! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" #include "../include/assert.fh" #include "ncsu-config.h" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ main driver routine for molecular dynamics subroutine runmd(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,winv,amass,f, & v,vold,xr,xc,conp,skip,nsp,tma,erstop, qsetup) ! Runmd operates in kcal/mol units for energy, amu for masses, ! and angstroms for distances. To convert the input time parameters ! from picoseconds to internal units, multiply by 20.455 ! (which is 10.0*sqrt(4.184)). use state #if !defined(DISABLE_NCSU) && defined(NCSU_ENABLE_BBMD) use ncsu_sander_hooks, only : ncsu_on_mdstep => on_mdstep #endif use molecule, only: n_iwrap_mask_atoms, iwrap_mask_atoms use cmd_vars, only: activate, file_pos_cmd, file_vel_cmd, file_nrg_cmd, & nstep_cmd, t_cmd, eq_cmd, restart_cmd, & etot_cmd, eke_cmd, adiab_param, temp_cmd use pimd_vars, only: ipimd, nbead, natomCL, & bnd_vir, Eimp_virial, equal_part, Epot_deriv, & tau_vol, Epot_spring, NMPIMD, CMD, cartpos, cartvel, & itimass, real_mass use neb_vars, only: ineb, neb_nbead use lscivr_vars, only: ilscivr, ndof_lsc, natom_lsc, mass_lsc, v2_lsc, & ilsc, x_lsc, f_lsc, dx_lsc use nose_hoover_module, only : thermo_lnv, x_lnv, x_lnv_old, v_lnv, & f_lnv_p, f_lnv_v, c2_lnv, mass_lnv, & Thermostat_init #ifdef RISMSANDER use sander_rism_interface, only: rismprm,rism_3d, RISM_NONE, RISM_FULL, RISM_INTERP, & rism_calc_type, rism_thermo_calc, rism_writesolvdistf, mylcm #endif use full_pimd_vars, only: totener,totenert,totenert2,mybeadid use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct, qmmm_mpi, qm2_struct, & qmmm_vsolv use file_io_dat use constants, only : third, ten_to_minus3 use trace use stack use decomp, only : nat, nrs, decpr, jgroup, indx, irespw, & #ifdef MPI ! -- ti decomp collect_dec, & #endif checkdec, printdec use fastwt use bintraj, only: end_binary_frame use nblist,only: fill_tranvec,volume,oldrecip,ucell use nose_hoover_module, only: Thermostat_switch, & Thermostat_integrate_1, & Thermostat_integrate_2, & Thermostat_hamiltonian use nose_hoover_vars, only: file_nhc, nchain, thermo, nthermo, Econserved #ifdef MPI use evb_parm, only: evb_dyn, nbias use evb_data, only: evb_frc, evb_vel0, evb_bias, evb_nrg, evb_nrg_ave & , evb_nrg_rms, evb_nrg_tmp, evb_nrg_old, evb_nrg_tmp2 & , evb_nrg_old2 use wigner, only: rflux use remd, only : rem, mdloop, remd_ekmh, repnum, stagid, & myeptot, mytemp, mytargettemp, & hybrid_remd_ene # ifdef LES use evb_pimd, only: evb_pimd_dealloc use miller, only: i_qi # endif use softcore, only: ifsc, sc_dvdl, sc_tot_dvdl, sc_tot_dvdl_partner, & sc_dvdl_ee, sc_tot_dvdl_ee, sc_tot_dvdl_partner_ee, & extra_atoms, mix_temp_scaling, sc_pscale, & adj_dvdl_stat, sc_mix_velocities, & sc_nomix_frc, sc_sync_x, sc_print_energies, & calc_softcore_ekin, & sc_ener, sc_ener_ave, sc_ener_rms, sc_lngdyn, & sc_ener_tmp, sc_ener_tmp2, sc_ener_old, sc_ener_old2, & sc_mix_position, sc_print_dvdl_values, & sc_degrees_o_freedom, dynlmb, sc_change_clambda, ti_ene_cnt use mbar, only : ifmbar, bar_intervall, calc_mbar_energies, & bar_collect_cont, do_mbar #endif use amoeba_mdin, only: iamoeba use amoeba_runmd, only: AM_RUNMD_scale_cell use constantph, only: cnstphinit, cnstphwrite, cnstphupdatepairs, & cnstphbeginstep, cnstphendstep, chrgdat, & cnstph_explicitmd, cnstphwriterestart, cphfirst_sol use emap, only:temap,emap_move !AWG adaptive QM/MM ! SGLD use sgld, only : tsgld,trxsgld,tlangv,isgsta,isgend,rndfsg,fixcom, & sgenergy,sgldw,sgmdw,sgfshake ! Should this be commented out? JMS ! use qmmm_adaptive_module, only: adaptive_qmmm use crg_reloc, only: ifcr, crprintcharges, cr_print_charge !AMD use amd_mod ! Variable Descriptions ! ! Passed variables ! xx : global real array. See locmem.f for structure/pointers ! ix : global integer array. See locmem.f for structure/pointers ! ih : global hollerith array. See locmem.f for structure/pointers ! ipairs : ?? Global pairlist ?? --add description (JMS 11/2010) ! x : global position array * ! winv : array with inverse masses * ! amass : mass array * ! f : force array, used to hold old coordinates temporarily, too ! v : velocity array ! vold : old velocity array, from the previous step ! xr : coordinates with respect to COM of molecule ! conp : bond parameters for SHAKE ! skip : logical skip array for SHAKE (and QM/MM too, I think) ! nsp : submolecule index array (?) ! tma : submolecular weight array (?) ! erstop : should we stop in error (?) ! qsetup : Not quite sure what this does, if anything anymore. ! ! Local variables ! factt : degree-of-freedom correction factor for temperature scaling ! nr : local copy of nrp, number of atoms ! nr3 : 3 * nr, used for runtime efficiency ! cphfirst_sol3: 3 * cphfirst_sol ! ! Common memory variables ! nrp : number of atoms, adjusted for LES copies implicit none character(kind=1,len=5) :: routine="runmd" integer ipairs(*), ix(*) _REAL_ xx(*) character(len=4) ih(*) _REAL_ combination integer cphfirst_sol3 #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" include 'mpif.h' # ifdef LES _REAL_ :: fbead(3,natomCL), xbead(3,natomCL) integer :: mm, n # endif _REAL_ mpitmp(8) !Use for temporary packing of mpi messages. integer ist(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), partner, ierr #endif ! The following variables are needed since nstep and nstlim ! behave differently in a REMD run. ! In certain places where output is required, total_nstep and total_nstlim ! take the place of nstep and nstlim. This allows replica runs to output ! less often than every exchange. ! They are the absolute step # of the REMD or MD simulation. integer total_nstep, total_nstlim #include "md.h" #include "box.h" #include "nmr.h" #include "tgtmd.h" #include "multitmd.h" #include "memory.h" #include "extra.h" #include "ew_frc.h" #include "ew_cntrl.h" #include "ew_mpole.h" #include "def_time.h" #include "extra_pts.h" #if defined(LES) # include "les.h" #endif #include "../../AmberTools/src/pbsa/pb_md.h" #include "../lib/random.h" ! additional variables for PIMD output _REAL_ :: xcmd(3*natomCL),vcmd(3*natomCL) integer :: ncmd ! for const press PIMD _REAL_ tmpvir(3,3),atomvir _REAL_ rndsg1,rndsg2 _REAL_ sysx,sysy,sysz,sysrange(3,2) logical mv_flag #ifdef MMTSB # include "mmtsb.h" logical is_done_mmtsb ! MMTSB replica exchange calculation completed _REAL_ lambda_mmtsb ! MMTSB replica exchange new lambda _REAL_ pert_pe_mmtsb ! MMTSB lambda replica exchange perturbed PE _REAL_ temp_mmtsb ! MMTSB replica exchange new temperature _REAL_ unpert_pe_mmtsb ! MMTSB lambda replica exchange unperturbed PE #endif _REAL_ , dimension(1) :: shkh integer, dimension(1) :: ifstwr2 integer :: nshkh integer idx, iatom, iatomCL,m _REAL_ Ekin2_tot,tmp,f_lnv integer :: idim, ithermo _REAL_ :: E_nhc, exp1, exp2, v_sum logical ivscm logical qspatial character(len=6)fnam logical resetvelo integer nshak _REAL_ ekgs,eold3,eold4,etot_save,ekpbs logical do_list_update logical skip(*),belly,lout,loutfm,erstop,vlim,onstep _REAL_ x(*),winv(*),amass(*),f(*),v(*),vold(*), & xr(*),xc(*),conp(*) type(state_rec) :: ener type(state_rec) :: enert, enert2 type(state_rec) :: enert_old, enert2_old type(state_rec) :: enert_tmp, enert2_tmp type(state_rec) :: ecopy, edvdl type(state_rec) :: edvdl_r _REAL_ rmu(3),fac(3),onefac(3),clfac, etot_start _REAL_ tma(*) ! ==== rem==3 debug info ! _REAL_ realepot ! ==== end rem==3 debug info _REAL_ tspan,atempdrop,fln,scaltp,scaltpo _REAL_ vel,vel2,vcmx,vcmy,vcmz,vmax,vx,vy,vz _REAL_ winf,aamass,rterm,ekmh,ekph,ekpht,wfac,rsd,ekav _REAL_ fit,fiti,fit2,vscalt _REAL_ gammai,c_implic,c_explic,c_ave,sdfac,ekins0 _REAL_ dtx,dtxinv,dt5,factt,ekin0,ekinp0,dtcp,dttp _REAL_ rndf,rndfs,rndfp,boltz2,pconv,tempsu _REAL_ xcm(3),acm(3),ocm(3),vcm(3),ekcm,ekrot _REAL_ emtmd ! Variables and parameters for constant surface tension: _REAL_, parameter :: ten_conv = 100.0d0 !ten_conv - converts !dyne/cm to bar angstroms _REAL_ :: pres0x _REAL_ :: pres0y _REAL_ :: pres0z _REAL_ :: gamma_ten_int _REAL_ :: press_tan_ave integer nsp(*) integer idumar(4) integer l_temp integer i,j,im,i3,nitp,nits integer nstep,nrep,nrek,nren,iend,istart3,iend3 integer nrx,nr,nr3,ntcmt,izero,istart logical ixdump,ivdump,itdump logical qsetup #ifdef RISMSANDER logical irismdump _REAL_ cm(3),angvel(3),r(3),rxv(3),proj(3),moi,erot #endif integer nvalid, nvalidi _REAL_ eke,eket _REAL_ extent _REAL_ xcen,ycen,zcen,extents(3,2),centertest _REAL_, allocatable, dimension(:) :: frcti integer ier _REAL_ small data small/1.0d-7/ data nren/51/ !--- VARIABLES FOR DIPOLE PRINTING --- integer prndipngrp integer prndipfind character(len=4) prndiptest _REAL_,parameter :: pressure_constant = 6.85695d+4 ! variables used in constant pressure PIMD _REAL_ :: Nkt,centvir,pressure, aa, arg2, poly, e2, e4, e6, e8 ! variable used in CMD real(8) :: tmp_eke_cmd !Use for temporary packing of mpi messages. _REAL_ :: box_center(3) ! for adaptive qm/mm runs _REAL_ :: adqmmm_first_energy logical :: flag_first_energy = .false. _REAL_ :: xold(3*natom) _REAL_ :: corrected_energy _REAL_ :: kinetic_E_save(2) integer :: aqmmm_flag !========================================================================== call trace_enter( 'runmd' ) ! ----- INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES ----- #ifdef MPI if( master ) then ! If remd, runmd will be called many times, so we dont want to open every ! time. For normal md, mdloop will just be 0. if (mdloop.eq.0) call amopen(7,mdinfo,'U','F',facc) endif #else if( master ) call amopen(7,mdinfo,'U','F','W') #endif vlim = vlimit > small ntcmt = 0 izero = 0 belly = ibelly > 0 lout = .true. loutfm = ioutfm <= 0 nr = nrp nr3 = 3*nr if (icnstph > 1) cphfirst_sol3 = cphfirst_sol * 3 ekmh = 0.d0 aqmmm_flag = 0 #ifdef LES ekmhles = 0.d0 #endif do_list_update=.false. #ifdef MPI if ( mpi_orig ) then istart = 1 iend = natom else istart = iparpt(mytaskid) + 1 iend = iparpt(mytaskid+1) end if #else istart = 1 iend = nr #endif istart3 = 3*istart -2 iend3 = 3*iend #ifdef MPI if( icfe /= 0 ) then allocate( frcti( nr3+3*extra_atoms ), stat = ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) end if #endif ! If NTWPRT.NE.0, only print the atoms up to this value nrx = nr3 if (ntwprt > 0) nrx = ntwprt*3 ! Cleanup the velocity if belly run if(belly) call bellyf(nr,ix(ibellygp),v) !======================================================================= ! Determine system degrees of freedom (for T scaling, reporting) ! Call DEGCNT to get the actual number of degrees of freedom for the ! solute and solvent. This call returns the correct numbers for belly ! simulations and simulations with separate solute/solvent scaling -- dap ! "IDUMAR" is dummy array. Used since this routine was also used w/ GIBBS. #ifdef LES ! return LES and non-LES degrees, ! since separate solvent coupling no longer used ! large changes to degcnt were made ! cnum is now passed (LES copy number of each atom) call degcnt(ibelly,nr,ix(ibellygp),nsolut,nbonh,nbona,0, & ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),ix(iiba),ix(ijba),idumar, & idumar,ntc,idumar,0,0,0, & idumar,rndfp,rndfles,cnum,temp0les) ! RNDFP = # degrees of freedom for solute ! RNDFS = # degrees of freedom for solvent ! RNDF = total number of degrees of freedom. ! RNDFLES = # degrees of freedom for LES groups ! temp0les was init to negative number to signify not to use a LES bath ! just do standard code (meaning use solute/solvent baths) ! any positive (or zero) means to use LES bath with that target ! degcnt returns rndfs or rndfles in the rndfles variable ! depending on whether a LES bath was specified ! do this instead of duplicating call with rndfs or rndfles if (temp0les < 0.d0) then rndfs=rndfles rndfles=0.d0 else rndfs=0.d0 end if if (master .and. relaxing == 0) then write (6,'(a,f8.0)') & "# degrees of freedom in non-LES region: ",rndfp write (6,'(a,f8.0)') & "# degrees of freedom in LES region: ",rndfles end if ! modify RNDFP to reflect NDFMIN (set in mdread) rndfp = rndfp - ndfmin if (temp0les < 0.d0) then rndf = rndfp+rndfs else rndf = rndfp+rndfles end if #else call degcnt(ibelly,nr,ix(ibellygp),nsolut,nbonh,nbona,0, & ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),ix(iiba),ix(ijba),idumar, & idumar,ntc,idumar,0,0,0, & idumar,rndfp,rndfs) ! RNDFP = # degrees of freedom for solute ! RNDFS = # degrees of freedom for solvent ! RNDF = total number of degrees of freedom. #ifdef MPI if (mdloop .eq. 0 .and. master .and. relaxing == 0) then #else if (master .and. relaxing == 0) then #endif write (6,'(a,f8.0)') & "| # of SOLUTE degrees of freedom (RNDFP): ",rndfp write (6,'(a,f8.0)') & "| # of SOLVENT degrees of freedom (RNDFS): ",rndfs end if ! qtw - substract the number of overlapping noshake QM atoms in noshakemask rndfp = rndfp - qmmm_struct%noshake_overlap ! modify RNDFP to reflect NDFMIN (set in mdread) and num_noshake rndfp = rndfp - ndfmin + num_noshake rndf = rndfp+rndfs #ifdef MPI if (mdloop .eq. 0 .and. master .and. relaxing == 0) then #else if (master .and. relaxing == 0) then #endif if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then write (6,'(a,i6)') & "| QMSHAKE_NOSHAKEMASK_OVERLAP = ", qmmm_struct%noshake_overlap endif write (6,'(a,f8.0,a,i6,a,f8.0)') & "| NDFMIN = ",rndfp, " NUM_NOSHAKE = ",num_noshake, " CORRECTED RNDFP = ", rndfp write (6,'(a,f8.0)') & "| TOTAL # of degrees of freedom (RNDF) = ", rndf end if #endif call fix_degree_count(rndf) ! correct for extra points #ifndef LES if(tsgld)then ! number of degrees of freedom in the SGLD part if(isgsta == 1 .and. isgend == nr)then rndfsg=rndf else if(isgsta == 1)then rndfsg=0 else call degcnt(ibelly,nr,ix(ibellygp),isgsta-1,nbonh,nbona,0, & ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),ix(iiba),ix(ijba),idumar, & idumar,ntc,idumar,0,0,0,idumar,rndsg1,rndsg2) rndfsg=rndsg1 endif call degcnt(ibelly,nr,ix(ibellygp),isgend,nbonh,nbona,0, & ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),ix(iiba),ix(ijba),idumar, & idumar,ntc,idumar,0,0,0,idumar,rndsg1,rndsg2) rndfsg=rndsg1-rndfsg endif if(fixcom>0.and.ndfmin==0)then rndf=rndf-3 rndfsg=rndfsg-3 endif endif #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc /=0 ) call sc_degrees_o_freedom(ndfmin) #endif ! End of degrees of freedom stuff !