#include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" #include "def_time.h" !----------------------------------- !Principal code for calculating !QM potential for QMMM simulations. !Principal Authors of current code: ! Ross Walker ! Mike Crowley ! ! Please send all comments or ! queries to: ross@rosswalker.co.uk !----------------------------------- subroutine qm_mm(coords,natom,scaled_mm_charges,f,escf, & periodic,born_radii,one_born_radii, & intdiel,extdiel,Arad,mmcut2, scf_mchg, & ntype, atom_type, atomic_mass, atom_type_index, nstep) ! ! Argument list variables: ! ! coords(natom*3) - Cartesian coordinates for all atoms. ! Amber array ! natom - Total number of REAL atoms. ! qmmm_struct%nquant - Number of REAL quantum atoms as specified in mdin. ! iqmatoms(qmmm_struct%nquant) ! - Atom numbers for quantum atoms link atoms given values of -1 ! scaled_mm_charges(natom) - Atomic charges for mm atoms. (Scaled to elec units) ! qmmm_struct%iqm_atomic_numbers(qmmm_struct%nquant) - Atomic numbers for qm atoms. ! qmmm_struct%nlink - Number of link atoms. ! f((natom)*3) - Atomic forces. ! qmmm_nml%qmcut - cutoff in angstroms. ! qmmm_nml%qmcut2 - cutoff^2 in angstroms^2. ! escf - Heat of formation from QM. ! qm_mm_pair_list(*) - Atom-based list for quantum atoms: ! i1,i2,i3. Each QM atom shares same list. ! qmmm_struct%qm_coords(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+qmmm_struct%nlink) ! - Cartesian coordinates of quantum atoms. ! (Extracted from coords by qm_extract_coords) ! Locally defined arrays: ! dxyzqm(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+qmmm_struct%nlink) ! - Quantum mechanical derivatives from qm-mm ! interactions. ! dxyzcl(3,natom) - Classical derivatives from qm-mm interaction. ! qm_xcrd(4,natom) - imaged coords array from amber's array - note is ! ordered in the same order as the pair_list. This ! is a DIFFERENT ORDER to the coords array. ! 1->3 = coordinates, 4 = scaled_mm_charge ! born_radii(1->natom) - Effective GB radii - only used when doing qm with gb (and qm_gb==2) ! Calculated via an initial call to egb. ! one_born_radii(1->natom) - 1.0d0/born_radii(i) ! scf_mchg - nquant long, gets filled with the mulliken charges during scf. ! mmcut2 - cut^2 in angstroms^2 - cut from cntrl namelist use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct, qm2_struct, qm2_rij_eqns, qmewald, & qm_gb, qmmm_mpi, qmmm_scratch, qmmm_opnq, qmmm_vsolv, get_atomic_number use constants, only : EV_TO_KCAL, KCAL_TO_EV, zero, one, alpb_alpha use parms, only : cn1, cn2, nttyp use nblist,only: alpha,beta,gamma use qm2_extern_module, only: qm2_extern_get_qm_forces implicit none #include "../include/assert.fh" #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif ! Passed in integer, intent(in) :: natom,periodic,nstep, ntype _REAL_ , intent(inout) :: coords(natom*3) !Amber array - adjusted for link atoms _REAL_ , intent(in) :: scaled_mm_charges(natom) _REAL_ , intent(out) :: f(natom*3) _REAL_ , intent(out) :: escf _REAL_ , intent(in) :: born_radii(natom), one_born_radii(natom) _REAL_ , intent(in) :: intdiel, extdiel, Arad, mmcut2 _REAL_ , intent(inout) :: scf_mchg(qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) character(len=4), intent(in) :: atom_type(natom) integer, intent(in) :: atom_type_index(natom) _REAL_,intent(in):: atomic_mass(natom) ! Locals _REAL_ :: alpb_beta, temp logical::somethingWrong integer :: ier=0 integer i, j, n, m, offset, qm_no ! Locals for link atoms _REAL_ :: forcemod(3) integer :: lnk_no, mm_no integer :: nclatoms !============================================================================= ! START OF QMMM SETUP: allocate list memory !============================================================================= call timer_start(TIME_QMMMSETUP) ! Increment the counter of how many time qm_mm routine has been called. qmmm_struct%num_qmmm_calls = qmmm_struct%num_qmmm_calls + 1 ! If this is the first call to the routine, do some initial allocation ! that has not been done elsewhere. if (qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call) then allocate ( qmmm_struct%qm_coords(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+qmmm_struct%nlink), stat=ier ) !Stores the REAL and link atom qm coordinates REQUIRE(ier == 0) ! Do some initial setup for qm_ewald if in use if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald>0) then call timer_start(TIME_QMMMEWALDSETUP) qmewald%ewald_startup = .true. !Specify that we haven't done any qm_ewald stuff before this point. !Essentially that this is the first MD step. qmewald%natom = natom !QM ewald needs access to natom in some deep QM routines where it would !not normally be available call