subroutine FAST WaTer ! This routine determines which shaken bonds correspond to 3-point ! solvent molecules (typically TIP3P or SPC waters). For these bonds, ! IFSTWT(I) is set to 1. For all other bonds, IFSTWT(I) is set to 0. ! Waters are defined as residues that meet the following criteria: ! 1) residue name = watnam ! 2) atom names are owatnm, hwatnm(1) and hwatnm(2) ! Author: David A. Pearlman ! Date: 12/92 ! Input: ! NATOM: Number of atoms ! IGRAPH(I): The name of atom I (I4) ! NRES: The number of residues ! IPRES(I): IPRES(I)->IPRES(I+1)-1 are the atoms of residue I ! LBRES(I): The name of residue I ! NBONH: The number of bonds to hydrogens ! NBONA: The number of bonds to non-hydrogens ! IB(I) ! JB(I): The two atoms of bond I. Stored as 3*(atom_#-1) ! IBELLY: > 0 if belly run is being performed. ! IGRP(I): > 0 if atom I is part of moving belly (only if IBELLY >0). ! IWTNM: The name of residues to be considered water (I) ! IOWTNM: The name of oxygen atom in the water residues (I) ! IHWTNM(2): The name of 2 hydrogen atoms in the water residues (I) ! JFASTW: = 0: Use fast water routine (possibly with modified names) ! 4: Do not use fast waters anywhere. ! Output: ! IFSTWT(I): = 0 if bond should be constrained by standard routine. ! = 1 if bond should be constrained by fast 3-point const. routine ! IFSTWR(I): = 0 if bonds of residue are constrained by standard routine. ! = 1 if bonds of residue are constrained by fast 3-point const.rout. ! IBGWAT: The first water residue found. ! IENWAT: The last water residue found, if all residues IBGWAT->IENWAT are ! waters. If the waters are not contiguous in the list, IENWAT ! will be 0. ! IORWAT: The position of the oxygen in each residue (1, 2, or 3). use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml, qmmm_struct implicit none character(len=4) igraph,lbres,iwtnm,iowtnm,ihwtnm integer nres,ipres integer nbonh,nbona,ib,jb,ibelly,igrp integer jfastw,ifstwt integer ifstwr,ibgwat,ienwat,ibgion,ienion,iorwat integer iout integer natom,nrbi,jj dimension igraph(*),ipres(*),lbres(*),ib(*),jb(*) dimension igrp(*) dimension ifstwt(*),ifstwr(*),ihwtnm(*) integer numfst common/fastw/numfst logical all3point integer i, j, i1, i2 integer iat, ihf1, ihf2 integer iof, iofm integer ifind integer ncnt integer :: rb(3,nres), atrn(natom), nrb(nres) ! Initialize IFSTWT(I),IFSTWR(I) do i = 1,nbonh+nbona ifstwt(i) = 0 end do do i = 1,nres ifstwr(i) = 0 end do ! Search the list of residues for those a) with 3 atoms; 2) with the ! appropriate residue name; 3) with the appropriate atom names ibgwat = 0 ienwat = 0 numfst = 0 ! If JFASTW=4 user has requested we not use fast water routine in any case. ! simply report no fast waters defined and then return. if (jfastw == 4) then write(iout,9001) numfst return end if ! If using belly (IBELLY >0), skip any residue where all atoms of residue ! cannot move (where all atoms do not have IGRP(I)>0). ! setting up bond list for waters ! nrb(i)=number of bonds inside this residue i ! rb(j,i)=bond entry number for the first three bonds ! j=1,2,3 for residue i ! atrn(j)=residue number of atom j do i=1,nres nrb(i)=0 rb(1,i)=0 rb(2,i)=0 rb(3,i)=0 end do do i=1,nres-1 do j=ipres(i),ipres(i+1)-1 atrn(j)=i end do end do do j=ipres(nres),natom atrn(j)=nres end do do j = 1,nbonh+nbona nrbi=atrn(ib(j)/3+1) if(nrbi == atrn(jb(j)/3+1))then nrb(nrbi)=nrb(nrbi)+1 if(nrb(nrbi) < 4)rb(nrb(nrbi),nrbi)=j end if end do all3point = .true. nres_loop: do i = 1,nres ! -- screen out residue if wrong resname if (lbres(i) /= iwtnm) cycle nres_loop ! -- check to see if waters have exactly three atoms: if this ! is true for all waters, and if the waters are all ! contiguous, we can use a single call to setlep() to shake ! all of the waters. If not, we have to generate a call to ! setlep() for each water molecule. For example, TIP4P ! and TIP5P waters can use setlep(), but only in the ! one-molecule-at-a-time mode. if (ipres(i+1)-ipres(i) /= 3) all3point = .false. ! -- screen out residue if an atom is fixed (belly) or ! if an atom name does not match or is duplicated ! - also note atom #s ihf1 = 0 ihf2 = 0 iof = 0 do j = 1,3 iat = ipres(i)+j-1 if (ibelly > 0 .and. igrp(iat) <= 0 ) cycle nres_loop !Skip this residue - move to next !If this water residue is currently in the QM region !do not flag it for fast water (quick3) treatment if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_struct%atom_mask(iat)) cycle nres_loop end if if (igraph(iat) == iowtnm) then if (iof /= 0) cycle nres_loop iof = 3*(iat-1) iofm = iat else if (igraph(iat) == ihwtnm(1)) then if (ihf1 /= 0) cycle nres_loop ihf1 = 3*(iat-1) else if (igraph(iat) == ihwtnm(2)) then if (ihf2 /= 0) cycle nres_loop ihf2 = 3*(iat-1) else cycle nres_loop end if end do ! Set IBGWAT & IENWAT. At the end, IBGWAT will be the first water ! residue found. If all water residues are contiguous in the list, ! IENWAT will = the number of the last water, otherwise IENWAT will ! be 0. Also set IORWAT when the first water is found if (ibgwat == 0) then ibgwat = i if (iofm == ipres(i)) then iorwat = 1 else if (iofm == ipres(i)+1) then iorwat = 2 else iorwat = 3 end if end if if (ienwat == i-1 .or. ibgwat == i) then ienwat = i else ienwat = 0 end if ! If we get here, everything is OK. Now we need to pick the bonds out ! of the list which comprise this water molecule and flag them. Note ! that if one atom of a bond is in one water molecule and one is in ! another water molecule, this bond is not flagged. Assuming water ! molecules have been properly defined, this case should never occur...: ifstwr(i) = 1 ifind = 0 do jj = 1,3 j=rb(jj,i) i1 = 0 i2 = 0 if (ib(j) == iof .or. ib(j) == ihf1 .or. ib(j) == ihf2) i1 = 1 if (jb(j) == iof .or. jb(j) == ihf1 .or. jb(j) == ihf2) i2 = 1 if (i1 == 1 .and. i2 == 1) then ifstwt(j) = 1 ifind = ifind + 1 end if end do ! If IFIND.NE.3, there is a problem (there should be 3 and only 3 bonds ! defining the constrained triangle). Stop with error message if (ifind /= 3) then write(iout,9000) i,ifind call mexit(6,1) end if numfst = numfst + 1 end do nres_loop if ( .not. all3point ) ienwat = 0 write(iout,9001) numfst if(ibgwat /= 0 .and. ienwat /= 0) then ! HG Try to locate monoatomic ions that come _before_ the water molecules ! (and after the "solute") ! Assumes that all monoatomic ions "come in one stretch" ! Stores the results in ibgion and ienion ibgion = 0; ienion = 0 do i=ibgwat-1, 1, -1 ncnt = ipres(i+1) - ipres(i) if(ncnt == 1) then ! Found residue with only one atom -> assuming monoatomic ion if(ienion == 0) ienion = ibgwat - 1 ibgion = i else ! Found residue with more than one atom -> exiting search exit end if end do if(ibgion /= 0 .and. ienion /= 0) then ! Output result !!!write(iout,9002) ienion - ibgion + 1 end if end if return ! Format statements: 9000 format(' Error: A residue defined as a "fast 3-point water"', & /,8x,'is not defined by a triangle of three bonds.' & /,8x,'Residue ',i8,' contains ',i8,' bonds.') 