#include "copyright.h" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Reads the command-line and fills the corresponding variables subroutine mdfil(VERSION, version_requested) ! Author: George Seibel; many subsequent modifications by many others. use file_io_dat #ifdef MPI use remd, only : rem, rremd, remlog, remtype, remstripcoord, saveenefile,& clusterinfofile, reservoirname #endif #ifdef RISMSANDER use sander_rism_interface, only : xvvfile, guvfile, huvfile, cuvfile, uuvfile,& asympfile, quvfile, chgdistfile #endif use cns_xref, only : is_xref_on use amd_mod, only : iamd,amdlog implicit none ! If we are given the VERSION flag, then it's the first pass through mdfil character(*), optional, intent(in) :: VERSION logical, optional, intent(inout) :: version_requested ! Modified for multisander to allow reading command line from a string ! rather than the command line. Use iargc_wrap and getarg_wrap instead ! of the intrinsics. ! OUTPUT: (to common) #ifdef MPI # include "ew_parallel.h" # include "parallel.h" # include "../include/dprec.fh" #endif ! INTERNAL: character(len=MAX_FN_LEN) arg character(len=MAX_FN_LEN) outfile_suffix ! temp for each of the whitespace delimited command line arguments integer iarg ! index of the current argument integer iargc_wrap ! wrapper to intrinsic that returns the index of the last argument ! from either the command line or a string integer last_arg_index ! index of the last argument logical :: suffix_specified = .false. logical :: always_add_suffix = .false. logical :: mdout_specified = .false. logical :: restrt_specified = .false. logical :: mdinfo_specified = .false. logical :: mdcrd_specified = .false. logical :: mdvel_specified = .false. logical :: mden_specified = .false. logical :: cpout_specified = .false. logical :: cprestrt_specified = .false. logical :: evbout_specified = .false. logical :: amdlog_specified = .false. ! We need to know if these files have been specified on the command-line so ! we know whether or not to add suffixes to them. ! --- default file names --- mdin = 'mdin' mdout = 'mdout' inpcrd = 'inpcrd' parm = 'prmtop' restrt = 'restrt' refc = 'refc' mdvel = 'mdvel' mden = 'mden' mdcrd = 'mdcrd' inptraj = 'inptraj' mdinfo = 'mdinfo' mtmd = 'mtmd' vecs = 'vecs' freqe = 'dummy' rstdip = 'rstdip' inpdip = 'inpdip' mddip = 'mddip' radii = 'radii' cpin = 'cpin' cpout = 'cpout' cprestrt = 'cprestrt' evbin = 'evbin' ! EVB input file evbout = 'evbout' ! EVB output file pimdout = 'pimdout' #ifdef RISMSANDER xvvfile = '' guvfile = '' huvfile = '' cuvfile = '' uuvfile = '' asympfile = '' quvfile = '' chgdistfile = '' rismcrdfil = '' rismfrcfil = '' rismcrdrstfil = '' rismfrcrstfil = '' #endif #ifdef MMTSB mmtsb_setup_file = 'mmtsb_setup.job' #endif if (numgroup == 1) then groups(:) = ' ' #ifdef MPI else suffix_specified = .true. if (masterrank < 10) then write(outfile_suffix, '(a,i1)') '00', masterrank else if (masterrank < 100) then write(outfile_suffix, '(a,i2)') '0', masterrank else if (masterrank < 1000) then write(outfile_suffix, '(i3)') masterrank else if (masterrank < 10000) then write(outfile_suffix, '(i4)') masterrank else if (masterrank < 100000) then write(outfile_suffix, '(i5)') masterrank end if #endif end if ! numgroup == 1 ! --- default status of output: New owrite = 'N' facc = 'W' ! default: overwriting #ifdef MPI remlog = 'rem.log' ! default log file name for REM remtype = 'rem.type' ! default log file name for REM simulation type info remstripcoord = ' ' ! default is no output for hybrid RREMD stripped ! trajectory unless a filename is specified. saveenefile = 'saveene' ! default reservoir structure energy file clusterinfofile = 'cluster.info' ! default dihedral cluster info file reservoirname = 'reserv/frame' ! default reservoir structure file name #endif is_xref_on = .false. ! default for cns_xref !AMD log file amdlog = 'amd.log' ! default log file name for AMD ! --- get command line arguments --- iarg = 0 last_arg_index = iargc_wrap() do while (iarg < last_arg_index) iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,arg) ! Look for a --version or -V flag and dump out the version of sander if (arg == '-V' .or. arg == '--version') then ! If VERSION is present, print out our program name and the version if (present(VERSION)) then call getarg_wrap(0, arg) call basename(arg) ! gets rid of the preceding path write(6, '(3a)') trim(arg), ': ', trim(VERSION) version_requested = .true. return else write(0, '(2a)') trim(arg), ' is a command-line flag! Not for use & in the groupfile' end if else if (arg == '-O') then owrite = 'R' ! status of output: Replace else if (arg == '-A') then owrite = 'U' ! status of output: unknown facc = 'A' else if (arg == '-i') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mdin) else if (arg == '-o') then mdout_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mdout) else if (arg == '-p') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,parm) else if (arg == '-c') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,inpcrd) else if (arg == '-vecs') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,vecs) else if (arg == '-radii') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,radii) else if (arg == '-f') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,freqe) else if (arg == '-r') then restrt_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,restrt) else if (arg == '-ref' .or. arg == '-z') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,refc) else if (arg == '-e') then mden_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mden) else if (arg == '-v') then mdvel_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mdvel) else if (arg == '-x'.or.arg == '-t') then mdcrd_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mdcrd) else if (arg == '-y') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,inptraj) else if (arg == '-inf') then mdinfo_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mdinfo) else if (arg == '-mtmd') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mtmd) else if (arg == '-idip') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,inpdip) else if (arg == '-rdip') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,rstdip) else if (arg == '-mdip') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,mddip) else if (arg == '-cpin') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,cpin) else if (arg == '-cpout') then cpout_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,cpout) else if (arg == '-cprestrt') then cprestrt_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,cprestrt) else if (arg == '-evbin') then ! EVB input file iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,evbin) else if (arg == '-evbout') then ! EVB output file evbout_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,evbout) !AMD log file else if (arg == '-amd') then amdlog_specified = .true. iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, amdlog) #ifdef RISMSANDER else if (arg == '-xvv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,xvvfile) else if (arg == '-guv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,guvfile) else if (arg == '-huv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,huvfile) else if (arg == '-cuv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,cuvfile) else if (arg == '-uuv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,uuvfile) else if (arg == '-asymp') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,asympfile) else if (arg == '-quv') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,quvfile) else if (arg == '-chgdist') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,chgdistfile) else if (arg == '-rismcrd') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,rismcrdfil) else if (arg == '-rismfrc') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,rismfrcfil) else if (arg == '-rismcrdrst') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,rismcrdrstfil) else if (arg == '-rismfrcrst') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,rismfrcrstfil) #endif #ifdef MMTSB else if (arg == '-mmtsb') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, mmtsb_setup_file) #endif #ifdef MPI else if (arg(1:3) == '-p4') then iarg = iarg+1 else if (arg == '-np') then iarg = iarg+1 else if (arg == '-mpedbg') then continue else if (arg == '-dbx') then