qm_ewald_setup(qmewald%totkq,qmmm_nml%kappa,qmmm_nml%kmaxqx,qmmm_nml%kmaxqy,qmmm_nml%kmaxqz, & qmmm_nml%ksqmaxq,natom,qmmm_struct%nquant,qmmm_struct%nlink) !Also allocates kvec memory (totkq reals) !,KVec table which is 6 lots of (natom,totkq) reals. !This is also responsible for dividing up kvectors between !cpus. !If diagnostics are on we can print some info here. qmewald%kappa=qmmm_nml%kappa if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master .AND. qmmm_nml%verbosity > 2) then write(6,*) '' write(6,*) 'QMMM: Ewald - kmaxq(x,y,z) = ', qmmm_nml%kmaxqx, ',', qmmm_nml%kmaxqy, ',', & qmmm_nml%kmaxqz write(6,*) 'QMMM: Ewald - ksqmaxq = ', qmmm_nml%ksqmaxq write(6,*) 'QMMM: Ewald - Total number of k vectors = ', qmewald%totkq write(6,*) 'QMMM: Ewald - Kappa = ', qmewald%kappa write(6,*) '' end if !If we are NOT updating the qm image atom charges on every SCF step for qm_ewald !then we initially need to zero the scf_mchg array. Since in this situation on the first step !we allow the QM image charges to vary with the SCF. It is only on steps 2 -> N that we !keep them fixed during the SCF. This avoids the need for an explicit test of first !call in the qm_ewald_calc_mm_pot code. if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald==2) scf_mchg(1:qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) = zero call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMEWALDSETUP) else qmewald%ewald_startup = .false. end if ! Allocation for QM_GB (qmgb==2) if (qmmm_nml%qmgb == 2) then ! Calculate dielectric factor if (qm_gb%alpb_on) then alpb_beta=alpb_alpha*(intdiel/extdiel) qm_gb%intdieli = one/(intdiel*(one + alpb_beta)) qm_gb%extdieli = one/(extdiel*(one + alpb_beta)) qm_gb%one_Arad_beta = alpb_beta/Arad else qm_gb%intdieli = 1.0d0/intdiel qm_gb%extdieli = 1.0d0/extdiel end if qm_gb%mmcut2 = mmcut2 end if end if ! ---- first call endif ---------- call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMSETUP) !============================================================================= ! BUILD NONBOND LIST for QM region !============================================================================= if(periodic ==1) then !---- check periodic status and run some checks on the system call timer_start(TIME_QMMMCOORDSX) !Note also builds list and starts / stops relevant timers. call qm_fill_qm_xcrd_periodic(coords,natom, & qmmm_struct%iqmatoms,scaled_mm_charges,qmmm_scratch%qm_real_scratch) call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMLISTBUILD) !Since QMMMCOORDSX was stopped in qm_fill_qm_xcrd_periodic !and QMMMLISTBUILD was started. else !---------------Not Periodic ------------------------------------ call timer_start(TIME_QMMMLISTBUILD) !---- cutoff based on distance from whole QM region !nb_list also fills qm_xcrd array and extracts qm atoms. call qm_fill_qm_xcrd( coords, natom, scaled_mm_charges) call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMLISTBUILD) endif call timer_start(TIME_QMMMCOORDSX) ! If verbosity is on print the number of QMMM pairs if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master .AND. qmmm_nml%verbosity > 1) then write(6,*) 'QMMM: No. QMMM Pairs per QM atom: ', qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs end if !Finally we need to position the link atoms for this step !We base this on the imaged coordinates so we don't need !to worry about periodic boundaries. Writes the link atoms !to the end of the qmmm_struct%qm_coords array. if ( qmmm_struct%nlink > 0 ) then call position_link_atoms(coords) end if if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master .AND. (qmmm_nml%verbosity>1 .OR. qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call)) then call print_link_atom_info( qmmm_struct%qm_coords,atom_type ) end if !============================================================================= ! START OF REST OF QMMM SETUP !============================================================================= call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMCOORDSX,TIME_QMMMSETUP) if(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call) then if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master) then ! --------------------------------------- ! Print the initial QM region coordinates ! --------------------------------------- call qm_print_coords(nstep,.true.) write(6,'(/80("-")/" 3.1 QM CALCULATION INFO",/80("-"))') end if end if !if (qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call) !Also if we are doing nearest solvent and the QM region may have changed reprint !things. if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master .and. & qmmm_nml%vsolv > 0 .and. & qmmm_nml%verbosity > 0 .and. & .not. qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call) then if (mod(nstep,qmmm_vsolv%nearest_qm_solvent_fq)==0) then call qm_print_coords(nstep,.false.) end if end if !