======================================================================= boltz2 = 8.31441d-3 * 0.5d0 pconv = 1.6604345d+04 ! factor to convert the pressure kcal/mole to bar ! ---convert to kcal/mol units boltz2 = boltz2/4.184d0 ! k-sub-B/2 dtx = dt*20.455d+00 dtxinv = 1.0d0 / dtx dt5 = dtx * 0.5d0 pconv = pconv*4.184d0 ! FAC() are #deg freedom * kboltz / 2 ! multiply by T to get expected kinetic energy ! FAC(1) is for total system fac(1) = boltz2*rndf fac(2) = boltz2*rndfp if(rndfp < 0.1d0) fac(2) = 1.d-6 #ifdef LES ! replaced solvent variables with LES ones ! since separate solvent coupling no longer used ! ASSUME SAME COUPLING CONSTANT FOR BOTH BATHS, just different target T ! will also have to accumulate LES and non-LES kinetic energies separately if (temp0les < 0.d0) then fac(3) = boltz2*rndfs if(rndfs < 0.1d0) fac(3) = 1.d-6 else fac(3) = boltz2*rndfles if(rndfles < 0.1d0) fac(3) = 1.d-6 end if #else fac(3) = boltz2*rndfs if(rndfs < 0.1d0) fac(3) = 1.d-6 #endif if ( ipimd==CMD ) then if ( eq_cmd ) then fac(1) = boltz2 * dble( 3*natomCL ) else fac(1) = boltz2 * dble( 3*(natomCL-1) ) endif endif onefac(1) = 1.0d0/fac(1) onefac(2) = 1.0d0/fac(2) onefac(3) = 1.0d0/fac(3) factt = rndf/(rndf+ndfmin) ! these are "desired" kinetic energies based on ! # degrees freedom and target temperature ! they will be used for calculating the velocity scaling factor ekinp0 = fac(2)*temp0 #ifdef LES ! modified for LES temperature ekins0=0.d0 ekinles0=0.d0 if (temp0les < 0.d0) then ekins0 = fac(3) * temp0 ekin0 = fac(1) * temp0 if (master) & write (6,*) "Single temperature bath for LES and non-LES" else ekinles0 = fac(3)*temp0les ekin0 = ekinp0 + ekinles0 if (master) then write (6,*) "LES particles coupled to separate bath" write (6,'(a,f8.2)')" LES target temperature: ",temp0les write (6,'(a,f8.2)')" LES target kinetic energy: ",ekinles0 write (6,'(a,f8.2)')"non-LES target temperature: ",temp0 write (6,'(a,f8.2)')"non-LES target kinetic energy: ",ekinp0 end if end if #else ekins0 = fac(3)*temp0 ekin0 = fac(1)*temp0 #endif #ifdef LES if ( ntt==4 ) call nose_hoover_init_LES(amass,v) #else if ( ntt==4 ) call nose_hoover_init(amass,v) #endif ! LN setup: gammai = gamma_ln/20.455d0 c_implic = 1.d0/(1.d0+gammai*dt5) c_explic = 1.d0 - gammai*dt5 c_ave = 1.d0+gammai*dt5 sdfac = sqrt( 4.d0*gammai*boltz2*temp0/dtx ) #ifdef LES if( temp0les < 0.d0 ) then sdfacles = sqrt( 4.d0*gammai*boltz2*temp0/dtx ) else sdfacles = sqrt( 4.d0*gammai*boltz2*temp0les/dtx ) endif #endif if(tlangv .and. ifbox==0) then call get_position(nr,x,sysx,sysy,sysz,sysrange,0) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc == 1) call sc_mix_position(sysx,sysy,sysz,clambda) #endif end if ! Constant pH setup ! #ifdef MPI if (icnstph /= 0 .and. relaxing == 0 .and. mdloop .eq. 0) & #else if (icnstph /= 0 .and. relaxing == 0) & #endif call cnstphinit(x, ig) if (ntt == 1) dttp = dt/tautp if (ntp > 0) dtcp = comp * 1.0d-06 * dt / taup ! Constant surface tension setup: if (csurften > 0) then ! Set pres0 in direction of surface tension. ! The reference pressure is held constant in on direction dependent ! on what the surface tension direction is set to. if (csurften .eq. 1) then ! pres0 in the x direction pres0x = pres0 else if (csurften .eq. 2) then ! pres0 in the y direction pres0y = pres0 !else if (csurften .eq. 3) then ! pres0 in the z direction else pres0z = pres0 end if ! Multiply surface tension by the number of interfaces gamma_ten_int = dble(ninterface) * gamma_ten end if nrek = 4 nrep = 15 nvalid = 0 nvalidi = 0 nstep = 0 fit = 0.d0 fiti = 0.d0 fit2 = 0.d0 ener = null_state_rec !Zeros all these arrays enert = null_state_rec enert2 = null_state_rec enert_old = null_state_rec enert2_old = null_state_rec edvdl = null_state_rec edvdl_r = null_state_rec ! for PIMD/NMPIMD/CMD/RPMD: totenert = null_state_rec totenert2 = null_state_rec ener%kin%pres_scale_solt = 1.d0 ener%kin%pres_scale_solv = 1.d0 ener%box(1:3) = box(1:3) ener%cmt(1:4) = 0.d0 nitp = 0 nits = 0 !======================================================================= ! ----- MAKE A FIRST DYNAMICS STEP ----- !======================================================================= ! init = 3: general startup if not continuing a previous run if( ipimd.eq.NMPIMD .or. ipimd.eq.CMD) then call trans_pos_cart_to_nmode( x ) end if if( init == 3 ) then if (ntp > 0 .and. iamoeba==0 .and. ipimd==0) then xr(1:nr3) = x(1:nr3) ! ----- CALCULATE THE CENTER OF MASS ENERGY AND THE COORDINATES ! OF THE SUB-MOLECULES WITH RESPECT TO ITS OWN CENTER OF ! MASS ----- call ekcmr(nspm,nsp,tma,ener%cmt,xr,v,amass,1,nr) end if ! ----- CALCULATE THE FORCE ----- npbstep = nstep ! --- set irespa to get full energies calculated on step "0": irespa = 0 iprint = 1 if(ipimd==NMPIMD .or. ipimd==CMD) then call trans_pos_nmode_to_cart(x,cartpos) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,cartpos,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #if defined(MPI) && defined(LES) if ( ievb == 1 .and. i_qi > 0) then call evb_umb ( f, cartpos, real_mass, natom, istart3, iend3 ) ! 03132009 if( i_qi == 2 ) call qi_corrf_les ( cartpos, amass ) if( i_qi == 2 ) call qi_corrf_les ( cartpos, real_mass ) evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif call trans_frc_cart_to_nmode(f) i3 = 3*(istart-1) #if defined(MPI) && defined(LES) if ( ievb /= 0 .and. i_qi == 0 ) then call evb_umb ( f, x, real_mass, natom, istart3, iend3 ) evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif else if ( ilscivr == 1 )then ! prepare the Hessian Matrix of the potential for the LSC-IVR ! at this point, x is the position a bead at equilibrium ! initialize the LSC-IVR variables natom_lsc = natom ndof_lsc = natom * 3 call lsc_init do ilsc = 1, natom_lsc mass_lsc(3*ilsc-2) = amass(ilsc) mass_lsc(3*ilsc-1) = amass(ilsc) mass_lsc(3*ilsc ) = amass(ilsc) end do v2_lsc = 0.0d0 do ilsc = 1, ndof_lsc ! ith vector of the Hesian matrix x_lsc = 0.0d0 x_lsc(1:ndof_lsc) = x(1:ndof_lsc) x_lsc(ilsc) = x(ilsc) + dx_lsc call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x_lsc,f_lsc,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #ifdef MPI call xdist( f_lsc, xx(lfrctmp), natom ) #endif v2_lsc(1:ndof_lsc,ilsc) = f_lsc(1:ndof_lsc) enddo call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #ifdef MPI call xdist(f, xx(lfrctmp), natom) #endif ! 2nd derivative of the potential: do ilsc = 1, ndof_lsc v2_lsc(1:ndof_lsc,ilsc) = & ( f(1:ndof_lsc) - v2_lsc(1:ndof_lsc,ilsc) )/dx_lsc end do ! get the iniital position of the momentum: call lsc_xp(x,v) else ! -- ti decomp if(idecomp > 0) then decpr = .false. if(mod(nstep+1,ntpr) == 0) decpr = .true. end if call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #ifdef MPI if ( ievb /= 0 ) then #ifdef LES call evb_umb_primitive ( f, x, real_mass, natom, istart, iend ) #else call evb_umb_primitive ( f, x, amass, natom, istart, iend ) #endif evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif endif if (icnstph /= 0 .and. relaxing == 0 .and. master) call cnstphwrite() ! This FORCE call does not count as a "step". CALL NMRDCP to decrement ! local NMR step counter and MTMDUNSTEP to decrease the local MTMD step ! counter call nmrdcp call mtmdunstep #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! If softcore potentials are used, collect their dvdl contributions: if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then call mpi_reduce(sc_dvdl, sc_tot_dvdl, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_dvdl=0.0d0 ! zero for next step call mpi_reduce(sc_dvdl_ee, sc_tot_dvdl_ee, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_dvdl_ee=0.0d0 ! zero for next step call mpi_reduce(sc_ener, sc_ener_tmp, ti_ene_cnt, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_ener(1:ti_ene_cnt) = sc_ener_tmp(1:ti_ene_cnt) end if if ( ifsc == 2 ) then ! If this is a perturb to nothing run, scale forces and calculate dvdl call sc_nomix_frc(f,nr3,ener) if( numtasks>1 ) then call mpi_bcast(f,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) call mpi_bcast(ener,state_rec_len,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if if( icfe /= 0 )then ! ---free energies using thermodynamic integration (icfe /= 0) if( master ) then ! --- first, send the forces and energy to your partner: partner = ieor(masterrank,1) call mpi_sendrecv( f, nr3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & frcti, nr3+3*extra_atoms, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & partner, 5, commmaster, ist, ierr ) call mpi_sendrecv( ener, state_rec_len, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & ecopy, state_rec_len, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr) ! exchange sc-dvdl contributions between masters call mpi_sendrecv( sc_tot_dvdl, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, & 5, sc_tot_dvdl_partner, 1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr ) call mpi_sendrecv( sc_tot_dvdl_ee, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, & 5, sc_tot_dvdl_partner_ee, 1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr ) if( masterrank==0 ) then call mix_frcti(frcti,ecopy,f,ener,nr3,clambda,klambda) else call mix_frcti(f,ener,frcti,ecopy,nr3,clambda,klambda) end if end if if( numtasks>1 ) then call mpi_bcast(f,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) call mpi_bcast(ener,state_rec_len,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if #endif /* MPI SOFT CORE */ irespa = 1 ! Reset quantities depending on TEMP0 and TAUTP (which may have been ! changed by MODWT during FORCE call). ! Recalculate target kinetic energies. ekinp0 = fac(2) * temp0 #ifdef LES ! modified for LES temperature, not solvent ekins0 = 0.d0 ekinles0 = 0.d0 if (temp0les < 0.d0) then ekins0 = fac(3) * temp0 ekin0 = fac(1) * temp0 else ekinles0 = fac(3) * temp0les ekin0 = ekinp0 + ekinles0 end if #else ekins0 = fac(3) * temp0 ekin0 = fac(1) * temp0 #endif if (ntt == 1) dttp = dt / tautp if (ntp > 0) then ener%volume = volume ener%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) if( iamoeba == 0 ) then ener%cmt(4) = 0.d0 ener%vir(4) = 0.d0 ener%pres(4) = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 ener%cmt(m) = ener%cmt(m) * 0.5d0 ener%cmt(4) = ener%cmt(4) + ener%cmt(m) ener%vir(4) = ener%vir(4) + ener%vir(m) ener%pres(m) = (pconv+pconv) * (ener%cmt(m)-ener%vir(m)) / volume ener%pres(4) = ener%pres(4) + ener%pres(m) end do ener%pres(4) = ener%pres(4) / 3.d0 end if end if ntnb = 0 i3 = 0 tempsu = 0.0d0 #ifdef LES ! added LES tempsu (actual LES sum of m*v**2 ) tempsules = 0.0d0 #endif eke_cmd = 0.d0 do j = 1,nrp winf = winv(j) * dt5 aamass = amass(j) do m = 1,3 i3 = i3+1 rterm = v(i3)*v(i3) * aamass #ifdef LES if (temp0les < 0.d0) then tempsu = tempsu + rterm if (ipimd.eq.CMD.and.(cnum(j).eq.0.or.cnum(j).eq.1)) then eke_cmd = eke_cmd + aamass*v(i3)*v(i3) endif else if (cnum(j) == 0) then tempsu = tempsu + rterm else tempsules = tempsules + rterm end if end if #else if(ipimd.eq.CMD.and.mybeadid==1) then eke_cmd = eke_cmd + aamass*v(i3)*v(i3) end if tempsu = tempsu + rterm #endif if(ipimd.ne.NMPIMD.and.ipimd.ne.CMD) v(i3) = v(i3) - f(i3) * winf if (vlim) v(i3) = sign(min(abs(v(i3)),vlimit),v(i3)) end do end do #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then call calc_softcore_ekin(amass,v,v,istart,iend) sc_ener(13) = sc_ener(6) + sc_ener(12) end if #endif do im=1,iscale v(nr3+im) = v(nr3+im) - f(nr3+im) * dt5 / scalm tempsu = tempsu + scalm * v(nr3+im)*v(nr3+im) end do ener%kin%solt = tempsu * 0.5d0 #ifdef LES ! added for LES temperature using old solvent variable for ener(4) if (temp0les < 0.d0) then ener%kin%solv = 0.d0 ener%kin%tot = ener%kin%solt ! for CMD: if( ipimd > 0 ) then ener%kin%solv = equal_part + Epot_deriv ! "virial" estimate of KE ener%tot = ener%kin%solv + ener%pot%tot else ener%tot = ener%kin%tot + ener%pot%tot endif if (ipimd.eq.CMD) then ener%kin%tot = eke_cmd*0.5d0 ener%kin%solv = ener%kin%tot endif else ener%kin%solv = tempsules * 0.5d0 ener%kin%tot = ener%kin%solt + ener%kin%solv end if #else ! for better output for parallel PIMD/NMPIM/CMD/RPMD if (ipimd>0) then ener%tot = 0.d0 ener%kin%tot = 0.d0 ener%kin%solt = 0.d0 ener%kin%solv = 0.d0 ener%volume = 0.d0 endif ener%kin%tot = ener%kin%solt ener%tot = ener%kin%tot+ener%pot%tot #endif if(ntt == 1) then #ifdef LES if (temp0les >= 0.d0) then ekmh = max(ener%kin%solt,fac(2)*10.d0) ekmhles = max(ener%kin%solv,fac(3)*10.d0) else ekmh = max(ener%kin%solt,fac(1)*10.d0) end if #else ekmh = max(ener%kin%solt,fac(1)*10.d0) #endif end if ! endif for init=3 check end if ! ( init == 3 ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! init = 4: continuation of a previous trajectory ! this code also done for init=3 ! ! Note: if the last printed energy from the previous trajectory was ! at time "t", then the restrt file has velocities at time ! t + 0.5dt, and coordinates at time t + dt !