9001 format(' Number of triangulated 3-point waters found: ',i8) 9002 format(' Number of monoatomic ions found: ',i8) end subroutine fastwat !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ determines how to call setlep(), the 3-point water shake routine subroutine quick3(x0, xh, ifstwr, natom, nres, ipres) ! Subroutine QUICK 3 point water ! This routine makes the calls to carry out the fast, analytic 3-point ! water constraints. ! Author: David A. Pearlman ! Date: 12/92 ! INPUT: ! X0(I): Coordinate array corresponding to time t-dt/2. Coordinates ! are packed such that x(atom i), y(atom i) and z(atom i) are ! found at X0(3*(i-1)+1), X0(3*(i-1)+2) and X0(3*(i-1)+3), respectively. ! XH(I): Coordinate array corresponding to time t+dt/2, but not corrected ! (on input) for internal constraints, i.e. an unconstrained move. ! Packing is the same as for X0. ! IBGWAT ! IENWAT: If IENWAT>0, then all waters to be constrained by the ! quick formula are contiguous, and are in the residue ! range IBGWAT->IENWAT. If IBGWAT=0, no waters exist for ! quick constraints. If IENWAT=0, the waters are not contiguous ! in the residue array. ! IFSTWR(I): If = 0, the bonds of this residue are constrained by ! SHAKE/TORCON. If IFSTWR(I)=1, the bonds of the residue are constrained ! by the fast, analytic 3-point routine. ! NATOM: Number of atoms in the system ! NRES: Number of residues in the system. ! IPRES(I): IPRES(I): IPRES(I+1)-1 are the atoms in residue I. ! IORWAT: THe position of the oxygen atom in each water (1,2, or 3). ! RBTARG(9): The five geometry parameters used by the fast water routine ! to impose constraints, the masses of the atoms in the water, ! and the total mass of the water. implicit none integer ifstwr, natom, nres, ipres _REAL_ x0, xh dimension x0(*),xh(*),ifstwr(*),ipres(*) integer i, iend, istart #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #ifdef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #undef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #endif include 'mpif.h' #ifdef CRAY_PVP #define MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION MPI_REAL8 #endif #endif # include "md.h" ! If IBGWAT=0, no constraints to be done by fast routine. Return now. if (ibgwat <= 0) return ! If IENWAT > 0, then all the waters are contiguous in the residue array. ! We can use one call to SETLEP for all of them. This will be faster. if (ienwat > 0) then #ifdef MPI if ( mpi_orig ) then istart = ipres(ibgwat) iend = ipres(ienwat)+2 else istart = max(ipres(ibgwat),iparpt(mytaskid) + 1) iend = min(ipres(ienwat)+2,iparpt(mytaskid+1)) end if ! write(0,*) 'calling setlep',mytaskid,istart,iend,ibgwat,ienwat #else istart = ipres(ibgwat) iend = ipres(ienwat)+2 #endif call setlep (istart,iend,x0,xh,natom,iorwat,rbtarg) ! If IENWAT=0, then the waters are not contiguous. We need to loop over ! all the residues and call SETLEP to perform the constraints on the ! waters one at a time. On vector machines, this may be slower than the ! single call above. else do i = 1,nres if (ifstwr(i) > 0) then istart = ipres(i) iend = ipres(i) + 2 #ifdef MPI if( mpi_orig ) then call setlep (istart,iend,x0,xh,natom,iorwat,rbtarg) else if (istart >= iparpt(mytaskid)+1 .and. & iend <= iparpt(mytaskid+1)) then call setlep (istart,iend,x0,xh,natom,iorwat,rbtarg) end if end if #else call setlep (istart,iend,x0,xh,natom,iorwat,rbtarg) #endif end if end do end if ! (ienwat > 0) return end subroutine quick3 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Apply SHAKE to a three-point water model subroutine setlep (iwatat, natom, x0, x1, mxatm, iorwat, rbtarg) !