====================== ! Setup for QM EWALD !====================== !If we are doing QM Ewald then we need to calculate the Kvectors. We do this on !every step since the box dimensions may change and these values depend on the !box dimensions. if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald>0) then call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMSETUP,TIME_QMMMEWALDKTABLE) !Parallel call qm_ewald_calc_kvec(qmewald%kvec, qmewald%dkvec, qmewald%dmkv, qmmm_nml%kmaxqx, & qmmm_nml%kmaxqy, qmmm_nml%kmaxqz,qmmm_nml%ksqmaxq) !Next we calculate the KTABLE which is an array of exponentials (in complex !Sin, cos notation) in the form of 1->6 by 1->NKvectors wide by 1->Natom (all atoms) long. !Note, this routine is very memory intensive and very time consuming. Although if !we are using Walker and Crowley PME implementation then we only do the QM-QM !table which is fast. !Note this routine uses the unimaged coordinates from AMBER coords array so here the !MMlink atom must have had its coordinates replaced with the link atom. if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) call adj_mm_link_pair_crd(coords) !Parallel call qm_ewald_calc_ktable(natom, qmmm_struct%nquant, qmmm_struct%nlink, coords, qmewald%dmkv) !Will fill the kvector tables with the exponential values !memory for ktable_x_cos... should already have been allocated. if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) call rst_mm_link_pair_crd(coords) call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMEWALDKTABLE,TIME_QMMMSETUP) end if !========================== ! End Setup for QM EWALD !========================== !==================================== ! Set up OPNQ stuff ! Taisung Lee, Rutgers, 2011 !==================================== if (qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call .and. qmmm_opnq%useOPNQ) then qmmm_opnq%OPNQCorrection=zero qmmm_opnq%vdWCorrection=zero qmmm_opnq%NB_cutoff=qmmm_nml%qmcut qmmm_opnq%switch_cutoff1=min(5.0D0, qmmm_nml%qmcut*0.6) qmmm_opnq%switch_cutoff2=min(6.5D0, qmmm_nml%qmcut*0.8) if (qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master .AND. qmmm_nml%verbosity > 1) then write(6,'("QMMM: OPNQ correction is turned on")') write(6,'("QMMM: OPNQ Switching cutoff1=",f18.8)') & qmmm_opnq%switch_cutoff1 write(6,'("QMMM: OPNQ Switching cutoff2=",f18.8)') & qmmm_opnq%switch_cutoff2 end if !store the mm type info allocate(qmmm_opnq%MM_atomType(natom), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) qmmm_opnq%MM_atomType=atom_type_index n=floor(sqrt(nttyp*2.D0)) REQUIRE(n==ntype) if (associated(qmmm_opnq%supported)) nullify(qmmm_opnq%supported) allocate(qmmm_opnq%supported(n), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) if (associated(qmmm_opnq%LJ_r)) nullify(qmmm_opnq%LJ_r) allocate(qmmm_opnq%LJ_r(n), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) if (associated(qmmm_opnq%LJ_epsilon)) nullify(qmmm_opnq%LJ_epsilon) allocate(qmmm_opnq%LJ_epsilon(n), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) !Get the atomic number for each atom if (associated(qmmm_opnq%atomic_number)) nullify(qmmm_opnq%atomic_number) allocate(qmmm_opnq%atomic_number(n), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) do i=1, natom qmmm_opnq%atomic_number(atom_type_index(i))=0 if (atomic_mass(i) >= 0.01 ) then somethingWrong=.false. call get_atomic_number(atom_type(i), atomic_mass(i), j, somethingWrong) if (.not. somethingWrong) then qmmm_opnq%atomic_number(atom_type_index(i))=j end if else qmmm_opnq%atomic_number(atom_type_index(i))=0 endif end do ! store the mm LJ parameters temp=2.d0**(-5.d0/6.d0) do i=1,n j=i*(i+1)/2 if ( (abs(cn1(j)) <1.0D-5) .and. (abs(cn2(j))<1.0D-5) ) then qmmm_opnq%supported(i)=.false. qmmm_opnq%LJ_r(i)=0.d0 qmmm_opnq%LJ_epsilon(i)=0.d0 else qmmm_opnq%supported(i)=.true. qmmm_opnq%LJ_r(i)=temp*( ( (cn1(j)/cn2(j)) )**(1.d0/6.d0) ) qmmm_opnq%LJ_epsilon(i)=0.25d0*cn2(j)*cn2(j)/cn1(j) end if end do end if !(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call .and. qmmm_opnq%useOPNQ) !============================= ! Setup for PM3MMX_INTERFACE !============================= if (qmmm_struct%PM3MMX_INTERFACE) then ! at this point, we know qm_mm_pairs, so can allocate memory for qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers array, ! which is qm_mm_pairs long, and stores atomic number of MM atoms in the pair list ! This uses less memory since qm_mm_pairs <= (natom-nquant+1) if (associated(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers)) & nullify(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers) allocate ( qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs), stat=ier ) REQUIRE(ier == 0) do i=1, qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs ! atom_type(1:natom) ! atomic_mass(1:natom) ! qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers(1:qm_mm_pairs) ! so we need to convert index i back to index of (1:natom) j=qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_list(i) call get_atomic_number(atom_type(j), atomic_mass(j), & qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_atom_numbers(i)) end do end if !