! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !============================================================================ ! PROGRAM PCSHIFT ! Pseudocontact shift constraints for energy minimization and MD ! written by ! Giovanni Gori-Savellini and Andrea Romagnoli ! Department of Chemistry, University of Florence ! e-mail: nanni@risc1.lrm.fi.cnr.it ! roma@risc1.lrm.fi.cnr.it !============================================================================ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine pcshift here] subroutine pcshift(natom,x,f) use file_io_dat implicit none integer:: i, ihelp, ihep, iin, itmp, m, n, natom, nk, nres _REAL_ :: f, prob, rf, rms, vett, x, xrfac6, xrfact, z # include "nmr.h" # include "md.h" # include "pcshift.h" # include "def_time.h" integer first dimension vett(np) dimension x(3,*),f(3,*) save first data first /1/ character(len=3) nmpmc namelist /pcshf/ nprot,nfe,obs,wt,iprot,tolpro,mltpro, & optphi,opttet,optomg, & opta1,opta2,optkon,nmpmc !===================================================================== ! First time through, set up a number of arrays, and read input data: !===================================================================== if (first > 0) then nstampa=0 nstampaten=0 ! If restraint input has been redirected, open the appropriate file iin = 7 if (iredir(7) /= 0) then call amopen(37, redir(7)(1:iredir(7)),'O','F','R') iin = 37 write(6,10) redir(7)(1:iredir(7)) 10 format(' Pseudocontact shifts will be read from file: ',a) end if ! read the namelist pcshf read(iin,nml=pcshf,err=30) write(6,*) 'namelist no reports error ' goto 40 30 write(6,*) 'namelist reports error reading &pcshf' call mexit(6,1) 40 continue if(nprot > mshfd.or. nprot < 1) then write(6,70) nprot, mshf 70 format('nprot out of range:',2i5) call mexit(6,1) end if itmp=0 write(6,*) 'Number of Total protons ', nprot write(6,*) 'Number of paramagnetic center ', nfe do i=1,natom if (resat(i)(1:3) == nmpmc)then read(resat(i)(10:13),'(i4)')nres itmp=itmp+1 ippmc(itmp)=i ! assign the coordinate of paramagnetic center(s) cmx(itmp)=x(1,i) cmy(itmp)=x(2,i) cmz(itmp)=x(3,i) write(6,*) 'Coord. of paramagnetic center(s) : ',nmpmc write(6,*) cmx(itmp),cmy(itmp),cmz(itmp) end if end do ! minimizz. iniziale del tensore ! assign the coordinate of protons do i=1,nprot ihelp = iprot(i) coox(i) = x(1,ihelp) cooy(i) = x(2,ihelp) cooz(i) = x(3,ihelp) end do ! initialize variables do n=1,3 do m=1,natom d(n,m) = 0.0d0 end do end do ! inizialize tensor(s) parameters do nk=1,nfe vett((nk-1)*mpar+1)=optphi(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+2)=opttet(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+3)=optomg(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+4)=opta1(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+5)=opta2(nk) end do ! evaluate initial shifts and derivates call calcresid(vett) call dispshift epcshf = 0.0d0 call derivshift(vett) first = 0 end if ! End of "first" loop call timer_start(TIME_SHFDER) !===================================================================== !