***************************************************************** ! ** ! Subroutine : setlep - reset positions of TIP3P waters ** ! Author : Shuichi Miyamoto ** ! ** ! Reference for the SETTLE algorithm ** ! S. Miyamoto et al., J. Comp. Chem., 13, 952 (1992) ** ! ** ! ** !***************************************************************** implicit none integer iwatat, natom, mxatm, iorwat _REAL_ x0, x1, rbtarg dimension x0(3,mxatm),x1(3,mxatm),rbtarg(9) !***************************************************************** ! Most of the variable names correspond to those in the reference. ! iwatat : pointer for the first atom of waters ! natom : No. of total atoms in system ! x0(3,i) : position at previous time step (t0) (input) ! x1(3,i) : position at present time step (t0 + dt) ! : position before applying constraints (input) ! : position after applying constraints (output) ! mxatm : maximum No. of atoms in system ! iorwat : position of oxygen in water (1, 2, or 3) ! x,y,zcom : center of mass ! x,y,zaksX(YZ)d : axis vectors of the alternative orthogonal ! coordinate system Xprime Yprime Zprime ! trns.. : matrix of orthogonal transformation ! wo,wh : mass of oxygen and hydrogen ! wohh : mass of water (H2O) ! hhhh : rc2*rc2 (square of HH distance) !***************************************************************** _REAL_ ra, onera _REAL_ rb _REAL_ rc _REAL_ rc2 _REAL_ hhhh _REAL_ wo _REAL_ wh _REAL_ onewohh ! parameter (wo = 16.000d0 , wh = 1.008d0 , wohh = 18.016d0) ! parameter (ra = 0.0655822665508295d0, ! . rb = 0.5204941789748370d0, ! . rc = 0.75680d0, ! . rc2 = 1.51360d0) ! parameter (hhhh = 2.29098496d0) integer i integer ind1, ind2, ind3 _REAL_ axlng, aylng, azlng _REAL_ alpha, beta, gamma, al2be2 _REAL_ cosphi, cospsi, sinphi, sinpsi, costhe, sinthe _REAL_ deltx, hh2 _REAL_ trns11, trns21, trns31 _REAL_ trns12, trns22, trns32 _REAL_ trns13, trns23, trns33 _REAL_ xb0, yb0, zb0, xc0, yc0, zc0 _REAL_ xb0d, yb0d, zb0d, xc0d, yc0d, zc0d _REAL_ xa1, ya1, za1, xb1, yb1, zb1, xc1, yc1, zc1 _REAL_ xa1d,ya1d,za1d,xb1d,yb1d,zb1d,xc1d,yc1d,zc1d _REAL_ xa2d,ya2d,za2d,xb2d,yb2d,zb2d,xc2d,yc2d,zc2d _REAL_ xa3, ya3, za3, xb3, yb3, zb3, xc3, yc3, zc3 _REAL_ xa3d,ya3d,za3d,xb3d,yb3d,zb3d,xc3d,yc3d,zc3d _REAL_ xb2d2 _REAL_ xcom, ycom, zcom _REAL_ xakszd, yakszd, zakszd, xaksxd, yaksxd, zaksxd _REAL_ xaksyd, yaksyd, zaksyd ! if ( abs(za1d) .ge. ra) then ra = rbtarg(1) rb = rbtarg(2) rc = rbtarg(3) rc2 = rbtarg(4) hhhh = rbtarg(5) wo = rbtarg(6) wh = rbtarg(7) onewohh = rbtarg(8) onera = rbtarg(9) if (iorwat == 1) then ind1 = 0 ind2 = 1 ind3 = 2 else if (iorwat == 2) then ind1 = 1 ind2 = 2 ind3 = 0 else ind1 = 2 ind2 = 0 ind3 = 1 end if !forcevector do i=iwatat,natom,3 ! --- Step1 A1_prime --- xb0 = x0(1,i+ind2) - x0(1,i+ind1) yb0 = x0(2,i+ind2) - x0(2,i+ind1) zb0 = x0(3,i+ind2) - x0(3,i+ind1) xc0 = x0(1,i+ind3) - x0(1,i+ind1) yc0 = x0(2,i+ind3) - x0(2,i+ind1) zc0 = x0(3,i+ind3) - x0(3,i+ind1) xcom = ( x1(1,i+ind1)*wo + (x1(1,i+ind2) + x1(1,i+ind3)) * wh ) & * onewohh ycom = ( x1(2,i+ind1)*wo + (x1(2,i+ind2) + x1(2,i+ind3)) * wh ) & * onewohh zcom = ( x1(3,i+ind1)*wo + (x1(3,i+ind2) + x1(3,i+ind3)) * wh ) & * onewohh xa1 = x1(1,i+ind1) - xcom ya1 = x1(2,i+ind1) - ycom za1 = x1(3,i+ind1) - zcom xb1 = x1(1,i+ind2) - xcom yb1 = x1(2,i+ind2) - ycom zb1 = x1(3,i+ind2) - zcom xc1 = x1(1,i+ind3) - xcom yc1 = x1(2,i+ind3) - ycom zc1 = x1(3,i+ind3) - zcom xakszd = yb0*zc0 - zb0*yc0 yakszd = zb0*xc0 - xb0*zc0 zakszd = xb0*yc0 - yb0*xc0 xaksxd = ya1*zakszd - za1*yakszd yaksxd = za1*xakszd - xa1*zakszd zaksxd = xa1*yakszd - ya1*xakszd xaksyd = yakszd*zaksxd - zakszd*yaksxd yaksyd = zakszd*xaksxd - xakszd*zaksxd zaksyd = xakszd*yaksxd - yakszd*xaksxd axlng = 1.0d0 / sqrt ( xaksxd * xaksxd + yaksxd * yaksxd & + zaksxd * zaksxd ) aylng = 1.0d0 / sqrt ( xaksyd * xaksyd + yaksyd * yaksyd & + zaksyd * zaksyd ) azlng = 1.0d0 / sqrt ( xakszd * xakszd + yakszd * yakszd & + zakszd * zakszd ) trns11 = xaksxd * axlng trns21 = yaksxd * axlng trns31 = zaksxd * axlng trns12 = xaksyd * aylng trns22 = yaksyd * aylng trns32 = zaksyd * aylng trns13 = xakszd * azlng trns23 = yakszd * azlng trns33 = zakszd * azlng xb0d = trns11*xb0 + trns21*yb0 + trns31*zb0 yb0d = trns12*xb0 + trns22*yb0 + trns32*zb0 xc0d = trns11*xc0 + trns21*yc0 + trns31*zc0 yc0d = trns12*xc0 + trns22*yc0 + trns32*zc0 xa1d = trns11*xa1 + trns21*ya1 + trns31*za1 ya1d = trns12*xa1 + trns22*ya1 + trns32*za1 za1d = trns13*xa1 + trns23*ya1 + trns33*za1 xb1d = trns11*xb1 + trns21*yb1 + trns31*zb1 yb1d = trns12*xb1 + trns22*yb1 + trns32*zb1 zb1d = trns13*xb1 + trns23*yb1 + trns33*zb1 xc1d = trns11*xc1 + trns21*yc1 + trns31*zc1 yc1d = trns12*xc1 + trns22*yc1 + trns32*zc1 zc1d = trns13*xc1 + trns23*yc1 + trns33*zc1 ! if ( abs(za1d) .ge. ra) then ! write (6,699) ! 699 format (5x,' ### SETLEP : deviation is too big !! ') ! call exit ! endif ! --- Step2 A2_prime --- sinphi = za1d * onera cosphi = sqrt (1.d0 - sinphi*sinphi) sinpsi = ( zb1d - zc1d ) / (rc2 * cosphi) cospsi = sqrt (1.d0 - sinpsi*sinpsi) ya2d = ra * cosphi xb2d = - rc * cospsi ! xc2d = rc * cospsi yb2d = - rb * cosphi - rc *sinpsi * sinphi yc2d = - rb * cosphi + rc *sinpsi * sinphi xb2d2 = xb2d * xb2d hh2 = 4.d0 * xb2d2 + (yb2d-yc2d) * (yb2d-yc2d) & + (zb1d-zc1d) * (zb1d-zc1d) deltx = 2.d0 * xb2d + sqrt ( 4.d0 * xb2d2 - hh2 + hhhh ) xb2d = xb2d - deltx * 0.5d0 ! xc2d = xc2d + deltx * 0.5d0 ! --- Step3 al,be,ga --- alpha = ( xb2d * (xb0d-xc0d) + yb0d * yb2d + yc0d * yc2d ) beta = ( xb2d * (yc0d-yb0d) + xb0d * yb2d + xc0d * yc2d ) gamma = xb0d * yb1d - xb1d * yb0d + xc0d * yc1d - xc1d * yc0d al2be2 = alpha * alpha + beta * beta sinthe = ( alpha*gamma - beta * sqrt ( al2be2 - gamma * gamma ) ) & / al2be2 ! --- Step4 A3_prime --- costhe = sqrt (1.d0 - sinthe * sinthe ) xa3d = - ya2d * sinthe ya3d = ya2d * costhe za3d = za1d xb3d = xb2d * costhe - yb2d * sinthe yb3d = xb2d * sinthe + yb2d * costhe zb3d = zb1d xc3d = - xb2d * costhe - yc2d * sinthe yc3d = - xb2d * sinthe + yc2d * costhe zc3d = zc1d ! --- Step5 A3 --- xa3 = trns11*xa3d + trns12*ya3d + trns13*za3d ya3 = trns21*xa3d + trns22*ya3d + trns23*za3d za3 = trns31*xa3d + trns32*ya3d + trns33*za3d xb3 = trns11*xb3d + trns12*yb3d + trns13*zb3d yb3 = trns21*xb3d + trns22*yb3d + trns23*zb3d zb3 = trns31*xb3d + trns32*yb3d + trns33*zb3d xc3 = trns11*xc3d + trns12*yc3d + trns13*zc3d yc3 = trns21*xc3d + trns22*yc3d + trns23*zc3d zc3 = trns31*xc3d + trns32*yc3d + trns33*zc3d x1(1,i+ind1) = xcom + xa3 x1(2,i+ind1) = ycom + ya3 x1(3,i+ind1) = zcom + za3 x1(1,i+ind2) = xcom + xb3 x1(2,i+ind2) = ycom + yb3 x1(3,i+ind2) = zcom + zb3 x1(1,i+ind3) = xcom + xc3 x1(2,i+ind3) = ycom + yc3 x1(3,i+ind3) = zcom + zc3 end do return end subroutine setlep !