================================ ! End Setup for PM3MMX_INTERFACE !================================ call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMSETUP) !======================END OF QMMM SETUP ====================================== !================== ! Calculate Forces !================== if (qmmm_nml%qmtheory%EXTERN) then nclatoms = qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs if (qmmm_nml%qmmm_int == 5) then nclatoms = 0 end if call qm2_extern_get_qm_forces(nstep, qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink, & qmmm_struct%qm_coords, qmmm_struct%iqm_atomic_numbers, & nclatoms, qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd, & escf, qmmm_struct%dxyzqm, qmmm_struct%dxyzcl) else call get_qm2_forces(qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master, qm2_struct%calc_mchg_scf, natom, & born_radii, one_born_radii, coords, scaled_mm_charges, qmmm_nml, & qmmm_struct, qmmm_scratch, scf_mchg, escf) end if ! If we are doing qm_ewald then we need to calculate the gradients due to the ewald potential here. ! Only available analytically, no numerical gradients are available. ! With qm_pme the forces are calculated in ew_recip using the mulliken charges if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald>0) then call timer_start(TIME_QMMMFQMEWALD) ! Parallel call qm_ewald_get_forces(qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd, qmmm_struct%qm_coords,& natom, scf_mchg, & qmmm_nml%qmmmrij_incore, & qmmm_struct%dxyzqm, qmmm_struct%dxyzcl, & qmewald%dkvec, scaled_mm_charges) call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMFQMEWALD) end if !============================= ! End Calculation of Forces !============================= ! NOW WE NEED TO PUT THE CALCULATED FORCES INTO THE SANDER FORCE ARRAY call timer_start(TIME_QMMMCOLLATEF) do i=1,qmmm_struct%nquant m = qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(i) m = (m-1)*3 f(m+1) = f(m+1) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,i) f(m+2) = f(m+2) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,i) f(m+3) = f(m+3) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,i) enddo !Only need to do MM atoms that are in the list. Only need to do this if the QMMM interaction !is being calculated using the full orbital interaction. if (qmmm_nml%qmmm_int >0 .and. (qmmm_nml%qmmm_int /= 5) ) then do i = 1,qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs m = (qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_list(i)-1)*3 f(m+1) = f(m+1) - qmmm_struct%dxyzcl(1,i) f(m+2) = f(m+2) - qmmm_struct%dxyzcl(2,i) f(m+3) = f(m+3) - qmmm_struct%dxyzcl(3,i) end do end if if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald>0 .and. .not. qmmm_nml%qm_pme) then !If we are doing QM ewald then we have a set of forces on all MM atoms that we need to put !into the main force array. For qm_pme this is done in ew_recip later on in force. !Parallel division in the ewald code is over kvectors so all threads have some forces on all !atoms. do i = 1, natom offset = (3*i) - 2 f(offset) = f(offset) - qmewald%d_ewald_mm(1,i) f(offset+1) = f(offset+1) - qmewald%d_ewald_mm(2,i) f(offset+2) = f(offset+2) - qmewald%d_ewald_mm(3,i) end do end if !We need to divide the force on the link atom up between the !QM and MM atom. do i=1,qmmm_struct%nlink mm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,i)-2 !location of atom in x array lnk_no = qmmm_struct%link_pairs(2,i) !Nquant number of QM atom bound to link atom qm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(lnk_no)-2 !Note this routine uses the flink in the form -flink. call distribute_lnk_f(forcemod,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+i),coords(mm_no), & coords(qm_no),qmmm_nml%lnk_dis) !NOTE: forces are reversed in QM calc with respect to amber force array !so we subtract forcemod from MM atom and add it to QM atom. !MM atom's new force = FMM(x,y,z) - FORCEMOD(x,y,z) f(mm_no) = f(mm_no) - forcemod(1) f(mm_no+1) = f(mm_no+1) - forcemod(2) f(mm_no+2) = f(mm_no+2) - forcemod(3) !QM atom's new force = FQM(x,y,z) - Flink(x,y,z) + FORCEMOD(x,y,z) !Note QM forces should be subtracted from sander F array to leave total force. f(qm_no) = f(qm_no) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(1) f(qm_no+1) = f(qm_no+1) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(2) f(qm_no+2) = f(qm_no+2) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+i) + forcemod(3) end do call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMCOLLATEF) qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call = .false. qmewald%ewald_startup = .false. end subroutine qm_mm !