===================================================================== ! aggiornamento del tensore do nk=1,nfe vett((nk-1)*mpar+1)=optphi(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+2)=opttet(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+3)=optomg(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+4)=opta1(nk) vett((nk-1)*mpar+5)=opta2(nk) end do ! read the new coordinates of protons & paramagnetic center(s) do i=1,nfe cmx(i) = x(1,ippmc(i)) cmy(i) = x(2,ippmc(i)) cmz(i) = x(3,ippmc(i)) end do do i=1,nprot ihep = iprot(i) coox(i) = x(1,ihep) cooy(i) = x(2,ihep) cooz(i) = x(3,ihep) end do ! final result if (natom < 0) then ! call CALCRESID(vett) rewind(53) write(53,*) ' Final pseudocontact shifts' call dispshift return end if ! estimate pseudocontact shifts & derivates epcshf = 0.0d0 call derivshift(vett) ! print intermediate results nstampa=nstampa+1 if (nstampa > 9) then call ptrir nstampa=0 end if nstampaten=nstampaten+1 if (nstampaten > 999) then rewind(53) call dispshift nstampaten=0 end if ! -- update the force array do n=1,3 do m=1,natom f(n,m) = f(n,m) + d(n,m) d(n,m) = 0.d0 end do end do call timer_stop_start(TIME_SHFDER,TIME_KMAT) if (iprint /= 0) then write(6,44) epcshf 44 format(40x,'Total pcshift constraint:',f8.2) write(6,390) 390 format(/21x,'# Pearson r rms error'/18x,35('-')) call pearsn(obsp,shavp,ipear,rf,prob,z,rms,xrfact,xrfac6,iuse) write(6,'(a18,i5,3f10.5)') 'pcshift correlation:',iuse,rf,z,rms end if call timer_stop(TIME_KMAT) return end subroutine pcshift !------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALCRESID ! evaluate pseudocontact shift and residuals ! IN: vett = tensor(s) parameters ! OUT: resid = total residue !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine calcresid here] subroutine calcresid(vett) use constants, only : zero,RAD_TO_DEG implicit none integer:: i, j, k, l, m, nprotml _REAL_ :: a1d, a2d, app, axx, axy, axz, ayx, ayy, & ayz, azx, azy, azz, calcolo, & costmult, g1, g2, o, p, r, scalx, scaly, & scalz, t, tmp2, vett, xapp, yapp, zapp # include "pcshift.h" dimension vett(np) ! calcolo dell errore e delle violazioni shift(1:nprot)=zero resid=zero iviolation=0 do k=1,nfe p=vett((k-1)*mpar+1) t=vett((k-1)*mpar+2) o=vett((k-1)*mpar+3) a1d=vett((k-1)*mpar+4) a2d=vett((k-1)*mpar+5) axx=cos(p)*cos(o) axy=sin(p)*cos(o) axz=sin(o) ayx=-cos(t)*sin(p)-sin(o)*cos(p)*sin(t) ayy=cos(t)*cos(p)-sin(o)*sin(p)*sin(t) ayz=sin(t)*cos(o) azx=sin(t)*sin(p)-sin(o)*cos(p)*cos(t) azy=-sin(t)*cos(p)-sin(o)*sin(p)*cos(t) azz=cos(t)*cos(o) i=1 m=1 do while (i <= nprot) calcolo=zero nprotml=mltpro(i) if (nprotml > 1) then costmult=1/dble(nprotml) app=zero do l=1,nprotml xapp=coox(i)-cmx(k) yapp=cooy(i)-cmy(k) zapp=cooz(i)-cmz(k) r=sqrt(xapp**2+yapp**2+zapp**2) scalz=(xapp*azx+yapp*azy+zapp*azz) scalx=(xapp*axx+yapp*axy+zapp*axz) scaly=(xapp*ayx+yapp*ayy+zapp*ayz) g1=(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz-r)*(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz+r) g2=(scalx-scaly)*(scalx+scaly) app=app+(a1d*g1+1.5d0*a2d*g2)*costmult/r**5 i=i+1 end do do l=1,nprotml shift(i-l)=shift(i-l)+app end do else xapp=coox(i)-cmx(k) yapp=cooy(i)-cmy(k) zapp=cooz(i)-cmz(k) r=sqrt(xapp**2+yapp**2+zapp**2) scalz=(xapp*azx+yapp*azy+zapp*azz) scalx=(xapp*axx+yapp*axy+zapp*axz) scaly=(xapp*ayx+yapp*ayy+zapp*ayz) g1=(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz-r)*(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz+r) g2=(scalx-scaly)*(scalx+scaly) shift(i)=shift(i)+(a1d*g1+1.5d0*a2d*g2)/r**5 i=i+1 end if end do end do do