program nukit ! PROGRAM TO INTERROGATE USER & GENERATE INPUT FILES ! NUC.DAT, LIN.DAT FOR NUCGEN & LINK ROUTINES ! ! BILL ROSS, TINOCO LAB, BERKELEY,1987 implicit none character(len=80) :: inline, outline character(len=3) :: res character :: ch, flag character, parameter :: blank = ' ' integer :: i, j, k, inew write(6,*) 'Residue naming convention? (O = pre-94, N = 94) O/N:' read(*,200) inline if (inline .eq. 'N') then inew = 1 else if (inline .eq. 'O') then inew = 0 else write(6,*) 'unknown option: ', inline stop end if write(6,420) read(*,200) inline open(unit=9,file='',status='NEW') open(unit=8,file='',status='NEW') write(9,200) inline write(9,*) ' ' write(9,500)' ' outline(1:80) = 'DU' write(9,200) outline outline(1:80) = ' 0 0 0 0 0 ' write(9,200) outline write(6,700) write(6,800) !write(6,810) ! -- do 2 strands do i=1,2 write(9,400) i write(8,400) i 10 inline(1:80) = ' ' write(6,900) read(*,200) inline outline(1:80) = ' ' if (inew .eq. 0) then outline(1:80) = 'HB ' k = 1 else k = 0 end if write(6,920) read(*,500) flag if (i .eq. 1) then write(9,500) flag else write(9,500) flag, 1, 3 end if write(8,500) flag j = 1 ! primitive while() loop over residues in strand: 20 if (inline(j:j) .eq. blank) goto 30 if (k .gt. 10) then write(8,200) outline outline(5:5) = '2' write(9,200) outline outline(1:80) = ' ' k = 0 end if ch = inline(j:j) if (inew .eq. 0) then if (ch .eq. 'C') then res = 'CYT' else if (ch .eq. 'G') then res = 'GUA' else if (ch .eq. 'T') then res = 'THY' else if (ch .eq. 'U') then res = 'URA' else if (ch .eq. 'A') then res = 'ADE' else write(6,600) j goto 10 end if else if (ch .eq. 'C') then res = 'C ' else if (ch .eq. 'G') then res = 'G ' else if (ch .eq. 'T') then res = 'T ' else if (ch .eq. 'U') then res = 'U ' else if (ch .eq. 'A') then res = 'A ' else write(6,600) j goto 10 end if if (j .eq. 1) res(2:2) = '5' end if j = j + 1 outline((5*k+1):(5*k+3)) = res k = k + 1 if (inew .eq. 0 .and. inline(j:j) .ne. blank) then outline((5*k+1):(5*k+3)) = 'POM' k = k + 1 end if goto 20 30 continue if (inew .eq. 0) then outline((5*k+1):(5*k+2)) = 'HE' else outline((5*(k-1)+2):(5*(k-1)+2)) = '3' end if write(8,200) outline outline(5:5) = '2' write(9,200) outline outline(1:80) = ' ' write(8,200) outline write(9,200) outline end do outline(1:4) = 'QUIT' write(9,200) outline outline(1:4) = 'END ' write(8,200) outline write(6,901) write(6,902) write(6,903) write(6,904) write(6,905) write(6,906) write(6,907) write(6,908) write(6,909) write(6,930) write(6,932) write(6,910) inline(1:80) = ' ' read(5,200) inline write(8,300) inline close(9) close(8) 200 format(a80) 300 format(t1, '$',a8) 400 format(' NUC ',i3,i8,i4) 420 format(1x,'JOB NAME? ') 500 format(a,i14,i5) 600 format('***COULDN''T MATCH BASE ',i2,' TRY AGAIN:'/ /) 700 format('--------(from here on, USE CAPITALS) ---------') 800 format('---------e.g. CGCGATAT ---------') 810 format('--------(Note: "8" =brom8gua, "5" =brom5cyt)--------') 900 format(/ /1x,'ENTER SEQUENCE {5-prime to 3-prime}: ') 901 format(' CONFORMATIONS:') 902 format(' ARNA right handed A RNA (arnott)') 903 format(' APRNA right handed A-prime RNA (arnott)') 904 format(' LBDNA right handed B DNA (langridge)') 905 format(' ABDNA right handed B DNA (arnott)') 906 format(' SBDNA left handed B DNA (sasisekharan)') 907 format(' ADNA right handed A DNA (arnott)') 908 format(' NIXON none of above - nucgen.pdb user-supplied') 909 format(' ') 930 format(' A-forms may need work to place H1-primes properly. ') 932 format(' ') 910 format(1x,'CONFORMATION? ') 920 format(1x,'DNA OR RNA? (D/R): ') end program nukit