======================END OF QM_MM ====================================== !============== NON PERIODIC QM_XCRD, QM_COORDS and LIST ================= !Build non-periodic list - fill qm_xcrd and extract qm_coords. subroutine qm_fill_qm_xcrd( x, natom, scaled_mm_charges ) use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct, qmmm_scratch implicit none !# include "memory.h" !This routine calculates a qm_mm_pair_list which is of the form !listtype atom atom atom ... !for qmmm_struct%nquant atoms (I.e each QM atom excluding any link atoms !The list of MM atoms that interact with each QM atom is based !on the cut off distance. It then fills qm_xcrd. !It also extracts the qm coordinates from the amber x array. !Each QM atom will use the identical list since to be included an MM atom !only needs to be within cut of any QM atom !qm_mm_pair_list comes from qmmm_module. !Passed in integer natom _REAL_ , intent(in) ,dimension(3,natom) :: x _REAL_, intent(in), dimension(natom) :: scaled_mm_charges !Local Variables! integer j,m,i,n1 _REAL_ , dimension(6) :: bxbnd _REAL_ x_qm, y_qm, z_qm, dx2, xbnd0, xbnd1, ybnd0, ybnd1, zbnd0, zbnd1 logical include_atom ! Find the bounding box limits of the QM region, then find all atoms ! inside the box + cutoff before calculating or testing distances. m=qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(1) xbnd0=x(1,m) xbnd1=x(1,m) ybnd0=x(2,m) ybnd1=x(2,m) zbnd0=x(3,m) zbnd1=x(3,m) do j=2,qmmm_struct%nquant m = qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(j) xbnd0=min(xbnd0,x(1,m)) xbnd1=max(xbnd1,x(1,m)) ybnd0=min(ybnd0,x(2,m)) ybnd1=max(ybnd1,x(2,m)) zbnd0=min(zbnd0,x(3,m)) zbnd1=max(zbnd1,x(3,m)) enddo bxbnd(1)=xbnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut bxbnd(2)=xbnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut bxbnd(3)=ybnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut bxbnd(4)=ybnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut bxbnd(5)=zbnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut bxbnd(6)=zbnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut include_atom = .false. n1 = 0 ! index of qm_mm_pair_list to which we will put the current MM atom !---------- FIRST PASS ---------------------------------------------- qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(1:natom)=0 !Used for a mask do m=1,natom !No short circuit evaluation in fortran so having a series of !sperate if statements here should be faster. if ( x(1,m) <= bxbnd(1) ) cycle if ( x(1,m) >= bxbnd(2) ) cycle if ( x(2,m) <= bxbnd(3) ) cycle if ( x(2,m) >= bxbnd(4) ) cycle if ( x(3,m) <= bxbnd(5) ) cycle if ( x(3,m) >= bxbnd(6) ) cycle qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(m)=1 enddo !Set QM atoms in qm_int_scratch to zero so they don't get counted as pairs. qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(1:qmmm_struct%nquant)) = 0 !---------- Second PASS ---------------------------------------------- do m=1,natom ! we loop over all atoms - excluding QM atoms if ( qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(m) == 1 ) then check_cut: do j=1,qmmm_struct%nquant i = qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(j) ! the atom number of the first QM atom ! Find all MM atoms that are within CUT of this QM atom x_qm = x(1,i) ! Get coordinates of QM atom y_qm = x(2,i) z_qm = x(3,i) ! calculate the distance and see if it is within the cut off dx2 = ( ( x_qm - x(1,m) ) * ( x_qm - x(1,m) ) & + ( y_qm - x(2,m) ) * ( y_qm - x(2,m) ) & + ( z_qm - x(3,m) ) * ( z_qm - x(3,m) ) & ) if ( dx2 < qmmm_nml%qmcut2 ) then !We include the atom. !however, if this is a mm link pair !atom then we don't include it. if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(m)) then !We don't include it since it is a link atom exit check_cut end if include_atom = .true. exit check_cut end if end do check_cut if ( include_atom ) then !include this mm atom in the list n1 = n1+1 qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_list( n1 ) = m qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(1:3,n1) = x(1:3,m) qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(4,n1) = scaled_mm_charges(m) include_atom=.false. end if end if end do qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs = n1 !Extract QM atoms from x into qmcoords array. do m=1,qmmm_struct%nquant i=qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(m) qmmm_struct%qm_coords(1:3,m) = x(1:3,i) enddo end subroutine qm_fill_qm_xcrd !