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ekmh = 0.0d0 #ifdef LES ekmhles = 0.0d0 #endif i3 = 0 do j = 1,nrp aamass = amass(j) do m = 1,3 i3 = i3+1 rterm = v(i3)*v(i3) * aamass # ifdef LES ! use copy number, not solute/solvent if (temp0les < 0.d0) then ! 1 bath ekmh = ekmh + rterm else if (cnum(j) == 0) then ekmh = ekmh + rterm else ekmhles = ekmhles + rterm end if end if # else ekmh = ekmh + rterm # endif end do end do #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then call calc_softcore_ekin(amass,v,v,istart,iend) sc_ener(13) = sc_ener(6) + sc_ener(12) end if #endif do im=1,iscale ekmh = ekmh + scalm*v(nr3+im)*v(nr3+im) end do ekmh = ekmh * 0.5d0 #ifdef LES ekmhles = ekmhles * 0.5d0 #endif do i=1,nr3+iscale vold(i) = v(i) end do if (init == 4) then else !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PRINT THE INITIAL ENERGIES AND TEMPERATURES !------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef RISMSANDER if ( rismprm%irism == 1 .and. rismprm%write_thermo==1 & .and. nstep <= 0 .and. facc /= 'A' .and. relaxing == 0) then if( rism_calc_type(0) == RISM_FULL)& call rism_thermo_calc() end if #endif /*RISMSANDER*/ if (nstep <= 0 .and. master .and. facc /= 'A' .and. relaxing == 0) then if(tsgld)CALL SGENERGY(ener) rewind(7) #ifdef LES if (.not.ipimd.gt.0) & ener%tot = ener%kin%tot+ener%pot%tot #endif /* LES */ call prntmd(nstep,nitp,nits,t,ener,onefac,7,.false.) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener) if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(7, sc_ener) #endif if ( ifcr > 0 .and. crprintcharges > 0 ) then call cr_print_charge( xx(l15), nstep ) end if !--- BEGIN DIPOLE PRINTING CODE --- ! See code further on for comments-explanations call nmlsrc('dipoles',5,prndipfind) if(prndipfind /= 0 ) then write(6,*) '------------------------------- DIPOLE INFO ----------------------------------' write(6,9018) nstep,t read (5,'(a)') prndiptest call rgroup(natom,natc,nres,prndipngrp,ix(i02),ih(m02), & ih(m04),ih(m06),ih(m08),ix(icnstrgp), & jgroup,indx,irespw,npdec, & xx(l60),xx(lcrdr),0,0,0,idecomp,5,.false.) rewind(5) if(prndipngrp > 0) then call printdip(prndipngrp,ix(icnstrgp),xx(lcrd), & xx(l15),xx(linddip),xx(Lmass), natom) end if write(6,*) '----------------------------- END DIPOLE INFO --------------------------------' end if !--- END DIPOLE PRINTING CODE --- if (nmropt > 0) then call nmrptx(6) end if call amflsh(7) end if if (nstlim == 0) return init = 4 end if if(ntp > 0 .and. ipimd > 0 ) then REQUIRE(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD) #ifdef LES call part_setup_cnst_press_pimd(Nkt,tau_vol) #else call full_setup_cnst_press_pimd(Nkt,tau_vol) #endif e2 = 1.0/ (2.0*3.0) e4 = e2 / (4.0*5.0) e6 = e4 / (6.0*7.0) e8 = e6 / (8.0*9.0) x_lnv = log( box(1)*box(2)*box(3) ) / 3 end if ! For CMD. if ( ipimd==CMD ) then if ( .not.eq_cmd ) then ! De-activate thermostat for path-centroid. #ifdef LES do iatom = 1, natom do idim = 1, 3 if ( cnum(iatom)==0 .or. cnum(iatom)==1 ) then activate = .false. else activate = .true. end if call Thermostat_switch(thermo(idim,iatom),activate) enddo enddo if ( .not.restart_cmd ) then ! Scale path-centroid velocity and set total momentum equal to zero. call part_scale_vel_centroid(v,amass,istart,iend) nstep_cmd = 0 t_cmd = 0.d0 else t_cmd = t nstep_cmd = int( t / dt ) end if #else if ( mybeadid.eq.1 ) then activate = .false. else activate = .true. end if do iatom = 1, natom do idim = 1, 3 call Thermostat_switch(thermo(idim,iatom),activate) enddo enddo if ( .not.restart_cmd ) then ! Scale path-centroid velocity and set total momentum equal to zero. call full_scale_vel_centroid(v,amass,istart,iend) nstep_cmd = 0 t_cmd = 0.d0 else nstep_cmd = nstep t_cmd = t end if #endif /* LES */ else nstep_cmd = nstep t_cmd = t end if end if ! ipimd.eq.CMD and adiab_param<1.d0 #ifdef MPI ! If this is a replica run and we are on exchange > 1, restore the ! old ekmh value since it was reset after we left runmd last time. ! DAN ROE: Only for ntt==1?? if (rem>0.and.mdloop>=1) then ! if (master) write(6,'(a,f16.6)') "Resetting ekmh to ",remd_ekmh ! write(50+worldrank,'(a,f16.6)') "Resetting ekmh to ",remd_ekmh ekmh=remd_ekmh endif #endif !======================================================================= ! ----- MAIN LOOP FOR PERFORMING THE DYNAMICS STEP ----- ! (at this point, the coordinates are a half-step "ahead" ! of the velocities; the variable EKMH holds the kinetic ! energy at these "-1/2" velocities, which are stored in ! the array VOLD.) !======================================================================= 260 continue onstep = mod(irespa,nrespa) == 0 ! Constant pH setup if (icnstph /= 0 .and. relaxing == 0) then if (ntnb == 1) then ! rebuild pairlist call cnstphupdatepairs(x) end if if (mod(irespa,ntcnstph) == 0) then if (icnstph .eq. 1) then call cnstphbeginstep(xx(l190)) else call cnstph_explicitmd( xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,winv,amass,f,v,vold, & xr,xc,conp,skip,nsp,tma,erstop,qsetup, & do_list_update ) end if end if end if ! x+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x ! | EVB reactive flux | ! +:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+ ! | Driver for coordinating backward and forward propagation as | ! | well as for enforcing stopping criteria | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------+ #if defined(MPI) if( ievb /= 0 .and. trim( adjustl( evb_dyn) ) == "react_flux" ) then REQUIRE( ipimd.eq.0 .or. ipimd.eq.NMPIMD ) call react_flux ( x, v, f, winv, tempi * factt, dt5, dtx & , nr, nstep, nstlim ) endif #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---Step 1a: do some setup for pressure calculations: !--------------------------------------------------------------- if (ntp > 0 .and. iamoeba == 0 .and. ipimd==0) then ener%cmt(1:3) = 0.d0 xr(1:nr3) = x(1:nr3) ! ----- CALCULATE THE CENTER OF MASS ENERGY AND THE COORDINATES ! OF THE SUB-MOLECULES WITH RESPECT TO ITS OWN CENTER OF ! MASS ----- call timer_start(TIME_EKCMR) call ekcmr(nspm,nsp,tma,ener%cmt,xr,v,amass,istart,iend) #ifdef MPI call trace_mpi('mpi_allreduce', & 3,'MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION',mpi_sum) # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,ener%cmt,3, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) # else call mpi_allreduce(ener%cmt,mpitmp,3, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) ener%cmt(1:3) = mpitmp(1:3) # endif #endif call timer_stop(TIME_EKCMR) end if !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---Step 1b: Get the forces for the current coordinates: !-------------------------------------------------------------- npbstep = nstep iprint = 0 if( nstep == 0 .or. nstep+1 == nstlim ) iprint = 1 #ifdef MPI ! set do_mbar for the force contributions if (ifmbar /= 0) then do_mbar = .false. if ( mod(nstep+1,bar_intervall) == 0) then do_mbar = .true. end if end if #endif if ( ipimd==NMPIMD .or. ipimd==CMD) then call trans_pos_nmode_to_cart(x,cartpos) call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,cartpos,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #if defined(MPI) && defined(LES) if ( ievb == 1 .and. i_qi > 0) then call evb_umb ( f, cartpos, real_mass, natom, istart3, iend3 ) ! 03132009 if( i_qi == 2 ) call qi_corrf_les ( cartpos, amass ) if( i_qi == 2 ) call qi_corrf_les ( cartpos, real_mass ) evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif call trans_frc_cart_to_nmode(f) #if defined(MPI) && defined(LES) if ( ievb /= 0 .and. i_qi == 0 ) then call evb_umb ( f, x, real_mass, natom, istart3, iend3 ) evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif else ! -- ti decomp if(idecomp > 0) then decpr = .false. if(mod(nstep+1,ntpr) == 0) decpr = .true. end if call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) #if defined(MPI) if ( ievb /= 0 ) then #ifdef LES call evb_umb_primitive ( f, x, real_mass, natom, istart, iend ) #else call evb_umb_primitive ( f, x, amass, natom, istart, iend ) #endif evb_nrg(1) = evb_frc%evb_nrg evb_nrg(2) = evb_vel0%evb_nrg if( nbias > 0 ) evb_nrg(3) = sum( evb_bias%nrg_bias(:) ) endif #endif endif ! Constant pH transition evaluation for GB CpHMD (not explicit CpHMD) if ((icnstph == 1) .and. (mod(irespa,ntcnstph) == 0)) then call cnstphendstep(xx(l190), xx(l15), ener%pot%dvdl, temp0, solvph) if (master) call cnstphwrite() end if #ifdef MPI ! If softcore potentials are used, collect their dvdl contributions: if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then call mpi_reduce(sc_dvdl, sc_tot_dvdl, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_dvdl=0.0d0 ! zero for next step call mpi_reduce(sc_dvdl_ee, sc_tot_dvdl_ee, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_dvdl_ee=0.0d0 ! zero for next step call mpi_reduce(sc_ener, sc_ener_tmp, ti_ene_cnt, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_SUM, 0, commsander, ierr) sc_ener(1:ti_ene_cnt) = sc_ener_tmp(1:ti_ene_cnt) end if if ( ifsc == 2 ) then ! If this is a perturb to nothing run, scale forces and calculate dvdl call sc_nomix_frc(f,nr3,ener) if( numtasks>1 ) then call mpi_bcast(f,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) call mpi_bcast(ener,state_rec_len,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if if (ifmbar /=0 .and. do_mbar) then call bar_collect_cont() end if if ( icfe /= 0 )then ! --- free energies using thermodynamic integration (icfe /= 0) ! --- first, send the forces, energy, and virial to your partner: if( master ) then partner = ieor(masterrank,1) call mpi_sendrecv( f, nr3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & frcti, nr3+3*extra_atoms, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr ) call mpi_sendrecv( ener, state_rec_len, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & ecopy, state_rec_len, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr) ! exchange sc-dvdl contributions between masters: call mpi_sendrecv( sc_tot_dvdl, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & sc_tot_dvdl_partner, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr ) call mpi_sendrecv( sc_tot_dvdl_ee, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & sc_tot_dvdl_partner_ee, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, partner, 5, & commmaster, ist, ierr ) ! ---- collect statistics for free energy calculations: if( onstep ) then if( masterrank==0 ) then if( klambda == 1 ) then edvdl = edvdl - ener + ecopy edvdl_r = edvdl_r - ener + ecopy else clfac = klambda*(1.d0 - clambda)**(klambda-1) edvdl = edvdl - (ener - ecopy)*clfac edvdl_r = edvdl_r - (ener - ecopy)*clfac end if else if( klambda == 1 ) then edvdl = edvdl + ener - ecopy edvdl_r = edvdl_r + ener - ecopy else clfac = klambda*(1.d0 - clambda)**(klambda-1) edvdl = edvdl + (ener - ecopy)*clfac edvdl_r = edvdl_r + (ener - ecopy)*clfac end if end if ! This includes the sc-dvdl contribution into the vdw-part ! and potential energy parts of the dvdl-statistics if (ifsc == 1) then call adj_dvdl_stat(edvdl, edvdl_r) end if end if ! Do energy collection for MBAR FEP runs if (ifmbar /= 0 .and. do_mbar) then call calc_mbar_energies(ener%pot%tot, ecopy%pot%tot) end if if( masterrank==0 ) then call mix_frcti(frcti,ecopy,f,ener,nr3,clambda,klambda) else call mix_frcti(f,ener,frcti,ecopy,nr3,clambda,klambda) endif endif if( numtasks>1 ) then call mpi_bcast(f,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) call mpi_bcast(ener,state_rec_len,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if ! ( icfe /= 0 ) #endif /* MPI */ ! Reset quantities depending on TEMP0 and TAUTP (which may have been ! changed by MODWT during FORCE call). ekinp0 = fac(2)*temp0 #ifdef LES ! TEMP0LES may have changed too ekinles0=0.d0 ekins0=0.d0 if (temp0les >= 0.d0) then ekinles0 = fac(3)*temp0les ekin0 = ekinp0 + ekinles0 else ekins0 = fac(3)*temp0 ekin0 = fac(1)*temp0 end if #else ekins0 = fac(3)*temp0 ekin0 = fac(1)*temp0 #endif if (ntt == 1) dttp = dt/tautp ! Pressure coupling: if (ntp > 0.and.ipimd>0) then REQUIRE(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD) centvir=0.0 #ifdef LES do iatom=istart,iend if(cnum(iatom).eq.0.or.cnum(iatom).eq.1) then centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom-2)*f(3*iatom-2) centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom-1)*f(3*iatom-1) centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom )*f(3*iatom) end if end do #else if(mybeadid.eq.1) then do iatom=istart,iend centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom-2)*f(3*iatom-2) centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom-1)*f(3*iatom-1) centvir=centvir-x(3*iatom )*f(3*iatom) end do end if #endif /* LES */ if(iamoeba.eq.1) then atomvir=sum(ener%vir(1:3)) #ifdef MPI # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,centvir,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,atomvir,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) # else call mpi_allreduce(centvir,mpitmp,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) centvir=mpitmp(1) tmp=0.0 call mpi_allreduce(atomvir,tmp,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) atomvir=tmp # endif #endif else #ifdef MPI # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,centvir,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,bnd_vir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,e14vir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) # ifndef LES if (master) & call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,atvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commmaster,ierr) # endif # else call mpi_allreduce(centvir,tmp,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) centvir=tmp tmpvir=0.0 call mpi_allreduce(bnd_vir,tmpvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) bnd_vir=tmpvir # ifndef LES if (master) then tmpvir=0.0 call mpi_allreduce(e14vir,tmpvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commmaster,ierr) e14vir=tmpvir tmpvir=0.0 call mpi_allreduce(atvir,tmpvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commmaster,ierr) atvir=tmpvir endif # else tmpvir=0.0 call mpi_allreduce(e14vir,tmpvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) e14vir=tmpvir # endif # endif call mpi_bcast(atvir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) call mpi_bcast(e14vir,9,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) #endif atomvir=0.0 atomvir=atomvir+atvir(1,1)+bnd_vir(1,1)+e14vir(1,1) atomvir=atomvir+atvir(2,2)+bnd_vir(2,2)+e14vir(2,2) atomvir=atomvir+atvir(3,3)+bnd_vir(3,3)+e14vir(3,3) end if pressure = (Nkt*3.0-centvir-(atomvir-Eimp_virial))/(3.0*volume) f_lnv_p = (pressure-pres0/pconv)*volume*3.0 end if if (ntp > 0) then ener%volume = volume ener%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) if( iamoeba == 0 .and. ipimd==0 ) then ener%cmt(4) = 0.d0 ener%vir(4) = 0.d0 ener%pres(4) = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 ener%cmt(m) = ener%cmt(m)*0.5d0 ener%cmt(4) = ener%cmt(4)+ener%cmt(m) ener%vir(4) = ener%vir(4)+ener%vir(m) ener%pres(m) = (pconv+pconv)*(ener%cmt(m)-ener%vir(m))/volume ener%pres(4) = ener%pres(4)+ener%pres(m) end do ener%pres(4) = ener%pres(4)/3.d0 ! Constant surface tension output: if (csurften > 0) then if (csurften == 1) then ! Surface tension in the x direction ener%surface_ten = & box(1) * (ener%pres(1) - 0.5d0 * (ener%pres(2) + ener%pres(3))) / (ninterface * ten_conv ) !pbc_box(1) / ninterface / ten_conv * (press(1) - 0.5d0 * (press(2) + press(3))) else if (csurften .eq. 2) then ! Surface tension in the y direction ener%surface_ten = & box(2) * (ener%pres(2) - 0.5d0 * (ener%pres(1) + ener%pres(3))) / (ninterface * ten_conv ) !pbc_box(2) / ninterface / ten_conv * (press(2) - 0.5d0 * (press(1) + press(3))) else !else if (csurften .eq. 3) then ! Surface tension in the z direction ener%surface_ten = & box(3) * (ener%pres(3) - 0.5d0 * (ener%pres(1) + ener%pres(2))) / (ninterface * ten_conv ) ! pbc_box(3) / ninterface / ten_conv * (press(3) - 0.5d0 * (press(1) + press(2))) end if end if end if end if #ifdef MPI ! ------====== REMD ======------ ! If rem>0 and mdloop==0, this is the first sander call and we don't want to ! actually do any MD or change the initial coordinates. ! Exit here since we only wanted to get the potential energy for the first ! subrem exchange probability calc. if (rem > 0 .and. mdloop.eq.0) then # ifdef VERBOSE_REMD if (master) write (6,'(a,i3)') & 'REMD: Exiting runmd after getting initial energies for replica',repnum # endif goto 480 ! Go to the end of the runmd loop. endif ! (rem>0 and mdloop==0) ! JMS -- comment out the adaptive QM/MM stuff since it was removed from the ! master branch # if 0 !REB Do adaptive QMMM if ( qmmm_nml%vsolv > 1 ) then ! mix forces for adaptive QM/MM and ! calculate adaptive energy if requested call adaptive_qmmm(nstep,natom,x,xold,f,ener%pot%tot, ntpr, ntwx, & xx, ix, ih, ipairs, qsetup, do_list_update, & corrected_energy, aqmmm_flag) ! ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: ! if (ad_qmmm%calc_wbk) then ! call ad_qmmm_check_matching_partitions() ! if (ad_qmmm%mismatch) then ! call force() ! end if ! call ad_qmmm_energy() ! end if ! test i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend do idim = 1, 3 xold(i3+idim)=x(i3+idim) enddo i3 = i3 + 3 enddo ! test endif # endif /* 0 */ #endif !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---Step 1c: do randomization of velocities, if needed: !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---Assign new random velocities every Vrand steps, if ntt=2 resetvelo=.false. if (vrand /= 0 .and. ntt == 2) then if (mod((nstep+1),vrand) == 0) resetvelo=.true. end if #ifdef MMTSB if ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_temp_rex .and. mmtsb_is_exchanged ) & resetvelo = .true. #endif if (resetvelo) then ! DAN ROE: Why are only the masters doing this? Even if the velocities ! are broadcast to the child processes, the wont the different # of random ! calls put the randomg num generators out of sync, or do we not care? if (master) then write (6,'(a,i8)') 'Setting new random velocities at step ', & nstep + 1 call setvel(nr,v,winv,temp0*factt,init,iscale,scalm) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! Make sure all common atoms have the same v (that of V0) in TI runs: if (icfe /=0 .and. ifsc /=0) call sc_sync_x(v,nr3) #endif #ifdef LES ! newvel call is fixed for the dual target temperatures if (temp0les >= 0.d0.and.temp0 /= temp0les) then vscalt = sqrt (temp0les/temp0) do j=1,natom if(cnum(j) > 0) then i3 = 3*(j-1) v(i3+1) = v(i3+1) * vscalt v(i3+2) = v(i3+2) * vscalt v(i3+3) = v(i3+3) * vscalt endif end do end if #endif if (ibelly > 0) call bellyf(nr,ix(ibellygp),v) end if # ifdef MPI call trace_mpi('mpi_bcast',3*natom,'MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION',0) call mpi_bcast(v, 3*natom, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr) # endif ! At this point in the code, the velocities lag the positions ! by half a timestep. If we intend for the velocities to be drawn ! from a Maxwell distribution at the timepoint where the positions and ! velocities are synchronized, we have to correct these newly ! redrawn velocities by backing them up half a step using the ! current force. ! Note that this fix only works for Newtonian dynamics. if( gammai==0.d0.and.(ipimd.ne.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.ne.CMD)) then i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend wfac = winv(j) * dt5 v(i3+1) = v(i3+1) - f(i3+1)*wfac v(i3+2) = v(i3+2) - f(i3+2)*wfac v(i3+3) = v(i3+3) - f(i3+3)*wfac i3 = i3+3 end do end if end if ! (resetvelo) call timer_start(TIME_VERLET) !----------------------------------------------------- ! ---Step 2: Do the velocity update: !----------------------------------------------------- !step 2a: apply quenched MD if needed. This is useful in NEB>0 if (vv==1) call quench(f,v) ! Car-Parrinello on dipoles: note that the (small?) kinetic energy ! of the dipoles is included in the epol energy ! M_WJ ! if ( induced == 1 .and. indmeth == 3 ) call cp_dips(natom,xx(lpol),xx,dt) if ( induced > 0 .and. indmeth == 3 ) call cp_dips(natom,xx(lpol),xx,dt) ! Nose'-Hoover thermostat (1st step). if ( ntt == 4 ) then Ekin2_tot = 0.d0 i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend wfac = dtx/amass(j) do idim = 1, 3 #ifdef LES if( ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD .and. & (cnum(j).eq.0.or.cnum(j).eq.1) ) then #else if(ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.and.mybeadid.eq.1) then #endif exp1 = exp(-dt5*thermo(idim,j)%v(1)-dt5*v_lnv*c2_lnv) Ekin2_tot = Ekin2_tot + amass(j)*v(i3+idim)*v(i3+idim) else exp1 = exp( -dt5 * thermo(idim,j)%v(1) ) end if exp2 = exp1*exp1 vold(i3+idim)=v(i3+idim) v(i3+idim) = v(i3+idim) * exp2 + f(i3+idim) * wfac * exp1 end do i3 = i3+3 end do if(ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD) then #ifdef MPI # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,Ekin2_tot,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) # else call mpi_allreduce(Ekin2_tot,mpitmp,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,commworld,ierr) Ekin2_tot=mpitmp(1) # endif #endif f_lnv_v = Ekin2_tot*(c2_lnv-1) tmp = exp(-dt5*thermo_lnv%v(1)) v_lnv = tmp*(tmp*v_lnv+dtx*(f_lnv_v+f_lnv_p)/mass_lnv) end if call Thermostat_integrate_1(nchain,thermo,nthermo,dtx,ntp) else if( gammai == 0.d0 ) then ! ---Newtonian dynamics: ! Applying guiding force effect: if(tsgld)then call sgmdw(natom,istart,iend,ntp,dtx,ener,amass,winv,x,f,v) endif i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend wfac = winv(j) * dtx v(i3+1) = v(i3+1) + f(i3+1)*wfac v(i3+2) = v(i3+2) + f(i3+2)*wfac v(i3+3) = v(i3+3) + f(i3+3)*wfac i3 = i3+3 end do else if (tsgld) then ! Using SGLD algorithm: call sgldw(natom,istart,iend,ntp,dtx,temp0,ener,amass,winv,x,f,v) else ! gamma_ln .ne. 0, which also implies ntt=3 (see mdread.f) ! ---simple model for Langevin dynamics, basically taken from ! Loncharich, Brooks and Pastor, Biopolymers 32:523-535 (1992), ! Eq. 11. (Note that the first term on the rhs of Eq. 11b ! should not be there.) ! Update Langevin parameters, since temp0 might have changed: sdfac = sqrt( 4.d0*gammai*boltz2*temp0/dtx ) # ifdef LES sdfacles = sqrt( 4.d0*gammai*boltz2*temp0les/dtx ) # endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc == 1) then call sc_lngdyn(winv,amass,v,f,sdfac,c_explic,c_implic, & istart, iend, nr, dtx) else #endif #ifndef LES if( ipimd.eq.1) then do j=1,(mybeadid-1)*nr call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) end do end if #endif i3 = 3*(istart-1) if (no_ntt3_sync == 1) then !We don't worry about synchronizing the random number stream !across processors. do j=istart,iend wfac = winv(j) * dtx aamass = amass(j) # ifdef LES if (temp0les >= 0 .and. temp0 /= temp0les) then if( cnum(j) == 0 ) then rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic else rsdles = sdfacles*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic endif else rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic endif # else rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic # endif i3 = i3+3 end do else do j=1,nr if( jiend ) then ! In order to generate the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers that ! you would using a single processor you have to go through the atoms ! in order. The unused results are thrown away call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) cycle end if wfac = winv(j) * dtx aamass = amass(j) # ifdef LES if (temp0les >= 0 .and. temp0 /= temp0les) then if( cnum(j) == 0 ) then rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic else rsdles = sdfacles*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsdles, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic endif else rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic endif # else rsd = sdfac*sqrt(aamass) call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+1) = (v(i3+1)*c_explic + (f(i3+1)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+2) = (v(i3+2)*c_explic + (f(i3+2)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic call gauss( 0.d0, rsd, fln ) v(i3+3) = (v(i3+3)*c_explic + (f(i3+3)+fln)*wfac) * c_implic # endif i3 = i3+3 end do end if ! no_ntt3_sync #ifndef LES if( ipimd>0) then do j=mybeadid*nr+1,nbead*nr call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) call gauss( 0.d0, 1.d0, fln ) end do end if #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ end if ! for (ifsc==1) call sc_lngdyn #endif end if ! ( gammai == 0.d0 ) ! Update EMAP rigid domains IF(TEMAP)CALL EMAP_MOVE() ! --- consider vlimit if (vlim.and.ipimd==0) then vmax = 0.0d0 do i=istart3,iend3 vmax = max(vmax,abs(v(i))) v(i) = sign(min(abs(v(i)),vlimit),v(i)) end do ! Only violations on the master node are actually reported ! to avoid both MPI communication and non-master writes. if (vmax > vlimit) then if (master) then write(6,'(a,i6,a,f10.4)') 'vlimit exceeded for step ',nstep, & '; vmax = ',vmax end if end if end if do im=1,iscale v(nr3+im) = (v(nr3+im) + f(nr3+im)*dtx/scalm) end do !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 3: update the positions, putting the "old" positions into F: !------------------------------------------------------------------- # ifdef LES if(ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD) then aa = exp(dt5*v_lnv) arg2 = v_lnv*dt5*v_lnv*dt5 poly = 1.0d0+arg2*(e2+arg2*(e4+arg2*(e6+arg2*e8))) endif i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend if(ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.and.(cnum(j).eq.0.or.cnum(j).eq.1)) then do idim = 1, 3 f(i3+idim)=x(i3+idim) x(i3+idim)=aa*(x(i3+idim)*aa+v(i3+idim)*poly*dtx) enddo else do idim = 1, 3 f(i3+idim) = x(i3+idim) x(i3+idim) = x(i3+idim)+v(i3+idim)*dtx enddo endif i3 = i3 + 3 enddo # else if(ntp>0.and.ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.and.mybeadid==1) then aa = exp(dt5*v_lnv) arg2 = v_lnv*dt5*v_lnv*dt5 poly = 1.0d0+arg2*(e2+arg2*(e4+arg2*(e6+arg2*e8))) do i3=istart3,iend3 f(i3)=x(i3) x(i3)=aa*(x(i3)*aa+v(i3)*poly*dtx) end do else if (relaxing == 0) then do i3 = istart3,iend3 f(i3) = x(i3) x(i3) = x(i3) + v(i3)*dtx end do else do i3 = istart3, iend3 f(i3) = x(i3) if (i3 >= cphfirst_sol3 - 3) & x(i3) = x(i3) + v(i3)*dtx end do end if # endif /* LES */ !Nose'-Hoover thermostat (2nd step). if ( ntt==4 ) then call Thermostat_integrate_2(nchain,thermo,nthermo,dtx,ntp) E_nhc = Thermostat_hamiltonian(nchain,thermo,nthermo) end if do i = 1,iscale f(nr3+i) = x(nr3+i) x(nr3+i) = x(nr3+i)+v(nr3+i)*dtx end do call timer_stop(TIME_VERLET) if (ntc /= 1) then !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 4a: if shake is being used, update the new positions to fix ! the bond lengths. !------------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_start(TIME_SHAKE) if(tsgld)call SGFSHAKE(istart,iend,dtx,amass,x,.false.) qspatial=.false. call shake(nrp,nbonh,nbona,0,ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),ix(ibellygp), & winv,conp,skip,f,x,nitp,belly,ix(iifstwt),ix(noshake), & shkh,qspatial) call quick3(f,x,ix(iifstwr),natom,nres,ix(i02)) if(nitp == 0) then erstop = .true. goto 480 end if ! Including constraint forces in self-guiding force calculation if(tsgld)call SGFSHAKE(istart,iend,dtx,amass,x,.true.) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 4b: Now fix the velocities and calculate KE !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---re-estimate the velocities from differences in positions: if( .not.(ipimd==NMPIMD.and.ipimd==CMD.and.mybeadid.ne.1) ) then v(istart3:iend3) = (x(istart3:iend3)-f(istart3:iend3)) * dtxinv end if call timer_stop(TIME_SHAKE) end if call timer_start(TIME_VERLET) if(ineb>0.and.(mybeadid==1.or.mybeadid==neb_nbead) ) then x(1:3*natom)=f(1:3*natom) ! CARLOS: NEB- remove velocities but ONLY for the end beads so V doesn't ! accumulate if high forces v(1:3*natom)=0.d0 end if if( ntt == 1 .or. onstep ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 4c: get the KE, either for averaging or for Berendsen: !----------------------------------------------------------------- eke = 0.d0 ekph = 0.d0 ekpbs = 0.d0 #ifdef LES ekeles = 0.d0 ekphles = 0.d0 #endif eke_cmd = 0.d0 if (gammai == 0.0d0) then i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend aamass = amass(j) do m = 1,3 i3 = i3+1 #ifdef LES if (temp0les < 0.d0) then eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 ekph = ekph + aamass*v(i3)**2 if(ipimd.eq.CMD.and.(cnum(j).eq.0.or.cnum(j).eq.1)) then eke_cmd = eke_cmd + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 endif else if (cnum(j) == 0) then eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 ekph = ekph + aamass*v(i3)**2 else ekeles = ekeles + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 ekphles = ekphles + aamass*v(i3)**2 end if end if #else eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 if(mybeadid==1) then eke_cmd = eke_cmd + aamass*0.25d0*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 end if ! try pseudo KE from Eq. 4.7b of Pastor, Brooks & Szabo, ! Mol. Phys. 65, 1409-1419 (1988): ekpbs = ekpbs + aamass*v(i3)*vold(i3) ekph = ekph + aamass*v(i3)**2 #endif end do end do else i3 = 3*(istart-1) do j=istart,iend aamass = amass(j) do m = 1,3 i3 = i3+1 #ifdef LES if (temp0les < 0.d0) then eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*c_ave*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 else if (cnum(j) == 0) then eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*c_ave*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 else ekeles = ekeles + aamass*0.25d0*c_ave*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 end if end if #else eke = eke + aamass*0.25d0*c_ave*(v(i3)+vold(i3))**2 #endif end do end do end if ! (if gammai == 0.0d0) #ifdef MPI ! --- sum up the partial kinetic energies: if ( ipimd.eq.CMD ) then call mpi_reduce(eke_cmd,tmp_eke_cmd,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,0,commsander,ierr) eke_cmd = tmp_eke_cmd endif # ifdef LES !if ( ipimd.eq.CMD ) then ! call mpi_reduce(eke_cmd,tmp_eke_cmd,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & ! mpi_sum,0,commsander,ierr) ! eke_cmd = tmp_eke_cmd !endif if ( .not. mpi_orig .and. numtasks > 1 ) then if ( temp0les < 0 ) then mpitmp(1) = eke mpitmp(2) = ekph # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,mpitmp,2, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(1) ekph = mpitmp(2) # else call mpi_allreduce(mpitmp,mpitmp(3),2, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(3) ekph = mpitmp(4) # endif else mpitmp(1) = eke mpitmp(2) = ekph mpitmp(3) = ekeles mpitmp(4) = ekphles # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,mpitmp,4, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(1) ekph = mpitmp(2) ekeles = mpitmp(3) ekphles = mpitmp(4) # else call mpi_allreduce(mpitmp,mpitmp(5),4, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(5) ekph = mpitmp(6) ekeles = mpitmp(7) ekphles = mpitmp(8) # endif endif end if # else if ( .not. mpi_orig .and. numtasks > 1 ) then call trace_mpi('mpi_allreduce', & 1,'MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION',mpi_sum) mpitmp(1) = eke mpitmp(2) = ekph mpitmp(3) = ekpbs # ifdef USE_MPI_IN_PLACE call mpi_allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,mpitmp,3, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(1) ekph = mpitmp(2) ekpbs = mpitmp(3) # else call mpi_allreduce(mpitmp,mpitmp(4),3, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,mpi_sum,commsander,ierr) eke = mpitmp(4) ekph = mpitmp(5) ekpbs = mpitmp(6) # endif end if # endif ! Calculate Ekin of the softcore part of the system if (ifsc /= 0 ) then call calc_softcore_ekin(amass,v,vold,istart,iend) sc_ener(13) = sc_ener(6) + sc_ener(12) end if #endif ! --- all processors handle the "extra" variables: do im=1,iscale eke = eke + scalm*0.25d0*(v(nr3+im)+vold(nr3+im))**2 ekpbs = ekpbs + scalm*v(nr3+im)*vold(nr3+im) ekph = ekph + scalm*v(nr3+im)**2 end do eke = eke * 0.5d0 ekph = ekph * 0.5d0 ekpbs = ekpbs * 0.5d0 #ifdef LES ekeles = ekeles * 0.5d0 ekphles = ekphles * 0.5d0 #endif if( ntt == 1 ) then #ifdef LES if (temp0les < 0.d0) then scaltp = sqrt(1.d0 + 2.d0*dttp*(ekin0-eke)/(ekmh+ekph)) else scaltp = sqrt(1.d0+2.d0*dttp*(ekinp0-eke)/(ekmh+ekph)) scaltles = sqrt(1.d0+2.d0*dttp*(ekinles0-ekeles)/(ekmhles+ekphles)) end if #else ! --- following is from T.E. Cheatham, III and B.R. Brooks, ! Theor. Chem. Acc. 99:279, 1998. scaltp = sqrt(1.d0 + 2.d0*dttp*(ekin0-eke)/(ekmh+ekph)) ! --- following is the "old" (amber7 and before) method: ! scaltpo = sqrt(1.d0 + dttp*(ekin0/ekph - 1.d0)) ! write(6,*) 'scaltp: ',2.d0*dttp*(ekin0-eke)/(ekmh+ekph), & ! dttp*(ekin0/ekmh - 1.d0) ! following line reverts to the "old" behavior: ! scaltp = scaltpo #endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (icfe /= 0) then if (ifsc == 1) then if (master) then ! Linearly combine the scaling factors from both processes ! the combined factor is broadcast to all nodes ! the subroutine also correctly scales the softcore atom v's call mix_temp_scaling(scaltp,clambda,v) end if call mpi_bcast(scaltp,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if #endif do j = istart,iend i3=(j-1)*3+1 #ifdef LES if (temp0les > 0.d0 .and. cnum(j) /= 0 ) then v(i3 ) = v(i3 )*scaltles v(i3+1) = v(i3+1)*scaltles v(i3+2) = v(i3+2)*scaltles else v(i3 ) = v(i3 ) *scaltp v(i3+1) = v(i3+1) *scaltp v(i3+2) = v(i3+2) *scaltp end if #else v(i3 ) = v(i3 ) *scaltp v(i3+1) = v(i3+1) *scaltp v(i3+2) = v(i3+2) *scaltp #endif end do do im=1,iscale v(nr3+im) = v(nr3+im)*scaltp end do end if ! (ntt == 1 ) end if ! ( ntt == 1 .or. onstep; end of step 4c ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 5: several tasks related to dumping of trajectory information !----------------------------------------------------------------- itdump = .false. ! Write coordinates this step? ivdump = .false. ! Write velocities this step? ixdump = .false. ! Write restart this step? ivscm = .false. ! Do com removal this step? #ifdef RISMSANDER irismdump = .false. ! Write RISM files this step? #endif ! --- Determine if trajectory, velocity, or restart ! writing is imminent, or if the center of mass ! motion will be removed. ! These require xdist of velocities or dipoles in parallel runs: ! ! Modified so that when running REMD, writing can occur less often ! than exchanges (e.g. ntwx > nstlim) ! DAN ROE: Added two new variables, total_nstep and total_nstlim. ! For non-REMD runs, total_nstep=nstep+1 and total_nstlim=nstlim ! just like before. ! For REMD runs, total_nstep=(mdloop-1)*nstlim+nstep+1, where ! mdloop is the current exchange - this is the current ! replica exchange MD step. total_nstlim=numexchg*nstlim, which is ! the maximum number of REMD steps. total_nstep=nstep+1 total_nstlim=nstlim #ifdef MPI if (rem>0) then total_nstep=(mdloop-1)*nstlim+nstep+1 total_nstlim=nstlim*numexchg endif #endif if (ntwx>0) itdump = mod(total_nstep,ntwx) == 0 ! Trajectory coords if (ntwv>0) ivdump = mod(total_nstep,ntwv) == 0 ! Velocity if( ntwr /= 0 ) then if ( mod(total_nstep, ntwr ) == 0 ) ixdump = .true. ! Restart endif if( total_nstep >= total_nstlim ) ixdump = .true. ! Final restart if ( nscm > 0 ) then if( mod(total_nstep,nscm) == 0 ) ivscm =.true. ! C.o.M. removal end if if (ntwv == -1 .and. itdump) ivdump = .true. !Combined crdvel file #ifdef MPI ! adaptive QM/MM via multisander ! all groups have identical coords and velocities ! only master of first group needs to dump results ! We have to leave the dump values for all threads in the group, though ! since for dumping the coords, these are broadcast within the group ! (see call to xdist() below) if ( qmmm_nml%vsolv > 1 ) then if ( nodeid /= 0 ) then ixdump = .false. itdump = .false. ivdump = .false. end if end if #endif #ifdef RISMSANDER if(rismprm%irism ==1)then if(rismprm%ntwrism > 0 )then irismdump = mod(nstep+1,rismprm%ntwrism) == 0 if( nstep+1 >= nstlim ) then !! do we want to do this? irismdump = .true. end if end if end if #endif #ifdef MPI !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- now distribute the coordinates, and if necessary, dipoles and vel: !----------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_barrier( commsander ) call timer_stop_start(TIME_VERLET,TIME_DISTCRD) if ( .not. mpi_orig .and. numtasks > 1 ) then call xdist(x, xx(lfrctmp), natom) end if ! dac/knut change: force the coordinates to be the same on both masters. ! For certain compilers, addition may not be strictly commutative, so ! the forces on group 0 may be different by roundoff from the forces on ! group 1. This can lead to divergent trajectories. The interval at ! which they are resynchronized is hard-wired here to 20, which seems to ! work fine in our tests. if( icfe /= 0 .and. mod(nstep+1,20) == 0 ) then ! In dual-topology this is done within softcore.f if (ifsc /= 1) then if( master ) call mpi_bcast(x,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0,commmaster,ierr) else if( master ) call sc_sync_x(x,nr3) end if if( numtasks>1 ) call mpi_bcast(x,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0,commsander,ierr) end if call timer_stop(TIME_DISTCRD) #endif /* MPI */ ! ----fix lone pair positions: if( numextra > 0 )call local_to_global(x,xx,ix) #ifdef MPI if ( .not. mpi_orig .and. numtasks > 1 ) then call timer_start(TIME_DISTCRD) ! ---Here we provide every processor a full copy of the velocities ! for removal of center of mass motion, or for archiving. ! (Note: this is actually over-kill: for example, only the master ! node really needs the velocities for archiving. But the extra ! overhead of doing it this way is probably small in most cases.) if( ivdump .or. ivscm .or. ixdump) then call xdist(v, xx(lfrctmp), natom) endif ! M-WJ ! if( ixdump .and. (induced == 1 .and. indmeth == 3 ) )then if( ixdump .and. (induced > 0 .and. indmeth == 3 ) )then ! call xdist(xx(ldipvel), xx(lfrctmp), natom) call xdist(xx(linddip), xx(lfrctmp), natom) end if call timer_stop(TIME_DISTCRD) end if call timer_start(TIME_VERLET) ! ========================= END AMBER/MPI ========================= #endif /* MPI */ !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 6: zero COM velocity if requested; used for preventing ! ewald "block of ice flying thru space" phenomenon, or accumulation ! of rotational momentum in vacuum simulations !