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ shake velocities of 3-point waters; unused right now, but please keep! subroutine setlev (iwatat, natom, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) !Note from Ross Walker : If you decide to use this routine at some point !you should invert all the divisions in the same fashion as setlep above. !***************************************************************** ! ** ! Subroutine : setlev - reset velocities of TIP3P waters ** ! Author : Shuichi Miyamoto ** ! Date of last update : Dec. 3, 1991 ** ! ** ! Reference for the SETTLE algorithm ** ! S. Miyamoto et al., J. Comp. Chem., 13, 952 (1992) ** ! ** !***************************************************************** implicit none integer iwatat, natom _REAL_ x, y, z, vx, vy, vz dimension x(*),y(*),z(*),vx(*),vy(*),vz(*) !***************************************************************** ! Most of the variable names correspond to those in the reference. ! iwatat : pointer for the first atom of waters ! natom : No. of total atoms in system ! x,y,z : position after applying constraints (input) ! vx,y,z : velocity before applying constraints (output) ! : velocity after applying constraints (output) ! ab,bc,ca : vectors AB, BC and CA ! vabab,.. : eab*vab, ebc*vbc, . ! tab,.. = tabd / deno , tbcd / deno , . ! woh,whh : mass of O+H, H+H ! wowh2 : O x H x 2 ! wohwoh : woh x woh !***************************************************************** _REAL_ wh, wo, wohh, woh, whh, woh2, wowh2, whwh _REAL_ wohwoh, wohwo, whhwh ! parameter (wo = 16.000d0 , wh = 1.008d0 , wohh = 18.016d0) data wo /16.000d0/ , wh /1.008d0/ & , woh /17.008d0/ , whh /2.016d0/ & , woh2 /34.016d0/ data wowh2 /32.256d0/ , whwh /1.016064d0/ data wohwoh /289.272064d0/ , wohwo /272.128d0/ & , whhwh /2.032128d0/ _REAL_ ablng, bclng, calng _REAL_ abmc, bcma, camb _REAL_ cosa, cosb, cosc _REAL_ deno integer i _REAL_ tabd, tbcd, tcad _REAL_ vabab, vbcbc, vcaca _REAL_ xab, yab, zab, xbc, ybc, zbc, xca, yca, zca _REAL_ xeab, yeab, zeab _REAL_ xebc, yebc, zebc _REAL_ xeca, yeca, zeca _REAL_ xvab, yvab, zvab _REAL_ xvbc, yvbc, zvbc _REAL_ xvca, yvca, zvca do i = iwatat, natom, 3 ! --- Step1 AB,VAB --- xab = x(i+1) - x(i) yab = y(i+1) - y(i) zab = z(i+1) - z(i) xbc = x(i+2) - x(i+1) ybc = y(i+2) - y(i+1) zbc = z(i+2) - z(i+1) xca = x(i) - x(i+2) yca = y(i) - y(i+2) zca = z(i) - z(i+2) xvab = vx(i+1) - vx(i) yvab = vy(i+1) - vy(i) zvab = vz(i+1) - vz(i) xvbc = vx(i+2) - vx(i+1) yvbc = vy(i+2) - vy(i+1) zvbc = vz(i+2) - vz(i+1) xvca = vx(i) - vx(i+2) yvca = vy(i) - vy(i+2) zvca = vz(i) - vz(i+2) ! --- Step2 eab --- ablng = sqrt ( xab * xab + yab * yab + zab * zab ) bclng = sqrt ( xbc * xbc + ybc * ybc + zbc * zbc ) calng = sqrt ( xca * xca + yca * yca + zca * zca ) xeab = xab / ablng yeab = yab / ablng zeab = zab / ablng xebc = xbc / bclng yebc = ybc / bclng zebc = zbc / bclng xeca = xca / calng yeca = yca / calng zeca = zca / calng ! --- Step3 vabab --- vabab = xvab * xeab + yvab * yeab + zvab * zeab vbcbc = xvbc * xebc + yvbc * yebc + zvbc * zebc vcaca = xvca * xeca + yvca * yeca + zvca * zeca ! --- Step4 tab --- cosa = - xeab * xeca - yeab * yeca - zeab * zeca cosb = - xebc * xeab - yebc * yeab - zebc * zeab cosc = - xeca * xebc - yeca * yebc - zeca * zebc abmc = wh * cosa * cosb - woh * cosc bcma = wo * cosb * cosc - whh * cosa camb = wh * cosc * cosa - woh * cosb tabd = vabab * ( woh2 - wo * cosc * cosc ) & + vbcbc * camb + vcaca * bcma tbcd = vbcbc * ( wohwoh - whwh * cosa * cosa ) & + vcaca * abmc * wo + vabab * camb * wo