============================================================================= ! QM_FILL_QM_XCRD PERIODIC !============================================================================= subroutine qm_fill_qm_xcrd_periodic(x,natom, & iqmatoms,scaled_mm_chrgs,real_scratch) use qmmm_module, only: qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct, qmmm_scratch use nblist, only: a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,ucell,recip,sphere use constants, only : zero, one, half, two implicit none integer , intent(in) :: natom _REAL_ , intent(in), dimension(3,natom) :: x integer, intent(in), dimension(qmmm_struct%nquant) :: iqmatoms _REAL_, intent(in), dimension(natom) :: scaled_mm_chrgs _REAL_, intent(out), dimension(3,natom) :: real_scratch integer j, jqmatom, ier _REAL_ :: xbnd0,xbnd1,ybnd0,ybnd1,zbnd0,zbnd1 _REAL_ :: offset(3), frac(3), xx,yy,zz,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,one_nquant _REAL_ , dimension(6) :: bxbnd integer :: m,n, n1 _REAL_ :: fbndx0, fbndx1, fbndy0, fbndy1, fbndz0, fbndz1, dx2 logical :: include_atom !Move the first QM atom to be at the origin. ! iqm_one = iqmatoms(1) ! frac(1:3) = x(1,iqm_one)*recip(1,1:3)+x(2,iqm_one)*recip(2,1:3)+ & ! x(3,iqm_one)*recip(3,1:3) !Moving the first QM atom can be an issue if the box size is small !since it could end up with atoms that can stick outside the box. !Thus we can change this to calculate the center of the coordinates of !the QM region and move this instead. This could cause problems if the QM !region diffuses significantly but if that happens we are in a whole !world of problems anyway and it should trigger the cutoff too large error. xtmp=zero; ytmp=zero; ztmp=zero do j = 1, qmmm_struct%nquant jqmatom = iqmatoms(j) xtmp = xtmp + x(1,jqmatom) ytmp = ytmp + x(2,jqmatom) ztmp = ztmp + x(3,jqmatom) end do one_nquant = 1.0d0/real(qmmm_struct%nquant) xtmp = xtmp * one_nquant ytmp = ytmp * one_nquant ztmp = ztmp * one_nquant frac(1:3) = xtmp*recip(1,1:3)+ytmp*recip(2,1:3)+ & ztmp*recip(3,1:3) frac(1:3) = frac(1:3) - anint(frac(1:3)) offset(1) = frac(1)*ucell(1,1) + frac(2)*ucell(1,2) + frac(3)*ucell(1,3) offset(2) = frac(1)*ucell(2,1) + frac(2)*ucell(2,2) + frac(3)*ucell(2,3) offset(3) = frac(1)*ucell(3,1) + frac(2)*ucell(3,2) + frac(3)*ucell(3,3) do j = 1, qmmm_struct%nquant jqmatom = iqmatoms(j) xx = x(1,jqmatom) - offset(1) yy = x(2,jqmatom) - offset(2) zz = x(3,jqmatom) - offset(3) frac(1:3) = xx*recip(1,1:3) + yy*recip(2,1:3) + zz*recip(3,1:3) frac(1:3) = frac(1:3) - anint(frac(1:3)) real_scratch(1,j)=frac(1)*ucell(1,1) + frac(2)*ucell(1,2) + frac(3)*ucell(1,3) real_scratch(2,j)=frac(1)*ucell(2,1) + frac(2)*ucell(2,2) + frac(3)*ucell(2,3) real_scratch(3,j)=frac(1)*ucell(3,1) + frac(2)*ucell(3,2) + frac(3)*ucell(3,3) end do xbnd0=zero; xbnd1=zero; ybnd0=zero; ybnd1=zero; zbnd0=zero; zbnd1=zero do j=1,qmmm_struct%nquant xbnd0=min(xbnd0,real_scratch(1,j)) xbnd1=max(xbnd1,real_scratch(1,j)) ybnd0=min(ybnd0,real_scratch(2,j)) ybnd1=max(ybnd1,real_scratch(2,j)) zbnd0=min(zbnd0,real_scratch(3,j)) zbnd1=max(zbnd1,real_scratch(3,j)) enddo xbnd0=xbnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut ybnd0=ybnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut zbnd0=zbnd0-qmmm_nml%qmcut xbnd1=xbnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut ybnd1=ybnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut zbnd1=zbnd1+qmmm_nml%qmcut !------ Check if QM region plus cutoff around it is too large for this box !--- The sphere method is the simplest check, but we can get more !--- sophisticated using the distance between parallel faces later if we need to...mfc !--- sphere is calculated in ew_box.f and used here. if( (xbnd1-xbnd0 > two*sphere) .or. (ybnd1-ybnd0 > two*sphere) .or. (zbnd1-zbnd0 > two*sphere) )then write(6,*) " ****************************************************" write(6,*) " ERROR: QM region + cutoff larger than box dimension:" write(6,'(2X,"QM-MM Cutoff = ",f8.4)') qmmm_nml%qmcut write(6,*) " Coord Lower Upper Size Radius of largest sphere inside unit cell" write(6,'(5X,"X",4(2X,f8.3))') xbnd0, xbnd1, xbnd1-xbnd0, sphere write(6,'(5X,"Y",4(2X,f8.3))') ybnd0, ybnd1, ybnd1-ybnd0, sphere write(6,'(5X,"Z",4(2X,f8.3))') zbnd0, zbnd1, zbnd1-zbnd0, sphere write(6,*) " ****************************************************" call sander_bomb("QM_CHECK_PERIODIC", & "QM region + cutoff larger than box", & "cannot continue, need larger box.") endif bxbnd(1)=xbnd0+offset(1) bxbnd(2)=xbnd1+offset(1) bxbnd(3)=ybnd0+offset(2) bxbnd(4)=ybnd1+offset(2) bxbnd(5)=zbnd0+offset(3) bxbnd(6)=zbnd1+offset(3) !FILL QM_XCRD Periodic !