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ivscm) then if (mod(nstep,nsnb) == 0) ntnb = 1 if( ifbox == 0 ) then if(tlangv)then ! Get current center of the system call get_position(nr,x,vcmx,vcmy,vcmz,sysrange,0) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc == 1) call sc_mix_position(vcmx,vcmy,vcmz,clambda) #endif ! Center the system to the original center call re_position(nr,ntr,x,xc, & vcmx,vcmy,vcmz,sysx,sysy,sysz,sysrange,mv_flag,0) else ! ---Non-periodic simulation: remove both translation and rotation. ! Back the coords up 1/2 step, so that the correspond to the ! velocities; temporarily store in the F() array: f(1:nr3) = x(1:nr3) - v(1:nr3)*dt5 ! --- now compute the com motion, remove it, and recompute (just ! to check that it is really gone.....) call cenmas(nr,f,v,amass,ekcm,xcm,vcm,acm,ekrot,ocm,4) call stopcm(nr,f,v,xcm,vcm,ocm, .true.) call cenmas(nr,f,v,amass,ekcm,xcm,vcm,acm,ekrot,ocm,4) endif else if(.not.tlangv)then ! ---Periodic simulation: just remove the translational velocity: vcmx = 0.d0 vcmy = 0.d0 vcmz = 0.d0 j = 1 do i = 1, 3*natom,3 aamass = amass(j) vcmx = vcmx + aamass * v(i) vcmy = vcmy + aamass * v(i+1) vcmz = vcmz + aamass * v(i+2) j = j + 1 end do vcmx = vcmx * tmassinv vcmy = vcmy * tmassinv vcmz = vcmz * tmassinv vel2 = vcmx*vcmx + vcmy*vcmy + vcmz*vcmz atempdrop = 0.5d0 * tmass * vel2 * onefac(1) !onefac(1) = 1.0d0/fac(1) vel = sqrt(vel2) if ( master ) write (6,'(a,f15.6,f9.2,a)') & 'check COM velocity, temp: ',vel,atempdrop, '(Removed)' do i = 1, 3*natom, 3 v(i) = v(i) - vcmx v(i+1) = v(i+1) - vcmy v(i+2) = v(i+2) - vcmz end do #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (icfe==1) then if (ifsc==1) then if (master) then call sc_mix_velocities(v,nr3,clambda) end if call mpi_bcast(v,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) end if end if #endif end if ! ( tlangv ) end if ! ( ifbox == 0 ) end if ! (ivscm) ! Also zero out the non-moving velocities if a belly is active: if (belly) call bellyf(nr,ix(ibellygp),v) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- put current velocities into VOLD !----------------------------------------------------------------- vold(istart3:iend3) = v(istart3:iend3) do im=1,iscale vold(nr3+im) = v(nr3+im) end do !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 7: scale coordinates if constant pressure run: !------------------------------------------------------------------- if( ntp > 0 .and. ipimd > 0) then x_lnv_old = x_lnv x_lnv = x_lnv_old + v_lnv * dtx rmu(1:3) = exp( ( x_lnv - x_lnv_old ) ) box(1:3) = box(1:3) * rmu(1:3) volume = box(1) * box(2) * box(3) ener%box(1:3) = box(1:3) ! only for NMPIMD in sander.LES ! (in sander.MPI volume, pressure and density printed in pimdout) #ifdef LES ener%volume = volume #else ener%volume = 0. totener%volume = volume #endif call redo_ucell(rmu) call fill_tranvec() call ew_pscale(natom,x,amass,nspm,nsp,2) end if if( iamoeba == 0 ) then ! ntp = 1, isotropic pressure coupling if (ntp == 1) then rmu(1) = (1.d0-dtcp*(pres0-ener%pres(4)))**third rmu(2) = rmu(1) rmu(3) = rmu(1) ! ntp = 2, anisotropic pressure scaling else if (ntp == 2) then if (csurften > 0) then ! Constant surface tension adjusts the tangential pressures ! See Zhang, Feller, Brooks, Pastor. J. Chem. Phys. 1995 if (csurften == 1) then ! For surface tension in the x direction pres0y = pres0x - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(1) pres0z = pres0y else if (csurften == 2) then ! For surface tension in the y direction pres0x = pres0y - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(2) pres0z = pres0x !else if (csurften == 3) then ! For surface tension in the z !direction else pres0x = pres0z - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(3) pres0y = pres0x end if rmu(1) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0x - ener%pres(1)))**third rmu(2) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0y - ener%pres(2)))**third rmu(3) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0z - ener%pres(3)))**third else rmu(1) = (1.d0-dtcp*(pres0-ener%pres(1)))**third rmu(2) = (1.d0-dtcp*(pres0-ener%pres(2)))**third rmu(3) = (1.d0-dtcp*(pres0-ener%pres(3)))**third end if ! ntp = 3, semiisotropic pressure coupling ! (currently only for csurften>0, constant surface tension) !else if (ntp > 2) then else if (csurften > 0) then if (csurften == 1) then ! For surface tension in the x direction pres0y = pres0x - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(1) pres0z = pres0y press_tan_ave = (ener%pres(2) + ener%pres(3))/2 rmu(1) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0x - ener%pres(1)))**third rmu(2) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0y - press_tan_ave))**third rmu(3) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0z - press_tan_ave))**third else if (csurften == 2) then ! For surface tension in the y direction pres0x = pres0y - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(2) pres0z = pres0x press_tan_ave = (ener%pres(1) + ener%pres(3))/2 rmu(1) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0x - press_tan_ave))**third rmu(2) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0y - ener%pres(2)))**third rmu(3) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0z - press_tan_ave))**third !else if (csurften == 3) then ! For surface tension in the z !direction else pres0x = pres0z - gamma_ten_int * ten_conv / box(3) pres0y = pres0x press_tan_ave = (ener%pres(1) + ener%pres(2))/2 rmu(1) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0x - press_tan_ave))**third rmu(2) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0y - press_tan_ave))**third rmu(3) = (1.d0 - dtcp * (pres0z - ener%pres(3)))**third end if end if ! Add semiisotropic pressure scaling in any direction with no constant ! surface tension here end if if (ntp > 0) then box(1:3) = box(1:3)*rmu(1:3) ener%box(1:3) = box(1:3) ! WARNING!! This is not correct for non-orthogonal boxes if ! NTP > 1 (i.e. non-isotropic scaling). Currently general cell ! updates which allow cell angles to change are not implemented. ! The viral tensor computed for ewald is the general Nose Klein, ! however the cell response needs a more general treatment. call redo_ucell(rmu) ! keep tranvec up to date, rather than recomputing each MD step. call fill_tranvec() ! tranvec is dependent on only ucell #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! if softcore potentials and the dual topology approach are used ! C.O.M. scaling has to be changed to account for different masses ! of the same molecule in V0 and V1. This is quite inefficient and is ! therefore done in a separate routine in softcore.f ! only both masters actually do the computation for ifsc==1 ! the scaled coordinates are then broadcast to the nodes if (icfe /= 0 .and. ifsc == 1) then if (master) then call sc_pscale(natom,x,amass,nspm,nsp,oldrecip,ucell) end if call mpi_bcast(x,nr3,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,commsander,ierr) else #endif call ew_pscale(natom,x,amass,nspm,nsp,npscal) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ end if #endif if (ntr > 0 .and. nrc > 0) & call ew_pscale(natom,xc,amass,nspm,nsp,npscal) endif if (ipimd==NMPIMD.and.ntp>0) then ener%cmt(4) = 0.d0 ener%vir(4) = 0.d0 ener%pres(4) = pressure*pconv endif else if (ntp>0) then if (ipimd==0) then ! for classical AMOEBA ener%cmt(4) = eke ! for printing in prntmd() ener%vir(4) = ener%vir(1) + ener%vir(2) + ener%vir(3) ener%pres(4) = (pressure_constant/volume)*(2.d0*eke - ener%vir(4)) / 3.d0 elseif (ipimd==NMPIMD) then ! for NMPIMD AMOEBA ener%cmt(4) = 0.d0 ener%vir(4) = 0.d0 ener%pres(4) = pressure*pconv endif call AM_RUNMD_scale_cell(natom,ener%pres(4),dt,pres0,taup,x) call fill_tranvec() end if end if #ifdef LES ener%kin%solt = eke ener%kin%solv = ekeles ener%kin%tot = ener%kin%solt + ener%kin%solv if (ntt == 1 .and. onstep) then if ( temp0les < 0 ) then ekmh = max(ekph,fac(1)*10.d0) else ekmh = max(ekph,fac(2)*10.d0) ekmhles = max(ekphles,fac(3)*10.d0) endif end if if( ipimd > 0 ) then ener%kin%solv = equal_part + Epot_deriv ! "virial" estimate of KE ener%tot = ener%kin%solv + ener%pot%tot endif #else if( ipimd > 0 ) then ! use a "virial" estimator for the KE, rather than one derived from the ! bead velocities: totener%kin%solv = equal_part + Epot_deriv else ener%kin%solv = ekpbs + ener%pot%tot ! Pastor, Brooks, Szabo conserved quantity ! for harmonic oscillator: Eq. 4.7b of Mol. ! Phys. 65:1409-1419, 1988 endif ener%kin%solt = eke ener%kin%tot = ener%kin%solt if (ntt == 1 .and. onstep) then ekmh = max(ekph,fac(1)*10.d0) end if #endif ! ---if velocities were reset, the KE is not accurate; fudge it ! here to keep the same total energy as on the previous step. ! Note that this only affects printout and averages for Etot ! and KE -- it has no effect on the trajectory, or on any averages ! of potential energy terms. if( resetvelo ) ener%kin%tot = etot_save - ener%pot%tot ! --- total energy is sum of KE + PE: if( ipimd > 0 ) then totener%tot = totener%kin%solv + totener%pot%tot etot_save = totener%kin%tot + totener%pot%tot if (ipimd==CMD) then etot_cmd = eke_cmd*0.5 + ener%pot%tot totener%tot= etot_cmd ener%tot = etot_cmd ener%kin%tot = eke_cmd*0.5 ener%kin%solv = ener%kin%tot endif else ener%tot = ener%kin%tot + ener%pot%tot etot_save = ener%tot end if !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 8: update the step counter and the integration time: !------------------------------------------------------------------- nstep = nstep+1 t = t+dt !For CMD if ( ipimd==CMD ) then nstep_cmd = nstep_cmd + 1 t_cmd = t_cmd + dt end if ! ---full energies are only calculated every nrespa steps ! nvalid is the number of steps where all energies are calculated if ( (onstep .and. relaxing == 0) .or. (aqmmm_flag > 0))then nvalid = nvalid + 1 enert = enert + ener enert2 = enert2 + (ener*ener) #ifdef MPI if( ievb /= 0 ) then evb_nrg_ave(:) = evb_nrg_ave(:) + evb_nrg(:) evb_nrg_rms(:) = evb_nrg_rms(:) + evb_nrg(:)**2 endif if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then sc_ener_ave(1:ti_ene_cnt) = sc_ener_ave(1:ti_ene_cnt) + sc_ener(1:ti_ene_cnt) sc_ener_rms(1:ti_ene_cnt) = sc_ener_rms(1:ti_ene_cnt) + sc_ener(1:ti_ene_cnt)**2 end if #endif if( nvalid == 1 ) etot_start = ener%tot #ifndef LES if ( ipimd>0 .or. ineb>0 ) then # ifdef MPI if (master) call mpi_reduce(ener%kin%tot,totener%kin%tot,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & mpi_sum,0,commmaster,ierr) # endif endif ! Passing of dvdl=dV/dl for TI w.r.t. mass ! Note that ener(39) (in runmd and mix_frcti) = ! = ener(17) = ene(21) (in force). All denote dvdl. ! Note, ener() is now historical, MJW Feb 2010 if (ipimd>0 .and. itimass>0) totener%pot%dvdl = ener%pot%dvdl if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.and.ntp>0) then totener%pres(4) = pressure * pconv totener%density = tmass / (0.602204d0*volume) endif if(ipimd.eq.CMD) then totener%kin%tot = eke_cmd*0.5d0 totener%kin%solv = totener%kin%tot totener%tot = totener%kin%tot + totener%pot%tot endif totenert = totenert + totener totenert2 = totenert2 + (totener*totener) #endif /* LES */ kinetic_E_save(2) = kinetic_E_save(1) kinetic_E_save(1) = ener%kin%tot end if ! added for rbornstat !!FIX: TL - do we need to put in rismnrespa here? if (mod(irespa,nrespai) == 0 .or. irespa < 2) nvalidi = nvalidi + 1 ntnb = 0 if (mod(nstep,nsnb) == 0) ntnb = 1 ! Since nstep has been incremented, total_nstep is now equal to ! (mdloop-1)*nstlim+nstep for REMD and nstep for MD. lout = mod(total_nstep,ntpr) == 0 .and. onstep irespa = irespa + 1 ! reset pb-related flags #ifdef MPI if(mytaskid == 0)then #endif if ( igb == 10 .or. ipb /= 0 ) then if ( mod(nstep,npbgrid) == 0 .and. nstep /= nstlim ) pbgrid = .true. if ( mod(nstep,ntpr) == 0 .or. nstep == nstlim ) pbprint = .true. if ( mod(nstep,nsnbr) == 0 .and. nstep /= nstlim ) ntnbr = 1 if ( mod(nstep,nsnba) == 0 .and. nstep /= nstlim ) ntnba = 1 end if #ifdef MPI endif #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Step 9: output from this step if required: !