j=1,nprot tmp2=abs(shift(j)-obs(j))-tolpro(j) if (tmp2 > zero) then iviolation=iviolation+1 resid=resid+tmp2**2*wt(j)/dble(mltpro(j)) end if end do if (nstampa == 0) then write(6,'(1x,A)') 'TENSOR PARAMETERS' write (6,31) (optphi(i)*RAD_TO_DEG,opttet(i)*RAD_TO_DEG & ,optomg(i)*RAD_TO_DEG,i=1,nfe) 31 format(1x,'PHI= ',f7.3,1x,'TETA= ',f7.3,1x,'OMEGA= ',f7.3) write (6,32) (opta1(i),opta2(i),i=1,nfe) 32 format (1x,'A1= ',f9.3,1x,'A2= ',f9.3) write (6,30) iviolation,resid 30 format (1x,' VIOLATIONS ',i6,1x,' RESIDUALS ',f10.5) else write (6,40) iviolation,resid 40 format (15x,' VIOLATIONS ',i6,1x,' RESIDUALS ',f10.5) end if return end subroutine calcresid !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! PTRIR ! print intermediate results !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine ptrir here] subroutine ptrir use constants, only: zero, RAD_TO_DEG implicit none integer:: i, j _REAL_ :: tmp2 # include "nmr.h" # include "pcshift.h" resid=zero iviolation=0 do j=1,nprot tmp2=abs(shift(j)-obs(j))-tolpro(j) if (tmp2 > zero) then iviolation=iviolation+1 resid=resid+tmp2**2*wt(j)/dble(mltpro(j)) end if end do if (nstampa == 0) then write(6,'(1x,A)') 'TENSOR PARAMETERS' write (6,31) (optphi(i)*RAD_TO_DEG,opttet(i)*RAD_TO_DEG & ,optomg(i)*RAD_TO_DEG,i=1,nfe) 31 format(1x,'PHI= ',f7.3,1x,'TETA= ',f7.3,1x,'OMEGA= ',f7.3) write (6,32) (opta1(i),opta2(i),i=1,nfe) 32 format (1x,'A1= ',f9.3,1x,'A2= ',f9.3) write (6,30) iviolation,resid 30 format (1x,' VIOLATIONS ',i6,1x,' RESIDUALS ',f10.5) else write (6,40) iviolation,resid 40 format (15x,' VIOLATIONS ',i6,1x,' RESIDUALS ',f10.5) end if return end subroutine ptrir !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! DERIVSHIFT ! evaluate the derivates ! IN: vett = tensor(s) parameters ! OUT: d = derivates !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine derivshift here] subroutine derivshift(vett) implicit none integer:: i, k, l, m, nprotml, num _REAL_ :: a1d, a2d, app, axx, axy, axz, ayx, ayy, & ayz, azx, azy, azz, bx, bxy, bxz, by, byz, bz, cader, cadx, cady, & cadz, calcolo, capdx, capdy, capdz, & costmult, cx, cxy, cxz, cy, cyz, cz, den, eshfi, fac, & g1, g2, o, p, r, scalx, scaly, scalz, & sgnerr, shav, shi, stdev, t, tmp, tmp2, & vett, xapp, yapp, zapp # include "nmr.h" # include "pcshift.h" dimension vett(np) dimension cadx(mshfd),cady(mshfd),cadz(mshfd), & capdx(mshfd),capdy(mshfd),capdz(mshfd) do i=1,nprot shift(i)=0.0d0 end do ! evaluate the pseudocontact shifts do k=1,nfe p=vett((k-1)*mpar+1) t=vett((k-1)*mpar+2) o=vett((k-1)*mpar+3) a1d=vett((k-1)*mpar+4) a2d=vett((k-1)*mpar+5) axx=cos(p)*cos(o) axy=sin(p)*cos(o) axz=sin(o) ayx=-cos(t)*sin(p)-sin(o)*cos(p)*sin(t) ayy=cos(t)*cos(p)-sin(o)*sin(p)*sin(t) ayz=sin(t)*cos(o) azx=sin(t)*sin(p)-sin(o)*cos(p)*cos(t) azy=-sin(t)*cos(p)-sin(o)*sin(p)*cos(t) azz=cos(t)*cos(o) tmp=0.0d0 tmp2=0.0d0 i=1 m=1 stdev=0.0d0 shi=0.0d0 ipear=0 do while (i <= nprot) calcolo=0.0d0 cader=0.0d0 nprotml=mltpro(i) costmult=1/dble(nprotml) if (nprotml > 1) then costmult=1/dble(nprotml) app=0.0d0 do l=1,nprotml xapp=coox(i)-cmx(k) yapp=cooy(i)-cmy(k) zapp=cooz(i)-cmz(k) r=sqrt(xapp**2+yapp**2+zapp**2) scalz=(xapp*azx+yapp*azy+zapp*azz) scalx=(xapp*axx+yapp*axy+zapp*axz) scaly=(xapp*ayx+yapp*ayy+zapp*ayz) g1=(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz-r)*(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz+r) g2=(scalx-scaly)*(scalx+scaly) app=app+(a1d*g1+1.5d0*a2d*g2)*costmult/r**5 