tcad = vcaca * ( woh2 - wo * cosb * cosb ) & + vabab * bcma + vbcbc * abmc deno = 2.d0 * wohwoh + wowh2 * cosa * cosb * cosc & - whhwh * cosa * cosa & - wohwo * ( cosb * cosb + cosc * cosc ) ! --- Step5 V --- vx(i) = vx(i) + ( xeab * tabd - xeca * tcad ) * wh / deno vy(i) = vy(i) + ( yeab * tabd - yeca * tcad ) * wh / deno vz(i) = vz(i) + ( zeab * tabd - zeca * tcad ) * wh / deno vx(i+1) = vx(i+1) + ( xebc * tbcd - xeab * tabd * wo ) / deno vy(i+1) = vy(i+1) + ( yebc * tbcd - yeab * tabd * wo ) / deno vz(i+1) = vz(i+1) + ( zebc * tbcd - zeab * tabd * wo ) / deno vx(i+2) = vx(i+2) + ( xeca * tcad * wo - xebc * tbcd ) / deno vy(i+2) = vy(i+2) + ( yeca * tcad * wo - yebc * tbcd ) / deno vz(i+2) = vz(i+2) + ( zeca * tcad * wo - zebc * tbcd ) / deno end do return end subroutine setlev !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine getwds here] subroutine getwds(igraph ,nres ,ipres ,lbres , & nbonh ,nbona ,nbper ,ib ,jb , & iwtnm ,iowtnm ,ihwtnm ,jfastw ,icb , & req ,winv ,rbtarg ,ibelly ,igrp , & iout) ! Subroutine GET Water DiStances ! This routine determines the target lengths for the water molecules and ! derives from them the paramters required by fast 3-point water routine ! SETLEP. ! Author: David A. Pearlman ! Date: 10/93 ! Input: ! IGRAPH(I): The name of atom I (I4) ! NRES: The number of residues ! IPRES(I): IPRES(I)->IPRES(I+1)-1 are the atoms of residue I ! LBRES(I): The name of residue I ! NBONH: The number of bonds to hydrogens ! NBONA: The number of bonds to non-hydrogens ! NBPER: The number of bonds in the perturbed group (Gibbs only) ! IB(I) ! JB(I): The two atoms of bond I. Stored as 3*(atom_#-1) ! IWTNM: The name of residues to be considered water (I) ! IOWTNM: The name of oxygen atom in the water residues (I) ! IHWTNM(2): The name of 2 hydrogen atoms in the water residues (I) ! JFASTW: = 0: Use fast water routine (possibly with modified names) ! 4: Do not use fast waters anywhere. ! ICB(I): Parameter pointer for bond number I. ! REQ(I): REQ(ICB(I)) is the target bond length of bond I. ! WINV(I): The inverse mass of atom I. ! IOUT: Unit for warning writes. ! Output: ! RBTARG(9): ra, rb, rc, rc2, hhhh mass(O), mass(H), one/mass(HOH) and one/ra ! as required by the SETLEP routine. implicit none character(len=4) igraph, lbres, iwtnm, iowtnm, ihwtnm integer nres ,ipres integer nbonh ,nbona ,nbper ,ib ,jb integer jfastw ,icb integer ibelly, igrp, iout _REAL_ req ,winv ,rbtarg dimension igraph(*),ipres(*),lbres(*),ib(*),jb(*) dimension ihwtnm(*),icb(*),req(*),rbtarg(9),winv(*) dimension igrp(*) integer i, j integer iat, ihf1, ihf2 integer iof integer nofast _REAL_ roh1, roh2, rhh, roh _REAL_ small save small data small/1.0d-4/ if (jfastw == 4) return ! Search through the list for a water molecule. If one is found, ! determine the O-H and H-H distances ascribed to it. nofast = 0 nres_loop: do i = 1,nres iof = -1 ! -1 is not a valid index into IB and JB ihf1 = -1 ihf2 = -1 if (lbres(i) /= iwtnm) cycle nres_loop iof = 0 ihf1 = 0 ihf2 = 0 do j = 1,3 iat = ipres(i)+j-1 ! -- any waters not part of moving belly (IGRP(I)=0) ! will have had their bond parameters removed from ! list already and these must be skipped here if (ibelly > 0 .and. igrp(iat) <= 0) cycle nres_loop if (igraph(iat) == iowtnm) then iof = 3*(iat-1) rbtarg(6) = 1.0d0/winv(iat) else if (igraph(iat) == ihwtnm(1)) then ihf1 = 3*(iat-1) rbtarg(7) = 1.0d0/winv(iat) else if (igraph(iat) == ihwtnm(2)) then ihf2 = 3*(iat-1) rbtarg(7) = 