------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef RISMSANDER !some 3D-RISM files require all processes to participate in output !due to the distributed memory ! RISM archive: if(rismprm%irism==1)then if(irismdump)& call rism_writeSolvDistF(rism_3d,nstep) if(rism_calc_type(nstep) == RISM_FULL .and. rismprm%write_thermo==1 & .and. lout)& call rism_thermo_calc() endif #endif ! ...only the master needs to do the output if (ixdump) then if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call trans_pos_nmode_to_cart(x,cartpos) call trans_vel_nmode_to_cart(v,cartvel) endif endif if (itdump) then if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call trans_pos_nmode_to_cart(x,cartpos) endif !AMD Flush amdlog file if(iamd.gt.0)then # ifdef MPI if (worldrank.eq.0) & # endif call write_amd_weights(ntwx,total_nstep) end if endif if (ivdump) then if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call trans_vel_nmode_to_cart(v,cartvel) endif endif if (master) then ! -- restrt: if (ixdump) then ! NOTE - This assumes that if numextra > 0, then velocities are ! found in the array v... if (numextra > 0) call zero_extra_pnts_vec(v,ix) if( iwrap == 0 ) then nr = nrp #ifdef LES if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & cartpos,cartvel,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) else call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & x,v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0les) endif #else if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & cartpos,cartvel,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) else call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & x,v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) endif #endif else if (iwrap == 1) then ! --- use temp. array to hold coords. so that the master's values ! are always identical to those on all other nodes: call get_stack(l_temp,nr3,routine) if(.not. rstack_ok)then deallocate(r_stack) allocate(r_stack(1:lastrst),stat=alloc_ier) call reassign_rstack(routine) endif REQUIRE(rstack_ok) if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then do iatom=1,natom do m=1,3 r_stack(l_temp+3*(iatom-1)+m-1)=cartpos(m,iatom) end do end do else do m=1,nr3 r_stack(l_temp+m-1) = x(m) end do end if call wrap_molecules(nspm,nsp,r_stack(l_temp)) if(ifbox == 2) call wrap_to(nspm,nsp,r_stack(l_temp),box) nr = nrp #ifdef LES call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & r_stack(l_temp),v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0les) #else call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & r_stack(l_temp),v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) #endif call free_stack(l_temp,routine) else if (iwrap == 2) then ! GMS ------------------------------------------ ! We are wrapping around a pre-determined mask ! Need to center it on the mask COM first, then ! wrap it normally as it happens on the iwrap=1 ! case. ! GMS ------------------------------------------ call get_stack(l_temp,nr3,routine) if(.not. rstack_ok)then deallocate(r_stack) allocate(r_stack(1:lastrst),stat=alloc_ier) call reassign_rstack(routine) endif REQUIRE(rstack_ok) if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then do iatom=1,natom do m=1,3 r_stack(l_temp+3*(iatom-1)+m-1)=cartpos(m,iatom) end do end do else do m=1,nr3 r_stack(l_temp+m-1) = x(m) end do end if nr = nrp ! Now, wrap the coordinates around the iwrap_mask: call iwrap2(n_iwrap_mask_atoms,iwrap_mask_atoms,r_stack(l_temp), & box_center) #ifdef LES call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & r_stack(l_temp),v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0les) #else call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, & r_stack(l_temp),v,xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) #endif call free_stack(l_temp,routine) end if ! ( iwrap == 0 ) ! M-WJ ! if( igb == 0 .and. induced == 1 .and. indmeth == 3) & if( igb == 0 .and. ipb == 0 .and. induced > 0 .and. indmeth == 3) & ! call wrt_dips(xx(linddip),xx(ldipvel),nr,t,title) if (icnstph /= 0) then call cnstphwriterestart(chrgdat) end if end if ! (ixdump) ! -- Coordinate archive: ! For formatted writes and replica exchange, write out a header line. if (itdump) then #ifdef MPI ! Write out current replica#, exchange#, step#, and mytargettemp ! If mdloop==0 this is a normal md run (since REMD never calls corpac ! when mdloop==0) and we don't want the REMD header. ! total_nstep is set in step 5. if (mdloop>0.and.loutfm) then if (trxsgld) then write (MDCRD_UNIT,'(a,4(1x,i8))') "RXSGLD ", repnum, mdloop, & total_nstep, stagid else write (MDCRD_UNIT,'(a,3(1x,i8),1x,f8.3)') "REMD ", repnum, mdloop, & total_nstep, mytargettemp endif endif #endif if( iwrap == 0 ) then if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call corpac(cartpos,1,nrx,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) else call corpac(x,1,nrx,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) endif if(ntb > 0) call corpac(box,1,3,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) else if (iwrap == 1) then call get_stack(l_temp,nr3,routine) if(.not. rstack_ok)then deallocate(r_stack) allocate(r_stack(1:lastrst),stat=alloc_ier) call reassign_rstack(routine) endif REQUIRE(rstack_ok) if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then do iatom=1,natom do m=1,3 r_stack(l_temp+3*(iatom-1)+m-1) = cartpos(m,iatom) end do end do else do m=1,nr3 r_stack(l_temp+m-1) = x(m) end do endif call wrap_molecules(nspm,nsp,r_stack(l_temp)) if (ifbox == 2) call wrap_to(nspm,nsp,r_stack(l_temp),box) call corpac(r_stack(l_temp),1,nrx,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) call corpac(box,1,3,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) call free_stack(l_temp,routine) else if (iwrap == 2) then ! GMS ------------------------------------------ ! We are wrapping around a pre-determined mask ! Need to center it on the mask COM first, then ! wrap it normally as it happens on the iwrap=1 ! case. ! GMS ------------------------------------------ call get_stack(l_temp,nr3,routine) if(.not. rstack_ok)then deallocate(r_stack) allocate(r_stack(1:lastrst),stat=alloc_ier) call reassign_rstack(routine) endif REQUIRE(rstack_ok) if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then do iatom=1,natom do m=1,3 r_stack(l_temp+3*(iatom-1)+m-1) = cartpos(m,iatom) end do end do else do m=1,nr3 r_stack(l_temp+m-1) = x(m) end do endif call iwrap2(n_iwrap_mask_atoms,iwrap_mask_atoms, r_stack(l_temp), & box_center) call corpac(r_stack(l_temp),1,nrx,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) call corpac(box,1,3,MDCRD_UNIT,loutfm) call free_stack(l_temp,routine) end if ! if (iwrap == 0) ... !GMS: If using variable QM solvent, try to write a new pdb file ! with the QM coordinates for this step. This is done here ! to keep the PDB file in sync with the mdcrd file, which ! makes it easier to check later. if (qmmm_nml%vsolv > 0 .and. qmmm_nml%verbosity == 0) & call qm_print_coords(nstep,.false.) end if ! (itdump) ! Velocity archive: if (ivdump) then ! NOTE - This assumes that if numextra > 0, then velocities are ! found in the array v... if (numextra > 0) call zero_extra_pnts_vec(v,ix) #ifdef MPI ! Write out current replica#, exchange#, step#, and mytargettemp ! If mdloop==0 this is a normal md run (since REMD never calls corpac ! when mdloop==0) and we don't want the REMD header. if (mdloop>0.and.loutfm) then if (trxsgld) then write (MDVEL_UNIT,'(a,4(1x,i8))') "RXSGLD ", repnum, mdloop, & total_nstep, stagid else write (MDVEL_UNIT,'(a,3(1x,i8),1x,f8.3)') "REMD ", repnum, mdloop, & total_nstep, mytargettemp endif endif #endif if(ipimd.eq.NMPIMD.or.ipimd.eq.CMD) then call corpac(cartvel,1,nrx,MDVEL_UNIT,loutfm) else call corpac(v,1,nrx,MDVEL_UNIT,loutfm) endif end if ! Energy archive: ! (total_nstep set in Step 5.) if (ntwe > 0) then if (mod(total_nstep,ntwe) == 0.and.onstep) & call mdeng(15,nstep,t,ener,onefac,ntp,csurften) end if if (ioutfm > 0) then if (itdump) call end_binary_frame(MDCRD_UNIT) if (ivdump .and. ntwv>0 ) call end_binary_frame(MDVEL_UNIT) end if #ifdef MPI if( ievb /= 0 ) call out_evb ( nstep ) #endif ! General printed output: if (lout) then if (facc /= 'A') rewind(7) #ifdef LES ! Conserved quantity for Nose'-Hoover thermostat. if (ipimd>0.and.ntt==4) then Econserved = ener%kin%tot + ener%pot%tot + E_nhc Econserved = Econserved + Epot_spring if( ntp>0 ) Econserved = Econserved + pres0 / pconv * volume write(file_nhc,'(I10,F14.4)') nstep, Econserved endif if ( ipimd.eq.CMD ) then ener%kin%tot = eke_cmd*0.5d0 ener%kin%solv = ener%kin%tot ener%tot = ener%kin%tot + ener%pot%tot end if #else if ( ipimd>0 ) then ener%tot = 0.d0 ener%kin%tot = 0.d0 ! Conserved quantity for Nose'-Hoover thermostat. if ( ntt==4 ) then Econserved = totener%kin%tot + totener%pot%tot + E_nhc Econserved = Econserved + Epot_spring if ( ntp>0 ) Econserved=Econserved+pres0/pconv*volume # ifdef MPI if ( worldrank.eq.0 ) & # endif write(file_nhc,'(I10,F14.4)') nstep, Econserved endif # ifdef MPI if(worldrank.eq.0) & # endif call pimd_report(nstep,t,pimd_unit,totener,onefac) end if #endif /* LES */ call prntmd(total_nstep,nitp,nits,t,ener,onefac,7,.false.) # ifdef MPI ! print corrected energy for adaptive qm/mm runs if ( qmmm_nml%vsolv > 1 ) then if ( masterrank == 0 ) then if (aqmmm_flag > 0 .and. nstep-1 > aqmmm_flag) then ! print total energy for adaptive qm/mm into a separate file ! when qmmm_vsolv%verbosity > 0 if (qmmm_vsolv%verbosity > 0) then if (.not. flag_first_energy) then flag_first_energy = .true. adqmmm_first_energy = corrected_energy+kinetic_E_save(aqmmm_flag) endif if (flag_first_energy) then open(80,file='adqmmm_tot_energy.dat',position='append') write(80,'(i9,5x,f10.3)')nstep-aqmmm_flag+1, & corrected_energy+kinetic_E_save(aqmmm_flag)-adqmmm_first_energy close(80) end if end if write(6,'(a,i9)')'Adaptive QM/MM energies at step', & nstep - aqmmm_flag + 1 write(6,'(a,f20.5)')'Adaptive QM/MM : E_tot_corr =', & corrected_energy + kinetic_E_save(aqmmm_flag) write(6,'(a,f20.5)')'Adaptive QM/MM : E_pot_corr =', & corrected_energy end if end if end if # endif #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener) if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(7, sc_ener) #endif if ( ifcr > 0 .and. crprintcharges > 0 ) then call cr_print_charge( xx(l15), total_nstep ) end if ! Output for CMD. #ifdef LES if (ipimd.eq.CMD) then ncmd = 0 do iatom = 1, natom if ( cnum(iatom)==0 .or. cnum(iatom)==1 ) then xcmd(ncmd+1) = x(3*iatom-2) xcmd(ncmd+2) = x(3*iatom-1) xcmd(ncmd+3) = x(3*iatom) vcmd(ncmd+1) = v(3*iatom-2) vcmd(ncmd+2) = v(3*iatom-1) vcmd(ncmd+3) = v(3*iatom) ncmd = ncmd+3 endif enddo write(file_pos_cmd,'(10f8.3)') xcmd(1:ncmd) write(file_vel_cmd,'(10f8.3)') vcmd(1:ncmd) write(file_pos_cmd,'(10f8.3)') box(1:3) eke_cmd = eke_cmd * 0.5d0 etot_cmd = eke_cmd + ener%pot%tot if (eq_cmd) then temp_cmd = eke_cmd/boltz2/dble(3*natomCL) else temp_cmd = eke_cmd/boltz2/dble(3*(natomCL-1)) endif endif #else if (ipimd.eq.CMD.and.mybeadid.eq.1) then write(file_pos_cmd,'(10f8.3)') x(1:3*natom) write(file_vel_cmd,'(10f8.3)') v(1:3*natom) write(file_pos_cmd,'(10f8.3)') box(1:3) eke_cmd = eke_cmd * 0.5d0 etot_cmd = eke_cmd + totener%pot%tot if (eq_cmd) then temp_cmd = eke_cmd/boltz2/dble(3*natom) else temp_cmd = eke_cmd/boltz2/dble(3*(natom-1)) endif end if #endif /* LES */ !--- Print QMMM Muliken Charges if needed --- if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_nml%printcharges .and. qmmm_mpi%commqmmm_master) then call qm2_print_charges(nstep,qmmm_nml%dftb_chg,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink, & qm2_struct%scf_mchg,qmmm_struct%iqm_atomic_numbers) end if end if if (qmmm_nml%printdipole /= 0) then call qmmm_dipole(x,xx(Lmass),ix(i02),ih(m02),nres) end if !--- BEGIN DIPOLE PRINTING CODE --- ! RCW 2nd Dec 2003 - also output dipole information if ! the dipoles namelist has been specified and corresponding ! groups defined. ! Check input unit 5 for namelist dipoles ! We expect to find &dipoles followed by a group ! specification of the dipoles to output. call nmlsrc('dipoles',5,prndipfind) if(prndipfind /= 0 ) then !We calculate the dipoles write(6,*) '------------------------------- DIPOLE INFO ----------------------------------' write(6,9018) nstep,t 9018 format(/1x, 'NSTEP =',i7,1x,'TIME(PS) =',f10.3) !Get the groups for the dipoles - Ideally we only really want !to call this the once but for the time being I will call it !every time read (5,'(a)') prndiptest call rgroup(natom,natc,nres,prndipngrp,ix(i02),ih(m02), & ih(m04),ih(m06),ih(m08),ix(icnstrgp), & jgroup,indx,irespw,npdec, & xx(l60),xx(lcrdr),0,0,0,idecomp,5,.false.) ! Need to rewind input file after rgroup so it is available ! when we next loop through rewind(5) if(prndipngrp > 0) then !prndipngrp - holds number of groups specified + 1 !ix(icnstrgp) - holds map of group membership for each atom !x(lcrd) - X,Y,Z coords of atoms - (3,*) !x(l15) - Partial Charges !x(linddip) - induced dipoles X,Y,Z for each atom (3,*) !x(Lmass) - Mass of each atom call printdip(prndipngrp,ix(icnstrgp),xx(lcrd), & xx(l15),xx(linddip),xx(Lmass), natom) end if write(6,*) '----------------------------- END DIPOLE INFO --------------------------------' end if !--- END DIPOLE PRINTING CODE --- if (nmropt > 0) then call nmrptx(6) end if if (itgtmd == 2) then emtmd = 0.0d0 call mtmdcall(emtmd,xx(lmtmd01),ix(imtmd02),x,f,ih(m04),ih(m02),ix(i02),& ih(m06),xx(lmass),natom,nres,'PRNT') end if call amflsh(7) end if ! Output running averages: ! DAN ROE: total_nstep==Total nstep REMD/MD, set in step 5 if ( ntave > 0 )then if ( mod(total_nstep,ntave) == 0 .and. onstep )then write(6,542) #ifdef RISMSANDER if(rismprm%irism==1)then tspan = ntave/mylcm(nrespa,rismprm%rismnrespa) else tspan = ntave/nrespa end if #else tspan = ntave/nrespa #endif enert_tmp = enert - enert_old enert2_tmp = enert2 - enert2_old enert_old = enert enert2_old = enert2 enert_tmp = enert_tmp/tspan enert2_tmp = enert2_tmp/tspan - & enert_tmp*enert_tmp call zero_neg_values_state(enert2_tmp) enert2_tmp = sqrt(enert2_tmp) #ifdef MPI if( ievb /= 0 ) then evb_nrg_tmp (:) = evb_nrg_ave(:) - evb_nrg_old (:) evb_nrg_tmp2(:) = evb_nrg_rms(:) - evb_nrg_old2(:) evb_nrg_old (:) = evb_nrg_ave(:) evb_nrg_old2(:) = evb_nrg_rms(:) evb_nrg_tmp (:) = evb_nrg_tmp (:) / tspan evb_nrg_tmp2(:) = evb_nrg_tmp2(:) / tspan - evb_nrg_tmp(:)**2 evb_nrg_tmp2(:) = max( evb_nrg_tmp2(:), 0.0d0 ) evb_nrg_tmp2(:) = sqrt( evb_nrg_tmp2(:) ) endif if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then do m = 1,ti_ene_cnt sc_ener_tmp(m) = sc_ener_ave(m)-sc_ener_old(m) sc_ener_tmp2(m) = sc_ener_rms(m)-sc_ener_old2(m) sc_ener_old(m) = sc_ener_ave(m) sc_ener_old2(m) = sc_ener_rms(m) sc_ener_tmp(m) = sc_ener_tmp(m)/tspan sc_ener_tmp2(m) = sc_ener_tmp2(m)/tspan - sc_ener_tmp(m)**2 if (sc_ener_tmp2(m) < 0.0d0) sc_ener_tmp2(m) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_tmp2(m) = sqrt(sc_ener_tmp2(m)) end do end if if( ievb /= 0 ) evb_frc%evb_ave = .true. #endif #ifdef RISMSANDER if(rismprm%irism==1)then write(6,540) ntave/mylcm(nrespa,rismprm%rismnrespa)!nrespa else write(6,540) ntave/nrespa end if #else write(6,540) ntave/nrespa #endif call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,enert_tmp,onefac,0,.false.) #ifdef MPI if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener_tmp) if( ievb /= 0 ) evb_frc%evb_rms = .true. #endif write(6,550) call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,enert2_tmp,onefac,0,.true.) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener_tmp2) #endif if( icfe > 0 ) then #ifdef RISMSANDER if(rismprm%irism==1)then write(6,541) ntave/mylcm(nrespa,rismprm%rismnrespa)!nrespa else write(6,541) ntave/nrespa end if #else write(6,541) ntave/nrespa #endif edvdl_r = edvdl_r/tspan edvdl_r%pot%dvdl = enert_tmp%pot%dvdl ! fix for DV/DL output edvdl_r%virvsene = 0.d0 ! virvsene should not but included here call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,edvdl_r,onefac,0,.false.) edvdl_r = null_state_rec end if write(6,542) end if end if ! ( ntave > 0 ) ! --- end masters output --- end if ! (master) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ntave > 0 .and. icfe > 0 .and. dynlmb > 0) then if ( mod(nstep,ntave) == 0 .and. onstep ) then ! For runs with dynamically changing lambda, raise lambda here ! and flush all buffers for the next averages clambda = clambda + dynlmb call sc_change_clambda(clambda) if (master) then sc_ener(1:ti_ene_cnt) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_ave(1:ti_ene_cnt) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_rms(1:ti_ene_cnt) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_old(1:ti_ene_cnt) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_old2(1:ti_ene_cnt) = 0.0d0 enert = null_state_rec enert2 = null_state_rec enert_old = null_state_rec enert2_old = null_state_rec write (6,*) write (6,'(a,f12.4,a,f12.4)') & 'Dynamically changing lambda: Increased clambda by ', & dynlmb, ' to ', clambda write (6,*) end if end if end if #endif !======================================================================= ! ---major cycle back to new step unless we have reached our limit: #ifdef MMTSB if ( mmtsb_switch /= mmtsb_off ) then if ( mod( nstep, mmtsb_iterations ) == 0 ) then write(6,'(a,i8)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange iterations completed at NSTEP = ', & nstep ! apparently 23 is the magic number for potential energy. ! ener%pot%tot is the new 23 ;) MJW write(6,'(a,f12.4)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange potential energy = ', ener%pot%tot ! write coordinates; preferred format is pdb, but can't do that ! so write a restart file; server will post process with ambpdb. # ifdef LES call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, x,v, & xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0les) # else call mdwrit(nstep,nrp,nr,nres,ntxo,ntr,ntb, x,v, & xx(lcrdr),box,t,temp0) # endif ! Chop up trajectory files for later continuous temp splicing. call close_dump_files ! contact server if ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_temp_rex ) then call mmtsb_newtemp( ener%pot%tot, temp_mmtsb, is_done_mmtsb ) else if ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_lambda_rex ) then ! currently temp_mmtsb is ignored, but multidimensional soon call mmtsb_newlambda( unpert_pe_mmtsb, pert_pe_mmtsb, & lambda_mmtsb, temp_mmtsb, is_done_mmtsb ) end if call open_dump_files if ( is_done_mmtsb ) then goto 480 end if ! in the future we may want amber based tracking of exchanges ! perhaps we can use the Simmerling group's code ? if ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_temp_rex ) then if ( abs( temp_mmtsb - temp0 ) <= TEN_TO_MINUS3 ) then ! no exchange, continue at the same reference temp. mmtsb_is_exchanged = .false. write(6,'(a,i8,a,f12.4)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange temperature unchanged' else ! exchange temp via changing the reference temp. ! the velocities will be randomly reset at the new temp via ! the resetvelo variable. mmtsb_is_exchanged = .true. write(6,'(a,f8.2,a,f8.2)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange temperature change from ', & temp0, ' to ', temp_mmtsb temp0 = temp_mmtsb end if else if ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_lambda_rex ) then if ( abs( lambda_mmtsb - clambda ) <= TEN_TO_MINUS3 ) then ! no exchange, continue at the same lambda mmtsb_is_exchanged = .false. write(6,'(a,i8,a,f12.4)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange lambda unchanged' else ! exchange lambda ! the velocities will be randomly reset via ! the resetvelo variable. mmtsb_is_exchanged = .true. write(6,'(a,f8.2,a,f8.2)') & 'MMTSB Replica Exchange lambda change from ', & clambda, ' to ', lambda_mmtsb clambda = lambda_mmtsb end if end if ! ( mmtsb_switch == mmtsb_temp_rex ) else ! not a replica exchange update iteration. mmtsb_is_exchanged = .false. end if ! ( mod( nstep, mmtsb_iterations ) == 0 ) end if ! ( mmtsb_switch /= mmtsb_off ) #endif call trace_integer( 'end of step', nstep ) call trace_output_mpi_tally( ) call timer_stop(TIME_VERLET) #if !defined(DISABLE_NCSU) && defined(NCSU_ENABLE_BBMD) call ncsu_on_mdstep(ener%pot%tot, v, ekmh) #endif /* !defined(DISABLE_NCSU) && defined(NCSU_ENABLE_BBMD) */ #if defined(RISMSANDER) && defined(RISM_DEBUG) if(rismprm%irism == 1) then !!$ write(6,*) "END OF STEP",natom ! call calc_cm(x,cm,amass,natom) angvel=0 do m=1,natom r = x((m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3+3)-cm !!$ write(6,*) m,v((m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3+3) call cross(r,v((m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3+3),rxv) angvel = angvel + rxv/sum(r**2) end do moi=0 erot=0 do m=1,natom r = x((m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3+3)-cm call cross(r,v((m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3+3),rxv) proj = sum(r*angvel)/sum(angvel**2)*angvel !!$ write(6,*) "angvel ",angvel !!$ write(6,*) "r ",r,sum((r)**2) !!$ write(6,*) "proj",proj !!$ write(6,*) "r-proj",r-proj,sum((r-proj)**2) moi=moi+amass(m)*sum((r-proj)**2) erot = erot + .5*amass(m)*sum((r-proj)**2)*sum((rxv/sum(r**2))**2) end do !!$ write(6,*) moi !!$ do m=1,3 !!$ write(6,*) m,sum(v(m:3*natom:3)) !!$ write(6,*) m,sum(amass(1:natom)*v(m:3*natom:3)) !!$ write(6,*) m,angvel(m),sum(angvel**2) !!$ end do !!$ write(6,*) "EROT", 0.5*moi*sum(angvel**2), erot !!$ write(6,*) "EROT", erot !!$ call mexit(6,1) end if #endif /*RISMSANDER && RISM_DEBUG*/ if (nstep < nstlim) goto 260 480 continue #ifdef MPI ! ------====== REMD Post-Dynamics ======------ if(rem == 1) then remd_ekmh=ekmh ! ---=== HYBRID REMD ===--- if (numwatkeep>=0) then ! This is a hybrid REMD run. Get energy of stripped system for next ! exchange. call hybrid_remd_ene(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,qsetup, & numwatkeep,hybridgb,igb,ntr,nspm,t,temp0, & ntb,cut, & ener,ener%vir,do_list_update,nstep, & nitp,nits,onefac,loutfm ) else ! numwatkeep>=0 ! The positions are currently one step ahead of the energy ener%pot%tot, ! since force was called prior to the position propagation. Thus, call ! force one more time to update ener%pot%tot to reflect the current ! coordinates. call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ener,ener%vir, & xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98),xx(l99), qsetup, & do_list_update,nstep) endif ! numwatkeep>=0 ! Set myeptot, mytemp, and mytargettemp ! if (mdloop>0) mytemp = ener%kin%tot * onefac(1) mytemp = ener%kin%tot * onefac(1) myeptot = ener%pot%tot mytargettemp = temp0 # ifdef VERBOSE_REMD if (master) write(6,'(a,f15.4,2(a,f6.2))') & "REMD: myEptot= ",myeptot," myTargetTemp= ", & mytargettemp," mytemp= ",mytemp # endif # ifdef LES else if(rem == 2 ) then mytemp = ener%kin%solv * onefac(3) myeptot = ener%eptot mytargettemp = temp0les # endif else if (rem == 3) then remd_ekmh=ekmh if (mdloop>0) mytemp = ener%kin%tot * onefac(1) mytargettemp = temp0 ! Call force here to bring all energies up-to-date call force(xx,ix,ih,ipairs,x,f,ener,ener%vir,xx(l96),xx(l97),xx(l98), & xx(l99),qsetup,do_list_update) myeptot = ener%pot%tot call xdist(v, xx(lfrctmp), natom) endif ! rem==1 ! ------====== END REMD Post-Dynamics ======------ #endif /* MPI */ if (relaxing == 1) return ! don't print the ending stuff if we're just relaxing waters !======================================================================= ! ----- PRINT AVERAGES ----- !======================================================================= # ifdef MPI ! -- ti decomp if (icfe /= 0 .and. idecomp /= 0) then if( idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2 ) then call collect_dec(nrs) !else if( idecomp == 3 .or. idecomp == 4 ) then ! call collect_dec(npdec*npdec) end if end if ! Turn off avg. for REMD. if (master.and.rem==0) then # else if (master) then # endif /*MPI*/ tspan = nvalid if (nvalid > 0) then enert = enert/tspan enert2 = enert2/tspan - enert*enert call zero_neg_values_state(enert2) enert2 = sqrt(enert2) edvdl = edvdl/tspan ! for PIMD/NMPIMD/CMD/RPMD averages if (ipimd>0) then totenert = totenert/tspan totenert2 = totenert2/tspan - (totenert*totenert) call zero_neg_values_state(totenert2) totenert2 = sqrt(totenert2) endif #ifdef MPI if( ievb /= 0 ) then evb_nrg_ave(:) = evb_nrg_ave(:) / tspan evb_nrg_rms(:) = evb_nrg_rms(:) / tspan - evb_nrg_ave(:)**2 evb_nrg_rms(:) = max( evb_nrg_rms(:), 0.0d0 ) evb_nrg_rms(:) = sqrt( evb_nrg_rms(:) ) endif if ( ifsc /= 0 ) then do m = 1,ti_ene_cnt sc_ener_ave(m) = sc_ener_ave(m)/tspan sc_ener_rms(m) = sc_ener_rms(m)/tspan - sc_ener_ave(m)**2 if(sc_ener_rms(m) < 0.0d0) sc_ener_rms(m) = 0.0d0 sc_ener_rms(m) = sqrt(sc_ener_rms(m)) end do end if if( ievb /= 0 ) evb_frc%evb_ave = .true. #endif write(6,540) nvalid call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,enert,onefac,0,.false.) #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener_ave) if( ievb /= 0 ) evb_frc%evb_rms = .true. if ( ipimd > 0 .and. worldrank==0 ) then write(pimd_unit,540) nvalid call pimd_report(nstep,t,pimd_unit,totenert,onefac) write(pimd_unit,550) call pimd_report(nstep,t,pimd_unit,totenert2,onefac) endif #endif if (nmropt > 0) call nmrptx(6) write(6,550) call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,enert2,onefac,0,.true.) #ifdef MPI if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_energies(6, sc_ener_rms) if (ifsc /= 0) call sc_print_dvdl_values() if( icfe > 0 ) then write(6,541) nvalid edvdl%pot%dvdl = enert%pot%dvdl ! fix for DV/DL output edvdl%virvsene = 0.d0 ! virvsene should not but included here call prntmd(total_nstep,izero,izero,t,edvdl,onefac,0,.false.) ! -- ti decomp if(worldrank == 0 .and. idecomp /= 0) then call checkdec(idecomp) if(idecomp == 1 .or. idecomp == 2) call printdec(ix) end if end if #endif if (nmropt >= 1) then write(6,500) if (iredir(7) /= 0) call pcshift(-1,x,f) call ndvptx(x,f,ih(m04),ih(m02),ix(i02),nres,xx(l95), & natom, xx(lwinv),ntb,xx(lnmr01),ix(inmr02),6) end if ! Print Born radii statistics if ((rbornstat == 1).and.(igb /= 0 .or. ipb /= 0)) then ! Born radii stats collected every nrespai step not nrespa step tspan = nvalidi write(6,580) nstep write(6,590) do m = 1,natom xx(l188-1+m) = xx(l188-1+m)/tspan xx(l189-1+m) = xx(l189-1+m)/tspan - & xx(l188-1+m)*xx(l188-1+m) xx(l189-1+m) = sqrt(xx(l189-1+m)) write(6,600) m, xx(l186-1+m), xx(l187-1+m), & xx(l188-1+m), xx(l189-1+m) end do end if enert%kin%tot = enert%kin%tot*onefac(1) enert2%kin%tot = enert2%kin%tot*onefac(1) enert%kin%solt = enert%kin%solt*onefac(2) enert2%kin%solt = enert2%kin%solt*onefac(2) enert%kin%solv = enert%kin%solv*onefac(3) enert2%kin%solv = enert2%kin%solv*onefac(3) temp = enert%kin%tot end if ! (nvalid > 0) end if ! (master) #ifdef MPI if( ievb /= 0 ) then call evb_dealloc #if defined(LES) if( master ) call evb_pimd_dealloc #endif endif #endif if( icfe /= 0 ) then deallocate( frcti, stat = ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) end if 500 format(/,' NMR restraints on final step:'/) 540 format(/5x,' A V E R A G E S O V E R ',i7,' S T E P S',/) 541 format(/5x,' DV/DL, AVERAGES OVER ',i7,' STEPS',/) 542 format('|',79('=')) 550 format(/5x,' R M S F L U C T U A T I O N S',/) 580 format('STATISTICS OF EFFECTIVE BORN RADII OVER ',i7,' STEPS') 590 format('ATOMNUM MAX RAD MIN RAD AVE RAD FLUCT') 600 format(i4,2x,4f12.4) call trace_exit( 'runmd' ) return end subroutine runmd !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Enter description for quench here. subroutine quench(f,v) implicit none #include "md.h" !need access to vv - temp verlet scaling #include "memory.h" !need access to natom _REAL_ f(*),v(*),dotproduct,force !f is the forces and v is the velocity integer index dotproduct = 0.d0 force = 0.d0 do index=1,3*natom force = force + f(index)**2 dotproduct = dotproduct + v(index)*f(index) enddo if (force/=0.0d0) then force = 1.0d0/sqrt(force) dotproduct = dotproduct*force end if if (dotproduct>0.0d0) then v(1:3*natom) = dotproduct*f(1:3*natom)*force else !v(1:3*natom) = 0.0d0 v(1:3*natom) = vfac*dotproduct*f(1:3*natom)*force end if end subroutine quench