#!/bin/csh -f # make a bounds database for a nucleic acid type # # Assumes all files of a given sequence type in the coords directory # have the prefix type shown below (i.e., all bdna pdb files start # with "bd" ). # # To make a bounds database for a particular nucleic acid type # include the type as a command line argument (i.e., "mkdb bdna"). # These files result: # # bdna.nucleotide.db - distance information between atoms in a # single residue participating in helical # stacking and basepairing. # watsoncrick.basepair.db-distance information between atoms forming # a hydrogen-bonded basepair from a helix, # assuming a standard W-C basepair # bdna.stack.db - distance information between atoms in # a stacked geometry exhibited by successive # residues in a strand of helical bDNA, # assuming standard W-C pairing in each plane. # foreach i ( `ls $NABHOME/coords/*.pdbs` ) set $newname = `echo $i | sed 's/.pdbs//'` echo $newname mv ${i}.pdbs ${newname}s.pdb end foreach i (`grep -l HOH $NABHOME/coords/?d*.pdb`) cat $i | awk ' { if (($4 !~ /HOH/) && ($1 ~ /ATOM/)) {print} }' > $$.TEMP mv $$.TEMP $i end if ( (!( -e $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getwcdist )) || (!( -e $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getbackbonedist )) || (!( -e $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getstackdist )) ) $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/install foreach natype ( $argv[*] ) echo making $natype databases... if ( $natype == "bdna" ) set prefix = "bd" if ( $natype == "adna" ) set prefix = "ad" if ( $natype == "zdna" ) set prefix = "zd" if ( $natype == "arna" ) set prefix = "ar" if ( $natype == "trna" ) set prefix = "tr" ( $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getbackbonedist coords/${prefix}*.pdb | sed -f $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/filter.sed | sort | $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/stats.awk ) >! $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.nucleotide.db echo made $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.nucleotide.db ( $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getstackdist coords/${prefix}*.pdb | sed -f $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/filter.sed | sort | $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/stats.awk ) >! $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.stack.db echo made $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.stack.db ( $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/getwcdist coords/${prefix}*.pdb | sed -f $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/filter.sed | sort | $NABHOME/dgdb/functions/stats.awk ) >! $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.basepair.db echo made $NABHOME/dgdb/${natype}.basepair.db