continue else if (arg == '-gdb') then continue else if (arg == '-nrecip') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,arg) read(arg,'(i5)',err=91) num_recip if (num_recip == numtasks) then num_direct=numtasks else num_direct=numtasks-num_recip end if ! Parse input options for multisander else if (arg == '-ng') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,arg) read(arg,'(i5)',err=91) numgroup else if (arg == '-ng-nonsequential') then ng_sequential = .false. else if (arg == '-groupfile') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,groups) else if (arg == '-gpes') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,gpes) else if (arg == '-rem') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, arg) read(arg, '(i5)', err=91) rem else if (arg == '-nslice') then ! # of PIMD slices iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,arg) read(arg, '(i5)', err=91) nslice else if (arg == '-remlog') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, remlog) ! RREMD Options else if (arg == '-rremd') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,arg) read(arg, '(i5)',err=91) rremd else if (arg == '-saveene') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, saveenefile) else if (arg == '-clusterinfo') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, clusterinfofile) else if (arg == '-reservoir') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, reservoirname) ! End RREMD options else if (arg == '-remtype') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, remtype) else if (arg == '-hybridtraj') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, remstripcoord) ! End REMD Options #endif #ifdef PUPIL_SUPPORT else if ((arg == '-ORBInitialPort') .or. & (arg == '-ORBInitialHost') .or. & (arg == '-jxms' ) .or. & (arg == '-jxmx' ) .or. & (arg == '-jxss' ) .or. & (arg == '-OptPrint')) then iarg = iarg + 1 #endif /*PUPIL_SUPPORT*/ else if (arg == '-pimdout') then iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg,pimdout) else if (arg == '-suffix') then ! suffix_specified is already true for REMD. If we specify it INSIDE ! REMD, that means we want to add that file suffix to even files we ! specify if (suffix_specified) then always_add_suffix = .true. else suffix_specified = .true. end if iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg_wrap(iarg, outfile_suffix) else if (arg == '-cns') then is_xref_on = .true. else if (arg == ' ') then continue else write(6,'(/,5x,a,a)') 'mdfil: Error unknown flag: ',arg write(6,9000) call mexit(6, 1) end if end do ! while (iarg < last_arg_index) ! Now it may be time to add the suffixes to all of the output files. File ! suffixes are added if: ! ! 1. All unspecified files IF a groupfile is used OR -suffix is supplied ! ! 2. ALL output files (regardless of if it was specified) if a groupfile is ! used AND -suffix is used on that line if (suffix_specified) then if (.not. mdout_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(mdout, outfile_suffix) if (.not. restrt_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(restrt, outfile_suffix) if (.not. mdinfo_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(mdinfo, outfile_suffix) if (.not. mdcrd_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(mdcrd, outfile_suffix) if (.not. mdvel_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(mdvel, outfile_suffix) if (.not. mden_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(mden, outfile_suffix) if (.not. cpout_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(cpout, outfile_suffix) if (.not. cprestrt_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(cprestrt, outfile_suffix) if (.not. amdlog_specified .or. always_add_suffix) & call add_suffix(amdlog, outfile_suffix) end if ! suffix_specified return #ifdef MPI 91 write(6,*) 'mdfil: Error "-nrecip", "-rem" and "-ng"', & 'require integer arguments' write(6,*)' ' call mexit(6, 1) #endif 9000 format(/,5x, & 'usage: sander [-O|A] -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop -c inpcrd ', & '-r restrt',/19x,'[-ref refc -x mdcrd -v mdvel -e mden ', & '-idip inpdip -rdip rstdip -mdip mddip ', & #ifdef MPI '-ng numgroup -remlog