\file index.h
\brief Contains indexing functions for pairs, triplets and quadruples
\author Martin Peters
$Date: 2010/08/19 11:24:06 $
$Revision: 1.8 $
MTK++ - C++ package of modeling libraries.
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
This file is part of MTK++.
MTK++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MTK++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lessser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef INDEX_H
#define INDEX_H
#include "Diagnostics/MTKException.h"
namespace MTKpp
// ============================================================
// Function: index2dTo1d
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of i and j
j ->
+- -+ +- -+
| 1,1 .,. .,. .,. 1,m | | 0 |
i | 2,1 2,2 .,. .,. 2,m | | 1 2 |
| | 3,1 .,. 3,3 .,. 3,m | ==> | 3 4 5 |
\./ | 4,1 .,. .,. 4,4 4,m | | 6 7 8 9 |
| n,. .,. .,. .,. n,m | | |
+- -+ +- -+
// ============================================================
inline int index2dTo1d(int i, int j)
if ((i < 1) || (j < 1)) {
return -1;
int ki = std::max(i, j);
int kj = std::min(i, j);
int index = ( ki*(ki-1) )/2 + kj - 1;
return index;
// ============================================================
// Function: indexAB
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a and b ( Bond )
// a -- b
// ============================================================
inline int indexAB(int a, int b, unsigned int Nb)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1)) {
return -1;
if (b < a) {
int btemp = a;
a = b;
b = btemp;
return ((a-1)*Nb + (b-1));
// ============================================================
// Function: indexABC
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a, b and c ( Angle )
/ \
a c
// ============================================================
inline int indexABC(int a, int b, int c, unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Nc)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1) || (Nc < 1)) {
return -1;
if (c < a) {
int ctemp = a;
a = c;
c = ctemp;
return ((a-1)*(Nb*Nc) + (b-1)*Nc + (c-1));
// ============================================================
// Function: indexABC_LL
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a, b and c ( Angle )
/ \
a c
// ============================================================
inline ULONG_KIND indexABC_ULL(int a, int b, int c,
unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Nc)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1) || (Nc < 1)) {
throw MTKException(" Error in indexABC_ULL ... exiting ");
if (c < a) {
int ctemp = a;
a = c;
c = ctemp;
ULONG_KIND i = ((a-1)*(Nb*Nc) + (b-1)*Nc + (c-1));
return i;
// ============================================================
// Function: indexABCD
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a, b, c and d ( Torsion )
/* b -- c
/ \
a d
// ============================================================
inline int indexABCD(int a, int b, int c, int d,
unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Nc, unsigned int Nd)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1) || (Nc < 1) || (Nd < 1)) {
return -1;
if (d < a) {
int dtemp = a;
a = d;
d = dtemp;
int ctemp = b;
b = c;
c = ctemp;
int i = ((a-1)*(Nb*Nc*Nd) + (b-1)*(Nc*Nd) + (c-1)*Nd + (d-1));
return i;
// ============================================================
// Function: indexABCD_ULL
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a, b, c and d ( Torsion )
/* b -- c
/ \
a d
// ============================================================
inline ULONG_KIND indexABCD_ULL(int a, int b, int c, int d,
unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Nc, unsigned int Nd)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1) || (Nc < 1) || (Nd < 1)) {
throw MTKException(" Error in indexABCD_ULL ... exiting ");
if (d < a) {
int dtemp = a;
a = d;
d = dtemp;
int ctemp = b;
b = c;
c = ctemp;
ULONG_KIND i = ((a-1)*(Nb*Nc*Nd) + (b-1)*(Nc*Nd) + (c-1)*Nd + (d-1));
return i;
// ============================================================
// Function: indexABCD
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns unique index of a, b, c and d ( Torsion )
// ============================================================
inline int indexABCDb(int a, int b, int c, int d,
unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Nc, unsigned int Nd)
if ((a < 1) || (b < 1) || (Nb < 1) || (Nc < 1) || (Nd < 1)) {
return -1;
std::vector tempVec;
std::sort( tempVec.begin(), tempVec.end() );
return ((tempVec[0]-1)*(Nb*Nc*Nd) + (tempVec[1]-1)*(Nc*Nd) + (tempVec[2]-1)*Nd + (tempVec[3]-1));
} // MTKpp namespace
#endif // INDEX_H