1.0d0/winv(iat) else cycle nres_loop end if end do if (iof > 0 .and. ihf1 > 0 .and. ihf2 > 0) goto 50 end do nres_loop nofast = 1 ! We have found the three atoms. Now search the bonds list for the ! corresponding bonds. At that point, we can determine the target distances ! from REQ. 50 roh1 = -10.0d0 roh2 = -10.0d0 rhh = -10.0d0 do j = 1,nbonh+nbona+nbper if (ib(j) == iof .and. jb(j) == ihf1) then roh1 = req(icb(j)) else if (jb(j) == iof .and. ib(j) == ihf1) then roh1 = req(icb(j)) else if (ib(j) == iof .and. jb(j) == ihf2) then roh2 = req(icb(j)) else if (jb(j) == iof .and. ib(j) == ihf2) then roh2 = req(icb(j)) else if (ib(j) == ihf1.and. jb(j) == ihf2) then rhh = req(icb(j)) else if (jb(j) == ihf1.and. ib(j) == ihf2) then rhh = req(icb(j)) end if end do ! If all three bond lengths were not assigned in list, or if ROH1 and ! ROH2 are not the same length, assume something is a bit cockeye. In ! this case, issue a warning and use the default TIP3P values. if (roh1 < 0.0d0 .or. roh2 < 0.0d0 .or. rhh < 0.0d0) then if (nofast == 0) write(iout,1001) rhh = 1.5136d0 roh = 0.9572d0 rbtarg(6) = 16.0000d0 rbtarg(7) = 1.008d0 else if (abs(roh1-roh2) > small) then write(iout,1002) rhh = 1.5136d0 roh = 0.9572d0 rbtarg(6) = 16.0000d0 rbtarg(7) = 1.008d0 else roh = roh1 end if rbtarg(8) = 1.0d0/(rbtarg(6)+2.0d0*rbtarg(7)) ! B4SETL sets the appropriate constants based on the bond lengths call b4setl(rhh,roh,rbtarg) return ! WARNINGS: 1001 format('WARNING: Bond lengths params not found in PARM file', & ' for fast water model;',/,t10,'using TIP3P defaults') 1002 format('WARNING: R(O-H) bond lengths params found in PARM file', & ' for fast water model',/,t10, & 'not identical; using TIP3P defaults') end subroutine getwds !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine b4setl here] subroutine b4setl(rhh,roh,rbtarg) ! Subroutine Before SETLep ! This routine determines the values of ra, rb, rc, rc2, and hhhh ! required by the SETLEP program. These are calculated from the ! target rigid water distances RHH (H...H) and ROH (O...H). ! The calulated values are returned in RBTARG(1-5): ! RBTARG(1) ... ra ! RBTARG(2) ... rb ! RBTARG(3) ... rc ! RBTARG(4) ... rc2 ! RBTARG(5) ... hhhh ! (RBTARG(6->8) are masses already set in calling routine) ! RBTARG(9) ... one/ra (Ross Walker - Mod for speed - avoid excessive divisions) ! Author: David A. Pearlman ! Date: 10/93 use constants, only : zero, half implicit none _REAL_ rhh,roh,rbtarg(9), x(2,3) _REAL_ wh, wo, onewohh ! PARAMETER (WO = 16.000D0 , WH = 1.008D0 , WOHH = 18.016D0) ! PARAMETER (RHH=1.5136D0 , ROH=0.9572D0) _REAL_ comx, comy _REAL_ dis _REAL_ height wo = rbtarg(6) wh = rbtarg(7) onewohh = rbtarg(8) ! create triangle in x,y plane with base parallel to x. height = sqrt(roh**2-(rhh*half)**2) x(1,1) = -rhh*half x(2,1) = -height x(1,2) = +rhh*half x(2,2) = -height x(1,3) = zero x(2,3) = zero ! calculate the center of mass of the triangle: comx = (x(1,1)*wh + x(1,2)*wh + x(1,3)*wo)*onewohh comy = (x(2,1)*wh + x(2,2)*wh + x(2,3)*wo)*onewohh ! the distance between the center of mass and the apex is ra. rb is ! the height - ra. dis = sqrt(comx*comx+comy*comy) rbtarg(1) = dis rbtarg(2) = height-rbtarg(1) rbtarg(3) = rhh*half rbtarg(4) = rhh rbtarg(5) = rbtarg(4)*rbtarg(4) rbtarg(9) = 1.0d0/dis ! print*,'ra= ',rbtarg(1) ! print*,'rb= ',rbtarg(2) ! print*,'rc= ',rbtarg(3) ! print*,'rc2= ',rbtarg(4) ! print*,'hhhh=',rbtarg(5) return end subroutine b4setl end module fastwt