rem.log -remtype rem.type -rem [0|1|2] ', & '-rremd [0|1|2|3] -saveene saveene -clusterinfo cluster.info ', & '-reservoir reserv/frame -hybridtraj hybrid.strip.crd' & #endif '-ng numgroup -remlog remlog -rem [0|1|2] ', & '-inf mdinfo -radii radii -y inptraj -amd amd.log]' & , /, 'Consult the manual for additional options.') end subroutine mdfil ! '-O Overwrite existing files.', ! '-A Append existing files.', ! '-i MDIN Namelist control input file', ! '-o MDOUT Output file.', ! '-p PARM ParmTop file.', ! '-c INPCRD Coordinate file.', ! '-vecs VECS ???', ! '-radii RADII ???', ! '-f FREQE ???', ! '-r RESTRT ???', ! '-ref REFC ???', ! '-z REFC alias for -ref.', ! '-e MDEN ???', ! '-v MDVEL ???', ! '-x MDCRD ???', ! '-t MDCRD alias for -x MDCRD', ! '-inf MDINFO ???', ! '-y INPCRD input trajectory for imin==5', ! '-idip INPDIP ???', ! '-rdip RSTDIP ???', ! '-mdip MDDIP ???', ! '-ng NUMGROUP number of separate sander groups', ! '-rem [0|1|2] type of REM simulation', ! '-remlog REMLOG the filename for REM log file', ! '-rremd [0|1|2] type of REMD reservoir', ! '-remtype REMTYPE the filename for REM simulation type output file', ! '-hybridtraj TRAJOUT the filename for hybrid stripped output traj', ! '-saveene SAVEENE the filename for energies of reservoir structures', ! '-clusterinfo CLUSTERINFO the filename with dihedral cluster info', ! '-reservoir RESNAME the filename of reservoir structures', ! '-cpin CPDAT Constant pH state information ', ! '-cprstrt CPDAT Constant pH state restart information', ! '-cpout CPOUT Constant pH protonation output ! '-evbin EVBIN EVB input file ', ! '-evbout EVBOUT EVB output file ', ! '-amd AMDLOG the filename for AMD log file', !#ifdef MMTSB ! '-mmtsb MMTSB MMTSB Setup file; contents server generated' !#endif !#ifdef MPI ! '-nrecip N Set number of reciprocal tasks to N;' ! ' if < numtasks, remaining tasks go to direct.' ! '-p4 -np -mpedbg -dbx -gdb -- flags read by MPI' !#endif !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Wrapper for IARGC to support reading command line input from a string integer function iargc_wrap() #ifdef MPI use file_io_dat #endif implicit none integer iargc #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" integer istart, iend integer ia, ie if (numgroup > 1 .and. groups(1:1) /= ' ') then ia = 0 istart = 1 iend = len(groupbuffer) do while (istart <= iend) if ( groupbuffer(istart:istart) == ' ' ) then istart = istart + 1 else do ie = istart, iend if (groupbuffer(ie:ie) == ' ') exit end do ia = ia + 1 istart = ie end if end do iargc_wrap = ia else #endif iargc_wrap = iargc() #ifdef MPI end if #endif end function iargc_wrap !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Wrapper for GETARG to support grabbing command line arguments from a string subroutine getarg_wrap(iarg, arg) #ifdef MPI use file_io_dat #endif implicit none integer iarg character(len=*) arg #ifdef MPI integer istart, iend integer ia, ie if (groups(1:1) /= ' ') then ia = 0 istart = 1 iend = len(groupbuffer) do while (istart <= iend) if ( groupbuffer(istart:istart) == ' ' ) then istart = istart + 1 else do ie = istart, iend if (groupbuffer(ie:ie) == ' ') exit end do ia = ia + 1 if (iarg == ia) then arg = groupbuffer(istart:ie) return end if istart = ie end if end do else #endif ! Intrinsic getarg requires a 4 byte integer argument; ! this guards the argument for builds with default 8 byte integers. call getarg(int(iarg,4), arg) #ifdef MPI end if #endif end subroutine getarg_wrap subroutine add_suffix(filename, suffix) use file_io_dat implicit none character (len=MAX_FN_LEN), intent(in out) :: filename character (len=MAX_FN_LEN), intent(in) :: suffix if (len_trim(filename) + len_trim(suffix) .gt. MAX_FN_LEN) then write(0,*) 'Filename + suffix too long!' call mexit(6, 1) else filename = trim(filename) // '.' // trim(suffix) end if end subroutine add_suffix subroutine basename(filename) implicit none ! Passed variables character(*), intent(in out) :: filename ! Local variables integer :: i, pos pos = 1 do i = 1, len_trim(filename) if (filename(i:i) .eq. '/') & pos = i + 1 end do filename = filename(pos:len_trim(filename)) return end subroutine basename