---- First move center of QM region to origin: find offset offset(1)=(bxbnd(2)+bxbnd(1))*half offset(2)=(bxbnd(4)+bxbnd(3))*half offset(3)=(bxbnd(6)+bxbnd(5))*half ! !---- Create new fractional coordinates with new origin ! !--- find bounds and cut in fracs ! fbndx0 = (bxbnd(1)-offset(1))*bxinv(1) ! fbndx1 = (bxbnd(2)-offset(1))*bxinv(1) ! fbndy0 = (bxbnd(3)-offset(2))*bxinv(2) ! fbndy1 = (bxbnd(4)-offset(2))*bxinv(2) ! fbndz0 = (bxbnd(5)-offset(3))*bxinv(3) ! fbndz1 = (bxbnd(6)-offset(3))*bxinv(3) !---- run through coords to get fracs, select those within ! bounding box + cutoff qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(1:natom) = 0 !Used for a mask do m=1,natom xx=x(1,m)-offset(1) yy=x(2,m)-offset(2) zz=x(3,m)-offset(3) frac(1:3) = xx*recip(1,1:3) + yy*recip(2,1:3) + zz*recip(3,1:3) frac(1:3) = frac(1:3) - anint(frac(1:3)) xx = frac(1)*ucell(1,1) + frac(2)*ucell(1,2) + frac(3)*ucell(1,3) if( (xx > bxbnd(1)-offset(1)) .and. (xx < bxbnd(2)-offset(1)) ) then yy=frac(1)*ucell(2,1) + frac(2)*ucell(2,2) + frac(3)*ucell(2,3) if( ( yy > bxbnd(3)-offset(2)) .and. (yy < bxbnd(4)-offset(2)) ) then zz=frac(1)*ucell(3,1) + frac(2)*ucell(3,2) + frac(3)*ucell(3,3) if( (zz > bxbnd(5)-offset(3)) .and. (zz < bxbnd(6) -offset(3)) ) then !------- This one inside box ------------------ qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(m)=1 real_scratch(1,m) = xx real_scratch(2,m) = yy real_scratch(3,m) = zz endif endif endif enddo !Fill the qm coordinate array with the imaged QM atoms do n=1,qmmm_struct%nquant m=iqmatoms(n) qmmm_struct%qm_coords(1:3,n) = real_scratch(1:3,m) qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(iqmatoms(n)) = 0 enddo call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMCOORDSX,TIME_QMMMLISTBUILD) !Now calculate the pair list and fill qm_xcrd include_atom = .false. n1 = 0 !---------- Second PASS ---------------------------------------------- do m=1,natom ! we loop over all atoms - excluding QM atoms if ( qmmm_scratch%qm_int_scratch(m) > 0 ) then check_cut: do j=1,qmmm_struct%nquant ! Find all MM atoms that are within CUT of this QM atom xx = qmmm_struct%qm_coords(1,j) ! Get coordinates of QM atom yy = qmmm_struct%qm_coords(2,j) zz = qmmm_struct%qm_coords(3,j) ! calculate the distance and see if it is within the cut off dx2 = ( ( xx - real_scratch(1,m) ) * ( xx - real_scratch(1,m) ) & + ( yy - real_scratch(2,m) ) * ( yy - real_scratch(2,m) ) & + ( zz - real_scratch(3,m) ) * ( zz - real_scratch(3,m) ) & ) if ( dx2 < qmmm_nml%qmcut2 ) then !We include the atom. !however, if this is a mm link pair !atom then we don't include it. if (qmmm_struct%mm_link_mask(m)) then !We don't include it since it is a link atom exit check_cut end if include_atom = .true. exit check_cut end if end do check_cut if ( include_atom ) then n1 = n1+1 qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pair_list( n1 ) = m qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(1,n1)=real_scratch(1,m) qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(2,n1)=real_scratch(2,m) qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(3,n1)=real_scratch(3,m) qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(4,n1)=scaled_mm_chrgs(m) include_atom=.false. end if end if ! endif of skip_m end do qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs = n1 end subroutine qm_fill_qm_xcrd_periodic ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate energy and forces with built-in semiempirical or DFTB methods ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_qm2_forces(master, calc_mchg_scf, natom, & born_radii, one_born_radii, coords, scaled_mm_charges, qmmm_nml, & qmmm_struct, qmmm_scratch, scf_mchg, escf) use qmmm_nml_module, only : qmmm_nml_type use qmmm_struct_module, only : qmmm_struct_type use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_scratch_structure, qmmm_opnq use constants, only : zero, EV_TO_KCAL implicit none logical, intent(in) :: master logical, intent(in) :: calc_mchg_scf integer, intent(in) :: natom _REAL_ , intent(in) :: born_radii(natom), one_born_radii(natom) _REAL_ , intent(in) :: coords(natom*3) _REAL_ , intent(in) :: scaled_mm_charges(natom) type(qmmm_nml_type) , intent(inout) :: qmmm_nml type(qmmm_struct_type) , intent(inout) :: qmmm_struct type(qmmm_scratch_structure), intent(inout) :: qmmm_scratch _REAL_ , intent(inout) :: scf_mchg(qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) _REAL_ , intent(out) :: escf integer :: i, j _REAL_ :: total_energy logical, save :: first_call = .true. if (first_call) then first_call = .false. call timer_start(TIME_QMMMSETUP) ! Load semiempirical parameters ! Also does a lot of memory allocation and pre-calculates all the STO-6G orbital expansions. call qm2_load_params_and_allocate() call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMSETUP) if (master) then ! Print a summary about memory usage ! WARNING - FOR THE NUMBERS PRODUCED BY THE PRINT DYN MEM ROUTINE TO BE ACCURATE ALL ! MEMORY ALLOCATION MUST HAVE BEEN DONE BY THIS STAGE. call qm_print_dyn_mem(natom,qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs) ! Finally print the result header that was skipped in sander. write(6,'(/80("-")/" 4. RESULTS",/80("-")/)') end if end if call timer_start(TIME_QMMMRIJEQNS) ! Parallel: Calculate RIJ and many related equations here. ! Necessary memory allocation is done inside the routine. call qm2_calc_rij_and_eqns(qmmm_struct%qm_coords, qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink,qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd, & natom, qmmm_struct%qm_mm_pairs) !and store them in memory to save time later. call timer_stop_start(TIME_QMMMRIJEQNS,TIME_QMMMENERGY) ! Parallel: Calculate SCF Energy call qm2_energy(escf, scf_mchg, natom, born_radii, one_born_radii, coords, scaled_mm_charges) call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMENERGY) ! Calculate forces call timer_start(TIME_QMMMFQM) qmmm_struct%dxyzqm=zero if (qmmm_nml%qmtheory%DFTB) then ! Partially Parallel call qm2_dftb_get_qm_forces(qmmm_struct%dxyzqm) else ! Parallel call qm2_get_qm_forces(qmmm_struct%dxyzqm) end if call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMFQM) call timer_start(TIME_QMMMFQMMM) if ( qmmm_nml%qmmm_int>0 .and. (qmmm_nml%qmmm_int /= 5) ) then qmmm_struct%dxyzcl=zero if (qmmm_nml%qmtheory%DFTB) then ! Parallel call qm2_dftb_get_qmmm_forces(qmmm_struct%dxyzcl,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm, qmmm_scratch%qm_real_scratch(1), & qmmm_scratch%qm_real_scratch(natom+1), & qmmm_scratch%qm_real_scratch(2*natom+1), & qmmm_scratch%qm_real_scratch(3*natom+1)) else ! Parallel if (qmmm_nml%qmmm_switch) then !Calculate Mulliken charges that will be used in QM/MM switching function do i=1,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink call qm2_calc_mulliken(i,scf_mchg(i)) end do end if call qm2_get_qmmm_forces(qmmm_struct%dxyzqm,qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd,qmmm_struct%dxyzcl,scf_mchg) end if end if call timer_stop(TIME_QMMMFQMMM) ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate Mulliken Charges for Later Printing if Needed ! Note: at present we calculate the mulliken charges even ! if we don't need them for printing since one might ! want to use them for dipole calculations etc. It is ! not very expensive to calculate them so might as well ! do it on every MD step. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- if (master) then if ( qmmm_nml%qmtheory%DFTB .or. calc_mchg_scf & .or. qmmm_nml%qm_ewald == 2 .or. qmmm_nml%qmmm_switch ) then ! Mulliken charges have already been calculated and stored. else do i=1,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink !Need to calculate Mulliken charges here. call qm2_calc_mulliken(i,scf_mchg(i)) end do end if end if ! Print some extra information if verbosity level is > 0 if (master) then call qm2_print_energy(qmmm_nml%verbosity, qmmm_nml%qmtheory, escf, qmmm_struct) if (qmmm_nml%verbosity > 3) then if (qmmm_nml%qm_ewald>0) then write (6,'("QMMM: QM - MM Coulombic Interaction = ",f18.8," eV (",f18.8," KCal/mol)")') & qmmm_struct%coulombic_eng, qmmm_struct%coulombic_eng *EV_TO_KCAL end if if (qmmm_opnq%useOPNQ) then write (6,'("QMMM: QM - MM OPNQ correction = ",f18.8," eV (",f18.8," KCal/mol)")') & qmmm_opnq%OPNQCorrection, qmmm_opnq%OPNQCorrection*EV_TO_KCAL write (6,'("QMMM: QM - MM vdW correction = ",f18.8," eV (",f18.8," KCal/mol)")') & qmmm_opnq%vdWCorrection, qmmm_opnq%vdWCorrection*EV_TO_KCAL write (6,'("QMMM: QM - MM Total OPNQ correction = ",f18.8," eV (",f18.8," KCal/mol)")') & qmmm_opnq%vdWcorrection+qmmm_opnq%OPNQCorrection, & (qmmm_opnq%vdWCorrection+qmmm_opnq%OPNQCorrection)*EV_TO_KCAL end if write (6,'("QMMM:")') write (6,'("QMMM: Forces on QM atoms from SCF calculation")') write (6,'("QMMM: Atm ",i6,": ",3f20.14)') (j,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,j), qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,j), & qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,j), j=1,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) if (qmmm_nml%verbosity > 4) then !Also print info in KJ/mol write (6,'("QMMM:")') write (6,'("QMMM: Forces on QM atoms from SCF calculation (KJ/mol)")') write (6,'("QMMM: Atm ",i6,": ",3f20.14)') (j,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,j)*4.184d0, & qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,j)*4.184d0, qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,j)*4.184d0, & j=1,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink) end if end if end if end subroutine get_qm2_forces