i=i+1 end do do l=1,nprotml shift(i-l)=shift(i-l)+app end do else xapp=coox(i)-cmx(k) yapp=cooy(i)-cmy(k) zapp=cooz(i)-cmz(k) r=sqrt(xapp**2+yapp**2+zapp**2) scalz=(xapp*azx+yapp*azy+zapp*azz) scalx=(xapp*axx+yapp*axy+zapp*axz) scaly=(xapp*ayx+yapp*ayy+zapp*ayz) g1=(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz-r)*(sqrt(3.d0)*scalz+r) g2=(scalx-scaly)*(scalx+scaly) shift(i)=shift(i)+(a1d*g1+1.5d0*a2d*g2)/r**5 i=i+1 end if end do end do ! evaluate the derivates do i=1,nprot cadx(i)=0.0d0 cady(i)=0.0d0 cadz(i)=0.0d0 end do i=1 do k=1,nfe do while (i <= nprot) shi=shift(i) nprotml=mltpro(i) costmult=1.0d0/nprotml xapp=coox(i)-cmx(k) yapp=cooy(i)-cmy(k) zapp=cooz(i)-cmz(k) r=sqrt(xapp**2+yapp**2+zapp**2) bx=a1d*(3*azx**2-1)+1.5d0*a2d*(axx**2-ayx**2) by=a1d*(3*azy**2-1)+1.5d0*a2d*(axy**2-ayy**2) bz=a1d*(3*azz**2-1)+1.5d0*a2d*(axz**2-ayz**2) bxy=6*a1d*azx*azy+2*(axx*axy-ayx*ayy) bxz=6*a1d*azx*azz+2*(axx*axz-ayx*ayz) byz=6*a1d*azy*azz+2*(axy*axz-ayy*ayz) num=xapp**2*bx+yapp**2*by+zapp**2*bz+ & xapp*yapp*bxy+xapp*zapp*bxz+yapp*zapp*byz cx=axx**2+ayx**2+azx**2 cy=axy**2+ayy**2+azy**2 cz=axz**2+ayz**2+azz**2 cxy=2*(axx*axy+ayx*ayy+azx*azy) cxz=2*(axx*axz+ayx*ayz+azx*azz) cyz=2*(axy*axz+ayy*ayz+azy*azz) den=r**5 capdx(i)=num*(-2.5d0)*(2*xapp)/r**7+ & (2*xapp*bx+yapp*bxy+zapp*bxz)/den capdy(i)=num*(-2.5d0)*(2*yapp)/r**7+ & (2*yapp*by+xapp*bxy+zapp*byz)/den capdz(i)=num*(-2.5d0)*(2*zapp)/r**7+ & (2*zapp*bz+xapp*bxz+yapp*byz)/den if ((shi-obs(i)) >= 0.0) then sgnerr=-(abs(shi-obs(i))) else sgnerr=abs(shi-obs(i)) end if cadx(i)=cadx(i)+2*capdx(i)*sgnerr*costmult cady(i)=cady(i)+2*capdy(i)*sgnerr*costmult cadz(i)=cadz(i)+2*capdz(i)*sgnerr*costmult i=i+1 end do end do ! evaluate energy contributions i=1 do while (i <= nprot) shi=shift(i) nprotml=mltpro(i) costmult=1.0d0/nprotml if (wt(i) > 0.0) then shav = abs(shi-obs(i))-tolpro(i) if (ipnlty == 1 .or. ipnlty == 3) then if (shav > 0.0) then eshfi = wt(i)*shav*costmult fac= wt(i) else eshfi = 0.0d0 fac = 0.0d0 end if else if (ipnlty == 2) then if (shav > 0.0) then eshfi = wt(i)*shav**2*costmult fac= wt(i) else eshfi = 0.0d0 fac = 0.0d0 end if else write(6,*) 'bad values for ipnlty:', ipnlty call mexit(6,1) end if ipear = ipear + 1 shavp(ipear) = shi obsp(ipear) = obs(i) epcshf=epcshf+eshfi*optkon ! evaluate the pseudocontact force term d(1,iprot(i))=optkon*fac*cadx(i) d(2,iprot(i))=optkon*fac*cady(i) d(3,iprot(i))=optkon*fac*cadz(i) end if ! (wt(i) > 0.0) i=i+1 end do return end subroutine derivshift !------------------------------------------------------------- ! DISPSHIFT ! OUT: write the violated pcshifts in the scratch file fort.53 !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine dispshift here] subroutine dispshift implicit none integer:: i _REAL_ :: err, tmp2 # include "nmr.h" # include "pcshift.h" write(53,*) ' Visualizzazione degli shifts' write(53,*) ' Atom Oss. Calc. Err.' do i=1,nprot tmp2=abs(shift(i)-obs(i))-tolpro(i) if( tmp2 > 0.0 ) then err = tmp2**2*wt(i)/dble(mltpro(i)) if (err > pencut) then write(53,12) iprot(i),resat(iprot(i)), & obs(i),shift(i),err 12 format(1x,i4,1x,a13,1x,f9.5,1x,f9.5,1x,f9.5) end if end if end do return end subroutine dispshift